--- /dev/null
+Name: perl-XML-Twig
+Version: 3.52
+Release: 1
+License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0
+Summary: Tree interface to XML documents
+Group: Development/Libraries/Perl
+Url: http://search.cpan.org/dist/XML::Twig
+# http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/M/MI/MIROD/XML-Twig-%{version}.tar.gz
+Source: XML-Twig-%{version}.tar.gz
+Source1001: perl-XML-Twig.manifest
+BuildRequires: perl-XML-Parser
+BuildRequires: perl-macros
+Requires: perl-XML-Parser
+XML::Twig is (yet another!) XML transformation module.
+Its strong points: can be used to process huge documents while still
+being in tree mode; not bound by DOM or SAX, so it is very perlish and
+offers a very comprehensive set of methods; simple to use; DWIMs as
+much as possible
+What it doesn't offer: full SAX support (it can export SAX, but only
+reads XML), full XPath support (unless you use XML::Twig::XPath), nor
+DOM support.
+Other drawbacks: it is a big module, and with over 500 methods
+available it can be a bit overwhelming. A good starting point is the
+tutorial at http://xmltwig.com/xmltwig/tutorial/index.html. In fact the
+whole XML::Twig page at http://xmltwig.com/xmltwig/ has plenty of
+information to get you started with XML::Twig
+%setup -q -n XML-Twig-%{version}
+cp %{SOURCE1001} .
+perl Makefile.PL
+# %check
+# make test
+%files -f %{name}.files
+%manifest %{name}.manifest