--- /dev/null
+diff --git a/unix/Makefile.in b/unix/Makefile.in
+index 99bdf05..143637c 100644
+--- a/unix/Makefile.in
++++ b/unix/Makefile.in
+@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ objs: ${OBJS}
++ ${CC_SEARCH_FLAGS} -pie -o ${TCL_EXE}
+ # Must be empty so it doesn't conflict with rule for ${TCL_EXE} above
--- /dev/null
+# RPM macros for Tcl
+# The minor version of Tcl
+%tcl_version %(echo 'puts [info tclversion]'|tclsh)
+# compiled packges should go here
+%tcl_archdir %(echo 'puts [lindex $tcl_pkgPath 0]'|tclsh)
+# script-only packages should go here
+%tcl_noarchdir %(echo 'puts [lindex $tcl_pkgPath 1]'|tclsh)
+# tclscriptdir is deprecated, please use tcl_archdir or
+# tcl_noarchdir instead, depending on the type of your package
+%tclscriptdir %tcl_noarchdir
--- /dev/null
+Name: tcl
+Version: 8.6.10
+Release: 0
+License: TCL
+Summary: The Tcl Programming Language
+Url: http://www.tcl.tk
+Group: Development/Languages
+Source0: %{name}%{version}-src.tar.gz
+Source1: tcl-rpmlintrc
+Source2: baselibs.conf
+Source3: macros.tcl
+Source10: add_pie_compile_option.patch
+Source1001: tcl.manifest
+BuildRequires: autoconf
+Requires(pre): /usr/bin/rm
+Provides: tclsh
+%define TCL_MINOR %(echo %{version} | cut -c1-3)
+Provides: tclsh%{TCL_MINOR}
+Tcl (Tool Command Language) is a very powerful but easy to learn
+dynamic programming language, suitable for a very wide range of uses,
+including web and desktop applications, networking, administration,
+testing and many more. Open source and business-friendly, Tcl is a
+mature yet evolving language that is truly cross platform, easily
+deployed and highly extensible.
+For more information on Tcl see http://www.tcl.tk and
+http://wiki.tcl.tk .
+%package devel
+Summary: Header Files and C API Documentation for Tcl
+Requires: tcl = %{version}-%{release}
+%description devel
+This package contains header files and documentation needed for writing
+Tcl extensions in compiled languages like C, C++, etc., or for
+embedding the Tcl interpreter in programs written in such languages.
+This package is not needed for writing extensions or applications in
+the Tcl language itself.
+%setup -q -n %{name}%{version}
+cp %{SOURCE1001} .
+%{__patch} -p1 < %{SOURCE10}
+cd unix
+%configure \
+ --enable-man-symlinks \
+ --enable-man-compression=gzip
+%define scriptdir %{_libdir}/tcl
+make %{?_smp_mflags} \
+ PACKAGE_DIR=%_libdir/tcl \
+ TCL_LIBRARY="%scriptdir/tcl%TCL_MINOR" \
+ TCL_PACKAGE_PATH="%_libdir/tcl %_datadir/tcl"
+make -C unix install install-private-headers \
+ INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} \
+ TCL_LIBRARY="%scriptdir/tcl%TCL_MINOR"
+rm -f %{buildroot}%scriptdir/tcl%TCL_MINOR/ldAix
+ln -sf tclsh%TCL_MINOR %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/tclsh
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/tcl
+install -D %{SOURCE3} -m 644 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.tcl
+%manifest %{name}.manifest
+%license license.terms
+%exclude %scriptdir/*/tclAppInit.c
+%config %{_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.tcl
+%files devel
+%manifest %{name}.manifest