* @return @c 0 on success,
* otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE If success
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_ALREADY_EXIST Already initialized
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @see #widget_viewer_evas_fini
-extern int widget_viewer_evas_init(Evas_Object *win);
+int widget_viewer_evas_init(Evas_Object *win);
* @return @c 0 on success,
* otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE If success
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Unrecoverable error occurred
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Unrecoverable error occurred
* @see #widget_viewer_evas_init
-extern int widget_viewer_evas_fini(void);
+int widget_viewer_evas_fini(void);
* @param[in] period Update period (@c WIDGET_VIEWER_EVAS_DEFAULT_PERIOD can be used for this; this argument will be used to specify the period of updating contents of a widget)
* @return Widget Object. NULL on error
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully added
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Failed to create instance
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Failed to create instance
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_MAX_EXCEEDED Maximum number of instances exceeded
* @see get_last_result()
* @see #widget_service_get_widget_id
-extern Evas_Object *widget_viewer_evas_add_widget(Evas_Object *parent, const char *widget_id, const char *content_info, double period);
+Evas_Object *widget_viewer_evas_add_widget(Evas_Object *parent, const char *widget_id, const char *content_info, double period);
* @return @c 0 on success,
* otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE If success
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT If it failed to send state (paused) info
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT If it failed to send state (paused) info
* @see widget_viewer_evas_notify_paused_status_of_viewer()
-extern int widget_viewer_evas_notify_resumed_status_of_viewer(void);
+int widget_viewer_evas_notify_resumed_status_of_viewer(void);
* @return @c 0 on success,
* otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE If success
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT If it failed to send state (resumed) info
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT If it failed to send state (resumed) info
* @see widget_viewer_evas_notify_resumed_status_of_viewer()
-extern int widget_viewer_evas_notify_paused_status_of_viewer(void);
+int widget_viewer_evas_notify_paused_status_of_viewer(void);
* @return @c 0 on success,
* otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE If success
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT If it failed to send state (resumed) info
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT If it failed to send state (resumed) info
-extern int widget_viewer_evas_notify_orientation_of_viewer(int orientation);
+int widget_viewer_evas_notify_orientation_of_viewer(int orientation);
* @return @c 0 on success,
* otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE If success
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT If it failed to send state (resumed) info
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_DISABLED Widget is frozen by widget_viewer_evas_freeze_visibility()
* @see widget_viewer_evas_freeze_visibility()
-extern int widget_viewer_evas_pause_widget(Evas_Object *widget);
+int widget_viewer_evas_pause_widget(Evas_Object *widget);
* @return @c 0 on success,
* otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE If success
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT If it failed to send state (resumed) info
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_DISABLED Widget is frozen by widget_viewer_evas_freeze_visibility()
* @see widget_viewer_evas_freeze_visibility()
-extern int widget_viewer_evas_resume_widget(Evas_Object *widget);
+int widget_viewer_evas_resume_widget(Evas_Object *widget);
* @return @c 0 on success,
* otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE If success
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
* @see #widget_evas_conf
-extern int widget_viewer_evas_set_option(widget_evas_conf_e type, int value);
+int widget_viewer_evas_set_option(widget_evas_conf_e type, int value);
* @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exception section.
* @param[in] widget A widget object
* @return Content string to be recognized content of the widget. This value is result of bundle_encode.
- * @retval NULL if there is no specific content string
+ * NULL if there is no specific content string
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully get content string
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @post Returned string should not be freed.
* @see get_last_result()
-extern const char *widget_viewer_evas_get_content_info(Evas_Object *widget);
+const char *widget_viewer_evas_get_content_info(Evas_Object *widget);
* @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exception section.
* @param[in] widget A widget object
* @return Title string to be used for summarizing the widget
- * @retval NULL if there is no summarized text for content of given widget
+ * NULL if there is no summarized text for content of given widget
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully get title string
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @see get_last_result()
-extern const char *widget_viewer_evas_get_title_string(Evas_Object *widget);
+const char *widget_viewer_evas_get_title_string(Evas_Object *widget);
* @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exception section.
* @param[in] widget A widget object
* @return Widget ID
- * @retval NULL if an error occurred and you can get the reason of failure using get_last_result()
+ * NULL if an error occurred and you can get the reason of failure using get_last_result()
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully get widget ID
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @see get_last_result()
-extern const char *widget_viewer_evas_get_widget_id(Evas_Object *widget);
+const char *widget_viewer_evas_get_widget_id(Evas_Object *widget);
* @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exception section.
* @param[in] widget A widget object
* @return Period the update period of the widget.
- * @retval The update interval of the widget
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully get period
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @see get_last_result()
-extern double widget_viewer_evas_get_period(Evas_Object *widget);
+double widget_viewer_evas_get_period(Evas_Object *widget);
* @details If you call this function after feeding the mouse_down(or mouse_set) event, the widget will get ON_HOLD events.\n
* If a widget gets ON_HOLD event, it will not do anything even if you feed mouse_up(or mouse_unset) event.\n
* @since_tizen 2.3.1
- * @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exception section.
* @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/widget.viewer
+ * @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exception section.
* @param[in] widget A widget object
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully get period
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @see get_last_result()
-extern void widget_viewer_evas_cancel_click_event(Evas_Object *widget);
+void widget_viewer_evas_cancel_click_event(Evas_Object *widget);
* @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exception section.
* @param[in] widget A widget object
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully disabled preview
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @see get_last_result()
-extern void widget_viewer_evas_disable_preview(Evas_Object *widget);
+void widget_viewer_evas_disable_preview(Evas_Object *widget);
* @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exception section.
* @param[in] widget A widget object
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully disabled overlay text
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @see get_last_result()
-extern void widget_viewer_evas_disable_overlay_text(Evas_Object *widget);
+void widget_viewer_evas_disable_overlay_text(Evas_Object *widget);
* @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exception section.
* @param[in] widget A widget object
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully disabled loading text
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @see get_last_result()
-extern void widget_viewer_evas_disable_loading(Evas_Object *widget);
+void widget_viewer_evas_disable_loading(Evas_Object *widget);
- * @brief Feeds the mouse_up event to the provider of the widget
+ * @brief Feeds the mouse_up event to the provider of the widget.
* @details This is very similar with widget_viewer_evas_cancel_click(), but this will sends mouse_up event explicitly.\n
* Also feed the ON_HOLD event before feeds mouse_up event.
* @since_tizen 2.3.1
* @return @c 0 on success,
* otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE if success
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
-extern int widget_viewer_evas_feed_mouse_up_event(Evas_Object *widget);
+int widget_viewer_evas_feed_mouse_up_event(Evas_Object *widget);
- * @brief Activate a widget in faulted state.
+ * @brief Activates a widget in faulted state.
* @details A widget in faulted state MUST be activated before adding the widget.
* @since_tizen 2.3.1
* @privlevel public
* @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exception section.
* @param[in] widget A widget object faulted
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully activate faulted widget
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @see get_last_result()
-extern void widget_viewer_evas_activate_faulted_widget(Evas_Object *widget);
+void widget_viewer_evas_activate_faulted_widget(Evas_Object *widget);
* @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exception section.
* @param[in] widget A widget object
* @return Faulted state of the widget and you can get the result state of this function by using get_last_result()
- * @retval True for faulted state
- * @retval False for not faulted state
+ * True for faulted state
+ * False for not faulted state
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully get the faulted state of the widget
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @see get_last_result()
-extern bool widget_viewer_evas_is_faulted(Evas_Object *widget);
+bool widget_viewer_evas_is_faulted(Evas_Object *widget);
* @return @c 0 on success,
* otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE If success
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @see #widget_visibility_status_e
-extern int widget_viewer_evas_freeze_visibility(Evas_Object *widget, widget_visibility_status_e status);
+int widget_viewer_evas_freeze_visibility(Evas_Object *widget, widget_visibility_status_e status);
* @return @c 0 on success,
* otherwise a negative error value
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE If success
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @retval #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
-extern int widget_viewer_evas_thaw_visibility(Evas_Object *widget);
+int widget_viewer_evas_thaw_visibility(Evas_Object *widget);
* @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exception section.
* @param[in] widget A widget object
* @return Fixed state of visibility and you can get the result state of this function by using get_last_result()
- * @retval True for frozen state
- * @retval False for not frozen state
+ * True for frozen state
+ * False for not frozen state
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully get the state of visibility
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @see get_last_result()
-extern bool widget_viewer_evas_is_visibility_frozen(Evas_Object *widget);
+bool widget_viewer_evas_is_visibility_frozen(Evas_Object *widget);
- * @brief Validate the object, whether it is a widget object or not.
+ * @brief Validates the object, whether it is a widget object or not.
* @since_tizen 2.3.1
* @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/widget.viewer
* @remarks The specific error code can be obtained using the get_last_result() method. Error codes are described in Exception section.
* @param[in] widget A widget object
* @return Result of validation and you can get the result state of this function by using get_last_result()
- * @retval True this is a widget
- * @retval False this is not a widget
+ * True this is a widget
+ * False this is not a widget
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully get result of validation
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @see get_last_result()
-extern bool widget_viewer_evas_is_widget(Evas_Object *widget);
+bool widget_viewer_evas_is_widget(Evas_Object *widget);
- * @brief Before deleting a widget, set the deletion mode.
+ * @brief Sets the deletion mode before deleting a widget.
* @since_tizen 2.3.1
* @privlevel public
* @privilege %http://tizen.org/privilege/widget.viewer
* @param[in] widget A widget object which will be deleted soon
* @param[in] flag Pass 1 if you delete this widget instance permanently, or pass 0 if you want to keep it and it will be re-created soon
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully set the flag
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Not initialized
* @see get_last_result()
-extern void widget_viewer_evas_set_permanent_delete(Evas_Object *widget, int flag);
+void widget_viewer_evas_set_permanent_delete(Evas_Object *widget, int flag);
* @brief Gets the widget object's instance ID.
* @return The widget's instance ID as a string, NULL in case of errors
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NONE Successfully retrieved the widget instance ID
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
- * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Widget is not ready
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED Permission denied
* @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid argument
+ * @exception #WIDGET_ERROR_FAULT Widget is not ready
* @see get_last_result()
-extern const char *widget_viewer_evas_get_widget_instance_id(Evas_Object *widget);
+const char *widget_viewer_evas_get_widget_instance_id(Evas_Object *widget);
* @}