use Git;
use Getopt::Long;
use Error qw(:try);
-use HTML::Element;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Basename;
-#use Data::Dumper;
use File::stat;
use Scalar::Util qw /looks_like_number/;
use Cwd qw /getcwd/;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
+use Data::Dumper;
-# Program to run gcov on files in patch (that are in source dirs - needs to be dali-aware).
+# Dali specific program to run lcov and parse output for files in patch
-# A) Get patch
-# B) Remove uninteresting files
-# C) Find matching gcno/gcda files
-# D) Copy and rename them to match source prefix (i.e. strip library name off front)
-# E) Generate patch output with covered/uncovered lines marked in green/red
-# F) Generate coverage data for changed lines
-# G) Exit status should be 0 for high coverage (90% line coverage for all new/changed lines)
+# A) Generate lcov output from lib & test cases
+# B) Get patch using git diff
+# C) Generate patch output with covered/uncovered lines marked in green/red
+# D) Generate coverage data for changed lines
+# E) Exit status should be 0 for high coverage (90% line coverage for all new/changed lines)
# or 1 for low coverage
# Sources for conversion of gcno/gcda files:
-# ~/bin/lcov
+# /usr/bin/lcov & genhtml
# Python git-coverage (From
+# From genhtml:
+sub read_info_file($);
+sub get_info_entry($);
+sub set_info_entry($$$$$$$$$;$$$$$$);
+sub combine_info_entries($$$);
+sub combine_info_files($$);
+sub compress_brcount($);
+sub brcount_to_db($);
+sub db_to_brcount($;$);
+sub brcount_db_combine($$$);
+sub add_counts($$);
+sub info(@);
our $repo = Git->repository();
-our $debug=0;
+our $debug=1;
our $pd_debug=0;
+our $root;
+our %info_data; # Hash containing all data from .info files
+# Settings from genhtml:
+our $func_coverage; # If set, generate function coverage statistics
+our $no_func_coverage; # Disable func_coverage
+our $br_coverage; # If set, generate branch coverage statistics
+our $no_br_coverage; # Disable br_coverage
+our $sort = 1; # If set, provide directory listings with sorted entries
+our $no_sort; # Disable sort
+# Branch data combination types
+our $BR_SUB = 0;
+our $BR_ADD = 1;
+# Command line options
our $opt_cached;
our $opt_help;
our $opt_output;
pod2usage(1) if $opt_help;
+# From genhtml:
+# read_info_file(info_filename)
+# Read in the contents of the .info file specified by INFO_FILENAME. Data will
+# be returned as a reference to a hash containing the following mappings:
+# %result: for each filename found in file -> \%data
+# %data: "test" -> \%testdata
+# "sum" -> \%sumcount
+# "func" -> \%funcdata
+# "found" -> $lines_found (number of instrumented lines found in file)
+# "hit" -> $lines_hit (number of executed lines in file)
+# "f_found" -> $fn_found (number of instrumented functions found in file)
+# "f_hit" -> $fn_hit (number of executed functions in file)
+# "b_found" -> $br_found (number of instrumented branches found in file)
+# "b_hit" -> $br_hit (number of executed branches in file)
+# "check" -> \%checkdata
+# "testfnc" -> \%testfncdata
+# "sumfnc" -> \%sumfnccount
+# "testbr" -> \%testbrdata
+# "sumbr" -> \%sumbrcount
+# %testdata : name of test affecting this file -> \%testcount
+# %testfncdata: name of test affecting this file -> \%testfnccount
+# %testbrdata: name of test affecting this file -> \%testbrcount
+# %testcount : line number -> execution count for a single test
+# %testfnccount: function name -> execution count for a single test
+# %testbrcount : line number -> branch coverage data for a single test
+# %sumcount : line number -> execution count for all tests
+# %sumfnccount : function name -> execution count for all tests
+# %sumbrcount : line number -> branch coverage data for all tests
+# %funcdata : function name -> line number
+# %checkdata : line number -> checksum of source code line
+# $brdata : vector of items: block, branch, taken
+# Note that .info file sections referring to the same file and test name
+# will automatically be combined by adding all execution counts.
+# Note that if INFO_FILENAME ends with ".gz", it is assumed that the file
+# is compressed using GZIP. If available, GUNZIP will be used to decompress
+# this file.
+# Die on error.
+sub read_info_file($)
+ my $tracefile = $_[0]; # Name of tracefile
+ my %result; # Resulting hash: file -> data
+ my $data; # Data handle for current entry
+ my $testdata; # " "
+ my $testcount; # " "
+ my $sumcount; # " "
+ my $funcdata; # " "
+ my $checkdata; # " "
+ my $testfncdata;
+ my $testfnccount;
+ my $sumfnccount;
+ my $testbrdata;
+ my $testbrcount;
+ my $sumbrcount;
+ my $line; # Current line read from .info file
+ my $testname; # Current test name
+ my $filename; # Current filename
+ my $hitcount; # Count for lines hit
+ my $count; # Execution count of current line
+ my $negative; # If set, warn about negative counts
+ my $changed_testname; # If set, warn about changed testname
+ my $line_checksum; # Checksum of current line
+ my $notified_about_relative_paths;
+ local *INFO_HANDLE; # Filehandle for .info file
+ info("Reading data file $tracefile\n");
+ # Check if file exists and is readable
+ stat($tracefile);
+ if (!(-r _))
+ {
+ die("ERROR: cannot read file $tracefile!\n");
+ }
+ # Check if this is really a plain file
+ if (!(-f _))
+ {
+ die("ERROR: not a plain file: $tracefile!\n");
+ }
+ # Check for .gz extension
+ if ($tracefile =~ /\.gz$/)
+ {
+ # Check for availability of GZIP tool
+ system_no_output(1, "gunzip" ,"-h")
+ and die("ERROR: gunzip command not available!\n");
+ # Check integrity of compressed file
+ system_no_output(1, "gunzip", "-t", $tracefile)
+ and die("ERROR: integrity check failed for ".
+ "compressed file $tracefile!\n");
+ # Open compressed file
+ open(INFO_HANDLE, "-|", "gunzip -c '$tracefile'")
+ or die("ERROR: cannot start gunzip to decompress ".
+ "file $tracefile!\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Open decompressed file
+ open(INFO_HANDLE, "<", $tracefile)
+ or die("ERROR: cannot read file $tracefile!\n");
+ }
+ $testname = "";
+ while (<INFO_HANDLE>)
+ {
+ chomp($_);
+ $line = $_;
+ # Switch statement
+ foreach ($line)
+ {
+ /^TN:([^,]*)(,diff)?/ && do
+ {
+ # Test name information found
+ $testname = defined($1) ? $1 : "";
+ if ($testname =~ s/\W/_/g)
+ {
+ $changed_testname = 1;
+ }
+ $testname .= $2 if (defined($2));
+ last;
+ };
+ /^[SK]F:(.*)/ && do
+ {
+ # Filename information found
+ # Retrieve data for new entry
+ $filename = File::Spec->rel2abs($1, $root);
+ if (!File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($1) &&
+ !$notified_about_relative_paths)
+ {
+ info("Resolved relative source file ".
+ "path \"$1\" with CWD to ".
+ "\"$filename\".\n");
+ $notified_about_relative_paths = 1;
+ }
+ $data = $result{$filename};
+ ($testdata, $sumcount, $funcdata, $checkdata,
+ $testfncdata, $sumfnccount, $testbrdata,
+ $sumbrcount) =
+ get_info_entry($data);
+ if (defined($testname))
+ {
+ $testcount = $testdata->{$testname};
+ $testfnccount = $testfncdata->{$testname};
+ $testbrcount = $testbrdata->{$testname};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $testcount = {};
+ $testfnccount = {};
+ $testbrcount = {};
+ }
+ last;
+ };
+ /^DA:(\d+),(-?\d+)(,[^,\s]+)?/ && do
+ {
+ # Fix negative counts
+ $count = $2 < 0 ? 0 : $2;
+ if ($2 < 0)
+ {
+ $negative = 1;
+ }
+ # Execution count found, add to structure
+ # Add summary counts
+ $sumcount->{$1} += $count;
+ # Add test-specific counts
+ if (defined($testname))
+ {
+ $testcount->{$1} += $count;
+ }
+ # Store line checksum if available
+ if (defined($3))
+ {
+ $line_checksum = substr($3, 1);
+ # Does it match a previous definition
+ if (defined($checkdata->{$1}) &&
+ ($checkdata->{$1} ne
+ $line_checksum))
+ {
+ die("ERROR: checksum mismatch ".
+ "at $filename:$1\n");
+ }
+ $checkdata->{$1} = $line_checksum;
+ }
+ last;
+ };
+ /^FN:(\d+),([^,]+)/ && do
+ {
+ last if (!$func_coverage);
+ # Function data found, add to structure
+ $funcdata->{$2} = $1;
+ # Also initialize function call data
+ if (!defined($sumfnccount->{$2})) {
+ $sumfnccount->{$2} = 0;
+ }
+ if (defined($testname))
+ {
+ if (!defined($testfnccount->{$2})) {
+ $testfnccount->{$2} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ last;
+ };
+ /^FNDA:(\d+),([^,]+)/ && do
+ {
+ last if (!$func_coverage);
+ # Function call count found, add to structure
+ # Add summary counts
+ $sumfnccount->{$2} += $1;
+ # Add test-specific counts
+ if (defined($testname))
+ {
+ $testfnccount->{$2} += $1;
+ }
+ last;
+ };
+ /^BRDA:(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+|-)/ && do {
+ # Branch coverage data found
+ my ($line, $block, $branch, $taken) =
+ ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ last if (!$br_coverage);
+ $sumbrcount->{$line} .=
+ "$block,$branch,$taken:";
+ # Add test-specific counts
+ if (defined($testname)) {
+ $testbrcount->{$line} .=
+ "$block,$branch,$taken:";
+ }
+ last;
+ };
+ /^end_of_record/ && do
+ {
+ # Found end of section marker
+ if ($filename)
+ {
+ # Store current section data
+ if (defined($testname))
+ {
+ $testdata->{$testname} =
+ $testcount;
+ $testfncdata->{$testname} =
+ $testfnccount;
+ $testbrdata->{$testname} =
+ $testbrcount;
+ }
+ set_info_entry($data, $testdata,
+ $sumcount, $funcdata,
+ $checkdata, $testfncdata,
+ $sumfnccount,
+ $testbrdata,
+ $sumbrcount);
+ $result{$filename} = $data;
+ last;
+ }
+ };
+ # default
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close(INFO_HANDLE);
+ # Calculate lines_found and lines_hit for each file
+ foreach $filename (keys(%result))
+ {
+ $data = $result{$filename};
+ ($testdata, $sumcount, undef, undef, $testfncdata,
+ $sumfnccount, $testbrdata, $sumbrcount) =
+ get_info_entry($data);
+ # Filter out empty files
+ if (scalar(keys(%{$sumcount})) == 0)
+ {
+ delete($result{$filename});
+ next;
+ }
+ # Filter out empty test cases
+ foreach $testname (keys(%{$testdata}))
+ {
+ if (!defined($testdata->{$testname}) ||
+ scalar(keys(%{$testdata->{$testname}})) == 0)
+ {
+ delete($testdata->{$testname});
+ delete($testfncdata->{$testname});
+ }
+ }
+ $data->{"found"} = scalar(keys(%{$sumcount}));
+ $hitcount = 0;
+ foreach (keys(%{$sumcount}))
+ {
+ if ($sumcount->{$_} > 0) { $hitcount++; }
+ }
+ $data->{"hit"} = $hitcount;
+ # Get found/hit values for function call data
+ $data->{"f_found"} = scalar(keys(%{$sumfnccount}));
+ $hitcount = 0;
+ foreach (keys(%{$sumfnccount})) {
+ if ($sumfnccount->{$_} > 0) {
+ $hitcount++;
+ }
+ }
+ $data->{"f_hit"} = $hitcount;
+ # Combine branch data for the same branches
+ (undef, $data->{"b_found"}, $data->{"b_hit"}) = compress_brcount($sumbrcount);
+ foreach $testname (keys(%{$testbrdata})) {
+ compress_brcount($testbrdata->{$testname});
+ }
+ }
+ if (scalar(keys(%result)) == 0)
+ {
+ die("ERROR: no valid records found in tracefile $tracefile\n");
+ }
+ if ($negative)
+ {
+ warn("WARNING: negative counts found in tracefile ".
+ "$tracefile\n");
+ }
+ if ($changed_testname)
+ {
+ warn("WARNING: invalid characters removed from testname in ".
+ "tracefile $tracefile\n");
+ }
+ return(\%result);
+sub print_simplified_info
+ for my $key (keys(%info_data))
+ {
+ print "K $key: \n";
+ my $sumcountref = $info_data{$key}->{"sum"};
+ for my $line (sort{$a<=>$b}(keys(%$sumcountref)))
+ {
+ print "L $line: $sumcountref->{$line}\n";
+ }
+ }
+# From genhtml:
+# get_info_entry(hash_ref)
+# Retrieve data from an entry of the structure generated by read_info_file().
+# Return a list of references to hashes:
+# (test data hash ref, sum count hash ref, funcdata hash ref, checkdata hash
+# ref, testfncdata hash ref, sumfnccount hash ref, lines found, lines hit,
+# functions found, functions hit)
+sub get_info_entry($)
+ my $testdata_ref = $_[0]->{"test"};
+ my $sumcount_ref = $_[0]->{"sum"};
+ my $funcdata_ref = $_[0]->{"func"};
+ my $checkdata_ref = $_[0]->{"check"};
+ my $testfncdata = $_[0]->{"testfnc"};
+ my $sumfnccount = $_[0]->{"sumfnc"};
+ my $testbrdata = $_[0]->{"testbr"};
+ my $sumbrcount = $_[0]->{"sumbr"};
+ my $lines_found = $_[0]->{"found"};
+ my $lines_hit = $_[0]->{"hit"};
+ my $fn_found = $_[0]->{"f_found"};
+ my $fn_hit = $_[0]->{"f_hit"};
+ my $br_found = $_[0]->{"b_found"};
+ my $br_hit = $_[0]->{"b_hit"};
+ return ($testdata_ref, $sumcount_ref, $funcdata_ref, $checkdata_ref,
+ $testfncdata, $sumfnccount, $testbrdata, $sumbrcount,
+ $lines_found, $lines_hit, $fn_found, $fn_hit,
+ $br_found, $br_hit);
+# From genhtml:
+# set_info_entry(hash_ref, testdata_ref, sumcount_ref, funcdata_ref,
+# checkdata_ref, testfncdata_ref, sumfcncount_ref,
+# testbrdata_ref, sumbrcount_ref[,lines_found,
+# lines_hit, f_found, f_hit, $b_found, $b_hit])
+# Update the hash referenced by HASH_REF with the provided data references.
+sub set_info_entry($$$$$$$$$;$$$$$$)
+ my $data_ref = $_[0];
+ $data_ref->{"test"} = $_[1];
+ $data_ref->{"sum"} = $_[2];
+ $data_ref->{"func"} = $_[3];
+ $data_ref->{"check"} = $_[4];
+ $data_ref->{"testfnc"} = $_[5];
+ $data_ref->{"sumfnc"} = $_[6];
+ $data_ref->{"testbr"} = $_[7];
+ $data_ref->{"sumbr"} = $_[8];
+ if (defined($_[9])) { $data_ref->{"found"} = $_[9]; }
+ if (defined($_[10])) { $data_ref->{"hit"} = $_[10]; }
+ if (defined($_[11])) { $data_ref->{"f_found"} = $_[11]; }
+ if (defined($_[12])) { $data_ref->{"f_hit"} = $_[12]; }
+ if (defined($_[13])) { $data_ref->{"b_found"} = $_[13]; }
+ if (defined($_[14])) { $data_ref->{"b_hit"} = $_[14]; }
+# From genhtml:
+# combine_info_entries(entry_ref1, entry_ref2, filename)
+# Combine .info data entry hashes referenced by ENTRY_REF1 and ENTRY_REF2.
+# Return reference to resulting hash.
+sub combine_info_entries($$$)
+ my $entry1 = $_[0]; # Reference to hash containing first entry
+ my $testdata1;
+ my $sumcount1;
+ my $funcdata1;
+ my $checkdata1;
+ my $testfncdata1;
+ my $sumfnccount1;
+ my $testbrdata1;
+ my $sumbrcount1;
+ my $entry2 = $_[1]; # Reference to hash containing second entry
+ my $testdata2;
+ my $sumcount2;
+ my $funcdata2;
+ my $checkdata2;
+ my $testfncdata2;
+ my $sumfnccount2;
+ my $testbrdata2;
+ my $sumbrcount2;
+ my %result; # Hash containing combined entry
+ my %result_testdata;
+ my $result_sumcount = {};
+ my $result_funcdata;
+ my $result_testfncdata;
+ my $result_sumfnccount;
+ my $result_testbrdata;
+ my $result_sumbrcount;
+ my $lines_found;
+ my $lines_hit;
+ my $fn_found;
+ my $fn_hit;
+ my $br_found;
+ my $br_hit;
+ my $testname;
+ my $filename = $_[2];
+ # Retrieve data
+ ($testdata1, $sumcount1, $funcdata1, $checkdata1, $testfncdata1,
+ $sumfnccount1, $testbrdata1, $sumbrcount1) = get_info_entry($entry1);
+ ($testdata2, $sumcount2, $funcdata2, $checkdata2, $testfncdata2,
+ $sumfnccount2, $testbrdata2, $sumbrcount2) = get_info_entry($entry2);
+# # Merge checksums
+# $checkdata1 = merge_checksums($checkdata1, $checkdata2, $filename);
+# # Combine funcdata
+# $result_funcdata = merge_func_data($funcdata1, $funcdata2, $filename);
+# # Combine function call count data
+# $result_testfncdata = add_testfncdata($testfncdata1, $testfncdata2);
+# ($result_sumfnccount, $fn_found, $fn_hit) =
+# add_fnccount($sumfnccount1, $sumfnccount2);
+# # Combine branch coverage data
+# $result_testbrdata = add_testbrdata($testbrdata1, $testbrdata2);
+# ($result_sumbrcount, $br_found, $br_hit) =
+# combine_brcount($sumbrcount1, $sumbrcount2, $BR_ADD);
+ # Combine testdata
+ foreach $testname (keys(%{$testdata1}))
+ {
+ if (defined($testdata2->{$testname}))
+ {
+ # testname is present in both entries, requires
+ # combination
+ ($result_testdata{$testname}) =
+ add_counts($testdata1->{$testname},
+ $testdata2->{$testname});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # testname only present in entry1, add to result
+ $result_testdata{$testname} = $testdata1->{$testname};
+ }
+ # update sum count hash
+ ($result_sumcount, $lines_found, $lines_hit) =
+ add_counts($result_sumcount,
+ $result_testdata{$testname});
+ }
+ foreach $testname (keys(%{$testdata2}))
+ {
+ # Skip testnames already covered by previous iteration
+ if (defined($testdata1->{$testname})) { next; }
+ # testname only present in entry2, add to result hash
+ $result_testdata{$testname} = $testdata2->{$testname};
+ # update sum count hash
+ ($result_sumcount, $lines_found, $lines_hit) =
+ add_counts($result_sumcount,
+ $result_testdata{$testname});
+ }
+ # Calculate resulting sumcount
+ # Store result
+ set_info_entry(\%result, \%result_testdata, $result_sumcount,
+ $result_funcdata, $checkdata1, $result_testfncdata,
+ $result_sumfnccount, $result_testbrdata,
+ $result_sumbrcount, $lines_found, $lines_hit,
+ $fn_found, $fn_hit, $br_found, $br_hit);
+ return(\%result);
+# From genhtml:
+# combine_info_files(info_ref1, info_ref2)
+# Combine .info data in hashes referenced by INFO_REF1 and INFO_REF2. Return
+# reference to resulting hash.
+sub combine_info_files($$)
+ my %hash1 = %{$_[0]};
+ my %hash2 = %{$_[1]};
+ my $filename;
+ foreach $filename (keys(%hash2))
+ {
+ if ($hash1{$filename})
+ {
+ # Entry already exists in hash1, combine them
+ $hash1{$filename} =
+ combine_info_entries($hash1{$filename},
+ $hash2{$filename},
+ $filename);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Entry is unique in both hashes, simply add to
+ # resulting hash
+ $hash1{$filename} = $hash2{$filename};
+ }
+ }
+ return(\%hash1);
+# From genhtml:
+# add_counts(data1_ref, data2_ref)
+# DATA1_REF and DATA2_REF are references to hashes containing a mapping
+# line number -> execution count
+# is a reference to a hash containing the combined mapping in which
+# execution counts are added.
+sub add_counts($$)
+ my $data1_ref = $_[0]; # Hash 1
+ my $data2_ref = $_[1]; # Hash 2
+ my %result; # Resulting hash
+ my $line; # Current line iteration scalar
+ my $data1_count; # Count of line in hash1
+ my $data2_count; # Count of line in hash2
+ my $found = 0; # Total number of lines found
+ my $hit = 0; # Number of lines with a count > 0
+ foreach $line (keys(%$data1_ref))
+ {
+ $data1_count = $data1_ref->{$line};
+ $data2_count = $data2_ref->{$line};
+ # Add counts if present in both hashes
+ if (defined($data2_count)) { $data1_count += $data2_count; }
+ # Store sum in %result
+ $result{$line} = $data1_count;
+ $found++;
+ if ($data1_count > 0) { $hit++; }
+ }
+ # Add lines unique to data2_ref
+ foreach $line (keys(%$data2_ref))
+ {
+ # Skip lines already in data1_ref
+ if (defined($data1_ref->{$line})) { next; }
+ # Copy count from data2_ref
+ $result{$line} = $data2_ref->{$line};
+ $found++;
+ if ($result{$line} > 0) { $hit++; }
+ }
+ return (\%result, $found, $hit);
+# From genhtml:
+sub compress_brcount($)
+ my ($brcount) = @_;
+ my $db;
+ $db = brcount_to_db($brcount);
+ return db_to_brcount($db, $brcount);
+# brcount_to_db(brcount)
+# Convert brcount data to the following format:
+# db: line number -> block hash
+# block hash: block number -> branch hash
+# branch hash: branch number -> taken value
+sub brcount_to_db($)
+ my ($brcount) = @_;
+ my $line;
+ my $db;
+ # Add branches to database
+ foreach $line (keys(%{$brcount})) {
+ my $brdata = $brcount->{$line};
+ foreach my $entry (split(/:/, $brdata)) {
+ my ($block, $branch, $taken) = split(/,/, $entry);
+ my $old = $db->{$line}->{$block}->{$branch};
+ if (!defined($old) || $old eq "-") {
+ $old = $taken;
+ } elsif ($taken ne "-") {
+ $old += $taken;
+ }
+ $db->{$line}->{$block}->{$branch} = $old;
+ }
+ }
+ return $db;
+# db_to_brcount(db[, brcount])
+# Convert branch coverage data back to brcount format. If brcount is specified,
+# the converted data is directly inserted in brcount.
+sub db_to_brcount($;$)
+ my ($db, $brcount) = @_;
+ my $line;
+ my $br_found = 0;
+ my $br_hit = 0;
+ # Convert database back to brcount format
+ foreach $line (sort({$a <=> $b} keys(%{$db}))) {
+ my $ldata = $db->{$line};
+ my $brdata;
+ my $block;
+ foreach $block (sort({$a <=> $b} keys(%{$ldata}))) {
+ my $bdata = $ldata->{$block};
+ my $branch;
+ foreach $branch (sort({$a <=> $b} keys(%{$bdata}))) {
+ my $taken = $bdata->{$branch};
+ $br_found++;
+ $br_hit++ if ($taken ne "-" && $taken > 0);
+ $brdata .= "$block,$branch,$taken:";
+ }
+ }
+ $brcount->{$line} = $brdata;
+ }
+ return ($brcount, $br_found, $br_hit);
+# brcount_db_combine(db1, db2, op)
+# db1 := db1 op db2, where
+# db1, db2: brcount data as returned by brcount_to_db
+# op: one of $BR_ADD and BR_SUB
+sub brcount_db_combine($$$)
+ my ($db1, $db2, $op) = @_;
+ foreach my $line (keys(%{$db2})) {
+ my $ldata = $db2->{$line};
+ foreach my $block (keys(%{$ldata})) {
+ my $bdata = $ldata->{$block};
+ foreach my $branch (keys(%{$bdata})) {
+ my $taken = $bdata->{$branch};
+ my $new = $db1->{$line}->{$block}->{$branch};
+ if (!defined($new) || $new eq "-") {
+ $new = $taken;
+ } elsif ($taken ne "-") {
+ if ($op == $BR_ADD) {
+ $new += $taken;
+ } elsif ($op == $BR_SUB) {
+ $new -= $taken;
+ $new = 0 if ($new < 0);
+ }
+ }
+ $db1->{$line}->{$block}->{$branch} = $new;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# From genhtml
+sub info(@)
+ if($debug)
+ {
+ # Print info string
+ printf(@_);
+ }
## Format per file, repeated, no linebreak
# <diffcmd>
# index c1..c2 c3
# 3 lines of context
# output:
+# <dali-source-file>: source / header files in dali/dali-toolkit
+# \%filter: <dali-source-file> -> \%filedata
+# %filedata: "patch" -> \@checklines
+# "b_lines" -> \%b_lines
+# @checklines: vector of \[start, length] # line numbers of new/modified lines
+# %b_lines: <line-number> -> patch line in b-file.
sub parse_diff
my $patchref = shift;
- return {%filter};
+ return {%filter};#copy? - test and fixme
sub show_patch_lines
-sub get_gcno_file
- # Assumes test cases have been run, and "make rename_cov_data" has been executed
- my $file = shift;
- my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, (".c", ".cpp", ".h"));
- my $gcno_file = $repo->wc_path() . "/build/tizen/.cov/$name.gcno";
- # Note, will translate headers to their source's object, which
- # may miss execution code in the headers (e.g. inlines are usually
- # not all used in the implementation, and require getting coverage
- # from test cases.
- if( -f $gcno_file )
- {
- my $gcno_st = stat($gcno_file);
- my $fq_file = $repo->wc_path() . $file;
- my $src_st = stat($fq_file);
- if($gcno_st->ctime < $src_st->mtime)
- {
- print "WARNING: GCNO $gcno_file older than SRC $fq_file\n";
- $gcno_file="";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print("WARNING: No equivalent gcno file for $file\n");
- }
- return $gcno_file;
-our %gcovfiles=();
-sub get_coverage
- my $file = shift;
- my $filesref = shift;
- print("get_coverage($file)\n") if $debug;
- my $gcno_file = get_gcno_file($file);
- my @gcov_files = ();
- my $gcovfile;
- if( $gcno_file )
- {
- print "Running gcov on $gcno_file:\n" if $debug;
- open( my $fh, "gcov --preserve-paths $gcno_file |") || die "Can't run gcov:$!\n";
- while( <$fh> )
- {
- print $_ if $debug>=3;
- chomp;
- if( m!'(.*\.gcov)'$! )
- {
- my $coverage_file = $1; # File has / replaced with # and .. replaced with ^
- my $source_file = $coverage_file;
- $source_file =~ s!\^!..!g; # Change ^ to ..
- $source_file =~ s!\#!/!g; # change #'s to /s
- $source_file =~ s!.gcov$!!; # Strip off .gcov suffix
- print "Matching $file against $source_file\n" if $debug >= 3;
- # Only want the coverage files matching source file:
- if(index( $source_file, $file ) > 0 )
- {
- $gcovfile = $coverage_file;
- # Some header files do not produce an equivalent gcov file so we shouldn't parse them
- if(($source_file =~ /\.h$/) && (! -e $gcovfile))
- {
- print "Omitting Header: $source_file\n" if $debug;
- $gcovfile = ""
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- close($fh);
- if($gcovfile)
- {
- if($gcovfiles{$gcovfile} == undef)
- {
- # Only parse a gcov file once
- $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}->{"seen"}=1;
- print "Getting coverage data from $gcovfile\n" if $debug;
- open( FH, "< $gcovfile" ) || die "Can't open $gcovfile for reading:$!\n";
- while(<FH>)
- {
- my ($cov, $line, @code ) = split( /:/, $_ );
- $cov =~ s/^\s+//; # Strip leading space
- $line =~ s/^\s+//;
- my $code=join(":", @code);
- if($cov =~ /\#/)
- {
- # There is no coverage data for these executable lines
- $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}->{"uncovered"}->{$line}++;
- $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}->{"src"}->{$line}=$code;
- }
- elsif( $cov ne "-" && looks_like_number($cov) && $cov > 0 )
- {
- $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}->{"covered"}->{$line}=$cov;
- $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}->{"src"}->{$line}=$code;
- }
- else
- {
- # All other lines are not executable.
- $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}->{"src"}->{$line}=$code;
- }
- }
- close( FH );
- }
- $filesref->{$file}->{"coverage"} = $gcovfiles{$gcovfile}; # store hashref
- }
- else
- {
- # No gcov output - the gcno file produced no coverage of the source/header
- # Probably means that there is no coverage for the file (with the given
- # test case - there may be some somewhere, but for the sake of speed, don't
- # check (yet).
- }
- }
-# Run the git diff command to get the patch, then check the coverage
-# output for the patch.
+# Run the git diff command to get the patch
+# Output - see parse_diff
sub run_diff
- #print "run_diff(" . join(" ", @_) . ")\n";
my ($fh, $c) = $repo->command_output_pipe(@_);
our @patch=();
# @patch has slurped diff for all files...
my $filesref = parse_diff ( \@patch );
- show_patch_lines($filesref) if $debug;
- print "Checking coverage:\n" if $debug;
+ show_patch_lines($filesref) if $debug>1;
- my $cwd=getcwd();
- chdir ".cov" || die "Can't find $cwd/.cov:$!\n";
- for my $file (keys(%$filesref))
- {
- my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, qr{\.[^.]*$});
- next if($path !~ /^dali/);
- if($suffix eq ".cpp" || $suffix eq ".c" || $suffix eq ".h")
- {
- get_coverage($file, $filesref);
- }
- }
- chdir $cwd;
return $filesref;
my $uncovered_lines = 0;
my $patchref = $filesref->{$file}->{"patch"};
- my $coverage_ref = $filesref->{$file}->{"coverage"};
- if( $coverage_ref )
+ my $abs_filename = File::Spec->rel2abs($file, $root);
+ my $sumcountref = $info_data{$abs_filename}->{"sum"};
+ if( $sumcountref )
for my $patch (@$patchref)
for(my $i = 0; $i < $patch->[1]; $i++ )
my $line = $i + $patch->[0];
- if($coverage_ref->{"covered"}->{$line})
- {
- $covered_lines++;
- $total_covered_lines++;
- }
- if($coverage_ref->{"uncovered"}->{$line})
+ if(exists($sumcountref->{$line}))
- $uncovered_lines++;
- $total_uncovered_lines++;
+ if( $sumcountref->{$line} > 0 )
+ {
+ $covered_lines++;
+ $total_covered_lines++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $uncovered_lines++;
+ $total_uncovered_lines++;
+ }
- $coverage_ref->{"covered_lines"} = $covered_lines;
- $coverage_ref->{"uncovered_lines"} = $uncovered_lines;
+ $filesref->{$file}->{"covered_lines"} = $covered_lines;
+ $filesref->{$file}->{"uncovered_lines"} = $uncovered_lines;
my $total = $covered_lines + $uncovered_lines;
my $percent = 0;
if($total > 0)
$percent = $covered_lines / $total;
- $coverage_ref->{"percent_covered"} = 100 * $percent;
+ $filesref->{$file}->{"percent_covered"} = 100 * $percent;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "Can't find coverage data for $abs_filename\n";
my $total_exec = $total_covered_lines + $total_uncovered_lines;
return [ $total_exec, $percent ];
sub patch_output
my $filesref = shift;
my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, qr{\.[^.]*$});
next if($path !~ /^dali/);
- my $patchref = $filesref->{$file}->{"patch"};
- my $b_lines_ref = $filesref->{$file}->{"b_lines"};
- my $coverage_ref = $filesref->{$file}->{"coverage"};
+ my $fileref = $filesref->{$file};
+ my $patchref = $fileref->{"patch"};
+ my $b_lines_ref = $fileref->{"b_lines"};
+ my $abs_filename = File::Spec->rel2abs($file, $root);
+ my $sumcountref = $info_data{$abs_filename}->{"sum"};
print BOLD, "$file ";
- if($coverage_ref)
+ if($fileref)
- if( $coverage_ref->{"covered_lines"} > 0
+ if( $fileref->{"covered_lines"} > 0
- $coverage_ref->{"uncovered_lines"} > 0 )
+ $fileref->{"uncovered_lines"} > 0 )
- print GREEN, "Covered: " . $coverage_ref->{"covered_lines"}, RED, " Uncovered: " . $coverage_ref->{"uncovered_lines"}, RESET;
+ print GREEN, "Covered: " . $fileref->{"covered_lines"}, RED, " Uncovered: " . $fileref->{"uncovered_lines"}, RESET;
my $line = $i + $patch->[0];
printf "%-6s ", $line;
- if($coverage_ref)
+ if($sumcountref)
my $color;
- if($coverage_ref->{"covered"}->{$line})
- {
- $color=GREEN;
- }
- elsif($coverage_ref->{"uncovered"}->{$line})
+ if(exists($sumcountref->{$line}))
- $color=BOLD . RED;
+ if($sumcountref->{$line} > 0)
+ {
+ $color=GREEN;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $color=BOLD . RED;
+ }
- $color=BLACK;
+ $color=CYAN;
- my $src=$coverage_ref->{"src"}->{$line};
- chomp($src);
+ my $src = $b_lines_ref->{$line};
print $color, "$src\n", RESET;
- # We don't have coverage data, so print it from the patch instead.
my $src = $b_lines_ref->{$line};
print "$src\n";
sub patch_html_output
my $filesref = shift;
- my $html = HTML::Element->new('html');
- my $head = HTML::Element->new('head');
- my $title = HTML::Element->new('title');
- $title->push_content("Patch Coverage");
- $head->push_content($title, "\n");
- $html->push_content($head, "\n");
+ open( my $filehandle, ">", $opt_output ) || die "Can't open $opt_output for writing:$!\n";
- my $body = HTML::Element->new('body');
- $body->attr('bgcolor', "white");
+ my $OUTPUT_FH = select;
+ select $filehandle;
+ print <<EOH;
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
+<title>Patch Coverage</title>
+<body bgcolor="white">
- foreach my $file (sort(keys(%$filesref)))
+ foreach my $file (keys(%$filesref))
my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, qr{\.[^.]*$});
next if($path !~ /^dali/);
- my $patchref = $filesref->{$file}->{"patch"};
- my $b_lines_ref = $filesref->{$file}->{"b_lines"};
- my $coverage_ref = $filesref->{$file}->{"coverage"};
- my $header = HTML::Element->new('h2');
- $header->push_content($file);
- $body->push_content($header);
- $body->push_content("\n");
- if($coverage_ref)
+ my $fileref = $filesref->{$file};
+ my $patchref = $fileref->{"patch"};
+ my $b_lines_ref = $fileref->{"b_lines"};
+ my $abs_filename = File::Spec->rel2abs($file, $root);
+ my $sumcountref = $info_data{$abs_filename}->{"sum"};
+ print "<h2>$file</h2>\n";
+ if($fileref)
- if( $coverage_ref->{"covered_lines"} > 0
+ if( $fileref->{"covered_lines"} > 0
- $coverage_ref->{"uncovered_lines"} > 0 )
+ $fileref->{"uncovered_lines"} > 0 )
- my $para = HTML::Element->new('p');
- my $covered = HTML::Element->new('span');
- $covered->attr('style', "color:green;");
- $covered->push_content("Covered: " . $coverage_ref->{"covered_lines"} );
- $para->push_content($covered);
- my $para2 = HTML::Element->new('p');
- my $uncovered = HTML::Element->new('span');
- $uncovered->attr('style', "color:red;");
- $uncovered->push_content("Uncovered: " . $coverage_ref->{"uncovered_lines"} );
- $para2->push_content($uncovered);
- $body->push_content($para, $para2);
- }
- else
- {
- #print "coverage ref exists for $file:\n" . Data::Dumper::Dumper($coverage_ref) . "\n";
+ print "<p style=\"color:green;\">Covered: " .
+ $fileref->{"covered_lines"} . "<p>" .
+ "<p style=\"color:red;\">Uncovered: " .
+ $fileref->{"uncovered_lines"} . "</span></p>";
- my $para = HTML::Element->new('p');
- my $span = HTML::Element->new('span');
+ print "<p>";
+ my $span=0;
if($suffix eq ".cpp" || $suffix eq ".c" || $suffix eq ".h")
- $span->attr('style', "color:red;");
+ print "<span style=\"color:red;\">";
+ $span=1;
- $span->push_content("No coverage found");
- $para->push_content($span);
- $body->push_content($para);
+ print "No coverage found";
+ print "</span>" if $span;
+ print "</p>";
for my $patch (@$patchref)
$hunkstr .= " - " . ($patch->[0]+$patch->[1]-1);
+ print "<p style=\"font-weight:bold;\">" . $hunkstr . "</p>";
- my $para = HTML::Element->new('p');
- my $span = HTML::Element->new('span');
- $span->attr('style', "font-weight:bold;");
- $span->push_content($hunkstr);
- $para->push_content($span);
- $body->push_content($para);
- my $codeHunk = HTML::Element->new('pre');
+ print "<pre>";
for(my $i = 0; $i < $patch->[1]; $i++ )
my $line = $i + $patch->[0];
my $num_line_digits=log($line)/log(10);
for $i (0..(6-$num_line_digits-1))
- $codeHunk->push_content(" ");
+ print " ";
+ print "$line ";
- $codeHunk->push_content("$line ");
- my $srcLine = HTML::Element->new('span');
- if($coverage_ref)
+ if($sumcountref)
my $color;
- if($coverage_ref->{"covered"}->{$line})
- {
- $srcLine->attr('style', "color:green;");
- }
- elsif($coverage_ref->{"uncovered"}->{$line})
+ if(exists($sumcountref->{$line}))
- $srcLine->attr('style', "color:red;font-weight:bold;");
+ if($sumcountref->{$line} > 0)
+ {
+ print("<span style=\"color:green;\">");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print("<span style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold;\">");
+ }
- $srcLine->attr('style', "color:black;font-weight:normal;");
+ print("<span style=\"color:black;font-weight:normal;\">");
- my $src=$coverage_ref->{"src"}->{$line};
+ my $src=$b_lines_ref->{$line};
- $srcLine->push_content($src);
+ print "$src</span>\n";
- # We don't have coverage data, so print it from the patch instead.
my $src = $b_lines_ref->{$line};
- $srcLine->attr('style', "color:black;font-weight:normal;");
- $srcLine->push_content($src);
+ print "$src\n";
- $codeHunk->push_content($srcLine, "\n");
- $body->push_content($codeHunk, "\n");
+ print "<\pre>\n";
- $body->push_content(HTML::Element->new('hr'));
- $html->push_content($body, "\n");
- open( my $filehandle, ">", $opt_output ) || die "Can't open $opt_output for writing:$!\n";
- print $filehandle <<EOH;
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
- print $filehandle $html->as_HTML();
+ print $filehandle "<hr>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
close $filehandle;
+ select $OUTPUT_FH;
## MAIN ##
-my $cwd = getcwd();
-chdir $repo->wc_path();
-chdir "build/tizen";
-`make rename_cov_data`;
+my $cwd = getcwd(); # expect this to be automated-tests folder
-my @cmd=('--no-pager','diff','--no-ext-diff','-U0','--no-color');
+# execute, generating build/tizen/ from lib, and
+# *.dir/ Don't generate html
+` -n`;
+chdir "..";
+$root = getcwd();
+our %info_data; # Hash of all data from .info files
+my @info_files = split(/\n/, `find . -name`);
+my %new_info;
+# Read in all specified .info files
+foreach (@info_files)
+ %new_info = %{read_info_file($_)};
+ # Combine %new_info with %info_data
+ %info_data = %{combine_info_files(\%info_data, \%new_info)};
+# Generate git diff command
+my @cmd=('--no-pager','diff','--no-ext-diff','-U0','--no-color');
my $status = $repo->command("status", "-s");
-if( $status eq "" && !scalar(@ARGV))
+if(scalar(@ARGV)) # REMOVE ME
+ # REMOVE ME - temp to get past modifying this script in place.
+ push @cmd, @ARGV;
+elsif( $status eq "" && !scalar(@ARGV))
# There are no changes in the index or working tree, and
# no diff arguments to append. Use the last patch instead.
push @cmd, @ARGV;
+# Execute diff & coverage from root directory
my $filesref = run_diff(@cmd);
chdir $cwd;
exit 0; # Exit with no error.
+#print_simplified_info() if $debug;
+#exit 0;
my $percentref = calc_patch_coverage_percentage($filesref);
if($percentref->[0] == 0)