int bt_adapter_remove_remote_oob_data(const char *remote_address);
- * @deprecated Deprecated since 2.3.1
* @brief Checks for the LE device discovery is in progress or not.
- * @since_tizen 2.3
+ * @since_tizen @if MOBILE 2.3 @else 6.0 @endif
* @remarks If Bluetooth LE scan is in progress, other operations are not allowed and \n
* you have to either stop the LE scan operation, or wait for it to be finished, \n
* @pre The state of local Bluetooth must be #BT_ADAPTER_ENABLED.
-int bt_adapter_le_is_discovering(bool *is_discovering) TIZEN_DEPRECATED_API;
+int bt_adapter_le_is_discovering(bool *is_discovering);