struct wl_display *display = client->display;
+ /* wl_client_destroy() should not be called twice for the same client. */
+ if (wl_list_empty(&client->link)) {
+ client->error = 1;
+ wl_log("wl_client_destroy: encountered re-entrant client destruction.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+//TIZEN_ONLY(20240626) : mutex lock/unlock when removing client from the client_list
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&display->client_list_mutex);
+ wl_list_remove(&client->link);
+ /* Keep the client link safe to inspect. */
+ wl_list_init(&client->link);
+//TIZEN_ONLY(20240626) : mutex lock/unlock when removing client from the client_list
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&display->client_list_mutex);
wl_priv_signal_final_emit(&client->destroy_signal, client);
wl_priv_signal_final_emit(&client->destroy_late_signal, client);
-//TIZEN_ONLY(20240626) : mutex lock/unlock when removing client from the client_list
- pthread_mutex_lock(&display->client_list_mutex);
- wl_list_remove(&client->link);
-//TIZEN_ONLY(20240626) : mutex lock/unlock when removing client from the client_list
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&display->client_list_mutex);
//TIZEN_ONLY(20230518) : Add mutex for wl_client's resources
+static void
+client_destroy_remove_link_notify(struct wl_listener *l, void *data)
+ struct wl_client *client = data;
+ struct client_destroy_listener *listener =
+ wl_container_of(l, listener, listener);
+ /* The client destruction signal should not be emitted more than once. */
+ assert(!listener->done);
+ listener->done = true;
+ /* The client should have been removed from the display's list. */
+ assert(wl_list_empty(wl_client_get_link(client)));
+ * Tests that wl_client_destroy() will remove the client from the display's
+ * client list to prevent client access during destruction.
+ */
+ struct wl_display *display;
+ struct wl_client *client;
+ struct client_destroy_listener destroy_listener;
+ int s[2];
+ assert(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0, s) == 0);
+ display = wl_display_create();
+ assert(display);
+ client = wl_client_create(display, s[0]);
+ assert(client);
+ destroy_listener.listener.notify = client_destroy_remove_link_notify;
+ destroy_listener.done = false;
+ wl_client_add_destroy_listener(client, &destroy_listener.listener);
+ assert(wl_client_get_destroy_listener(client,
+ client_destroy_remove_link_notify) == &destroy_listener.listener);
+ wl_client_destroy(client);
+ assert(destroy_listener.done);
+ close(s[0]);
+ close(s[1]);
+ wl_display_destroy(display);