--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/text-controller-impl-model-updater.h>
+#include <dali/integration-api/debug.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/bidirectional-support.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/character-set-conversion.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/color-segmentation.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/hyphenator.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/multi-language-support.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/segmentation.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/shaper.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/text-editable-control-interface.h>
+namespace Dali::Toolkit::Text
+#if defined(DEBUG_ENABLED)
+Debug::Filter* gLogFilter = Debug::Filter::New(Debug::NoLogging, true, "LOG_TEXT_CONTROLS");
+// The relative luminance of a color is defined as (L = 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B)
+// based on W3C Recommendations (https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/)
+constexpr float BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLD = 0.179f;
+constexpr float CONSTANT_R = 0.2126f;
+constexpr float CONSTANT_G = 0.7152f;
+constexpr float CONSTANT_B = 0.0722f;
+constexpr Dali::Vector4 BLACK(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
+constexpr Dali::Vector4 WHITE(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
+constexpr Dali::Vector4 LIGHT_BLUE(0.75f, 0.96f, 1.f, 1.f);
+constexpr Dali::Vector4 BACKGROUND_SUB4(0.58f, 0.87f, 0.96f, 1.f);
+constexpr Dali::Vector4 BACKGROUND_SUB5(0.83f, 0.94f, 0.98f, 1.f);
+constexpr Dali::Vector4 BACKGROUND_SUB6(1.f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f);
+constexpr Dali::Vector4 BACKGROUND_SUB7(1.f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.f);
+} // namespace
+bool ControllerImplModelUpdater::Update(Controller::Impl& impl, OperationsMask operationsRequired)
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::General, "Controller::UpdateModel\n");
+ // Calculate the operations to be done.
+ const OperationsMask operations = static_cast<OperationsMask>(impl.mOperationsPending & operationsRequired);
+ if(Controller::NO_OPERATION == operations)
+ {
+ // Nothing to do if no operations are pending and required.
+ return false;
+ }
+ Vector<Character>& srcCharacters = impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mText;
+ Vector<Character> displayCharacters;
+ bool useHiddenText = false;
+ if(impl.mHiddenInput && impl.mEventData != nullptr && !impl.mEventData->mIsShowingPlaceholderText)
+ {
+ impl.mHiddenInput->Substitute(srcCharacters, displayCharacters);
+ useHiddenText = true;
+ }
+ Vector<Character>& utf32Characters = useHiddenText ? displayCharacters : srcCharacters;
+ const Length numberOfCharacters = utf32Characters.Count();
+ // Index to the first character of the first paragraph to be updated.
+ CharacterIndex startIndex = 0u;
+ // Number of characters of the paragraphs to be removed.
+ Length paragraphCharacters = 0u;
+ impl.CalculateTextUpdateIndices(paragraphCharacters);
+ // Check whether the indices for updating the text is valid
+ if(numberOfCharacters > 0u &&
+ (impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mParagraphCharacterIndex > numberOfCharacters ||
+ impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mRequestedNumberOfCharacters > numberOfCharacters))
+ {
+ std::string currentText;
+ Utf32ToUtf8(impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mText.Begin(), numberOfCharacters, currentText);
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("Controller::Impl::UpdateModel: mTextUpdateInfo has invalid indices\n");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("Number of characters: %d, current text is: %s\n", numberOfCharacters, currentText.c_str());
+ // Dump mTextUpdateInfo
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR("Dump mTextUpdateInfo:\n");
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mCharacterIndex = %u\n", impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mCharacterIndex);
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mNumberOfCharactersToRemove = %u\n", impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mNumberOfCharactersToRemove);
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mNumberOfCharactersToAdd = %u\n", impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mNumberOfCharactersToAdd);
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mPreviousNumberOfCharacters = %u\n", impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mPreviousNumberOfCharacters);
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mParagraphCharacterIndex = %u\n", impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mParagraphCharacterIndex);
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mRequestedNumberOfCharacters = %u\n", impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mRequestedNumberOfCharacters);
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex = %u\n", impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex);
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mStartLineIndex = %u\n", impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mStartLineIndex);
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mEstimatedNumberOfLines = %u\n", impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mEstimatedNumberOfLines);
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mClearAll = %d\n", impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mClearAll);
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mFullRelayoutNeeded = %d\n", impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mFullRelayoutNeeded);
+ DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mIsLastCharacterNewParagraph = %d\n", impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mIsLastCharacterNewParagraph);
+ return false;
+ }
+ startIndex = impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mParagraphCharacterIndex;
+ if(impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mClearAll ||
+ (0u != paragraphCharacters))
+ {
+ impl.ClearModelData(startIndex, startIndex + ((paragraphCharacters > 0u) ? paragraphCharacters - 1u : 0u), operations);
+ }
+ impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mClearAll = false;
+ // Whether the model is updated.
+ bool updated = false;
+ Vector<LineBreakInfo>& lineBreakInfo = impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mLineBreakInfo;
+ const Length requestedNumberOfCharacters = impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mRequestedNumberOfCharacters;
+ if(Controller::NO_OPERATION != (Controller::GET_LINE_BREAKS & operations))
+ {
+ // Retrieves the line break info. The line break info is used to split the text in 'paragraphs' to
+ // calculate the bidirectional info for each 'paragraph'.
+ // It's also used to layout the text (where it should be a new line) or to shape the text (text in different lines
+ // is not shaped together).
+ lineBreakInfo.Resize(numberOfCharacters, TextAbstraction::LINE_NO_BREAK);
+ SetLineBreakInfo(utf32Characters,
+ startIndex,
+ requestedNumberOfCharacters,
+ lineBreakInfo);
+ if(impl.mModel->mLineWrapMode == ((Text::LineWrap::Mode)DevelText::LineWrap::HYPHENATION) ||
+ impl.mModel->mLineWrapMode == ((Text::LineWrap::Mode)DevelText::LineWrap::MIXED))
+ {
+ CharacterIndex end = startIndex + requestedNumberOfCharacters;
+ LineBreakInfo* lineBreakInfoBuffer = lineBreakInfo.Begin();
+ for(CharacterIndex index = startIndex; index < end; index++)
+ {
+ CharacterIndex wordEnd = index;
+ while((*(lineBreakInfoBuffer + wordEnd) != TextAbstraction::LINE_ALLOW_BREAK) && (*(lineBreakInfoBuffer + wordEnd) != TextAbstraction::LINE_MUST_BREAK))
+ {
+ wordEnd++;
+ }
+ if((wordEnd + 1) == end) // add last char
+ {
+ wordEnd++;
+ }
+ Vector<bool> hyphens = GetWordHyphens(utf32Characters.Begin() + index, wordEnd - index, nullptr);
+ for(CharacterIndex i = 0; i < (wordEnd - index); i++)
+ {
+ if(hyphens[i])
+ {
+ *(lineBreakInfoBuffer + index + i) = TextAbstraction::LINE_HYPHENATION_BREAK;
+ }
+ }
+ index = wordEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create the paragraph info.
+ impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->CreateParagraphInfo(startIndex,
+ requestedNumberOfCharacters);
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ const bool getScripts = Controller::NO_OPERATION != (Controller::GET_SCRIPTS & operations);
+ const bool validateFonts = Controller::NO_OPERATION != (Controller::VALIDATE_FONTS & operations);
+ Vector<ScriptRun>& scripts = impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mScriptRuns;
+ Vector<FontRun>& validFonts = impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mFontRuns;
+ if(getScripts || validateFonts)
+ {
+ // Validates the fonts assigned by the application or assigns default ones.
+ // It makes sure all the characters are going to be rendered by the correct font.
+ MultilanguageSupport multilanguageSupport = MultilanguageSupport::Get();
+ if(getScripts)
+ {
+ // Retrieves the scripts used in the text.
+ multilanguageSupport.SetScripts(utf32Characters,
+ startIndex,
+ requestedNumberOfCharacters,
+ scripts);
+ }
+ if(validateFonts)
+ {
+ // Validate the fonts set through the mark-up string.
+ Vector<FontDescriptionRun>& fontDescriptionRuns = impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mFontDescriptionRuns;
+ // Get the default font's description.
+ TextAbstraction::FontDescription defaultFontDescription;
+ TextAbstraction::PointSize26Dot6 defaultPointSize = TextAbstraction::FontClient::DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE * impl.mFontSizeScale;
+ //Get the number of points per one unit of point-size
+ uint32_t numberOfPointsPerOneUnitOfPointSize = impl.mFontClient.GetNumberOfPointsPerOneUnitOfPointSize();
+ if(impl.IsShowingPlaceholderText() && impl.mEventData && (nullptr != impl.mEventData->mPlaceholderFont))
+ {
+ // If the placeholder font is set specifically, only placeholder font is changed.
+ defaultFontDescription = impl.mEventData->mPlaceholderFont->mFontDescription;
+ if(impl.mEventData->mPlaceholderFont->sizeDefined)
+ {
+ defaultPointSize = impl.mEventData->mPlaceholderFont->mDefaultPointSize * impl.mFontSizeScale * numberOfPointsPerOneUnitOfPointSize;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(nullptr != impl.mFontDefaults)
+ {
+ // Set the normal font and the placeholder font.
+ defaultFontDescription = impl.mFontDefaults->mFontDescription;
+ if(impl.mTextFitEnabled)
+ {
+ defaultPointSize = impl.mFontDefaults->mFitPointSize * numberOfPointsPerOneUnitOfPointSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ defaultPointSize = impl.mFontDefaults->mDefaultPointSize * impl.mFontSizeScale * numberOfPointsPerOneUnitOfPointSize;
+ }
+ }
+ // Validates the fonts. If there is a character with no assigned font it sets a default one.
+ // After this call, fonts are validated.
+ multilanguageSupport.ValidateFonts(utf32Characters,
+ scripts,
+ fontDescriptionRuns,
+ defaultFontDescription,
+ defaultPointSize,
+ startIndex,
+ requestedNumberOfCharacters,
+ validFonts);
+ }
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ Vector<Character> mirroredUtf32Characters;
+ bool textMirrored = false;
+ const Length numberOfParagraphs = impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mParagraphInfo.Count();
+ if(Controller::NO_OPERATION != (Controller::BIDI_INFO & operations))
+ {
+ Vector<BidirectionalParagraphInfoRun>& bidirectionalInfo = impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mBidirectionalParagraphInfo;
+ bidirectionalInfo.Reserve(numberOfParagraphs);
+ // Calculates the bidirectional info for the whole paragraph if it contains right to left scripts.
+ SetBidirectionalInfo(utf32Characters,
+ scripts,
+ lineBreakInfo,
+ startIndex,
+ requestedNumberOfCharacters,
+ bidirectionalInfo,
+ (impl.mModel->mMatchLayoutDirection != DevelText::MatchLayoutDirection::CONTENTS),
+ impl.mLayoutDirection);
+ if(0u != bidirectionalInfo.Count())
+ {
+ // Only set the character directions if there is right to left characters.
+ Vector<CharacterDirection>& directions = impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mCharacterDirections;
+ GetCharactersDirection(bidirectionalInfo,
+ numberOfCharacters,
+ startIndex,
+ requestedNumberOfCharacters,
+ directions);
+ // This paragraph has right to left text. Some characters may need to be mirrored.
+ // TODO: consider if the mirrored string can be stored as well.
+ textMirrored = GetMirroredText(utf32Characters,
+ directions,
+ bidirectionalInfo,
+ startIndex,
+ requestedNumberOfCharacters,
+ mirroredUtf32Characters);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // There is no right to left characters. Clear the directions vector.
+ impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mCharacterDirections.Clear();
+ }
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ Vector<GlyphInfo>& glyphs = impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mGlyphs;
+ Vector<CharacterIndex>& glyphsToCharactersMap = impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mGlyphsToCharacters;
+ Vector<Length>& charactersPerGlyph = impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mCharactersPerGlyph;
+ Vector<GlyphIndex> newParagraphGlyphs;
+ newParagraphGlyphs.Reserve(numberOfParagraphs);
+ const Length currentNumberOfGlyphs = glyphs.Count();
+ if(Controller::NO_OPERATION != (Controller::SHAPE_TEXT & operations))
+ {
+ const Vector<Character>& textToShape = textMirrored ? mirroredUtf32Characters : utf32Characters;
+ // Shapes the text.
+ ShapeText(textToShape,
+ lineBreakInfo,
+ scripts,
+ validFonts,
+ startIndex,
+ impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex,
+ requestedNumberOfCharacters,
+ glyphs,
+ glyphsToCharactersMap,
+ charactersPerGlyph,
+ newParagraphGlyphs);
+ // Create the 'number of glyphs' per character and the glyph to character conversion tables.
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->CreateGlyphsPerCharacterTable(startIndex, impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex, requestedNumberOfCharacters);
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->CreateCharacterToGlyphTable(startIndex, impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex, requestedNumberOfCharacters);
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ const Length numberOfGlyphs = glyphs.Count() - currentNumberOfGlyphs;
+ if(Controller::NO_OPERATION != (Controller::GET_GLYPH_METRICS & operations))
+ {
+ GlyphInfo* glyphsBuffer = glyphs.Begin();
+ impl.mMetrics->GetGlyphMetrics(glyphsBuffer + impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex, numberOfGlyphs);
+ // Update the width and advance of all new paragraph characters.
+ for(Vector<GlyphIndex>::ConstIterator it = newParagraphGlyphs.Begin(), endIt = newParagraphGlyphs.End(); it != endIt; ++it)
+ {
+ const GlyphIndex index = *it;
+ GlyphInfo& glyph = *(glyphsBuffer + index);
+ glyph.xBearing = 0.f;
+ glyph.width = 0.f;
+ glyph.advance = 0.f;
+ }
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ if((nullptr != impl.mEventData) &&
+ impl.mEventData->mPreEditFlag &&
+ (0u != impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mCharactersToGlyph.Count()))
+ {
+ Dali::InputMethodContext::PreEditAttributeDataContainer attrs;
+ impl.mEventData->mInputMethodContext.GetPreeditStyle(attrs);
+ Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle type = Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::NONE;
+ // Check the type of preedit and run it.
+ for(Dali::InputMethodContext::PreEditAttributeDataContainer::Iterator it = attrs.Begin(), endIt = attrs.End(); it != endIt; it++)
+ {
+ Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditAttributeData attrData = *it;
+ DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::General, "Controller::UpdateModel PreeditStyle type : %d start %d end %d \n", attrData.preeditType, attrData.startIndex, attrData.endIndex);
+ type = attrData.preeditType;
+ // Check the number of commit characters for the start position.
+ unsigned int numberOfCommit = impl.mEventData->mPrimaryCursorPosition - impl.mEventData->mPreEditLength;
+ Length numberOfIndices = attrData.endIndex - attrData.startIndex;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::UNDERLINE:
+ {
+ // Add the underline for the pre-edit text.
+ GlyphRun underlineRun;
+ underlineRun.glyphIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
+ underlineRun.numberOfGlyphs = numberOfIndices;
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mUnderlineRuns.PushBack(underlineRun);
+ //Mark-up processor case
+ if(impl.mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
+ {
+ impl.CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::REVERSE:
+ {
+ Vector4 textColor = impl.mModel->mVisualModel->GetTextColor();
+ ColorRun backgroundColorRun;
+ backgroundColorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
+ backgroundColorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
+ backgroundColorRun.color = textColor;
+ impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns.PushBack(backgroundColorRun);
+ Vector4 backgroundColor = impl.mModel->mVisualModel->GetBackgroundColor();
+ if(backgroundColor.a == 0) // There is no text background color.
+ {
+ // Try use the control's background color.
+ if(nullptr != impl.mEditableControlInterface)
+ {
+ impl.mEditableControlInterface->GetControlBackgroundColor(backgroundColor);
+ if(backgroundColor.a == 0) // There is no control background color.
+ {
+ // Determines black or white color according to text color.
+ // Based on W3C Recommendations (https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/)
+ float L = CONSTANT_R * textColor.r + CONSTANT_G * textColor.g + CONSTANT_B * textColor.b;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Vector<ColorRun> colorRuns;
+ colorRuns.Resize(1u);
+ ColorRun& colorRun = *(colorRuns.Begin());
+ colorRun.color = backgroundColor;
+ colorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
+ colorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
+ impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mColorRuns.PushBack(colorRun);
+ //Mark-up processor case
+ if(impl.mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
+ {
+ impl.CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::HIGHLIGHT:
+ {
+ ColorRun backgroundColorRun;
+ backgroundColorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
+ backgroundColorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
+ backgroundColorRun.color = LIGHT_BLUE;
+ impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns.PushBack(backgroundColorRun);
+ //Mark-up processor case
+ if(impl.mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
+ {
+ impl.CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_1:
+ {
+ // CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_1 should be drawn with background and underline together.
+ ColorRun backgroundColorRun;
+ backgroundColorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
+ backgroundColorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
+ backgroundColorRun.color = BACKGROUND_SUB4;
+ impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns.PushBack(backgroundColorRun);
+ GlyphRun underlineRun;
+ underlineRun.glyphIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
+ underlineRun.numberOfGlyphs = numberOfIndices;
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mUnderlineRuns.PushBack(underlineRun);
+ //Mark-up processor case
+ if(impl.mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
+ {
+ impl.CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_2:
+ {
+ // CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_2 should be drawn with background and underline together.
+ ColorRun backgroundColorRun;
+ backgroundColorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
+ backgroundColorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
+ backgroundColorRun.color = BACKGROUND_SUB5;
+ impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns.PushBack(backgroundColorRun);
+ GlyphRun underlineRun;
+ underlineRun.glyphIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
+ underlineRun.numberOfGlyphs = numberOfIndices;
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mUnderlineRuns.PushBack(underlineRun);
+ //Mark-up processor case
+ if(impl.mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
+ {
+ impl.CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_3:
+ {
+ // CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_3 should be drawn with background and underline together.
+ ColorRun backgroundColorRun;
+ backgroundColorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
+ backgroundColorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
+ backgroundColorRun.color = BACKGROUND_SUB6;
+ impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns.PushBack(backgroundColorRun);
+ GlyphRun underlineRun;
+ underlineRun.glyphIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
+ underlineRun.numberOfGlyphs = numberOfIndices;
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mUnderlineRuns.PushBack(underlineRun);
+ //Mark-up processor case
+ if(impl.mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
+ {
+ impl.CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_4:
+ {
+ // CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_4 should be drawn with background and underline together.
+ ColorRun backgroundColorRun;
+ backgroundColorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
+ backgroundColorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
+ backgroundColorRun.color = BACKGROUND_SUB7;
+ impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns.PushBack(backgroundColorRun);
+ GlyphRun underlineRun;
+ underlineRun.glyphIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
+ underlineRun.numberOfGlyphs = numberOfIndices;
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mUnderlineRuns.PushBack(underlineRun);
+ //Mark-up processor case
+ if(impl.mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
+ {
+ impl.CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::NONE:
+ default:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ attrs.Clear();
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ if(Controller::NO_OPERATION != (Controller::COLOR & operations))
+ {
+ // Set the color runs in glyphs.
+ SetColorSegmentationInfo(impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mColorRuns,
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mCharactersToGlyph,
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mGlyphsPerCharacter,
+ startIndex,
+ impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex,
+ requestedNumberOfCharacters,
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mColors,
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mColorIndices);
+ // Set the background color runs in glyphs.
+ SetColorSegmentationInfo(impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns,
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mCharactersToGlyph,
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mGlyphsPerCharacter,
+ startIndex,
+ impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex,
+ requestedNumberOfCharacters,
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mBackgroundColors,
+ impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mBackgroundColorIndices);
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ if((Controller::NO_OPERATION != (Controller::SHAPE_TEXT & operations)) &&
+ !((nullptr != impl.mEventData) &&
+ impl.mEventData->mPreEditFlag &&
+ (0u != impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mCharactersToGlyph.Count())))
+ {
+ //Mark-up processor case
+ if(impl.mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
+ {
+ impl.CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(true);
+ }
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ // The estimated number of lines. Used to avoid reallocations when layouting.
+ impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mEstimatedNumberOfLines = std::max(impl.mModel->mVisualModel->mLines.Count(), impl.mModel->mLogicalModel->mParagraphInfo.Count());
+ // Set the previous number of characters for the next time the text is updated.
+ impl.mTextUpdateInfo.mPreviousNumberOfCharacters = numberOfCharacters;
+ return updated;
+} // namespace Dali::Toolkit::Text
#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/controls/control-depth-index-ranges.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/graphics/builtin-shader-extern-gen.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/bidirectional-support.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/character-set-conversion.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/color-segmentation.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/cursor-helper-functions.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/hyphenator.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/multi-language-support.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/segmentation.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/shaper.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/text-control-interface.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/text-controller-impl-event-handler.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/text-controller-impl-model-updater.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/text-editable-control-interface.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/text-enumerations-impl.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/text-run-container.h>
Vector<unsigned short> mIndices; ///< container of indices
-// The relative luminance of a color is defined as (L = 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B)
-// based on W3C Recommendations (https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/)
-const float BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLD = 0.179f;
-const float CONSTANT_R = 0.2126f;
-const float CONSTANT_G = 0.7152f;
-const float CONSTANT_B = 0.0722f;
-const Dali::Vector4 BLACK(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
-const Dali::Vector4 WHITE(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
-const Dali::Vector4 LIGHT_BLUE(0.75f, 0.96f, 1.f, 1.f);
-const Dali::Vector4 BACKGROUND_SUB4(0.58f, 0.87f, 0.96f, 1.f);
-const Dali::Vector4 BACKGROUND_SUB5(0.83f, 0.94f, 0.98f, 1.f);
-const Dali::Vector4 BACKGROUND_SUB6(1.f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f);
-const Dali::Vector4 BACKGROUND_SUB7(1.f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.f);
} // namespace
-namespace Dali
+namespace Dali::Toolkit::Text
-namespace Toolkit
-namespace Text
+void SetDefaultInputStyle(InputStyle& inputStyle, const FontDefaults* const fontDefaults, const Vector4& textColor)
+ // Sets the default text's color.
+ inputStyle.textColor = textColor;
+ inputStyle.isDefaultColor = true;
+ inputStyle.familyName.clear();
+ inputStyle.weight = TextAbstraction::FontWeight::NORMAL;
+ inputStyle.width = TextAbstraction::FontWidth::NORMAL;
+ inputStyle.slant = TextAbstraction::FontSlant::NORMAL;
+ inputStyle.size = 0.f;
+ inputStyle.lineSpacing = 0.f;
+ inputStyle.underlineProperties.clear();
+ inputStyle.shadowProperties.clear();
+ inputStyle.embossProperties.clear();
+ inputStyle.outlineProperties.clear();
+ inputStyle.isFamilyDefined = false;
+ inputStyle.isWeightDefined = false;
+ inputStyle.isWidthDefined = false;
+ inputStyle.isSlantDefined = false;
+ inputStyle.isSizeDefined = false;
+ inputStyle.isLineSpacingDefined = false;
+ inputStyle.isUnderlineDefined = false;
+ inputStyle.isShadowDefined = false;
+ inputStyle.isEmbossDefined = false;
+ inputStyle.isOutlineDefined = false;
+ // Sets the default font's family name, weight, width, slant and size.
+ if(fontDefaults)
+ {
+ if(fontDefaults->familyDefined)
+ {
+ inputStyle.familyName = fontDefaults->mFontDescription.family;
+ inputStyle.isFamilyDefined = true;
+ }
+ if(fontDefaults->weightDefined)
+ {
+ inputStyle.weight = fontDefaults->mFontDescription.weight;
+ inputStyle.isWeightDefined = true;
+ }
+ if(fontDefaults->widthDefined)
+ {
+ inputStyle.width = fontDefaults->mFontDescription.width;
+ inputStyle.isWidthDefined = true;
+ }
+ if(fontDefaults->slantDefined)
+ {
+ inputStyle.slant = fontDefaults->mFontDescription.slant;
+ inputStyle.isSlantDefined = true;
+ }
+ if(fontDefaults->sizeDefined)
+ {
+ inputStyle.size = fontDefaults->mDefaultPointSize;
+ inputStyle.isSizeDefined = true;
+ }
+ }
+} // unnamed Namespace
EventData::EventData(DecoratorPtr decorator, InputMethodContext& inputMethodContext)
: mDecorator(decorator),
bool Controller::Impl::UpdateModel(OperationsMask operationsRequired)
- DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::General, "Controller::UpdateModel\n");
- // Calculate the operations to be done.
- const OperationsMask operations = static_cast<OperationsMask>(mOperationsPending & operationsRequired);
- if(NO_OPERATION == operations)
- {
- // Nothing to do if no operations are pending and required.
- return false;
- }
- Vector<Character>& srcCharacters = mModel->mLogicalModel->mText;
- Vector<Character> displayCharacters;
- bool useHiddenText = false;
- if(mHiddenInput && mEventData != nullptr && !mEventData->mIsShowingPlaceholderText)
- {
- mHiddenInput->Substitute(srcCharacters, displayCharacters);
- useHiddenText = true;
- }
- Vector<Character>& utf32Characters = useHiddenText ? displayCharacters : srcCharacters;
- const Length numberOfCharacters = utf32Characters.Count();
- // Index to the first character of the first paragraph to be updated.
- CharacterIndex startIndex = 0u;
- // Number of characters of the paragraphs to be removed.
- Length paragraphCharacters = 0u;
- CalculateTextUpdateIndices(paragraphCharacters);
- // Check whether the indices for updating the text is valid
- if(numberOfCharacters > 0u &&
- (mTextUpdateInfo.mParagraphCharacterIndex > numberOfCharacters ||
- mTextUpdateInfo.mRequestedNumberOfCharacters > numberOfCharacters))
- {
- std::string currentText;
- Utf32ToUtf8(mModel->mLogicalModel->mText.Begin(), numberOfCharacters, currentText);
- DALI_LOG_ERROR("Controller::Impl::UpdateModel: mTextUpdateInfo has invalid indices\n");
- DALI_LOG_ERROR("Number of characters: %d, current text is: %s\n", numberOfCharacters, currentText.c_str());
- // Dump mTextUpdateInfo
- DALI_LOG_ERROR("Dump mTextUpdateInfo:\n");
- DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mCharacterIndex = %u\n", mTextUpdateInfo.mCharacterIndex);
- DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mNumberOfCharactersToRemove = %u\n", mTextUpdateInfo.mNumberOfCharactersToRemove);
- DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mNumberOfCharactersToAdd = %u\n", mTextUpdateInfo.mNumberOfCharactersToAdd);
- DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mPreviousNumberOfCharacters = %u\n", mTextUpdateInfo.mPreviousNumberOfCharacters);
- DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mParagraphCharacterIndex = %u\n", mTextUpdateInfo.mParagraphCharacterIndex);
- DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mRequestedNumberOfCharacters = %u\n", mTextUpdateInfo.mRequestedNumberOfCharacters);
- DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex = %u\n", mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex);
- DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mStartLineIndex = %u\n", mTextUpdateInfo.mStartLineIndex);
- DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mEstimatedNumberOfLines = %u\n", mTextUpdateInfo.mEstimatedNumberOfLines);
- DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mClearAll = %d\n", mTextUpdateInfo.mClearAll);
- DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mFullRelayoutNeeded = %d\n", mTextUpdateInfo.mFullRelayoutNeeded);
- DALI_LOG_ERROR(" mTextUpdateInfo.mIsLastCharacterNewParagraph = %d\n", mTextUpdateInfo.mIsLastCharacterNewParagraph);
- return false;
- }
- startIndex = mTextUpdateInfo.mParagraphCharacterIndex;
- if(mTextUpdateInfo.mClearAll ||
- (0u != paragraphCharacters))
- {
- ClearModelData(startIndex, startIndex + ((paragraphCharacters > 0u) ? paragraphCharacters - 1u : 0u), operations);
- }
- mTextUpdateInfo.mClearAll = false;
- // Whether the model is updated.
- bool updated = false;
- Vector<LineBreakInfo>& lineBreakInfo = mModel->mLogicalModel->mLineBreakInfo;
- const Length requestedNumberOfCharacters = mTextUpdateInfo.mRequestedNumberOfCharacters;
- if(NO_OPERATION != (GET_LINE_BREAKS & operations))
- {
- // Retrieves the line break info. The line break info is used to split the text in 'paragraphs' to
- // calculate the bidirectional info for each 'paragraph'.
- // It's also used to layout the text (where it should be a new line) or to shape the text (text in different lines
- // is not shaped together).
- lineBreakInfo.Resize(numberOfCharacters, TextAbstraction::LINE_NO_BREAK);
- SetLineBreakInfo(utf32Characters,
- startIndex,
- requestedNumberOfCharacters,
- lineBreakInfo);
- if(mModel->mLineWrapMode == ((Text::LineWrap::Mode)DevelText::LineWrap::HYPHENATION) ||
- mModel->mLineWrapMode == ((Text::LineWrap::Mode)DevelText::LineWrap::MIXED))
- {
- CharacterIndex end = startIndex + requestedNumberOfCharacters;
- LineBreakInfo* lineBreakInfoBuffer = lineBreakInfo.Begin();
- for(CharacterIndex index = startIndex; index < end; index++)
- {
- CharacterIndex wordEnd = index;
- while((*(lineBreakInfoBuffer + wordEnd) != TextAbstraction::LINE_ALLOW_BREAK) && (*(lineBreakInfoBuffer + wordEnd) != TextAbstraction::LINE_MUST_BREAK))
- {
- wordEnd++;
- }
- if((wordEnd + 1) == end) // add last char
- {
- wordEnd++;
- }
- Vector<bool> hyphens = GetWordHyphens(utf32Characters.Begin() + index, wordEnd - index, nullptr);
- for(CharacterIndex i = 0; i < (wordEnd - index); i++)
- {
- if(hyphens[i])
- {
- *(lineBreakInfoBuffer + index + i) = TextAbstraction::LINE_HYPHENATION_BREAK;
- }
- }
- index = wordEnd;
- }
- }
- // Create the paragraph info.
- mModel->mLogicalModel->CreateParagraphInfo(startIndex,
- requestedNumberOfCharacters);
- updated = true;
- }
- const bool getScripts = NO_OPERATION != (GET_SCRIPTS & operations);
- const bool validateFonts = NO_OPERATION != (VALIDATE_FONTS & operations);
- Vector<ScriptRun>& scripts = mModel->mLogicalModel->mScriptRuns;
- Vector<FontRun>& validFonts = mModel->mLogicalModel->mFontRuns;
- if(getScripts || validateFonts)
- {
- // Validates the fonts assigned by the application or assigns default ones.
- // It makes sure all the characters are going to be rendered by the correct font.
- MultilanguageSupport multilanguageSupport = MultilanguageSupport::Get();
- if(getScripts)
- {
- // Retrieves the scripts used in the text.
- multilanguageSupport.SetScripts(utf32Characters,
- startIndex,
- requestedNumberOfCharacters,
- scripts);
- }
- if(validateFonts)
- {
- // Validate the fonts set through the mark-up string.
- Vector<FontDescriptionRun>& fontDescriptionRuns = mModel->mLogicalModel->mFontDescriptionRuns;
- // Get the default font's description.
- TextAbstraction::FontDescription defaultFontDescription;
- TextAbstraction::PointSize26Dot6 defaultPointSize = TextAbstraction::FontClient::DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE * mFontSizeScale;
- //Get the number of points per one unit of point-size
- uint32_t numberOfPointsPerOneUnitOfPointSize = mFontClient.GetNumberOfPointsPerOneUnitOfPointSize();
- if(IsShowingPlaceholderText() && mEventData && (nullptr != mEventData->mPlaceholderFont))
- {
- // If the placeholder font is set specifically, only placeholder font is changed.
- defaultFontDescription = mEventData->mPlaceholderFont->mFontDescription;
- if(mEventData->mPlaceholderFont->sizeDefined)
- {
- defaultPointSize = mEventData->mPlaceholderFont->mDefaultPointSize * mFontSizeScale * numberOfPointsPerOneUnitOfPointSize;
- }
- }
- else if(nullptr != mFontDefaults)
- {
- // Set the normal font and the placeholder font.
- defaultFontDescription = mFontDefaults->mFontDescription;
- if(mTextFitEnabled)
- {
- defaultPointSize = mFontDefaults->mFitPointSize * numberOfPointsPerOneUnitOfPointSize;
- }
- else
- {
- defaultPointSize = mFontDefaults->mDefaultPointSize * mFontSizeScale * numberOfPointsPerOneUnitOfPointSize;
- }
- }
- // Validates the fonts. If there is a character with no assigned font it sets a default one.
- // After this call, fonts are validated.
- multilanguageSupport.ValidateFonts(utf32Characters,
- scripts,
- fontDescriptionRuns,
- defaultFontDescription,
- defaultPointSize,
- startIndex,
- requestedNumberOfCharacters,
- validFonts);
- }
- updated = true;
- }
- Vector<Character> mirroredUtf32Characters;
- bool textMirrored = false;
- const Length numberOfParagraphs = mModel->mLogicalModel->mParagraphInfo.Count();
- if(NO_OPERATION != (BIDI_INFO & operations))
- {
- Vector<BidirectionalParagraphInfoRun>& bidirectionalInfo = mModel->mLogicalModel->mBidirectionalParagraphInfo;
- bidirectionalInfo.Reserve(numberOfParagraphs);
- // Calculates the bidirectional info for the whole paragraph if it contains right to left scripts.
- SetBidirectionalInfo(utf32Characters,
- scripts,
- lineBreakInfo,
- startIndex,
- requestedNumberOfCharacters,
- bidirectionalInfo,
- (mModel->mMatchLayoutDirection != DevelText::MatchLayoutDirection::CONTENTS),
- mLayoutDirection);
- if(0u != bidirectionalInfo.Count())
- {
- // Only set the character directions if there is right to left characters.
- Vector<CharacterDirection>& directions = mModel->mLogicalModel->mCharacterDirections;
- GetCharactersDirection(bidirectionalInfo,
- numberOfCharacters,
- startIndex,
- requestedNumberOfCharacters,
- directions);
- // This paragraph has right to left text. Some characters may need to be mirrored.
- // TODO: consider if the mirrored string can be stored as well.
- textMirrored = GetMirroredText(utf32Characters,
- directions,
- bidirectionalInfo,
- startIndex,
- requestedNumberOfCharacters,
- mirroredUtf32Characters);
- }
- else
- {
- // There is no right to left characters. Clear the directions vector.
- mModel->mLogicalModel->mCharacterDirections.Clear();
- }
- updated = true;
- }
- Vector<GlyphInfo>& glyphs = mModel->mVisualModel->mGlyphs;
- Vector<CharacterIndex>& glyphsToCharactersMap = mModel->mVisualModel->mGlyphsToCharacters;
- Vector<Length>& charactersPerGlyph = mModel->mVisualModel->mCharactersPerGlyph;
- Vector<GlyphIndex> newParagraphGlyphs;
- newParagraphGlyphs.Reserve(numberOfParagraphs);
- const Length currentNumberOfGlyphs = glyphs.Count();
- if(NO_OPERATION != (SHAPE_TEXT & operations))
- {
- const Vector<Character>& textToShape = textMirrored ? mirroredUtf32Characters : utf32Characters;
- // Shapes the text.
- ShapeText(textToShape,
- lineBreakInfo,
- scripts,
- validFonts,
- startIndex,
- mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex,
- requestedNumberOfCharacters,
- glyphs,
- glyphsToCharactersMap,
- charactersPerGlyph,
- newParagraphGlyphs);
- // Create the 'number of glyphs' per character and the glyph to character conversion tables.
- mModel->mVisualModel->CreateGlyphsPerCharacterTable(startIndex, mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex, requestedNumberOfCharacters);
- mModel->mVisualModel->CreateCharacterToGlyphTable(startIndex, mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex, requestedNumberOfCharacters);
- updated = true;
- }
- const Length numberOfGlyphs = glyphs.Count() - currentNumberOfGlyphs;
- if(NO_OPERATION != (GET_GLYPH_METRICS & operations))
- {
- GlyphInfo* glyphsBuffer = glyphs.Begin();
- mMetrics->GetGlyphMetrics(glyphsBuffer + mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex, numberOfGlyphs);
- // Update the width and advance of all new paragraph characters.
- for(Vector<GlyphIndex>::ConstIterator it = newParagraphGlyphs.Begin(), endIt = newParagraphGlyphs.End(); it != endIt; ++it)
- {
- const GlyphIndex index = *it;
- GlyphInfo& glyph = *(glyphsBuffer + index);
- glyph.xBearing = 0.f;
- glyph.width = 0.f;
- glyph.advance = 0.f;
- }
- updated = true;
- }
- if((nullptr != mEventData) &&
- mEventData->mPreEditFlag &&
- (0u != mModel->mVisualModel->mCharactersToGlyph.Count()))
- {
- Dali::InputMethodContext::PreEditAttributeDataContainer attrs;
- mEventData->mInputMethodContext.GetPreeditStyle(attrs);
- Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle type = Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::NONE;
- // Check the type of preedit and run it.
- for(Dali::InputMethodContext::PreEditAttributeDataContainer::Iterator it = attrs.Begin(), endIt = attrs.End(); it != endIt; it++)
- {
- Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditAttributeData attrData = *it;
- DALI_LOG_INFO(gLogFilter, Debug::General, "Controller::UpdateModel PreeditStyle type : %d start %d end %d \n", attrData.preeditType, attrData.startIndex, attrData.endIndex);
- type = attrData.preeditType;
- // Check the number of commit characters for the start position.
- unsigned int numberOfCommit = mEventData->mPrimaryCursorPosition - mEventData->mPreEditLength;
- Length numberOfIndices = attrData.endIndex - attrData.startIndex;
- switch(type)
- {
- case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::UNDERLINE:
- {
- // Add the underline for the pre-edit text.
- GlyphRun underlineRun;
- underlineRun.glyphIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
- underlineRun.numberOfGlyphs = numberOfIndices;
- mModel->mVisualModel->mUnderlineRuns.PushBack(underlineRun);
- //Mark-up processor case
- if(mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
- {
- CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
- }
- break;
- }
- case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::REVERSE:
- {
- Vector4 textColor = mModel->mVisualModel->GetTextColor();
- ColorRun backgroundColorRun;
- backgroundColorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
- backgroundColorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
- backgroundColorRun.color = textColor;
- mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns.PushBack(backgroundColorRun);
- Vector4 backgroundColor = mModel->mVisualModel->GetBackgroundColor();
- if(backgroundColor.a == 0) // There is no text background color.
- {
- // Try use the control's background color.
- if(nullptr != mEditableControlInterface)
- {
- mEditableControlInterface->GetControlBackgroundColor(backgroundColor);
- if(backgroundColor.a == 0) // There is no control background color.
- {
- // Determines black or white color according to text color.
- // Based on W3C Recommendations (https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/)
- float L = CONSTANT_R * textColor.r + CONSTANT_G * textColor.g + CONSTANT_B * textColor.b;
- }
- }
- }
- Vector<ColorRun> colorRuns;
- colorRuns.Resize(1u);
- ColorRun& colorRun = *(colorRuns.Begin());
- colorRun.color = backgroundColor;
- colorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
- colorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
- mModel->mLogicalModel->mColorRuns.PushBack(colorRun);
- //Mark-up processor case
- if(mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
- {
- CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
- }
- break;
- }
- case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::HIGHLIGHT:
- {
- ColorRun backgroundColorRun;
- backgroundColorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
- backgroundColorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
- backgroundColorRun.color = LIGHT_BLUE;
- mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns.PushBack(backgroundColorRun);
- //Mark-up processor case
- if(mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
- {
- CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
- }
- break;
- }
- case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_1:
- {
- // CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_1 should be drawn with background and underline together.
- ColorRun backgroundColorRun;
- backgroundColorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
- backgroundColorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
- backgroundColorRun.color = BACKGROUND_SUB4;
- mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns.PushBack(backgroundColorRun);
- GlyphRun underlineRun;
- underlineRun.glyphIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
- underlineRun.numberOfGlyphs = numberOfIndices;
- mModel->mVisualModel->mUnderlineRuns.PushBack(underlineRun);
- //Mark-up processor case
- if(mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
- {
- CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
- }
- break;
- }
- case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_2:
- {
- // CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_2 should be drawn with background and underline together.
- ColorRun backgroundColorRun;
- backgroundColorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
- backgroundColorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
- backgroundColorRun.color = BACKGROUND_SUB5;
- mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns.PushBack(backgroundColorRun);
- GlyphRun underlineRun;
- underlineRun.glyphIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
- underlineRun.numberOfGlyphs = numberOfIndices;
- mModel->mVisualModel->mUnderlineRuns.PushBack(underlineRun);
- //Mark-up processor case
- if(mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
- {
- CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
- }
- break;
- }
- case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_3:
- {
- // CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_3 should be drawn with background and underline together.
- ColorRun backgroundColorRun;
- backgroundColorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
- backgroundColorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
- backgroundColorRun.color = BACKGROUND_SUB6;
- mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns.PushBack(backgroundColorRun);
- GlyphRun underlineRun;
- underlineRun.glyphIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
- underlineRun.numberOfGlyphs = numberOfIndices;
- mModel->mVisualModel->mUnderlineRuns.PushBack(underlineRun);
- //Mark-up processor case
- if(mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
- {
- CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
- }
- break;
- }
- case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_4:
- {
- // CUSTOM_PLATFORM_STYLE_4 should be drawn with background and underline together.
- ColorRun backgroundColorRun;
- backgroundColorRun.characterRun.characterIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
- backgroundColorRun.characterRun.numberOfCharacters = numberOfIndices;
- backgroundColorRun.color = BACKGROUND_SUB7;
- mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns.PushBack(backgroundColorRun);
- GlyphRun underlineRun;
- underlineRun.glyphIndex = attrData.startIndex + numberOfCommit;
- underlineRun.numberOfGlyphs = numberOfIndices;
- mModel->mVisualModel->mUnderlineRuns.PushBack(underlineRun);
- //Mark-up processor case
- if(mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
- {
- CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(false);
- }
- break;
- }
- case Dali::InputMethodContext::PreeditStyle::NONE:
- default:
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- attrs.Clear();
- updated = true;
- }
- if(NO_OPERATION != (COLOR & operations))
- {
- // Set the color runs in glyphs.
- SetColorSegmentationInfo(mModel->mLogicalModel->mColorRuns,
- mModel->mVisualModel->mCharactersToGlyph,
- mModel->mVisualModel->mGlyphsPerCharacter,
- startIndex,
- mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex,
- requestedNumberOfCharacters,
- mModel->mVisualModel->mColors,
- mModel->mVisualModel->mColorIndices);
- // Set the background color runs in glyphs.
- SetColorSegmentationInfo(mModel->mLogicalModel->mBackgroundColorRuns,
- mModel->mVisualModel->mCharactersToGlyph,
- mModel->mVisualModel->mGlyphsPerCharacter,
- startIndex,
- mTextUpdateInfo.mStartGlyphIndex,
- requestedNumberOfCharacters,
- mModel->mVisualModel->mBackgroundColors,
- mModel->mVisualModel->mBackgroundColorIndices);
- updated = true;
- }
- if((NO_OPERATION != (SHAPE_TEXT & operations)) &&
- !((nullptr != mEventData) &&
- mEventData->mPreEditFlag &&
- (0u != mModel->mVisualModel->mCharactersToGlyph.Count())))
- {
- //Mark-up processor case
- if(mModel->mVisualModel->IsMarkupProcessorEnabled())
- {
- CopyUnderlinedFromLogicalToVisualModels(true);
- }
- updated = true;
- }
- // The estimated number of lines. Used to avoid reallocations when layouting.
- mTextUpdateInfo.mEstimatedNumberOfLines = std::max(mModel->mVisualModel->mLines.Count(), mModel->mLogicalModel->mParagraphInfo.Count());
- // Set the previous number of characters for the next time the text is updated.
- mTextUpdateInfo.mPreviousNumberOfCharacters = numberOfCharacters;
- return updated;
+ return ControllerImplModelUpdater::Update(*this, operationsRequired);
void Controller::Impl::RetrieveDefaultInputStyle(InputStyle& inputStyle)
- // Sets the default text's color.
- inputStyle.textColor = mTextColor;
- inputStyle.isDefaultColor = true;
- inputStyle.familyName.clear();
- inputStyle.weight = TextAbstraction::FontWeight::NORMAL;
- inputStyle.width = TextAbstraction::FontWidth::NORMAL;
- inputStyle.slant = TextAbstraction::FontSlant::NORMAL;
- inputStyle.size = 0.f;
- inputStyle.lineSpacing = 0.f;
- inputStyle.underlineProperties.clear();
- inputStyle.shadowProperties.clear();
- inputStyle.embossProperties.clear();
- inputStyle.outlineProperties.clear();
- inputStyle.isFamilyDefined = false;
- inputStyle.isWeightDefined = false;
- inputStyle.isWidthDefined = false;
- inputStyle.isSlantDefined = false;
- inputStyle.isSizeDefined = false;
- inputStyle.isLineSpacingDefined = false;
- inputStyle.isUnderlineDefined = false;
- inputStyle.isShadowDefined = false;
- inputStyle.isEmbossDefined = false;
- inputStyle.isOutlineDefined = false;
- // Sets the default font's family name, weight, width, slant and size.
- if(mFontDefaults)
- {
- if(mFontDefaults->familyDefined)
- {
- inputStyle.familyName = mFontDefaults->mFontDescription.family;
- inputStyle.isFamilyDefined = true;
- }
- if(mFontDefaults->weightDefined)
- {
- inputStyle.weight = mFontDefaults->mFontDescription.weight;
- inputStyle.isWeightDefined = true;
- }
- if(mFontDefaults->widthDefined)
- {
- inputStyle.width = mFontDefaults->mFontDescription.width;
- inputStyle.isWidthDefined = true;
- }
- if(mFontDefaults->slantDefined)
- {
- inputStyle.slant = mFontDefaults->mFontDescription.slant;
- inputStyle.isSlantDefined = true;
- }
- if(mFontDefaults->sizeDefined)
- {
- inputStyle.size = mFontDefaults->mDefaultPointSize;
- inputStyle.isSizeDefined = true;
- }
- }
+ SetDefaultInputStyle(inputStyle, mFontDefaults, mTextColor);
float Controller::Impl::GetDefaultFontLineHeight()
-} // namespace Text
-} // namespace Toolkit
-} // namespace Dali
+} // namespace Dali::Toolkit::Text