Remove old anti-alias code since high quality map is replaced with new one.
New anti-aliasing is logically same but having a regression bug,
it should be stablized.
Change-Id: Idd654768d24b15c15ce035e958fceece15ae4ece
-#include "evas_map_image_aa.c"
// 12.63 % of time - this can improve
static void
_calc_spans(RGBA_Map_Point *p, Line *spans, int ystart, int yend, int cx, int cy EINA_UNUSED, int cw, int ch EINA_UNUSED)
EAPI void
evas_common_map_rgba(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst,
RGBA_Draw_Context *dc,
- int npoints EINA_UNUSED, RGBA_Map_Point *p,
+ int npoints, RGBA_Map_Point *p,
int smooth, int level)
Evas_Common_Map_RGBA_Cb cb;
if (dc->anti_alias && smooth)
+ //FIXME: we cannot apply anti_aliasing per polygons.
+ Eina_Bool aa = dc->anti_alias;
+ if (npoints > 4) dc->anti_alias = EINA_FALSE;
cb = evas_common_map_rgba_internal_high;
+ if (npoints > 4) dc->anti_alias = aa;
EAPI void
-evas_common_map_rgba_draw(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst, int clip_x, int clip_y, int clip_w, int clip_h, DATA32 mul_col, int render_op, int npoints EINA_UNUSED, RGBA_Map_Point *p, int smooth, Eina_Bool anti_alias, int level, RGBA_Image *mask_ie, int mask_x, int mask_y)
+evas_common_map_rgba_draw(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst, int clip_x, int clip_y, int clip_w, int clip_h, DATA32 mul_col, int render_op, int npoints, RGBA_Map_Point *p, int smooth, Eina_Bool anti_alias, int level, RGBA_Image *mask_ie, int mask_x, int mask_y)
//The best quaility requsted.
if (anti_alias && smooth)
+ //FIXME: we cannot apply anti_aliasing per polygons.
+ if (npoints > 4) anti_alias = EINA_FALSE;
_evas_common_map_rgba_internal_high(src, dst,
clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h,
mul_col, render_op,
+++ /dev/null
-#define PUSH_EDGE_POINT() \
-do \
-{ \
- p_edge.x = spans[y].span[0].x[eidx]; \
- p_edge.y = y; \
- ptx[0] = tx[0]; \
- ptx[1] = tx[1]; \
-} while (0)
-static void
-calc_irregular_coverage(Line* spans, int eidx, int y, int diagonal,
- int edge_dist, Eina_Bool reverse)
- if (eidx == 1) reverse = !reverse;
- int coverage = (255 / (diagonal + 2));
- int tmp;
- for (int ry = 0; ry < (diagonal + 2); ry++)
- {
- tmp = y - ry - edge_dist;
- if (tmp < 0) return;
- spans[tmp].aa_len[eidx] = 1;
- if (reverse) spans[tmp].aa_cov[eidx] = 255 - (coverage * ry);
- else spans[tmp].aa_cov[eidx] = (coverage * ry);
- }
-static void
-calc_vert_coverage(Line *spans, int eidx, int y, int rewind, Eina_Bool reverse)
- if (eidx == 1) reverse = !reverse;
- int coverage = (255 / (rewind + 1));
- int tmp;
- for (int ry = 1; ry < (rewind + 1); ry++)
- {
- tmp = y - ry;
- if (tmp < 0 ) return;
- spans[tmp].aa_len[eidx] = 1;
- if (reverse) spans[tmp].aa_cov[eidx] = (255 - (coverage * ry));
- else spans[tmp].aa_cov[eidx] = (coverage * ry);
- }
-static void
-calc_horiz_coverage(Line *spans, int eidx, int y, int x, int x2)
- if (spans[y].aa_len[eidx] < abs(x - x2))
- {
- spans[y].aa_len[eidx] = abs(x - x2);
- spans[y].aa_cov[eidx] = (255 / (spans[y].aa_len[eidx] + 1));
- }
-static inline DATA32
-_aa_coverage_apply(Line *line, int ww, int w, DATA32 val, Eina_Bool src_alpha)
- //Left Edge Anti Anliasing
- if ((w - line->aa_len[0]) < ww)
- {
- return MUL_256((line->aa_cov[0] * (w - ww + 1)), val);
- }
- //Right Edge Anti Aliasing
- if (line->aa_len[1] >= ww)
- {
- return MUL_256(255 - (line->aa_cov[1] * (line->aa_len[1] - ww + 1)),
- val);
- }
- //Remove Transparency if src image alpha is off.
- if (!src_alpha)
- {
- if (((val & 0xff000000) >> 24) < 0xff)
- return (val | 0xff000000);
- }
- return val;
- * To understand here AA main logic,
- * Please refer this page:
-static void
-_calc_aa_edges_internal(Line *spans, int eidx, int ystart, int yend)
- int y;
- Evas_Coord_Point p_edge = {-1, -1}; //previous edge point
- Evas_Coord_Point edge_diff = {0, 0}; //temporary used for point distance
- /* store bigger to tx[0] between prev and current edge's x positions. */
- int tx[2] = {0, 0};
- /* back up prev tx values */
- int ptx[2] = {0, 0};
- int diagonal = 0; //straight diagonal pixels counti
-//Previous edge direction:
-#define DirOutHor 0x0011
-#define DirOutVer 0x0001
-#define DirInHor 0x0010
-#define DirInVer 0x0000
-#define DirNone 0x1000
- int prev_dir = DirNone;
- int cur_dir = DirNone;
- yend -= ystart;
- //Find Start Edge
- for (y = 0; y < yend; y++)
- {
- if (spans[y].span[0].x[0] == -1) continue;
- p_edge.x = spans[y].span[0].x[eidx];
- p_edge.y = y;
- break;
- }
- //Calculates AA Edges
- for (y++; y < yend; y++)
- {
- //Ready tx
- if (eidx == 0)
- {
- tx[0] = p_edge.x;
- tx[1] = spans[y].span[0].x[0];
- }
- else
- {
- tx[0] = spans[y].span[0].x[1];
- tx[1] = p_edge.x;
- }
- edge_diff.x = (tx[0] - tx[1]);
- edge_diff.y = (y - p_edge.y);
- //Confirm current edge direction
- if (edge_diff.x > 0)
- {
- if (edge_diff.y == 1) cur_dir = DirOutHor;
- else cur_dir = DirOutVer;
- }
- else if (edge_diff.x < 0)
- {
- if (edge_diff.y == 1) cur_dir = DirInHor;
- else cur_dir = DirInVer;
- }
- else cur_dir = DirNone;
- //straight diagonal increase
- if ((cur_dir == prev_dir) && (y < yend))
- {
- if ((abs(edge_diff.x) == 1) && (edge_diff.y == 1))
- {
- ++diagonal;
- continue;
- }
- }
- switch (cur_dir)
- {
- case DirOutHor:
- {
- calc_horiz_coverage(spans, eidx, y, tx[0], tx[1]);
- if (diagonal > 0)
- {
- calc_irregular_coverage(spans, eidx, y, diagonal, 0,
- diagonal = 0;
- }
- /* Increment direction is changed:
- Outside Vertical -> Outside Horizontal */
- if (prev_dir == DirOutVer)
- calc_horiz_coverage(spans, eidx, p_edge.y, ptx[0], ptx[1]);
- //Tricky case by fine tuning.
- if (y == 1)
- calc_horiz_coverage(spans, eidx, p_edge.y, tx[0], tx[1]);
- }
- break;
- case DirOutVer:
- {
- calc_vert_coverage(spans, eidx, y, edge_diff.y, EINA_TRUE);
- if (diagonal > 0)
- {
- calc_irregular_coverage(spans, eidx, y, diagonal,
- edge_diff.y, EINA_FALSE);
- diagonal = 0;
- }
- /* Increment direction is changed:
- Outside Horizontal -> Outside Vertical */
- if (prev_dir == DirOutHor)
- calc_horiz_coverage(spans, eidx, p_edge.y, ptx[0], ptx[1]);
- }
- break;
- case DirInHor:
- {
- calc_horiz_coverage(spans, eidx, (y - 1), tx[0], tx[1]);
- if (diagonal > 0)
- {
- calc_irregular_coverage(spans, eidx, y, diagonal, 0,
- diagonal = 0;
- }
- /* Increment direction is changed:
- Outside Horizontal -> Inside Horizontal */
- if (prev_dir == DirOutHor)
- calc_horiz_coverage(spans, eidx, p_edge.y, ptx[0], ptx[1]);
- }
- break;
- case DirInVer:
- {
- calc_vert_coverage(spans, eidx, y, edge_diff.y, EINA_FALSE);
- if (diagonal > 0)
- {
- calc_irregular_coverage(spans, eidx, y, diagonal,
- edge_diff.y, EINA_TRUE);
- diagonal = 0;
- }
- /* Increment direction is changed:
- Outside Horizontal -> Inside Vertical */
- if (prev_dir == DirOutHor)
- calc_horiz_coverage(spans, eidx, p_edge.y, ptx[0], ptx[1]);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (cur_dir != DirNone) prev_dir = cur_dir;
- }
- //leftovers...?
- if ((edge_diff.y == 1) && (edge_diff.x != 0))
- {
- calc_horiz_coverage(spans, eidx, y - 1, ptx[0], ptx[1]);
- calc_horiz_coverage(spans, eidx, y, tx[0], tx[1]);
- }
- else
- {
- ++y;
- if (y > yend) y = yend;
- calc_vert_coverage(spans, eidx, y, (edge_diff.y + 2),
- (prev_dir & 0x00000001));
- }
-static void
-_calc_aa_edges(Line *spans, int ystart, int yend)
- //FIXME: support 2 span case.
- //left side
- _calc_aa_edges_internal(spans, 0, ystart, yend);
- //right side
- _calc_aa_edges_internal(spans, 1, ystart, yend);
int clip_x, int clip_y, int clip_w, int clip_h,
DATA32 mul_col, int render_op,
RGBA_Map_Point *p,
- int smooth, int anti_alias, int level EINA_UNUSED, // level unused for now - for future use
+ int smooth, int anti_alias EINA_UNUSED, int level EINA_UNUSED, // level unused for now - for future use
RGBA_Image *mask_ie, int mask_x, int mask_y)
int i;
// calculate the spans list
_calc_spans(p, spans, ystart, yend, cx, cy, cw, ch);
- // calculate anti alias edges
- if (anti_alias) _calc_aa_edges(spans, ystart, yend);
// walk through spans and render
// if operation is solid, bypass buf and draw func and draw direct to dst
pixels composition. we can optimize it. */
if ((!sa) && (!da) &&
- (mul_col == 0xffffffff) && (!havea) && (!anti_alias) && (!mask_ie))
+ (mul_col == 0xffffffff) && (!havea) && (!mask_ie))
direct = 1;
buf = alloca(cw * sizeof(DATA32));
if (havea) sa = EINA_TRUE;
- saa = (anti_alias | sa);
+ saa = sa;
if (!mask_ie)
FUNC_NAME_DO(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst,
RGBA_Draw_Context *dc,
const RGBA_Map_Spans *ms,
- int smooth, int anti_alias, int level EINA_UNUSED) // level unused for now - for future use
+ int smooth, int anti_alias EINA_UNUSED, int level EINA_UNUSED) // level unused for now - for future use
Line *spans;
DATA32 *buf = NULL, *sp;
buf = alloca(cw * sizeof(DATA32));
if (ms->havea) sa = EINA_TRUE;
- saa = (anti_alias | sa);
+ saa = sa;
if (!mask_ie)
/************************** TEXTURE MAPPING CODE ******************************/
-#if 0 //We only use biliear(smooth) mapping logic right now.
-static void
-_map_triangle_draw_point(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst,
- int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch,
- RGBA_Image *mask, int mx, int my,
- int ystart, int yend,
- DATA32 *tbuf, RGBA_Gfx_Func func, RGBA_Gfx_Func func2,
- DATA32 mul_col, AASpans *aa_spans,
- Eina_Bool col_blend)
- float _dudx = dudx, _dvdx = dvdx;
- float _dxdya = dxdya, _dxdyb = dxdyb, _dudya = dudya, _dvdya = dvdya;
- float _xa = xa, _xb = xb, _ua = ua, _va = va;
- DATA32 *sbuf = src->;
- DATA32 *dbuf = dst->;
- int sw = src->cache_entry.w;
- int sh = src->cache_entry.h;
- int dw = dst->cache_entry.w;
- int x, y, x1, x2, uu, vv, ay;
- float dx, u, v;
- float _dcdx[4], _dcdya[4], _ca[4], c[4];
- DATA32 *buf, *tmp;
- DATA8 *mbuf;
- //Range exception handling
- if (ystart >= (cy + ch)) return;
- if (ystart < cy) ystart = cy;
- if (yend > (cy + ch)) yend = (cy + ch);
- if (col_blend)
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- _dcdx[i] = dcdx[i];
- _dcdya[i] = dcdya[i];
- _ca[i] = ca[i];
- }
- //Loop through all lines in the segment
- y = ystart;
- while (y < yend)
- {
- x1 = _xa;
- x2 = _xb;
- //Range exception handling
- //OPTIMIZE ME, handle in advance?
- if (x1 < cx) x1 = cx;
- if (x2 > (cx + cw)) x2 = (cx + cw);
- if (aa_spans)
- {
- ay = y - aa_spans->ystart;
- if (aa_spans->lines[ay].x[0] > x1) aa_spans->lines[ay].x[0] = x1;
- if (aa_spans->lines[ay].x[1] < x2) aa_spans->lines[ay].x[1] = x2;
- }
- if ((x2 - x1) < 1) goto next;
- //Perform subtexel pre-stepping on UV
- dx = 1 - (_xa - x1);
- u = _ua + dx * _dudx;
- v = _va + dx * _dvdx;
- if (col_blend)
- {
- c[0] = _ca[0] + dx * _dcdx[0];
- c[1] = _ca[1] + dx * _dcdx[1];
- c[2] = _ca[2] + dx * _dcdx[2];
- c[3] = _ca[3] + dx * _dcdx[3];
- }
- //Direct draw or blending intervention?
- if (tbuf) buf = tbuf;
- else buf = dbuf + ((y * dw) + x1);
- x = x1;
- //Draw horizontal line
- while (x++ < x2)
- {
- uu = (int) u;
- vv = (int) v;
- //Range exception handling
- //FIXME: handle in advance?
- if (uu >= sw) uu = sw - 1;
- if (vv >= sh) vv = sh - 1;
- //Copy pixel from texture to screen
- if (!col_blend)
- {
- *(buf) = sbuf[(vv * sw) + uu];
- }
- //Vertex Color Blending
- else
- {
- DATA32 tmp = (((int) c[0]) << 24) | (((int) c[1]) << 16) | (((int) c[2]) << 8) | ((int) c[3]);
- *buf = MUL4_SYM(tmp, sbuf[(vv * sw) + uu]);
- c[0] += _dcdx[0];
- c[1] += _dcdx[1];
- c[2] += _dcdx[2];
- c[3] += _dcdx[3];
- }
- //Step UV horizontally
- u += _dudx;
- v += _dvdx;
- ++buf;
- }
- if (tbuf)
- {
- tmp = dbuf + ((y * dw) + x1);
- int len = x2 - x1;
- if (!mask) func(tbuf, NULL, mul_col, tmp, len);
- else
- {
- mbuf = mask->image.data8
- + (y - my) * mask->cache_entry.w + (x1 - mx);
- if (mul_col != 0xffffffff)
- func2(tbuf, NULL, mul_col, tbuf, len);
- func(tbuf, mbuf, 0, tmp, len);
- }
- }
- //Step along both edges
- _xa += _dxdya;
- _xb += _dxdyb;
- _ua += _dudya;
- _va += _dvdya;
- if (col_blend)
- {
- _ca[0] += _dcdya[0];
- _ca[1] += _dcdya[1];
- _ca[2] += _dcdya[2];
- _ca[3] += _dcdya[3];
- }
- y++;
- }
- xa = _xa;
- xb = _xb;
- ua = _ua;
- va = _va;
- if (col_blend)
- {
- ca[0] = _ca[0];
- ca[1] = _ca[1];
- ca[2] = _ca[2];
- ca[3] = _ca[3];
- }
static void
_map_triangle_draw_linear(RGBA_Image *src, RGBA_Image *dst,
int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch,
Eina_Bool dst_alpha = dst->cache_entry.flags.alpha;
Eina_Bool col_blend = EINA_FALSE; //Necessary blending vertex color?
- /* FIXME: efl_ui_textpath should not use anti-aliasing.
- If we have a proper method to select this function optionally,
- we can enable AA then. */
- anti_alias = EINA_FALSE;
/* Prepare points data.
Convert to float,
shift XY coordinates to match the sub-pixeling technique.
u += ud;
v += vd;
# endif //COLBLACK
- if (anti_alias) *d = _aa_coverage_apply(line, ww, w, *d, sa);
u += ud;
v += vd;
# endif //COLBLACK
- if (anti_alias) *d = _aa_coverage_apply(line, ww, w, *d, sa);