this->m_loader->scanAppOnCloud(c, pkgPath, &result);
if (!result)
- return BinaryQueue::Serialize(CSR_ERROR_NONE).pop();
+ return CSR_ERROR_NONE;
- auto detected = this->convert(result, pkgPath, timestamp);
- detected.isApp = true;
- detected.pkgId = pkgId;
+ malware = this->convert(result, pkgPath, timestamp);
+ malware->isApp = true;
+ malware->pkgId = pkgId;
- this->m_db->insertDetectedAppByCloud(pkgPath, pkgId, detected, this->m_dataVersion);
+ this->m_db->insertDetectedAppByCloud(pkgPath, pkgId, *malware, this->m_dataVersion);
- return this->handleAskUser(context, detected);
+ return this->handleAskUser(context, *malware, pkgPtr);
- CsDetectedPtr CsLogic::scanAppDelta(const FilePtr &pkgPtr, std::string &riskiestPath, const std::function<void()> &isCancelled)
-Db::Cache CsLogic::scanAppDelta(const std::string &pkgPath, const std::string &pkgId)
++Db::Cache CsLogic::scanAppDelta(const FilePtr &pkgPtr, const CancelChecker &isCancelled)
- auto starttime = ::time(nullptr);
+ const auto &pkgPath = pkgPtr->getName();
+ const auto &pkgId = pkgPtr->getAppPkgId();
CsEngineContext engineContext(this->m_loader);
auto &c = engineContext.get();
auto t = this->m_loader->getEngineLatestUpdateTime(c);
auto lastScanTime = this->m_db->getLastScanTime(pkgPath, t);
- CsDetectedPtr riskiest;
- // traverse files in app and take which is more danger than riskiest
- auto visitor = FsVisitor::create(pkgPath, lastScanTime);
+ Db::Cache cache;
+ cache.pkgPath = pkgPath;
+ cache.pkgId = pkgId;
+ cache.scanTime = ::time(nullptr);
+ cache.dataVersion = this->m_dataVersion;
- while (auto file = visitor->next()) {
+ // traverse files in app and take which is more danger than riskiest
+ auto visitor = FsVisitor::create([&](const FilePtr &file) {
+ if (isCancelled != nullptr)
+ isCancelled();
DEBUG("Scan file by engine: " << file->getPath());
auto timestamp = ::time(nullptr);
INFO("New malware detected on file: " << file->getPath());
auto candidate = this->convert(result, pkgPath, timestamp);
- candidate.isApp = true;
- candidate.pkgId = pkgId;
- cache.filePaths.push_back(file->getPath());
- cache.detecteds.push_back(candidate);
+ candidate->isApp = true;
+ candidate->pkgId = pkgId;
- this->m_db->insertDetectedFileInApp(file->getPath(), *candidate, this->m_dataVersion);
- if (riskiest == nullptr || *riskiest < *candidate) {
- riskiest = std::move(candidate);
- riskiestPath = file->getPath();
+ if (!cache.riskiest) {
- cache.riskiest.reset(new CsDetected(std::move(candidate)));
++ cache.riskiest.reset(new CsDetected(*candidate));
+ cache.riskiestPath = file->getPath();
- } else if (*(cache.riskiest) < candidate) {
- *(cache.riskiest) = std::move(candidate);
++ } else if (*(cache.riskiest) < *candidate) {
++ *(cache.riskiest) = *candidate;
+ cache.riskiestPath = file->getPath();
- }
++ cache.filePaths.push_back(file->getPath());
++ cache.detecteds.emplace_back(std::move(candidate));
+ }, pkgPath, false, lastScanTime);
+ visitor->run();
- this->m_db->insertLastScanTime(pkgPath, this->m_dataVersion, starttime);
- return riskiest;
+ return cache;
-RawBuffer CsLogic::scanApp(const CsContext &context, const std::string &pkgPath)
+int CsLogic::scanApp(const CsContext &context, const FilePtr &pkgPtr,
+ CsDetectedPtr &malware, const std::function<void()> &isCancelled)
- auto fileptr = File::create(pkgPath);
- if (!fileptr)
- ThrowExc(CSR_ERROR_SERVER, "fileptr shouldn't be empty because didn't check modified");
- if (!fileptr->isInApp())
- ThrowExc(CSR_ERROR_SERVER, "fileptr should be in app.");
- const auto &pkgId = fileptr->getAppPkgId();
+ const auto &pkgPath = pkgPtr->getName();
+ const auto &pkgId = pkgPtr->getAppPkgId();
if (context.isScanOnCloud && this->m_loader->scanAppOnCloudSupported())
- return this->scanAppOnCloud(context, pkgPath, pkgId);
+ return this->scanAppOnCloud(context, pkgPtr, malware);
CsEngineContext engineContext(this->m_loader);
auto since = this->m_loader->getEngineLatestUpdateTime(engineContext.get());
// old history
auto history = this->m_db->getWorstByPkgPath(pkgPath, since);
// riskiest detected among newly scanned files
- std::string riskiestPath;
- auto riskiest = this->scanAppDelta(pkgPtr, riskiestPath, isCancelled);
- // history after delta scan. if worst file is changed, it's rescanned in scanAppDelta
- // and deleted from db if it's cured. if history != nullptr && after == nullptr,
- // it means worst detected item is cured anyway.
- auto cache = this->scanAppDelta(pkgPath, pkgId);
++ auto cache = this->scanAppDelta(pkgPtr, isCancelled);
+ // history after delta scan.
+ // if worst file is changed, it's rescanned in scanAppDelta
auto after = this->m_db->getWorstByPkgPath(pkgPath, since);
- if (history && after && riskiest) {
- if (*history < *riskiest) {
- INFO("worst case is remained but the more worst newly detected. on pkg[" <<
- pkgPath << "]");
- if (history->isIgnored)
- this->m_db->updateIgnoreFlag(pkgPath, false);
- this->m_db->insertWorst(pkgId, pkgPath, riskiestPath);
- malware.reset(new CsDetected());
- *malware = std::move(*riskiest);
- return this->handleAskUser(context, *malware);
- } else {
- INFO("worst case is remained and can be re-used on pkg[" << pkgPath << "]");
- if (history->isIgnored)
- return CSR_ERROR_NONE;
- malware.reset(new CsDetected());
- *malware = std::move(*history);
- return this->handleAskUser(context, *malware);
- }
- } else if (history && after && !riskiest) {
- INFO("worst case is remained and NO new detected. history can be re-used. "
- "on pkg[" << pkgPath << "]");
- if (history->isIgnored)
+ Db::RowShPtr jHistory;
+ Db::RowShPtr jWorse;
+ auto &riskiest = cache.riskiest;
+ INFO("start to judge scan stage on pkg[" << pkgPath << "]");
- switch (this->judgeScanStage(history, after, riskiest,
- jWorse, jHistory, since)) {
++ switch (this->judgeScanStage(history, after, riskiest, jWorse, jHistory, since)) {
+ case CsLogic::ScanStage::NEW_RISKIEST :
+ this->m_db->transactionBegin();
+ this->m_db->insertCache(cache);
+ this->m_db->insertWorst(pkgId, pkgPath, cache.riskiestPath);
+ this->m_db->updateIgnoreFlag(pkgPath, false);
+ this->m_db->insertLastScanTime(pkgPath, cache.dataVersion, cache.scanTime);
+ this->m_db->transactionEnd();
- return this->handleAskUser(context, *riskiest);
++ malware = std::move(riskiest);
++ return this->handleAskUser(context, *malware, pkgPtr);
+ case CsLogic::ScanStage::NEW_RISKIEST_KEEP_FLAG :
+ this->m_db->transactionBegin();
+ this->m_db->insertCache(cache);
+ this->m_db->insertWorst(pkgId, pkgPath, cache.riskiestPath);
+ this->m_db->insertLastScanTime(pkgPath, cache.dataVersion, cache.scanTime);
+ this->m_db->transactionEnd();
+ if (jWorse->isIgnored)
- return BinaryQueue::Serialize(CSR_ERROR_NONE).pop();
++ return CSR_ERROR_NONE;
- return this->handleAskUser(context, *riskiest);
++ malware = std::move(riskiest);
++ return this->handleAskUser(context, *malware, pkgPtr);
+ case CsLogic::ScanStage::HISTORY_RISKIEST :
+ this->m_db->transactionBegin();
+ this->m_db->insertCache(cache);
+ this->m_db->insertLastScanTime(pkgPath, cache.dataVersion, cache.scanTime);
+ this->m_db->transactionEnd();
+ if (jHistory->isIgnored)
- return BinaryQueue::Serialize(CSR_ERROR_NONE).pop();
- return this->handleAskUser(context, *jHistory);
+ return CSR_ERROR_NONE;
+ malware.reset(new CsDetected());
- *malware = std::move(*history);
- return this->handleAskUser(context, *malware);
- } else if (history && !after && riskiest) {
- INFO("worst case is deleted but new detected. we have to find out "
- "worse case in db and compare it with riskiest first. on pkg[" << pkgPath <<
- "]");
- Db::RowShPtr worse;
- since = this->m_loader->getEngineLatestUpdateTime(engineContext.get());
- for (auto &row : this->m_db->getDetectedByFilepathOnDir(pkgPath, since))
- if (!worse || *worse < *row)
- worse = std::move(row);
- if (!worse) {
- INFO("No detected malware found in db.... Newly detected malware is removed by "
- "other client. Handle it as fully clean case.");
++ *malware = *jHistory;
++ return this->handleAskUser(context, *malware, pkgPtr);
+ case CsLogic::ScanStage::WORSE_RISKIEST :
+ this->m_db->transactionBegin();
+ this->m_db->insertCache(cache);
+ this->m_db->insertWorst(pkgId, pkgPath, jWorse->fileInAppPath);
+ this->m_db->insertLastScanTime(pkgPath, cache.dataVersion, cache.scanTime);
+ this->m_db->transactionEnd();
+ if (jWorse->isIgnored)
- return BinaryQueue::Serialize(CSR_ERROR_NONE).pop();
- return this->handleAskUser(context, *jWorse);
+ return CSR_ERROR_NONE;
- }
- if (*riskiest < *worse) {
- INFO("worse case in db is worse than riskiest. on pkg[" << pkgPath << "]");
- riskiestPath = worse->fileInAppPath;
- *riskiest = std::move(*worse);
- }
++ malware.reset(new CsDetected());
++ *malware = *jWorse;
++ return this->handleAskUser(context, *malware, pkgPtr);
- if (*history < *riskiest) {
- INFO("worst case is deleted but the more worst newly detected. on pkg[" <<
- pkgPath << "]");
- if (history->isIgnored)
- this->m_db->updateIgnoreFlag(pkgPath, false);
+ case CsLogic::ScanStage::NO_DETECTED :
+ this->m_db->insertLastScanTime(pkgPath, cache.dataVersion, cache.scanTime);
- return BinaryQueue::Serialize(CSR_ERROR_NONE).pop();
++ return CSR_ERROR_NONE;
- this->m_db->insertWorst(pkgId, pkgPath, riskiestPath);
+ default:
+ ThrowExc(CSR_ERROR_SERVER, "Invalid scan app status.");
+ }
+ }
- malware.reset(new CsDetected());
- *malware = std::move(*riskiest);
- return this->handleAskUser(context, *malware);
- } else {
- INFO("worst case is deleted but same or less level newly detected. on pkg[" <<
- pkgPath << "]");
- this->m_db->insertWorst(pkgId, pkgPath, riskiestPath);
+ Db::RowShPtr CsLogic::getWorseByPkgPath(const std::string &pkgPath, time_t since)
+ {
+ Db::RowShPtr worse;
+ for (auto &row : this->m_db->getDetectedByFilepathOnDir(pkgPath, since))
+ if (!worse || *worse < *row)
+ worse = std::move(row);
- if (history->isIgnored)
- return CSR_ERROR_NONE;
+ return worse;
+ }
- malware.reset(new CsDetected());
- *malware = std::move(*riskiest);
- return this->handleAskUser(context, *malware);
+ CsLogic::ScanStage CsLogic::judgeScanStage(
+ const Db::RowShPtr &history,
+ const Db::RowShPtr &after,
+ const CsDetectedPtr &riskiest,
+ Db::RowShPtr &jWorse,
+ Db::RowShPtr &jHistory,
+ time_t since)
+ {
+ if (riskiest == nullptr) {
+ if (after) {
+ INFO("no new detected. after case can be re-used.");
+ jHistory = after;
+ return ScanStage::HISTORY_RISKIEST;
+ } else if (history) {
+ INFO("no new detected. after case is removed. clean-up history");
+ this->m_db->deleteDetectedByNameOnPath(history->targetName);
+ return ScanStage::NO_DETECTED;
+ } else {
+ INFO("no new detected and no history.");
+ return ScanStage::NO_DETECTED;
- } else if (history && !after && !riskiest) {
- since = this->m_loader->getEngineLatestUpdateTime(engineContext.get());
- auto rows = this->m_db->getDetectedByFilepathOnDir(pkgPath, since);
- if (!rows.empty()) {
- INFO("worst case is deleted cascadingly and NO new detected and "
- "worse case exist on pkg[" << pkgPath << "]. insert it to worst.");
- Db::RowShPtr worse;
- for (auto &row : rows)
- if (!worse || *worse < *row)
- worse = std::move(row);
- if (worse) {
- this->m_db->insertWorst(pkgId, pkgPath, worse->fileInAppPath);
- if (worse->isIgnored)
- return CSR_ERROR_NONE;
- malware.reset(new CsDetected());
- *malware = std::move(*worse);
- return this->handleAskUser(context, *malware);
- }
+ } else if (after != nullptr) {
+ if (*after < *riskiest) {
+ INFO("worst case is remained but the more worst newly detected.");
+ return ScanStage::NEW_RISKIEST;
+ } else {
+ INFO("worst case is remained and can be re-used.");
+ jHistory = after;
+ return ScanStage::HISTORY_RISKIEST;
+ } else if (history != nullptr) {
- INFO("worst case is deleted cascadingly and NO new detected and "
- "NO worse case. the pkg[" << pkgPath << "] is clean.");
- this->m_db->deleteDetectedByNameOnPath(pkgPath);
- return CSR_ERROR_NONE;
- } else if (!history && riskiest) {
- INFO("no history and new detected");
- this->m_db->insertWorst(pkgId, pkgPath, riskiestPath);
+ jWorse = this->getWorseByPkgPath(history->targetName, since);
- malware.reset(new CsDetected());
- *malware = std::move(*riskiest);
- return this->handleAskUser(context, *malware);
+ if (jWorse == nullptr) {
+ INFO("No detected malware found in db...."
+ "The only malware in package is changed/removed.");
+ return ScanStage::NEW_RISKIEST;
+ } else {
+ if (*jWorse < *riskiest) {
+ if (*history < *riskiest) {
+ INFO("worst case is deleted. but newly detected"
+ " malware is more risky.");
+ return ScanStage::NEW_RISKIEST;
+ } else {
+ INFO("riskiest case is worse than in db."
+ "but history is worse than riskiest.");
+ return ScanStage::NEW_RISKIEST_KEEP_FLAG;
+ }
+ } else {
+ INFO("worse case in db is worse than riskiest.");
+ return ScanStage::WORSE_RISKIEST;
+ }
+ }
} else {
- DEBUG("no history and no new detected");
- return CSR_ERROR_NONE;
+ INFO("no history and no after case. insert newly detected");
+ return ScanStage::NEW_RISKIEST;