--- /dev/null
+echo "
+usage: sh run.sh [-h] [-b] [-i] [-r] [-t] [-d] [-A ARCH]
+ [--help] [--build] [--install] [--run] [--test] [--debug] [--arch ARCH]
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -b --build build project
+ -i, --install install to device or emulator
+ -r, --run run application. Don't use with -t option
+ -t, --test builds unit-tests as well, ignored without -b option
+ -d, --debug install debuginfo and debugsource packages
+ -l, --local local incremental build(with --noinit --incremental kwys)
+build configuration options:
+ -A ARCH, --arch ARCH build target arch. Default - armv7l
+ -b 'Keys', --build 'Keys' build project with additional gbs build keys
+ examples:
+ 'run.sh -b -t -i -A armv7l' will build application and try to install it to target-device, unit-tests will be also built
+ 'run.sh -i -A armv7l[i586|aarch64]' will install latest build for tizen-2.4 device [emulator|tizen-3.0 device]
+##-------------- check options --------------##
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then usage; exit 0; fi
+SCRIPTNAME=`basename $0`
+ARGS=$(getopt -q --options "$SHORTOPTS" --longoptions "$LONGOPTS" --name $SCRIPTNAME -- "$@")
+while true; do
+ case $1 in
+ -h|--help)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -A|--arch)
+ val=`echo $2 | sed -e "s/-//g"`
+ if echo "$SHORTOPTS$LONGOPTS" | grep -q "$val"; then
+ echo "Wrong ARCH"
+ usage
+ exit 0;
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -b|--build)
+ key=`echo $2 | sed -e "s/-//g"`
+ if ! echo "$SHORTOPTS$LONGOPTS" | grep -q "$key"; then
+ shift
+ fi
+ ;;
+ -i|--install)
+ ;;
+ -r|--run)
+ ;;
+ -d|--debug)
+ ;;
+ -t|--test)
+ ;;
+ -l|--local)
+ ;;
+ --)
+ break
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then usage; exit 0; fi
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+##------------- project config -------------##
+TEMPDIR=/home/rpms # for keeping rpm packages on device
+##------------------ spec ------------------##
+spec_file=`find -name *.spec`
+# org.tizen.message
+APPNAME=`cat "$spec_file" | grep ^Name | awk '{print $2}'`
+# 0.8.52
+VERSION=`cat "$spec_file" | grep ^Version | awk '{print $2}'`
+# 1
+RELEASE=`cat "$spec_file" | grep ^Release | awk '{print $2}'`
+# message
+BINNAME=`echo $APPNAME | sed "s/$PREFIX\.//"`
+ if echo "$1" | grep -q "$PREFIX"; then
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ fi
+##--------------- sdb shell ---------------##
+ ShowMessage "$1" yellow
+ $SDB shell su -c "$1"
+##--------------- color echo --------------##
+# arguments:
+# $1 - message text
+# $2 - text color (red, green, blue, yellow). Default value - blue
+ case "$2" in
+ "green")
+ color="32m"
+ ;;
+ "red")
+ color="31m"
+ ;;
+ "blue")
+ color="34m"
+ ;;
+ "yellow")
+ color="33m"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ color="34m"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "\033[1;"$color$1"\033[0m"
+##----------- check connection ------------##
+ sdbstate=$($SDB get-state)
+ if [ $sdbstate = "unknown" ]
+ then
+ ShowMessage "Connection error. Make sure that only one device or emulator is connected." red
+ exit 0
+ fi
+##---------------- build ------------------##
+ ShowMessage "Building application..."
+ gbsoutput="gbsoutput.log"
+ if [ $LOCALBUILD = "true" ];
+ then
+ BUILDKEYS="$BUILDKEYS --noinit --incremental"
+ fi
+ if [ $TESTOPTION = "true" ];
+ then
+ BUILDKEYS+=" --define 'TEST%20ON'"
+ fi
+ ShowMessage "gbs -v -d build -B $GBSROOT -A $PLATFORM --include-all --keep-packs $BUILDKEYS"
+ gbs -v -d build -B $GBSROOT -A $PLATFORM --include-all --keep-packs $BUILDKEYS 2>&1 | tee $gbsoutput
+ if cat "$gbsoutput" | grep -q "gbs:info: Done"; then
+ ShowMessage "Build successfull!" green
+ rm -f $gbsoutput;
+ else
+ ShowMessage "Build failed!" red
+ rm -f $gbsoutput
+ exit 0;
+ fi
+# figure out which packages need to be installed
+ packages_count=`cat "$spec_file" | grep -c %package`
+ # if packages count more then 1
+ if [ $packages_count -gt 1 ]
+ then
+ ShowMessage "When building the project is generated $packages_count (+ debuginfo and debugsource) RPM packages"
+ # case of multipackage project
+ PACKAGELIST=`cat "$spec_file" | grep %package | sed 's/-n//' |awk '{print $2}'`
+ else
+ ShowMessage "one package"
+ # only one package into package list
+ fi
+##------------ Uninstalling ---------------##
+ ShowMessage "Stopping old application..."
+ SdbShell "pkill -f $APPNAME"
+ for current_package in $PACKAGELIST
+ do
+ ShowMessage "Uninstalling old application $current_package..."
+ if hasPrefix $current_package; then
+ # uninstall with pkgcmd
+ SdbShell "pkgcmd -q -u -n $current_package"
+ else
+ # uninstall with rpm
+ SdbShell "rpm -e --nodeps $current_package-*"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ $DEBUGOPTION = "true" ]
+ then
+ SdbShell "rpm -e --nodeps $APPNAME-debugsource-*"
+ SdbShell "rpm -e --nodeps $APPNAME-debuginfo-*"
+ fi
+##-------------- Pushing ------------------##
+ SdbShell "mkdir -p $TEMPDIR/"
+ for current_package_name in $PACKAGELIST
+ do
+ current_package=$current_package_name-$VERSION-$RELEASE.$PLATFORM.rpm
+ ShowMessage "Pushing the package $current_package to device ..."
+ $SDB push $RPMSPATH/$current_package $TEMPDIR/
+ done
+ if [ $DEBUGOPTION = "true" ]
+ then
+ fi
+##------------- Installing ----------------##
+ for current_package_name in $PACKAGELIST
+ do
+ current_package=$current_package_name-$VERSION-$RELEASE.$PLATFORM.rpm
+ ShowMessage "Installing the package $current_package ..."
+ $SDB install $RPMSPATH/$current_package
+ #if hasPrefix $current_package; then
+ # install with pkgcmd
+ #SdbShell "pkgcmd -q -i -t rpm -p $TEMPDIR/$current_package"
+ #else
+ # uninstall with rpm
+ #SdbShell "rpm -i $TEMPDIR/$current_package"
+ #fi
+ done
+ if [ $DEBUGOPTION = "true" ]
+ then
+ ShowMessage "Installing the package $DEBUGINFOPKGNAME.rpm ..."
+ SdbShell "rpm -i $TEMPDIR/$DEBUGINFOPKGNAME.rpm"
+ ShowMessage "Installing the package $DEBUGSOURCEPKGNAME.rpm ..."
+ fi
+##--------------- Running ----------------##
+ if hasPrefix $APPNAME; then
+ else
+ fullappname=`echo $APPNAME | sed "s/^/$PREFIX\./"`
+ fi
+ if [ $1 = "tests" ]
+ then
+ # todo: stop old test-run
+ ShowMessage "running the $TESTAPP..."
+ SdbShell "$TESTAPP"
+ else
+ SdbShell "pkill -f $APPNAME"
+ ShowMessage "running the $ABSOLUTEPATHTOAPP..."
+ fi
+ checkConnection
+ initPackageList
+ #uninstall
+ #push
+ install
+ checkConnection
+ run
+ checkConnection
+ run tests
+##------------------ main -----------------##
+if [ $BUILDOPTION = "true" ]; then build; fi
+if [ $INSTALLOPTION = "true" ]; then installApp; fi
+if [ $RUNOPTION = "true" ]; then runApp; fi