--- /dev/null
+using NUnit.Framework;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Collections;
+using System;
+namespace Tizen.Multimedia.Tests
+ [TestFixture]
+ [Description("Tizen.Multimedia.AdaptiveVariants Tests")]
+ public class AdaptiveVariantsTests : TestBase
+ {
+ [OneTimeSetUp]
+ public static void Init()
+ {
+ PreconditionUtils.SetPrecondition();
+ }
+ internal static readonly MediaUriSource AdaptiveStreamingSource = new MediaUriSource(PreconditionUtils.ADAPTIVE_STREAMING_URL);
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("check default value of MaxLimit")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.AdaptiveVariants.GetMaxLimit M")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "MR")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public void GetMaxLimit_DEFAULT()
+ {
+ Assert.That(TestPlayer.AdaptiveVariants.GetMaxLimit, Is.EqualTo(new VariantInfo(-1, -1, -1)));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P2")]
+ [Description("Any attempt to access the GetMaxLimit if the player has been disposed of")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.AdaptiveVariants.GetMaxLimit M")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "MEX")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public void GetMaxLimit_DISPOSED()
+ {
+ GetIdlePlayer().Dispose();
+ Assert.That(TestPlayer.AdaptiveVariants.GetMaxLimit, Throws.TypeOf<ObjectDisposedException>());
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("check whether MaxLimit is set to default value except for bandwidth")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.AdaptiveVariants.SetMaxLimit M")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "MR")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public void SetMaxLimit_CHECK_DEFAULT_SET()
+ {
+ const int bandWidth = 1000;
+ TestPlayer.AdaptiveVariants.SetMaxLimit(bandWidth);
+ Assert.That(TestPlayer.AdaptiveVariants.GetMaxLimit,
+ Is.EqualTo(new VariantInfo(bandWidth)), "Invalid value.");
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("check whether MaxLimit is set")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.AdaptiveVariants.SetMaxLimit M")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "MR")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public void SetMaxLimit_CHECK()
+ {
+ const int newValue = 1111;
+ TestPlayer.AdaptiveVariants.SetMaxLimit(newValue, newValue, newValue);
+ Assert.That(TestPlayer.AdaptiveVariants.GetMaxLimit,
+ Is.EqualTo(new VariantInfo(newValue, newValue, newValue)), "Invalid value.");
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P2")]
+ [Description("Any attempt to access the MaxLimit if the player has been disposed of")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.AdaptiveVariants.SetMaxLimit M")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "MEX")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public void SetMaxLimit_DISPOSED()
+ {
+ GetIdlePlayer().Dispose();
+ Assert.That(() => TestPlayer.AdaptiveVariants.SetMaxLimit(100),
+ Throws.TypeOf<ObjectDisposedException>());
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("SetMaxLimit throws if out of range")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.AdaptiveVariants.SetMaxLimit M")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "MEX")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public void SetMaxLimit_OUT_OF_RANGE()
+ {
+ Assert.That(() => TestPlayer.AdaptiveVariants.SetMaxLimit(123, 0, -2),
+ Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
+ Assert.That(() => TestPlayer.AdaptiveVariants.SetMaxLimit(-2),
+ Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("Test AdaptiveVariants supported property. Supported list should be greater than 0")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.AdaptiveVariants.AvailableAdaptiveVariants A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PRO")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public async Task AvailableAdaptiveVariants_PROPERTY_READ_ONLY()
+ {
+ var player = await GetPreparedPlayer(AdaptiveStreamingSource, DefaultDisplay);
+ IList result = player.AdaptiveVariants.AvailableAdaptiveVariants.ToList();
+ Assert.IsNotNull(result, "The list of adaptive variants should not be null.");
+ Assert.IsNotEmpty(result, "The list of adaptive variants should not be empty.");
+ Assert.Greater(result.Count, 0, "The list of adaptive variants should be greater than 0");
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P2")]
+ [Description("Any attempt to access the AvailableAdaptiveVariants if the player has been disposed of")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.AdaptiveVariants.AvailableAdaptiveVariants A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PEX")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public void AvailableAdaptiveVariants_DISPOSED()
+ {
+ GetIdlePlayer().Dispose();
+ Assert.That(() => TestPlayer.AdaptiveVariants.AvailableAdaptiveVariants.ToList(),
+ Throws.TypeOf<ObjectDisposedException>());
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P2")]
+ [Description("Any attempt to access the AvailableAdaptiveVariants if the player is not in the specified state")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.AdaptiveVariants.AvailableAdaptiveVariants A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PEX")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public void AvailableAdaptiveVariants_THROWS_IF_STATE_NOT_VALID()
+ {
+ GetIdlePlayer();
+ Assert.That(() => TestPlayer.AdaptiveVariants.AvailableAdaptiveVariants.ToList(),
+ Throws.InvalidOperationException);
+ }
+ }
+ #region BufferingTime
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("BufferingTime default value")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.Player.BufferingTime A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PDV")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public void BufferingTime_DEFAULT()
+ {
+ Assert.That(TestPlayer.BufferingTime, Is.EqualTo(new PlayerBufferingTime(0, 0)));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("BufferingTime set")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.Player.BufferingTime A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PCST")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public void BufferingTime_SET_GET()
+ {
+ PlayerBufferingTime newValue = new PlayerBufferingTime(1000, 2000);
+ TestPlayer.BufferingTime = newValue;
+ Assert.That(TestPlayer.BufferingTime.PreBufferMillisecond,
+ Is.EqualTo(newValue.PreBufferMillisecond), "Invalid value.");
+ Assert.That(TestPlayer.BufferingTime.ReBufferMillisecond,
+ Is.EqualTo(newValue.ReBufferMillisecond), "Invalid value.");
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("BufferingTime throws if out of range")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.Player.BufferingTime A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PEX")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public void BufferingTime_OUT_OF_RANGE()
+ {
+ Assert.That(() => TestPlayer.BufferingTime = new PlayerBufferingTime(0, -1),
+ Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
+ Assert.That(() => TestPlayer.BufferingTime = new PlayerBufferingTime(-1, 0),
+ Throws.TypeOf<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P2")]
+ [Description("Any attempt to get the BufferingTime if the player has been disposed of")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.Player.BufferingTime A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PEX")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public void BufferingTime_DISPOSED()
+ {
+ GetIdlePlayer().Dispose();
+ Assert.That(() => TestPlayer.BufferingTime, Throws.TypeOf<ObjectDisposedException>());
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P2")]
+ [Description("Any attempt to set the BufferingTime if the player is not in the specified state")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.Player.BufferingTime A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PEX")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public async Task BufferingTime_THROWS_IF_STATE_NOT_VALID()
+ {
+ var player = await GetPreparedPlayer();
+ Assert.That(() => player.BufferingTime = new PlayerBufferingTime(0, 0), Throws.InvalidOperationException);
+ }
+ #endregion
[Description("BufferingProgressChanged event called while buffering")]
Assert.That(TestPlayer.SphericalVideo, Is.Not.Null);
+ #region AdaptiveVariants
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("AdaptiveVariants default value")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.Player.AdaptiveVariants A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PDV")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public void AdaptiveVariants_DEFAULT()
+ {
+ Assert.That(TestPlayer.AdaptiveVariants, Is.Not.Null);
+ }
+ #endregion
--- /dev/null
+using NUnit.Framework;
+namespace Tizen.Multimedia.Tests
+ [TestFixture]
+ [Description("Tizen.Multimedia.PlayerBufferingTime tests")]
+ public static class PlayerBufferingTimeTests
+ {
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("Constructor test")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.PlayerBufferingTime.PlayerBufferingTime C")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "CONSTR")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public static void PlayerBufferingTime_CHECK_RETURN()
+ {
+ Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => new PlayerBufferingTime(0, 0));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("PreBuffMs Read/Write")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.PlayerBufferingTime.PreBufferMillisecond A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PRW")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public static void PreBufferMillisecond_READ_WRITE()
+ {
+ AssertHelper.PropertyReadWrite<PlayerBufferingTime>(nameof(PlayerBufferingTime.PreBufferMillisecond));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("ReBuffMs Read/Write")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.PlayerBufferingTime.ReBufferMillisecond A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PRW")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public static void ReBufferMillisecond_READ_WRITE()
+ {
+ AssertHelper.PropertyReadWrite<PlayerBufferingTime>(nameof(PlayerBufferingTime.ReBufferMillisecond));
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+using NUnit.Framework;
+namespace Tizen.Multimedia.Tests
+ [TestFixture]
+ [Description("Tizen.Multimedia.VariantInfo tests")]
+ public static class VariantInfoTests
+ {
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("check default value for constructor")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.VariantInfo.VariantInfo C")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "CONSTR")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public static void VariantInfo_DEFAULT()
+ {
+ VariantInfo vi = new VariantInfo(0);
+ Assert.That(vi.Bandwidth, Is.EqualTo(0), "invalid bandwidth");
+ Assert.That(vi.Width, Is.EqualTo(-1), "invalid width");
+ Assert.That(vi.Height, Is.EqualTo(-1), "invalid height");
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("Constructor test")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.VariantInfo.VariantInfo C")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "CONSTR")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public static void VariantInfo_INIT()
+ {
+ Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => new VariantInfo(0, 0, 0));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("BandWidth Read/Write")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.VariantInfo.Bandwidth A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PRW")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public static void Bandwidth_READ_WRITE()
+ {
+ AssertHelper.PropertyReadWrite<VariantInfo>(nameof(VariantInfo.Bandwidth));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("Width Read/Write")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.VariantInfo.Width A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PRW")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public static void Width_READ_WRITE()
+ {
+ AssertHelper.PropertyReadWrite<VariantInfo>(nameof(VariantInfo.Width));
+ }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("Height Read/Write")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Multimedia.VariantInfo.Height A")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "PRW")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Jeongyoon Nam, just.nam@samsung.com")]
+ public static void Height_READ_WRITE()
+ {
+ AssertHelper.PropertyReadWrite<VariantInfo>(nameof(VariantInfo.Height));
+ }
+ }