Removed the line setting ACCESSIBILITY_HIGHLIGHTABLE property to true.
Until now the highlightability of the ImageView was overrided by an
AT-SPI Role check in dali-adaptor, so the line removed has been already
a dead code. Now the Role check has been removed and we want ImageView
to be non-highlightable by default.
From now on if we want to turn on highlightability for certain
instances of ImageView we can set the ACCESSIBILITY_HIGHLIGHTABLE
property in runtime.
Change-Id: Ide151a114d970f856217b34945d4c7e9cbbecda0
return std::unique_ptr<Dali::Accessibility::Accessible>(
new DevelControl::AccessibleImpl(actor, Dali::Accessibility::Role::IMAGE));
- //Enable highightability
- Self().SetProperty(Toolkit::DevelControl::Property::ACCESSIBILITY_HIGHLIGHTABLE, true);
void ImageView::SetImage(const Property::Map& map)