_edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Edje *ed, Evas_Coord *minw, Evas_Coord *minh, Evas_Coord restrictedw, Evas_Coord restrictedh)
+ /* TIZEN_ONLY(20160708): Add 4000x4000 size limit with reduced loop count restriction
+ The calc loop restriction [255] can cause error from
+ evas_object_smart_need_recalculate_set() function.
+ It also has [255] restriction for recalculate cycle.
+ So, we need to reduce calc loop restriction for
+ reducing *_need_recalculate_set() function call.
const int CALC_COUNT_LIMIT = 255;
+ */
+ const int CALC_COUNT_LIMIT = 32;
+ const int MIN_LIMIT = 4000;
+ /* END */
Evas_Coord orig_w, orig_h; //original edje size
int max_over_w, max_over_h; //maximum over-calculated size.
if (ed->h < restrictedh) ed->h = restrictedh;
+ /* TIZEN_ONLY(20160708): Add 4000x4000 size limit with reduced loop count restriction
if (reset_max && (calc_count > CALC_COUNT_LIMIT))
+ */
+ if (reset_max && (calc_count > CALC_COUNT_LIMIT) &&
+ ((ed->w > MIN_LIMIT) || (ed->h > MIN_LIMIT)))
+ /* END */
/* Only print it if we have a non-fixed textblock.
* We should possibly avoid all of this if in this case, but in