%asan 1
+### To Disable ASAN ####
+### Disabled about packages of base-tool ###
+%asan_imcompatible_pkgs acl attr autoconf autoconf-archive automake bash binutils binutils-aarch64 binutils-armv7l binutils-armv7hl bison build build-compare bzip2 \\\
+coreutils cpio db4 diffutils e2fsprogs elfutils expat fdupes file filesystem findutils flex gawk gcc gcc-aarch64 gcc-armv7l gcc-armv7hl gdbm \\\
+gettext glibc gmp grep gzip help2man hostname intltool less libcap libffi libtool libunistring libxml2 libzio linux-glibc-devel lua \\\
+m4 make ncurses net-tools nspr nss openssl1.1 pam patch pcre perl perl-gettext perl-XML-Parser pkg-config popt procps-ng python python3 \\\
+python3-base qemu-linux-user readline rpm sed setup smack sqlite tar texinfo tzdata update-alternatives uthash util-linux which \\\
+xz zip zlib autogen cmake dash dejagnu expect guile icecream libarchive libgc libgcrypt libgpg-error libunwind libxslt llvm patchelf \\\
+python-appdirs python-magic python-packaging python-pyparsing python-setuptools python-six rpmlint rpmlint-mini rpmlint-tizen shadow-utils \\\
+tcl unzip vim qemu-accel qemu-accel-aarch64 qemu-accel-armv7l qemu-accel-armv7hl python-ply zstd pbzip2
Preinstall: asan-build-env libasan libstdc++
Preinstall: asan-force-options findutils
RunScripts: libasan