my $install_path = "$root_path/opt";
my $opt_create=0;
-my $opt_list=0;
my $opt_setenv=0;
my $opt_help=0;
my $opt_man=0;
GetOptions("create" => \$opt_create,
- "list" => \$opt_list,
"setenv" => \$opt_setenv,
"help" => \$opt_help,
"man" => \$opt_man) or pod2usage(2);
# \$ . setenv
# Use DESKTOP_PREFIX when running configure in dali/build/slp:
-# \$ CXXFLAGS="-g -O0" ./configure --prefix=\$DESKTOP_PREFIX --without-libccss
+# \$ CXXFLAGS="-g -O0" ./configure --prefix=\$DESKTOP_PREFIX
export DESKTOP_PREFIX=$install_path
export PATH=$install_path/bin:\$PATH
+sub create_link
+ my $arch=`uname -i`;
+ $arch =~ s/\r|\n//g;
+ my $link = "/usr/lib/$arch-linux-gnu/";
+ unless (-e $link)
+ {
+ print "Creating libjpegturbo symbolic link\n";
+ system("sudo ln -s $link.0 $link");
+ }
+ create_link();
=head1 NAME
-dali_env - Install / update / rebuild the dali environment for desktop and scratchbox
+dali_env - Create the DALi environment for Ubuntu
-dali_env [-c|-u|-b] [-a <user>] [-s] [-h|-m]
+dali_env [-c] [-s] [-h|-m]
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<-c|--create>
-Create a dali environment directory in the current directory.
-=item B<-l|--list>
-Display the local packages
+Create a DALi environment directory in the current directory.
=item B<-s|--setenv>
-Gets and builds the required packages for Dali. For desktop, installs them to a local directory, and creates a setenv script to point to the installation. For scratchbox, creates the debian packages for you to install.
+Gets the required dependencies for DALi and them to a local directory. Can also create a setenv script to point to the installation.