+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#include "control-devel.h"
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/controls/control/control-data-impl.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/public-api/controls/control-impl.h>
-namespace Dali
-namespace Toolkit
-namespace DevelControl
-ResourceReadySignalType& ResourceReadySignal( Control& control )
- Internal::Control& internalControl = Toolkit::Internal::GetImplementation(control);
- Internal::Control::Impl& controlImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( internalControl );
- return controlImpl.mResourceReadySignal;
-bool IsResourceReady( const Control& control )
- const Internal::Control& internalControl = Toolkit::Internal::GetImplementation(control);
- const Internal::Control::Impl& controlImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( internalControl );
- return controlImpl.IsResourceReady();
-void RegisterVisual( Internal::Control& control, Dali::Property::Index index, Toolkit::Visual::Base& visual )
- Internal::Control::Impl& controlImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( control );
- controlImpl.RegisterVisual( index, visual );
-void RegisterVisual( Internal::Control& control, Dali::Property::Index index, Toolkit::Visual::Base& visual, bool enabled )
- Internal::Control::Impl& controlImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( control );
- controlImpl.RegisterVisual( index, visual, enabled );
-void UnregisterVisual( Internal::Control& control, Dali::Property::Index index )
- Internal::Control::Impl& controlImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( control );
- controlImpl.UnregisterVisual( index );
-} // namespace DevelControl
-} // namespace Toolkit
-} // namespace Dali
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#include <dali-toolkit/public-api/controls/control.h>
-namespace Dali
-namespace Toolkit
-class TransitionData;
-namespace Visual
-class Base;
-namespace DevelControl
-/// @brief ResourceReady signal type;
-typedef Signal<void ( Control ) > ResourceReadySignalType;
- * @brief This signal is emitted after all resources required
- * by a control are loaded and ready.
- * Most resources are only loaded when the control is placed on stage.
- *
- * A callback of the following type may be connected:
- * @code
- * void YourCallbackName( Control control );
- * @endcode
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API ResourceReadySignalType& ResourceReadySignal( Control& control );
- * @brief Query if all resources required by a control are loaded and ready.
- * Most resources are only loaded when the control is placed on stage.
- * @return true if the resources are loaded and ready, false otherwise
- *
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API bool IsResourceReady( const Control& control );
- * @brief Register a visual by Property Index, linking an Actor to visual when required.
- * In the case of the visual being an actor or control deeming visual not required then visual should be an empty handle.
- * No parenting is done during registration, this should be done by derived class.
- *
- * @param[in] control The control
- * @param[in] index The Property index of the visual, used to reference visual
- * @param[in] visual The visual to register
- * @note Derived class should not call visual.SetOnStage(actor). It is the responsibility of the base class to connect/disconnect registered visual to stage.
- * Use below API with enabled set to false if derived class wishes to control when visual is staged.
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API void RegisterVisual( Internal::Control& control, Dali::Property::Index index, Toolkit::Visual::Base& visual );
- * @brief Register a visual by Property Index, linking an Actor to visual when required.
- *
- * In the case of the visual being an actor or control deeming visual not required then visual should be an empty handle.
- * If enabled is false then the visual is not set on stage until enabled by the derived class.
- * @see EnableVisual
- *
- * @param[in] control The control
- * @param[in] index The Property index of the visual, used to reference visual
- * @param[in] visual The visual to register
- * @param[in] enabled false if derived class wants to control when visual is set on stage.
- *
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API void RegisterVisual( Internal::Control& control, Dali::Property::Index index, Toolkit::Visual::Base& visual, bool enabled );
- * @brief Erase the entry matching the given index from the list of registered visuals
- *
- * @param[in] control The control
- * @param[in] index The Property index of the visual, used to reference visual
- */
-DALI_IMPORT_API void UnregisterVisual( Internal::Control& control, Dali::Property::Index index );
-} // namespace DevelControl
-} // namespace Toolkit
-} // namespace Dali
$(devel_api_src_dir)/builder/builder.cpp \
$(devel_api_src_dir)/builder/json-parser.cpp \
$(devel_api_src_dir)/builder/tree-node.cpp \
- $(devel_api_src_dir)/controls/control-devel.cpp \
$(devel_api_src_dir)/controls/bloom-view/bloom-view.cpp \
$(devel_api_src_dir)/controls/bubble-effect/bubble-emitter.cpp \
$(devel_api_src_dir)/controls/effects-view/effects-view.cpp \
# Add devel header files here
devel_api_controls_header_files = \
- $(devel_api_src_dir)/controls/control-depth-index-ranges.h \
- $(devel_api_src_dir)/controls/control-devel.h
+ $(devel_api_src_dir)/controls/control-depth-index-ranges.h
devel_api_bloom_view_header_files = \
-void Visual::Base::SetName( const std::string& name )
- GetImplementation( *this ).SetName( name );
-const std::string& Visual::Base::GetName()
- return GetImplementation( *this ).GetName();
void Base::SetSize( const Vector2& size )
GetImplementation( *this ).SetSize( size );
const Vector2& GetSize() const;
- /**
- * @brief Set the name of the visual
- *
- * Used by the styling system to animate properties
- * @param[in] name The name to give the visual
- */
- void SetName( const std::string& name );
- /**
- * @brief Get the name of the visual
- *
- * Used by the styling system to animate properties
- * @return The name of the visual
- */
- const std::string& GetName();
* @brief Return the natural size of the visual.
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#include "control-data-impl.h"
-#include <dali/public-api/common/dali-common.h>
-#include <dali/integration-api/debug.h>
-#include <dali/devel-api/scripting/enum-helper.h>
-#include <dali/devel-api/scripting/scripting.h>
-#include <dali/integration-api/debug.h>
-#include <dali/public-api/object/type-registry-helper.h>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/visuals/visual-base-impl.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/controls/control-depth-index-ranges.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/styling/style-manager-impl.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/public-api/visuals/image-visual-properties.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/visuals/visual-properties-devel.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/visuals/visual-string-constants.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/controls/control-devel.h>
-namespace Dali
-namespace Toolkit
-namespace Internal
-#if defined(DEBUG_ENABLED)
-Debug::Filter* gLogFilter = Debug::Filter::New( Debug::NoLogging, false, "LOG_CONTROL_VISUALS");
- * Finds visual in given array, returning true if found along with the iterator for that visual as a out parameter
- */
-bool FindVisual( Property::Index targetIndex, const RegisteredVisualContainer& visuals, RegisteredVisualContainer::Iterator& iter )
- for ( iter = visuals.Begin(); iter != visuals.End(); iter++ )
- {
- if ( (*iter)->index == targetIndex )
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- * Performs actions as requested using the action name.
- * @param[in] object The object on which to perform the action.
- * @param[in] actionName The action to perform.
- * @param[in] attributes The attributes with which to perfrom this action.
- * @return true if action has been accepted by this control
- */
-const char* ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_ACTIVATED = "accessibilityActivated";
-static bool DoAction( BaseObject* object, const std::string& actionName, const Property::Map& attributes )
- bool ret = false;
- if( object && ( 0 == strcmp( actionName.c_str(), ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_ACTIVATED ) ) )
- {
- Toolkit::Control control = Toolkit::Control::DownCast( BaseHandle( object ) );
- if( control )
- {
- // if cast succeeds there is an implementation so no need to check
- ret = Internal::GetImplementation( control ).OnAccessibilityActivated();
- }
- }
- return ret;
- * Connects a callback function with the object's signals.
- * @param[in] object The object providing the signal.
- * @param[in] tracker Used to disconnect the signal.
- * @param[in] signalName The signal to connect to.
- * @param[in] functor A newly allocated FunctorDelegate.
- * @return True if the signal was connected.
- * @post If a signal was connected, ownership of functor was passed to CallbackBase. Otherwise the caller is responsible for deleting the unused functor.
- */
-const char* SIGNAL_KEY_EVENT = "keyEvent";
-const char* SIGNAL_KEY_INPUT_FOCUS_GAINED = "keyInputFocusGained";
-const char* SIGNAL_KEY_INPUT_FOCUS_LOST = "keyInputFocusLost";
-const char* SIGNAL_TAPPED = "tapped";
-const char* SIGNAL_PANNED = "panned";
-const char* SIGNAL_PINCHED = "pinched";
-const char* SIGNAL_LONG_PRESSED = "longPressed";
-static bool DoConnectSignal( BaseObject* object, ConnectionTrackerInterface* tracker, const std::string& signalName, FunctorDelegate* functor )
- Dali::BaseHandle handle( object );
- bool connected( false );
- Toolkit::Control control = Toolkit::Control::DownCast( handle );
- if ( control )
- {
- Internal::Control& controlImpl( Internal::GetImplementation( control ) );
- connected = true;
- if ( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_KEY_EVENT ) )
- {
- controlImpl.KeyEventSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
- }
- else if( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_KEY_INPUT_FOCUS_GAINED ) )
- {
- controlImpl.KeyInputFocusGainedSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
- }
- else if( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_KEY_INPUT_FOCUS_LOST ) )
- {
- controlImpl.KeyInputFocusLostSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
- }
- else if( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_TAPPED ) )
- {
- controlImpl.EnableGestureDetection( Gesture::Tap );
- controlImpl.GetTapGestureDetector().DetectedSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
- }
- else if( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_PANNED ) )
- {
- controlImpl.EnableGestureDetection( Gesture::Pan );
- controlImpl.GetPanGestureDetector().DetectedSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
- }
- else if( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_PINCHED ) )
- {
- controlImpl.EnableGestureDetection( Gesture::Pinch );
- controlImpl.GetPinchGestureDetector().DetectedSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
- }
- else if( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_LONG_PRESSED ) )
- {
- controlImpl.EnableGestureDetection( Gesture::LongPress );
- controlImpl.GetLongPressGestureDetector().DetectedSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
- }
- }
- return connected;
- * Creates control through type registry
- */
-BaseHandle Create()
- return Internal::Control::New();
-// Setup signals and actions using the type-registry.
-DALI_TYPE_REGISTRATION_BEGIN( Control, CustomActor, Create );
-// Note: Properties are registered separately below.
-SignalConnectorType registerSignal1( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_KEY_EVENT, &DoConnectSignal );
-SignalConnectorType registerSignal2( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_KEY_INPUT_FOCUS_GAINED, &DoConnectSignal );
-SignalConnectorType registerSignal3( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_KEY_INPUT_FOCUS_LOST, &DoConnectSignal );
-SignalConnectorType registerSignal4( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_TAPPED, &DoConnectSignal );
-SignalConnectorType registerSignal5( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_PANNED, &DoConnectSignal );
-SignalConnectorType registerSignal6( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_PINCHED, &DoConnectSignal );
-SignalConnectorType registerSignal7( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_LONG_PRESSED, &DoConnectSignal );
-TypeAction registerAction( typeRegistration, ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_ACTIVATED, &DoAction );
-} // unnamed namespace
-// Properties registered without macro to use specific member variables.
-const PropertyRegistration Control::Impl::PROPERTY_1( typeRegistration, "styleName", Toolkit::Control::Property::STYLE_NAME, Property::STRING, &Control::Impl::SetProperty, &Control::Impl::GetProperty );
-const PropertyRegistration Control::Impl::PROPERTY_2( typeRegistration, "backgroundColor", Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND_COLOR, Property::VECTOR4, &Control::Impl::SetProperty, &Control::Impl::GetProperty );
-const PropertyRegistration Control::Impl::PROPERTY_3( typeRegistration, "backgroundImage", Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND_IMAGE, Property::MAP, &Control::Impl::SetProperty, &Control::Impl::GetProperty );
-const PropertyRegistration Control::Impl::PROPERTY_4( typeRegistration, "keyInputFocus", Toolkit::Control::Property::KEY_INPUT_FOCUS, Property::BOOLEAN, &Control::Impl::SetProperty, &Control::Impl::GetProperty );
-const PropertyRegistration Control::Impl::PROPERTY_5( typeRegistration, "background", Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND, Property::MAP, &Control::Impl::SetProperty, &Control::Impl::GetProperty );
-Control::Impl::Impl( Control& controlImpl )
-: mControlImpl( controlImpl ),
- mStyleName(""),
- mBackgroundColor(Color::TRANSPARENT),
- mStartingPinchScale( NULL ),
- mKeyEventSignal(),
- mPinchGestureDetector(),
- mPanGestureDetector(),
- mTapGestureDetector(),
- mLongPressGestureDetector(),
- mFlags( Control::ControlBehaviour( CONTROL_BEHAVIOUR_DEFAULT ) ),
- mIsKeyboardNavigationSupported( false ),
- mIsKeyboardFocusGroup( false )
- // All gesture detectors will be destroyed so no need to disconnect.
- delete mStartingPinchScale;
-Control::Impl& Control::Impl::Get( Internal::Control& internalControl )
- return *internalControl.mImpl;
-const Control::Impl& Control::Impl::Get( const Internal::Control& internalControl )
- return *internalControl.mImpl;
-// Gesture Detection Methods
-void Control::Impl::PinchDetected(Actor actor, const PinchGesture& pinch)
- mControlImpl.OnPinch(pinch);
-void Control::Impl::PanDetected(Actor actor, const PanGesture& pan)
- mControlImpl.OnPan(pan);
-void Control::Impl::TapDetected(Actor actor, const TapGesture& tap)
- mControlImpl.OnTap(tap);
-void Control::Impl::LongPressDetected(Actor actor, const LongPressGesture& longPress)
- mControlImpl.OnLongPress(longPress);
-// Called by a Visual when it's resource is ready
-void Control::Impl::ResourceReady( Visual::Base& object)
- // go through and check if all the visuals are ready, if they are emit a signal
- for ( RegisteredVisualContainer::ConstIterator visualIter = mVisuals.Begin();
- visualIter != mVisuals.End(); ++visualIter )
- {
- const Toolkit::Visual::Base visual = (*visualIter)->visual;
- const Internal::Visual::Base& visualImpl = Toolkit::GetImplementation( visual );
- // one of the visuals is not ready
- if( !visualImpl.IsResourceReady() )
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- // all the visuals are ready
- Dali::Toolkit::Control handle( mControlImpl.GetOwner() );
- mResourceReadySignal.Emit( handle );
-bool Control::Impl::IsResourceReady() const
- // go through and check all the visuals are ready
- for ( RegisteredVisualContainer::ConstIterator visualIter = mVisuals.Begin();
- visualIter != mVisuals.End(); ++visualIter )
- {
- const Toolkit::Visual::Base visual = (*visualIter)->visual;
- const Internal::Visual::Base& visualImpl = Toolkit::GetImplementation( visual );
- // one of the visuals is not ready
- if( !visualImpl.IsResourceReady() )
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-void Control::Impl::RegisterVisual( Property::Index index, Toolkit::Visual::Base& visual )
- RegisterVisual( index, visual, true );
-void Control::Impl::RegisterVisual( Property::Index index, Toolkit::Visual::Base& visual, bool enabled )
- bool visualReplaced ( false );
- Actor self = mControlImpl.Self();
- if( !mVisuals.Empty() )
- {
- RegisteredVisualContainer::Iterator iter;
- // Check if visual (index) is already registered. Replace if so.
- if ( FindVisual( index, mVisuals, iter ) )
- {
- if( (*iter)->visual && self.OnStage() )
- {
- Toolkit::GetImplementation((*iter)->visual).SetOffStage( self );
- }
- StopObservingVisual( (*iter)->visual );
- StartObservingVisual( visual );
- (*iter)->visual = visual;
- visualReplaced = true;
- }
- }
- if( !visualReplaced ) // New registration entry
- {
- mVisuals.PushBack( new RegisteredVisual( index, visual, enabled ) );
- // monitor when the visuals resources are ready
- StartObservingVisual( visual );
- }
- if( visual && self.OnStage() && enabled )
- {
- Toolkit::GetImplementation(visual).SetOnStage( self );
- }
- DALI_LOG_INFO( gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "Control::RegisterVisual() Registered %s(%d), enabled:%s\n", visual.GetName().c_str(), index, enabled?"T":"F" );
-void Control::Impl::UnregisterVisual( Property::Index index )
- RegisteredVisualContainer::Iterator iter;
- if ( FindVisual( index, mVisuals, iter ) )
- {
- // stop observing visual
- StopObservingVisual( (*iter)->visual );
- Actor self( mControlImpl.Self() );
- Toolkit::GetImplementation((*iter)->visual).SetOffStage( self );
- (*iter)->visual.Reset();
- mVisuals.Erase( iter );
- }
-Toolkit::Visual::Base Control::Impl::GetVisual( Property::Index index ) const
- RegisteredVisualContainer::Iterator iter;
- if ( FindVisual( index, mVisuals, iter ) )
- {
- return (*iter)->visual;
- }
- return Toolkit::Visual::Base();
-void Control::Impl::EnableVisual( Property::Index index, bool enable )
- RegisteredVisualContainer::Iterator iter;
- if ( FindVisual( index, mVisuals, iter ) )
- {
- if ( (*iter)->enabled == enable )
- {
- DALI_LOG_INFO( gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "Control::EnableVisual Visual %s(%d) already %s\n", (*iter)->visual.GetName().c_str(), index, enable?"enabled":"disabled");
- return;
- }
- (*iter)->enabled = enable;
- Actor parentActor = mControlImpl.Self();
- if ( mControlImpl.Self().OnStage() ) // If control not on Stage then Visual will be added when StageConnection is called.
- {
- if ( enable )
- {
- DALI_LOG_INFO( gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "Control::EnableVisual Setting %s(%d) on stage \n", (*iter)->visual.GetName().c_str(), index );
- Toolkit::GetImplementation((*iter)->visual).SetOnStage( parentActor );
- }
- else
- {
- DALI_LOG_INFO( gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "Control::EnableVisual Setting %s(%d) off stage \n", (*iter)->visual.GetName().c_str(), index );
- Toolkit::GetImplementation((*iter)->visual).SetOffStage( parentActor ); // No need to call if control not staged.
- }
- }
- }
-bool Control::Impl::IsVisualEnabled( Property::Index index ) const
- RegisteredVisualContainer::Iterator iter;
- if ( FindVisual( index, mVisuals, iter ) )
- {
- return (*iter)->enabled;
- }
- return false;
-void Control::Impl::StopObservingVisual( Toolkit::Visual::Base& visual )
- Internal::Visual::Base& visualImpl = Toolkit::GetImplementation( visual );
- // Stop observing the visual
- visualImpl.RemoveResourceObserver( *this );
-void Control::Impl::StartObservingVisual( Toolkit::Visual::Base& visual)
- Internal::Visual::Base& visualImpl = Toolkit::GetImplementation( visual );
- // start observing the visual for resource ready
- visualImpl.AddResourceObserver( *this );
-void Control::Impl::SetProperty( BaseObject* object, Property::Index index, const Property::Value& value )
- Toolkit::Control control = Toolkit::Control::DownCast( BaseHandle( object ) );
- if ( control )
- {
- Control& controlImpl( GetImplementation( control ) );
- switch ( index )
- {
- case Toolkit::Control::Property::STYLE_NAME:
- {
- controlImpl.SetStyleName( value.Get< std::string >() );
- break;
- }
- case Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND_COLOR:
- {
- DALI_LOG_WARNING( "BACKGROUND_COLOR property is deprecated. Use BACKGROUND property instead\n" );
- controlImpl.SetBackgroundColor( value.Get< Vector4 >() );
- break;
- }
- case Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND_IMAGE:
- {
- DALI_LOG_WARNING( "BACKGROUND_IMAGE property is deprecated. Use BACKGROUND property instead\n" );
- Image image = Scripting::NewImage( value );
- if ( image )
- {
- controlImpl.SetBackgroundImage( image );
- }
- else
- {
- // An empty image means the background is no longer required
- controlImpl.ClearBackground();
- }
- break;
- }
- case Toolkit::Control::Property::KEY_INPUT_FOCUS:
- {
- if ( value.Get< bool >() )
- {
- controlImpl.SetKeyInputFocus();
- }
- else
- {
- controlImpl.ClearKeyInputFocus();
- }
- break;
- }
- case Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND:
- {
- std::string url;
- Vector4 color;
- const Property::Map* map = value.GetMap();
- if( map && !map->Empty() )
- {
- controlImpl.SetBackground( *map );
- }
- else if( value.Get( url ) )
- {
- // don't know the size to load
- Toolkit::Visual::Base visual = Toolkit::VisualFactory::Get().CreateVisual( url, ImageDimensions() );
- if( visual )
- {
- controlImpl.mImpl->RegisterVisual( Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND, visual );
- visual.SetDepthIndex( DepthIndex::BACKGROUND );
- }
- }
- else if( value.Get( color ) )
- {
- controlImpl.SetBackgroundColor(color);
- }
- else
- {
- // The background is an empty property map, so we should clear the background
- controlImpl.ClearBackground();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-Property::Value Control::Impl::GetProperty( BaseObject* object, Property::Index index )
- Property::Value value;
- Toolkit::Control control = Toolkit::Control::DownCast( BaseHandle( object ) );
- if ( control )
- {
- Control& controlImpl( GetImplementation( control ) );
- switch ( index )
- {
- case Toolkit::Control::Property::STYLE_NAME:
- {
- value = controlImpl.GetStyleName();
- break;
- }
- case Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND_COLOR:
- {
- DALI_LOG_WARNING( "BACKGROUND_COLOR property is deprecated. Use BACKGROUND property instead\n" );
- value = controlImpl.GetBackgroundColor();
- break;
- }
- case Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND_IMAGE:
- {
- DALI_LOG_WARNING( "BACKGROUND_IMAGE property is deprecated. Use BACKGROUND property instead\n" );
- Property::Map map;
- Toolkit::Visual::Base visual = controlImpl.mImpl->GetVisual( Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND );
- if( visual )
- {
- visual.CreatePropertyMap( map );
- }
- value = map;
- break;
- }
- case Toolkit::Control::Property::KEY_INPUT_FOCUS:
- {
- value = controlImpl.HasKeyInputFocus();
- break;
- }
- case Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND:
- {
- Property::Map map;
- Toolkit::Visual::Base visual = controlImpl.mImpl->GetVisual( Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND );
- if( visual )
- {
- visual.CreatePropertyMap( map );
- }
- value = map;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return value;
-void Control::Impl::RemoveVisual( RegisteredVisualContainer& visuals, const std::string& visualName )
- Actor self( mControlImpl.Self() );
- for ( RegisteredVisualContainer::Iterator visualIter = visuals.Begin();
- visualIter != visuals.End(); ++visualIter )
- {
- Toolkit::Visual::Base visual = (*visualIter)->visual;
- if( visual && visual.GetName() == visualName )
- {
- Toolkit::GetImplementation(visual).SetOffStage( self );
- (*visualIter)->visual.Reset();
- visuals.Erase( visualIter );
- break;
- }
- }
-} // namespace Internal
-} // namespace Toolkit
-} // namespace Dali
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#include <dali/public-api/object/type-registry.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/controls/control-devel.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/visuals/visual-resource-observer.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/public-api/controls/control-impl.h>
-#include <dali/devel-api/common/owner-container.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/visual-factory/visual-base.h>
-namespace Dali
-namespace Toolkit
-namespace Internal
- * Struct used to store Visual within the control, index is a unique key for each visual.
- */
- struct RegisteredVisual
- {
- Property::Index index;
- Toolkit::Visual::Base visual;
- bool enabled;
- RegisteredVisual( Property::Index aIndex, Toolkit::Visual::Base &aVisual, bool aEnabled)
- : index(aIndex), visual(aVisual), enabled(aEnabled)
- {
- }
- };
-typedef Dali::OwnerContainer< RegisteredVisual* > RegisteredVisualContainer;
- * @brief Holds the Implementation for the internal control class
- */
-class Control::Impl : public ConnectionTracker, public Visual::ResourceObserver
- /**
- * @brief Retrieves the implementation of the internal control class.
- * @param[in] internalControl A ref to the control whose internal implementation is required
- * @return The internal implementation
- */
- static Control::Impl& Get( Internal::Control& internalControl );
- /**
- * @copydoc Get( Internal::Control& )
- */
- static const Control::Impl& Get( const Internal::Control& internalControl );
- /**
- * @brief Constructor.
- * @param[in] controlImpl The control which own this implementation
- */
- Impl( Control& controlImpl );
- /**
- * @brief Destructor.
- */
- ~Impl();
- /**
- * @brief Called when a pinch is detected.
- * @param[in] actor The actor the pinch occurred on
- * @param[in] pinch The pinch gesture details
- */
- void PinchDetected(Actor actor, const PinchGesture& pinch);
- /**
- * @brief Called when a pan is detected.
- * @param[in] actor The actor the pan occurred on
- * @param[in] pan The pan gesture details
- */
- void PanDetected(Actor actor, const PanGesture& pan);
- /**
- * @brief Called when a tap is detected.
- * @param[in] actor The actor the tap occurred on
- * @param[in] tap The tap gesture details
- */
- void TapDetected(Actor actor, const TapGesture& tap);
- /**
- * @brief Called when a long-press is detected.
- * @param[in] actor The actor the long-press occurred on
- * @param[in] longPress The long-press gesture details
- */
- void LongPressDetected(Actor actor, const LongPressGesture& longPress);
- /**
- * @brief Called when a resource is ready.
- * @param[in] object The visual whose resources are ready
- * @note Overriding method in Visual::ResourceObserver.
- */
- virtual void ResourceReady( Visual::Base& object );
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toolkit::DevelControl::RegisterVisual()
- */
- void RegisterVisual( Property::Index index, Toolkit::Visual::Base& visual );
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toolkit::DevelControl::RegisterVisual()
- */
- void RegisterVisual( Property::Index index, Toolkit::Visual::Base& visual, bool enabled );
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toolkit::DevelControl::UnregisterVisual()
- */
- void UnregisterVisual( Property::Index index );
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toolkit::DevelControl::GetVisual()
- */
- Toolkit::Visual::Base GetVisual( Property::Index index ) const;
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toolkit::DevelControl::EnableVisual()
- */
- void EnableVisual( Property::Index index, bool enable );
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toolkit::DevelControl::IsVisualEnabled()
- */
- bool IsVisualEnabled( Property::Index index ) const;
- /**
- * @brief Stops observing the given visual.
- * @param[in] visual The visual to stop observing
- */
- void StopObservingVisual( Toolkit::Visual::Base& visual );
- /**
- * @brief Starts observing the given visual.
- * @param[in] visual The visual to start observing
- */
- void StartObservingVisual( Toolkit::Visual::Base& visual);
- /**
- * @brief Function used to set control properties.
- * @param[in] object The object whose property to set
- * @param[in] index The index of the property to set
- * @param[in] value The value of the property to set
- */
- static void SetProperty( BaseObject* object, Property::Index index, const Property::Value& value );
- /**
- * @brief Function used to retrieve the value of control properties.
- * @param[in] object The object whose property to get
- * @param[in] index The index of the property to get
- * @return The value of the property
- */
- static Property::Value GetProperty( BaseObject* object, Property::Index index );
- /**
- * @brief Removes a visual from the control's container.
- * @param[in] visuals The container of visuals
- * @param[in] visualName The name of the visual to remove
- */
- void RemoveVisual( RegisteredVisualContainer& visuals, const std::string& visualName );
- /**
- * @brief Whether the resource is ready
- * @return True if the resource is read.
- */
- bool IsResourceReady() const;
- Control& mControlImpl;
- RegisteredVisualContainer mVisuals; ///< Stores visuals needed by the control, non trivial type so std::vector used.
- std::string mStyleName;
- Vector4 mBackgroundColor; ///< The color of the background visual
- Vector3* mStartingPinchScale; ///< The scale when a pinch gesture starts, TODO: consider removing this
- Toolkit::Control::KeyEventSignalType mKeyEventSignal;
- Toolkit::Control::KeyInputFocusSignalType mKeyInputFocusGainedSignal;
- Toolkit::Control::KeyInputFocusSignalType mKeyInputFocusLostSignal;
- Toolkit::DevelControl::ResourceReadySignalType mResourceReadySignal;
- // Gesture Detection
- PinchGestureDetector mPinchGestureDetector;
- PanGestureDetector mPanGestureDetector;
- TapGestureDetector mTapGestureDetector;
- LongPressGestureDetector mLongPressGestureDetector;
- ControlBehaviour mFlags : CONTROL_BEHAVIOUR_FLAG_COUNT; ///< Flags passed in from constructor.
- bool mIsKeyboardNavigationSupported :1; ///< Stores whether keyboard navigation is supported by the control.
- bool mIsKeyboardFocusGroup :1; ///< Stores whether the control is a focus group.
- // Properties - these need to be members of Internal::Control::Impl as they access private methods/data of Internal::Control and Internal::Control::Impl.
- static const PropertyRegistration PROPERTY_1;
- static const PropertyRegistration PROPERTY_2;
- static const PropertyRegistration PROPERTY_3;
- static const PropertyRegistration PROPERTY_4;
- static const PropertyRegistration PROPERTY_5;
-} // namespace Internal
-} // namespace Toolkit
-} // namespace Dali
#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/visual-factory/visual-factory.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/visuals/visual-string-constants.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/visuals/visual-base-impl.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/controls/control-devel.h>
namespace Dali
Actor self( Self() );
InitializeVisual( self, mVisual, image );
- DevelControl::RegisterVisual( *this, Toolkit::ImageView::Property::IMAGE, mVisual );
mImageSize = image ? ImageDimensions( image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight() ) : ImageDimensions( 0, 0 );
Actor self( Self() );
InitializeVisual( self, mVisual, mPropertyMap );
- DevelControl::RegisterVisual( *this, Toolkit::ImageView::Property::IMAGE, mVisual );
Property::Value* widthValue = mPropertyMap.Find( "width" );
if( widthValue )
Actor self( Self() );
InitializeVisual( self, mVisual, url, size );
- DevelControl::RegisterVisual( *this, Toolkit::ImageView::Property::IMAGE, mVisual );
mVisual.SetSize( mSizeSet );
$(toolkit_src_dir)/controls/buttons/check-box-button-impl.cpp \
$(toolkit_src_dir)/controls/buttons/push-button-impl.cpp \
$(toolkit_src_dir)/controls/buttons/radio-button-impl.cpp \
- $(toolkit_src_dir)/controls/control/control-data-impl.cpp \
$(toolkit_src_dir)/controls/effects-view/effects-view-impl.cpp \
$(toolkit_src_dir)/controls/flex-container/flex-container-impl.cpp \
$(toolkit_src_dir)/controls/gaussian-blur-view/gaussian-blur-view-impl.cpp \
mBorderSizeIndex = (mImpl->mRenderer).RegisterProperty( SIZE_NAME, mBorderSize );
actor.AddRenderer( mImpl->mRenderer );
- // Border Visual Generated and ready to display
- ResourceReady();
void BorderVisual::DoCreatePropertyMap( Property::Map& map ) const
actor.AddRenderer( mImpl->mRenderer );
- // Color Visual generated and ready to display
- ResourceReady();
void ColorVisual::DoCreatePropertyMap( Property::Map& map ) const
actor.AddRenderer( mImpl->mRenderer );
- // Gradient Visual generated and ready to display
- ResourceReady();
void GradientVisual::DoCreatePropertyMap( Property::Map& map ) const
- // Asynchronous image load
ResourceImage resourceImage = Dali::ResourceImage::New( url, mDesiredSize, mFittingMode, mSamplingMode );
resourceImage.LoadingFinishedSignal().Connect( this, &ImageVisual::OnImageLoaded );
return resourceImage;
- // Asynchronous image load
textureSet = mFactoryCache.GetAtlasManager()->Add(textureRect, url, mDesiredSize, mFittingMode, true, this );
mImpl->mFlags |= Impl::IS_ATLASING_APPLIED;
if( !textureSet ) // big image, no atlasing
// reset the weak handle so that the renderer only get added to actor once
- // Image async loaded into the Atlas and is ready to display
- ResourceReady();
void ImageVisual::DoSetOnStage( Actor& actor )
actor.AddRenderer( mImpl->mRenderer );
- // If we're sync loading and not atlasing (async), then the resource is ready to display
- ResourceReady();
ApplyImageToSampler( brokenImage );
- // ResourceImage async loaded and ready to display
- ResourceReady();
void ImageVisual::CleanCache(const std::string& url)
actor.AddRenderer( mImpl->mRenderer );
- // Mesh loaded and ready to display
- ResourceReady();
void MeshVisual::DoCreatePropertyMap( Property::Map& map ) const
actor.AddRenderer( mImpl->mRenderer );
- // npatch loaded and ready to display
- ResourceReady();
void NPatchVisual::DoSetOffStage( Actor& actor )
actor.AddRenderer( mImpl->mRenderer );
- // Primitive generated and ready to display
- ResourceReady();
void PrimitiveVisual::DoCreatePropertyMap( Property::Map& map ) const
// reset the weak handle so that the renderer only get added to actor once
- // Svg loaded and ready to display
- ResourceReady();
: mCustomShader(NULL),
- mResourceObserver( NULL ),
mDepthIndex( 0.0f ),
- mFlags( 0 ),
- mResourceReady( false )
+ mFlags( 0 )
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/visuals/visual-base-impl.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/visuals/visual-resource-observer.h>
namespace Dali
CustomShader* mCustomShader;
- ResourceObserver* mResourceObserver; ///< Allows controls to observe when the visual resources are loaded and ready
- std::string mName;
Vector2 mSize;
Vector2 mOffset;
float mDepthIndex;
int mFlags;
- bool mResourceReady:1;
return mImpl->mSize;
-void Base::SetName( const std::string& name )
- mImpl->mName = name;
-const std::string& Base::GetName() const
- return mImpl->mName;
void Base::GetNaturalSize( Vector2& naturalSize ) const
naturalSize = Vector2::ZERO;
-void Visual::Base::AddResourceObserver( Visual::ResourceObserver& observer)
- mImpl->mResourceObserver = &observer;
-void Visual::Base::RemoveResourceObserver( Visual::ResourceObserver& observer )
- mImpl->mResourceObserver = NULL;
-void Visual::Base::ResourceReady()
- if( mImpl->mResourceReady )
- {
- // only inform the observer the first time the resource is ready
- return;
- }
- if( mImpl->mResourceObserver )
- {
- mImpl->mResourceReady = true;
- // observer is currently a control impl
- mImpl->mResourceObserver->ResourceReady( *this );
- }
-bool Visual::Base::IsResourceReady() const
- return mImpl->mResourceReady;
void Base::CreatePropertyMap( Property::Map& map ) const
DoCreatePropertyMap( map );
namespace Visual
-class ResourceObserver;
* Base class for all Control rendering logic. A control may have multiple visuals.
const Vector2& GetSize() const;
- /**
- * @copydoc Toolkit::Visual::Base::SetName
- */
- void SetName( const std::string& name );
- /**
- * @copydoc Toolkit::Visual::Base::GetName
- */
- const std::string& GetName() const;
* @copydoc Toolkit::Visual::Base::GetNaturalSize
void SetCustomShader( const Property::Map& propertyMap );
- /**
- * @brief Add an observer to watch for when the Visuals resources are loaded.
- * Currently only supports a single observer
- *
- */
- void AddResourceObserver( Visual::ResourceObserver& observer );
- /**
- * @brief Remove an observer
- */
- void RemoveResourceObserver( Visual::ResourceObserver& observer );
- /**
- * @brief Called when the visuals resources are loaded / ready
- */
- void ResourceReady();
- /**
- * @brief Called when the visuals resources are loaded / ready
- * @return true if ready, false otherwise
- */
- bool IsResourceReady() const;
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-namespace Dali
-namespace Toolkit
-namespace Internal
-namespace Visual
-class Base;
- * Observer to be informed when a visuals resources are ready.
- */
-class ResourceObserver
- public:
- /**
- * Inform the observer of the object that it's connections have changed
- * @param[in] object The connection owner
- */
- virtual void ResourceReady( Visual::Base& object) = 0;
- protected:
- /**
- * constructor
- */
- ResourceObserver()
- {
- };
- /**
- * virtual destructor
- */
- virtual ~ResourceObserver()
- {
- };
- // Undefined copy constructor.
- ResourceObserver( const ResourceObserver& );
- // Undefined assignment operator.
- ResourceObserver& operator=( const ResourceObserver& );
-} // Visual
-} // Internal
-} // Toolkit
-} // Dali
actor.AddRenderer( mImpl->mRenderer );
- // Wireframe generated and ready to display
- ResourceReady();
void WireframeVisual::DoCreatePropertyMap( Property::Map& map ) const
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/visuals/color/color-visual.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/visuals/visual-string-constants.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/visuals/visual-base-impl.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/controls/control/control-data-impl.h>
namespace Dali
namespace Toolkit
-namespace Internal
+ * Creates control through type registry
+ */
+BaseHandle Create()
+ return Internal::Control::New();
+ * Performs actions as requested using the action name.
+ * @param[in] object The object on which to perform the action.
+ * @param[in] actionName The action to perform.
+ * @param[in] attributes The attributes with which to perfrom this action.
+ * @return true if action has been accepted by this control
+ */
+const char* ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_ACTIVATED = "accessibilityActivated";
+static bool DoAction( BaseObject* object, const std::string& actionName, const Property::Map& attributes )
+ bool ret = false;
+ if( object && ( 0 == strcmp( actionName.c_str(), ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_ACTIVATED ) ) )
+ {
+ Toolkit::Control control = Toolkit::Control::DownCast( BaseHandle( object ) );
+ if( control )
+ {
+ // if cast succeeds there is an implementation so no need to check
+ ret = Internal::GetImplementation( control ).OnAccessibilityActivated();
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * Connects a callback function with the object's signals.
+ * @param[in] object The object providing the signal.
+ * @param[in] tracker Used to disconnect the signal.
+ * @param[in] signalName The signal to connect to.
+ * @param[in] functor A newly allocated FunctorDelegate.
+ * @return True if the signal was connected.
+ * @post If a signal was connected, ownership of functor was passed to CallbackBase. Otherwise the caller is responsible for deleting the unused functor.
+ */
+const char* SIGNAL_KEY_EVENT = "keyEvent";
+const char* SIGNAL_KEY_INPUT_FOCUS_GAINED = "keyInputFocusGained";
+const char* SIGNAL_KEY_INPUT_FOCUS_LOST = "keyInputFocusLost";
+const char* SIGNAL_TAPPED = "tapped";
+const char* SIGNAL_PANNED = "panned";
+const char* SIGNAL_PINCHED = "pinched";
+const char* SIGNAL_LONG_PRESSED = "longPressed";
+static bool DoConnectSignal( BaseObject* object, ConnectionTrackerInterface* tracker, const std::string& signalName, FunctorDelegate* functor )
+ Dali::BaseHandle handle( object );
+ bool connected( false );
+ Toolkit::Control control = Toolkit::Control::DownCast( handle );
+ if ( control )
+ {
+ Internal::Control& controlImpl( Internal::GetImplementation( control ) );
+ connected = true;
+ if ( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_KEY_EVENT ) )
+ {
+ controlImpl.KeyEventSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
+ }
+ else if( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_KEY_INPUT_FOCUS_GAINED ) )
+ {
+ controlImpl.KeyInputFocusGainedSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
+ }
+ else if( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_KEY_INPUT_FOCUS_LOST ) )
+ {
+ controlImpl.KeyInputFocusLostSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
+ }
+ else if( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_TAPPED ) )
+ {
+ controlImpl.EnableGestureDetection( Gesture::Tap );
+ controlImpl.GetTapGestureDetector().DetectedSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
+ }
+ else if( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_PANNED ) )
+ {
+ controlImpl.EnableGestureDetection( Gesture::Pan );
+ controlImpl.GetPanGestureDetector().DetectedSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
+ }
+ else if( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_PINCHED ) )
+ {
+ controlImpl.EnableGestureDetection( Gesture::Pinch );
+ controlImpl.GetPinchGestureDetector().DetectedSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
+ }
+ else if( 0 == strcmp( signalName.c_str(), SIGNAL_LONG_PRESSED ) )
+ {
+ controlImpl.EnableGestureDetection( Gesture::LongPress );
+ controlImpl.GetLongPressGestureDetector().DetectedSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
+ }
+ }
+ return connected;
+// Setup signals and actions using the type-registry.
+DALI_TYPE_REGISTRATION_BEGIN( Control, CustomActor, Create );
+// Note: Properties are registered separately below.
+SignalConnectorType registerSignal1( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_KEY_EVENT, &DoConnectSignal );
+SignalConnectorType registerSignal2( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_KEY_INPUT_FOCUS_GAINED, &DoConnectSignal );
+SignalConnectorType registerSignal3( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_KEY_INPUT_FOCUS_LOST, &DoConnectSignal );
+SignalConnectorType registerSignal4( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_TAPPED, &DoConnectSignal );
+SignalConnectorType registerSignal5( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_PANNED, &DoConnectSignal );
+SignalConnectorType registerSignal6( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_PINCHED, &DoConnectSignal );
+SignalConnectorType registerSignal7( typeRegistration, SIGNAL_LONG_PRESSED, &DoConnectSignal );
-#if defined(DEBUG_ENABLED)
-Debug::Filter* gLogFilter = Debug::Filter::New( Debug::NoLogging, false, "LOG_CONTROL_VISUALS");
+TypeAction registerAction( typeRegistration, ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_ACTIVATED, &DoAction );
} // unnamed namespace
+namespace Internal
+class Control::Impl : public ConnectionTracker
+ // Construction & Destruction
+ Impl(Control& controlImpl)
+: mControlImpl( controlImpl ),
+ mStyleName(""),
+ mBackgroundVisual(),
+ mBackgroundColor(Color::TRANSPARENT),
+ mStartingPinchScale( NULL ),
+ mKeyEventSignal(),
+ mPinchGestureDetector(),
+ mPanGestureDetector(),
+ mTapGestureDetector(),
+ mLongPressGestureDetector(),
+ mFlags( Control::ControlBehaviour( CONTROL_BEHAVIOUR_DEFAULT ) ),
+ mIsKeyboardNavigationSupported( false ),
+ mIsKeyboardFocusGroup( false )
+ ~Impl()
+ {
+ // All gesture detectors will be destroyed so no need to disconnect.
+ delete mStartingPinchScale;
+ }
+ // Gesture Detection Methods
+ void PinchDetected(Actor actor, const PinchGesture& pinch)
+ {
+ mControlImpl.OnPinch(pinch);
+ }
+ void PanDetected(Actor actor, const PanGesture& pan)
+ {
+ mControlImpl.OnPan(pan);
+ }
+ void TapDetected(Actor actor, const TapGesture& tap)
+ {
+ mControlImpl.OnTap(tap);
+ }
+ void LongPressDetected(Actor actor, const LongPressGesture& longPress)
+ {
+ mControlImpl.OnLongPress(longPress);
+ }
+ // Properties
+ /**
+ * Called when a property of an object of this type is set.
+ * @param[in] object The object whose property is set.
+ * @param[in] index The property index.
+ * @param[in] value The new property value.
+ */
+ static void SetProperty( BaseObject* object, Property::Index index, const Property::Value& value )
+ {
+ Toolkit::Control control = Toolkit::Control::DownCast( BaseHandle( object ) );
+ if ( control )
+ {
+ Control& controlImpl( GetImplementation( control ) );
+ switch ( index )
+ {
+ case Toolkit::Control::Property::STYLE_NAME:
+ {
+ controlImpl.SetStyleName( value.Get< std::string >() );
+ break;
+ }
+ case Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND_COLOR:
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_WARNING( "BACKGROUND_COLOR property is deprecated. Use BACKGROUND property instead\n" );
+ controlImpl.SetBackgroundColor( value.Get< Vector4 >() );
+ break;
+ }
+ case Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND_IMAGE:
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_WARNING( "BACKGROUND_IMAGE property is deprecated. Use BACKGROUND property instead\n" );
+ Image image = Scripting::NewImage( value );
+ if ( image )
+ {
+ controlImpl.SetBackgroundImage( image );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // An empty map means the background is no longer required
+ controlImpl.ClearBackground();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Toolkit::Control::Property::KEY_INPUT_FOCUS:
+ {
+ if ( value.Get< bool >() )
+ {
+ controlImpl.SetKeyInputFocus();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ controlImpl.ClearKeyInputFocus();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND:
+ {
+ const Property::Map* map = value.GetMap();
+ if( map )
+ {
+ controlImpl.SetBackground( *map );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The background is not a property map, so we should clear the background
+ controlImpl.ClearBackground();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called to retrieve a property of an object of this type.
+ * @param[in] object The object whose property is to be retrieved.
+ * @param[in] index The property index.
+ * @return The current value of the property.
+ */
+ static Property::Value GetProperty( BaseObject* object, Property::Index index )
+ {
+ Property::Value value;
+ Toolkit::Control control = Toolkit::Control::DownCast( BaseHandle( object ) );
+ if ( control )
+ {
+ Control& controlImpl( GetImplementation( control ) );
+ switch ( index )
+ {
+ case Toolkit::Control::Property::STYLE_NAME:
+ {
+ value = controlImpl.GetStyleName();
+ break;
+ }
+ case Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND_COLOR:
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_WARNING( "BACKGROUND_COLOR property is deprecated. Use BACKGROUND property instead\n" );
+ value = controlImpl.GetBackgroundColor();
+ break;
+ }
+ case Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND_IMAGE:
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_WARNING( "BACKGROUND_IMAGE property is deprecated. Use BACKGROUND property instead\n" );
+ Property::Map map;
+ if( controlImpl.mImpl->mBackgroundVisual )
+ {
+ controlImpl.mImpl->mBackgroundVisual.CreatePropertyMap( map );
+ }
+ value = map;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Toolkit::Control::Property::KEY_INPUT_FOCUS:
+ {
+ value = controlImpl.HasKeyInputFocus();
+ break;
+ }
+ case Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND:
+ {
+ Property::Map map;
+ if( controlImpl.mImpl->mBackgroundVisual )
+ {
+ (controlImpl.mImpl->mBackgroundVisual).CreatePropertyMap( map );
+ }
+ value = map;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ // Data
+ Control& mControlImpl;
+ std::string mStyleName;
+ Toolkit::Visual::Base mBackgroundVisual; ///< The visual to render the background
+ Vector4 mBackgroundColor; ///< The color of the background visual
+ Vector3* mStartingPinchScale; ///< The scale when a pinch gesture starts, TODO: consider removing this
+ Toolkit::Control::KeyEventSignalType mKeyEventSignal;
+ Toolkit::Control::KeyInputFocusSignalType mKeyInputFocusGainedSignal;
+ Toolkit::Control::KeyInputFocusSignalType mKeyInputFocusLostSignal;
+ // Gesture Detection
+ PinchGestureDetector mPinchGestureDetector;
+ PanGestureDetector mPanGestureDetector;
+ TapGestureDetector mTapGestureDetector;
+ LongPressGestureDetector mLongPressGestureDetector;
+ ControlBehaviour mFlags : CONTROL_BEHAVIOUR_FLAG_COUNT; ///< Flags passed in from constructor.
+ bool mIsKeyboardNavigationSupported :1; ///< Stores whether keyboard navigation is supported by the control.
+ bool mIsKeyboardFocusGroup :1; ///< Stores whether the control is a focus group.
+ // Properties - these need to be members of Internal::Control::Impl as they need to function within this class.
+ static const PropertyRegistration PROPERTY_1;
+ static const PropertyRegistration PROPERTY_2;
+ static const PropertyRegistration PROPERTY_3;
+ static const PropertyRegistration PROPERTY_4;
+ static const PropertyRegistration PROPERTY_5;
+// Properties registered without macro to use specific member variables.
+const PropertyRegistration Control::Impl::PROPERTY_1( typeRegistration, "styleName", Toolkit::Control::Property::STYLE_NAME, Property::STRING, &Control::Impl::SetProperty, &Control::Impl::GetProperty );
+const PropertyRegistration Control::Impl::PROPERTY_2( typeRegistration, "backgroundColor", Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND_COLOR, Property::VECTOR4, &Control::Impl::SetProperty, &Control::Impl::GetProperty );
+const PropertyRegistration Control::Impl::PROPERTY_3( typeRegistration, "backgroundImage", Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND_IMAGE, Property::MAP, &Control::Impl::SetProperty, &Control::Impl::GetProperty );
+const PropertyRegistration Control::Impl::PROPERTY_4( typeRegistration, "keyInputFocus", Toolkit::Control::Property::KEY_INPUT_FOCUS, Property::BOOLEAN, &Control::Impl::SetProperty, &Control::Impl::GetProperty );
+const PropertyRegistration Control::Impl::PROPERTY_5( typeRegistration, "background", Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND, Property::MAP, &Control::Impl::SetProperty, &Control::Impl::GetProperty );
Toolkit::Control Control::New()
void Control::SetBackgroundColor( const Vector4& color )
+ Actor self( Self() );
mImpl->mBackgroundColor = color;
Property::Map map;
map[ Toolkit::Visual::Property::TYPE ] = Toolkit::Visual::COLOR;
map[ Toolkit::ColorVisual::Property::MIX_COLOR ] = color;
- SetBackground( map );
+ InitializeVisual( self, mImpl->mBackgroundVisual, map );
+ if( mImpl->mBackgroundVisual )
+ {
+ mImpl->mBackgroundVisual.SetDepthIndex( DepthIndex::BACKGROUND );
+ }
Vector4 Control::GetBackgroundColor() const
void Control::SetBackground( const Property::Map& map )
- Toolkit::Visual::Base visual = Toolkit::VisualFactory::Get().CreateVisual( map );
- if( visual )
- {
- mImpl->RegisterVisual( Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND, visual );
- visual.SetDepthIndex( DepthIndex::BACKGROUND );
+ Actor self( Self() );
+ Toolkit::Visual::Base backgroundVisual = Toolkit::VisualFactory::Get().CreateVisual( map );
- // Trigger a size negotiation request that may be needed by the new visual to relayout its contents.
- RelayoutRequest();
+ // if new visual created, replace existing one
+ if( backgroundVisual )
+ {
+ if( self.OnStage() )
+ {
+ mImpl->mBackgroundVisual.RemoveAndReset( self );
+ backgroundVisual.SetOnStage( self );
+ }
+ mImpl->mBackgroundVisual = backgroundVisual;
+ mImpl->mBackgroundVisual.SetDepthIndex( DepthIndex::BACKGROUND );
+ }
+ // ...otherwise process map and apply it to the existing visual
+ else if( mImpl->mBackgroundVisual )
+ {
+ Property::Value* premultipliedAlpha = map.Find( Toolkit::DevelVisual::Property::PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA, Toolkit::Internal::PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA );
+ if( premultipliedAlpha )
+ {
+ bool value( premultipliedAlpha->Get<bool>() );
+ Toolkit::GetImplementation( mImpl->mBackgroundVisual ).EnablePreMultipliedAlpha( value );
+ }
void Control::SetBackgroundImage( Image image )
- Toolkit::Visual::Base visual = Toolkit::VisualFactory::Get().CreateVisual( image );
- if( visual )
+ Actor self( Self() );
+ InitializeVisual( self, mImpl->mBackgroundVisual, image );
+ if( mImpl->mBackgroundVisual )
- mImpl->RegisterVisual( Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND, visual );
- visual.SetDepthIndex( DepthIndex::BACKGROUND );
+ mImpl->mBackgroundVisual.SetDepthIndex( DepthIndex::BACKGROUND );
void Control::ClearBackground()
- mImpl->UnregisterVisual( Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND );
- mImpl->mBackgroundColor = Color::TRANSPARENT;
- // Trigger a size negotiation request that may be needed when unregistering a visual.
- RelayoutRequest();
+ Actor self( Self() );
+ mImpl->mBackgroundVisual.RemoveAndReset( self );
+ mImpl->mBackgroundColor = Color::TRANSPARENT;
void Control::EnableGestureDetection(Gesture::Type type)
void Control::OnStageConnection( int depth )
- DALI_LOG_INFO( gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "Control::OnStageConnection number of registered visuals(%d)\n", mImpl->mVisuals.Size() );
- Actor self( Self() );
- for(RegisteredVisualContainer::Iterator iter = mImpl->mVisuals.Begin(); iter!= mImpl->mVisuals.End(); iter++)
+ if( mImpl->mBackgroundVisual)
- // Check whether the visual is empty and enabled
- if( (*iter)->visual && (*iter)->enabled )
- {
- DALI_LOG_INFO( gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "Control::OnStageConnection Setting visual(%d) on stage\n", (*iter)->index );
- Toolkit::GetImplementation((*iter)->visual).SetOnStage( self );
- }
- }
- if( mImpl->mVisuals.Empty() && ! self.GetRendererCount() )
- {
- Property::Value clippingValue = self.GetProperty( Actor::Property::CLIPPING_MODE );
- int clippingMode = ClippingMode::DISABLED;
- if( clippingValue.Get( clippingMode ) )
- {
- // Add a transparent background if we do not have any renderers or visuals so we clip our children
- if( clippingMode == ClippingMode::CLIP_CHILDREN )
- {
- // Create a transparent background visual which will also get staged.
- SetBackgroundColor( Color::TRANSPARENT );
- }
- }
+ Actor self( Self() );
+ mImpl->mBackgroundVisual.SetOnStage( self );
void Control::OnStageDisconnection()
- for(RegisteredVisualContainer::Iterator iter = mImpl->mVisuals.Begin(); iter!= mImpl->mVisuals.End(); iter++)
+ if( mImpl->mBackgroundVisual )
- // Check whether the visual is empty
- if( (*iter)->visual )
- {
- DALI_LOG_INFO( gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "Control::OnStageDisconnection Setting visual(%d) off stage\n", (*iter)->index );
- Actor self( Self() );
- Toolkit::GetImplementation((*iter)->visual).SetOffStage( self );
- }
+ Actor self( Self() );
+ mImpl->mBackgroundVisual.SetOffStage( self );
void Control::OnSizeSet(const Vector3& targetSize)
- Toolkit::Visual::Base visual = mImpl->GetVisual( Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND );
- if( visual )
+ if( mImpl->mBackgroundVisual )
Vector2 size( targetSize );
- visual.SetSize( size );
+ mImpl->mBackgroundVisual.SetSize( size );
container.Add( Self().GetChildAt( i ), size );
- Toolkit::Visual::Base visual = mImpl->GetVisual( Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND );
- if( visual )
- {
- visual.SetSize( size );
- }
void Control::OnSetResizePolicy( ResizePolicy::Type policy, Dimension::Type dimension )
Vector3 Control::GetNaturalSize()
- Toolkit::Visual::Base visual = mImpl->GetVisual( Toolkit::Control::Property::BACKGROUND );
- if( visual )
+ if( mImpl->mBackgroundVisual )
Vector2 naturalSize;
- visual.GetNaturalSize( naturalSize );
- return Vector3( naturalSize );
+ mImpl->mBackgroundVisual.GetNaturalSize(naturalSize);
+ return Vector3(naturalSize);
return Vector3::ZERO;
DALI_INTERNAL Control( const Control& );
DALI_INTERNAL Control& operator=( const Control& );
- class Impl; // Class declaration is public so we can internally add devel API's to the Controls Impl
+ class Impl;
Impl* mImpl;