use Git;
use Getopt::Long;
use Error qw(:try);
+use HTML::Element;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Basename;
+#use Data::Dumper;
use File::stat;
use Scalar::Util qw /looks_like_number/;
use Cwd qw /getcwd/;
my $filesref = shift;
- open( my $filehandle, ">", $opt_output ) || die "Can't open $opt_output for writing:$!\n";
+ my $html = HTML::Element->new('html');
+ my $head = HTML::Element->new('head');
+ my $title = HTML::Element->new('title');
+ $title->push_content("Patch Coverage");
+ $head->push_content($title, "\n");
+ $html->push_content($head, "\n");
- my $OUTPUT_FH = select;
- select $filehandle;
- print <<EOH;
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
-<title>Patch Coverage</title>
-<body bgcolor="white">
+ my $body = HTML::Element->new('body');
+ $body->attr('bgcolor', "white");
- foreach my $file (keys(%$filesref))
+ foreach my $file (sort(keys(%$filesref)))
my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file, qr{\.[^.]*$});
next if($path !~ /^dali/);
my $patchref = $filesref->{$file}->{"patch"};
my $b_lines_ref = $filesref->{$file}->{"b_lines"};
my $coverage_ref = $filesref->{$file}->{"coverage"};
- print "<h2>$file</h2>\n";
+ my $header = HTML::Element->new('h2');
+ $header->push_content($file);
+ $body->push_content($header);
+ $body->push_content("\n");
if( $coverage_ref->{"covered_lines"} > 0
$coverage_ref->{"uncovered_lines"} > 0 )
- print "<p style=\"color:green;\">Covered: " .
- $coverage_ref->{"covered_lines"} . "<p>" .
- "<p style=\"color:red;\">Uncovered: " .
- $coverage_ref->{"uncovered_lines"} . "</span></p>";
+ my $para = HTML::Element->new('p');
+ my $covered = HTML::Element->new('span');
+ $covered->attr('style', "color:green;");
+ $covered->push_content("Covered: " . $coverage_ref->{"covered_lines"} );
+ $para->push_content($covered);
+ my $para2 = HTML::Element->new('p');
+ my $uncovered = HTML::Element->new('span');
+ $uncovered->attr('style', "color:red;");
+ $uncovered->push_content("Uncovered: " . $coverage_ref->{"uncovered_lines"} );
+ $para2->push_content($uncovered);
+ $body->push_content($para, $para2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #print "coverage ref exists for $file:\n" . Data::Dumper::Dumper($coverage_ref) . "\n";
- print "<p>";
- my $span=0;
+ my $para = HTML::Element->new('p');
+ my $span = HTML::Element->new('span');
if($suffix eq ".cpp" || $suffix eq ".c" || $suffix eq ".h")
- print "<span style=\"color:red;\">";
- $span=1;
+ $span->attr('style', "color:red;");
- print "No coverage found";
- print "</span>" if $span;
+ $span->push_content("No coverage found");
+ $para->push_content($span);
+ $body->push_content($para);
- print "</p>";
for my $patch (@$patchref)
$hunkstr .= " - " . ($patch->[0]+$patch->[1]-1);
- print "<p style=\"font-weight:bold;\">" . $hunkstr . "</p>";
- print "<pre>";
+ my $para = HTML::Element->new('p');
+ my $span = HTML::Element->new('span');
+ $span->attr('style', "font-weight:bold;");
+ $span->push_content($hunkstr);
+ $para->push_content($span);
+ $body->push_content($para);
+ my $codeHunk = HTML::Element->new('pre');
for(my $i = 0; $i < $patch->[1]; $i++ )
my $line = $i + $patch->[0];
my $num_line_digits=log($line)/log(10);
for $i (0..(6-$num_line_digits-1))
- print " ";
+ $codeHunk->push_content(" ");
- print "$line ";
+ $codeHunk->push_content("$line ");
+ my $srcLine = HTML::Element->new('span');
my $color;
- print("<span style=\"color:green;\">");
+ $srcLine->attr('style', "color:green;");
- print("<span style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold;\">");
+ $srcLine->attr('style', "color:red;font-weight:bold;");
- #print("<span style=\"color:black;font-weight:normal;\">");
+ $srcLine->attr('style', "color:black;font-weight:normal;");
my $src=$coverage_ref->{"src"}->{$line};
- #print $color, "$src\n", RESET;
- print "$src</span>\n";
+ $srcLine->push_content($src);
# We don't have coverage data, so print it from the patch instead.
my $src = $b_lines_ref->{$line};
- print "$src\n";
+ $srcLine->attr('style', "color:black;font-weight:normal;");
+ $srcLine->push_content($src);
+ $codeHunk->push_content($srcLine, "\n");
- print "<\pre>\n";
+ $body->push_content($codeHunk, "\n");
+ $body->push_content(HTML::Element->new('hr'));
+ $html->push_content($body, "\n");
+ open( my $filehandle, ">", $opt_output ) || die "Can't open $opt_output for writing:$!\n";
- print $filehandle "<hr>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
+ print $filehandle <<EOH;
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
+ print $filehandle $html->as_HTML();
close $filehandle;
- select $OUTPUT_FH;