await ManualTest.WaitForConfirm();
_comp_button.Clicked -= OnClick;
- }
+ [Test]
+ [Category("P1")]
+ [Description("MANUAL TEST : The TimeZoneChanged Event should be caught after change TimeZone of device")]
+ [Property("SPEC", "Tizen.Applications.ComponentBased.Common.BaseComponent.TimeZoneChanged E")]
+ [Property("SPEC_URL", "-")]
+ [Property("CRITERIA", "EVL")]
+ [Property("AUTHOR", "Hwankyu Jhun,")]
+ [Precondition(1, "Open terminal to view logs.")]
+ [Precondition(2, "Enter command \"sdb dlog -c\" to clear log")]
+ [Precondition(3, "Enter command \"sdb dlog | grep ComponentBasedTest\" to terminal")]
+ [Step(1, "Click run TC")]
+ [Step(2, "Press 'Click me' button")]
+ [Step(3, "If you cannot change time zone in a setting app, this test can not be tested. Please click \"Pass\" button.")]
+ [Step(4, "Run Setting App -> Date and time -> Disable 'Auto update' -> Time zone -> change time zone -> return to app test -> wait in 20s")]
+ [Step(5, "Check if log show \"FrameComp_TimeZoneChanged > Time Zone Changed\".")]
+ [Postcondition(1, "Close the terminal")]
+ [Postcondition(2, "Press launched application's 'Exit' button")]
+ public async Task TimeZoneChanged_EVENT_TEST()
+ {
+ CreateCompButton("Click me!!");
+ _comp_button.Clicked += OnClick;
+ /* TEST CODE */
+ await ManualTest.WaitForConfirm();
+ _comp_button.Clicked -= OnClick;
+ }
+ }