public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
DALI_INTERNAL Alignment( Internal::Alignment& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
DALI_INTERNAL Button( Internal::Button& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
* @param[in] implementation The Control implementation.
DALI_INTERNAL CheckBoxButton( Internal::CheckBoxButton& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
* @param[in] internal A pointer to the internal CustomActor.
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
DALI_INTERNAL PushButton( Internal::PushButton& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
DALI_INTERNAL RadioButton( Internal::RadioButton& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
bool IsKeyboardFocusGroup();
- * @internal
* @brief Called by the AccessibilityManager to activate the Control.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
DALI_INTERNAL void AccessibilityActivate();
- * @internal
* @brief Called by the KeyboardFocusManager.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
Toolkit::Control::KeyInputFocusSignalType& KeyInputFocusLostSignal();
- * @internal
* @brief Called by the KeyInputFocusManager to emit key event signals.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
public: // Templates for Deriving Classes
- * @internal
* @brief Template to allow deriving controls to DownCast handles to deriving handle classes.
* @tparam T The handle class
- * @internal
* @brief Template to allow deriving controls to verify whether the Internal::CustomActor* is actually an
* implementation of their class.
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_1.35
DALI_INTERNAL FlexContainer( Internal::FlexContainer& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_1.35
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
* @param[in] implementation The UI Control implementation.
DALI_INTERNAL GaussianBlurView( Internal::GaussianBlurView& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this UI Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
* @param[in] internal A pointer to the internal CustomActor.
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
DALI_INTERNAL ImageView( Internal::ImageView& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this ImageView from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_1.4
DALI_INTERNAL Model3dView( Internal::Model3dView& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_1.4
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
* @param[in] implementation The Control implementation.
DALI_INTERNAL PageTurnLandscapeView( Internal::PageTurnLandscapeView& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
* @param[in] internal A pointer to the internal CustomActor.
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_1.4
* @param[in] implementation The Control implementation.
DALI_INTERNAL PageTurnPortraitView( Internal::PageTurnPortraitView& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_1.4
* @param[in] internal A pointer to the internal CustomActor.
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_1.4
* @param[in] implementation The Control implementation.
DALI_INTERNAL PageTurnView(Internal::PageTurnView& implementation);
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_1.4
* @param[in] internal A pointer to the internal CustomActor.
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
* @param[in] implementation The Control implementation.
DALI_INTERNAL ScrollBar( Internal::ScrollBar& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
* @param[in] internal A pointer to the internal CustomActor.
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
DALI_INTERNAL ItemView(Internal::ItemView& implementation);
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief This constructor is used by Dali New() methods.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
- * @internal
* @brief This constructor is used by Dali New() methods.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
* @param [in] impl A pointer to a newly allocated Dali resource
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
DALI_INTERNAL ScrollView(Internal::ScrollView& implementation);
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
DALI_INTERNAL Scrollable(Internal::Scrollable& implementation);
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
- *
* @SINCE_1_1.39
* @param[in] implementation The Control implementation
DALI_INTERNAL Slider(Internal::Slider& implementation);
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_1.39
* @param[in] internal A pointer to the internal CustomActor
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
* @param[in] implementation The Control implementation.
DALI_INTERNAL TableView(Internal::TableView& implementation);
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
* @param[in] internal A pointer to the internal CustomActor.
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @param[in] implementation The Control implementation.
DALI_INTERNAL TextEditor( Internal::TextEditor& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @param[in] internal A pointer to the internal CustomActor.
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
DALI_INTERNAL TextLabel( Internal::TextLabel& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this Control from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
public: // Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
* @SINCE_1_1.38
DALI_INTERNAL VideoView( Internal::VideoView& implementation );
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of this VideoView from an Internal::CustomActor pointer.
* @SINCE_1_1.38
// Not intended for application developers
- * @internal
* @brief Creates a new handle from the implementation.
* @SINCE_1_0.0
- * @internal
* @brief Allows the creation of a StyleManager handle from an internal pointer.
* @note Not intended for application developers