SysLog(NID_IO, "_FileEventManagerImpl: 0x%x", this);
- _FileEventDispatcher* pDispatcher = _FileEventDispatcher::GetInstance();
- IMapEnumerator* pMapEnum = __pWatchList->GetMapEnumeratorN();
- while (pMapEnum->MoveNext() == E_SUCCESS)
+ if (__pWatchList != null)
- Integer* pWd = dynamic_cast< Integer* >(pMapEnum->GetValue());
- if (pWd != null)
+ _FileEventDispatcher* pDispatcher = _FileEventDispatcher::GetInstance();
+ IMapEnumerator* pMapEnum = __pWatchList->GetMapEnumeratorN();
+ while (pMapEnum->MoveNext() == E_SUCCESS)
- SysLog(NID_IO, "inotify fd: %d, watch description: %d", __inotifyFd, pWd->ToInt());
- int res = inotify_rm_watch(__inotifyFd, pWd->ToInt());
- SysTryLog(NID_IO, res == 0, "inotify_rm_watch() failed, errno: %d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno));
- pDispatcher->RemoveFileEventInfo(*pWd);
+ Integer* pWd = dynamic_cast< Integer* >(pMapEnum->GetValue());
+ if (pWd != null)
+ {
+ SysLog(NID_IO, "inotify fd: %d, watch description: %d", __inotifyFd, pWd->ToInt());
+ int res = inotify_rm_watch(__inotifyFd, pWd->ToInt());
+ SysTryLog(NID_IO, res == 0, "inotify_rm_watch() failed, errno: %d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno));
+ pDispatcher->RemoveFileEventInfo(*pWd);
+ }
SysTryReturnResult(NID_IO, pWatchList != null, E_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "The memory is insufficient.");
+ _FileEventDispatcher* pDispatcher = _FileEventDispatcher::GetInstance();
unique_ptr< _FileEvent > pEvent(new (std::nothrow) _FileEvent());
SysTryReturnResult(NID_IO, pEvent != null, E_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "The memory is insufficient.");
+ result r = pEvent->Construct();
+ SysTryReturn(NID_IO, !IsFailed(r), E_IO, r, "[%s] The caller is a worker thread.", GetErrorMessage(r));
- result r = pEvent->AddListener(listener, true);
+ r = pEvent->AddListener(listener, true);
SysTryReturn(NID_IO, r == E_SUCCESS || r == E_OBJ_ALREADY_EXIST, E_IO, r,
- "[%s] The caller thread is a worker thread.", GetErrorMessage(r));
+ "[%s] The caller is a worker thread.", GetErrorMessage(r));
- _FileEventDispatcher* pDispatcher = _FileEventDispatcher::GetInstance();
__inotifyFd = pDispatcher->GetInotifyFd();
__pWatchList = pWatchList.release();
__pEvent = pEvent.release();