- * Useful for shorthand access to the particular board structure
- */
-#define thisboard ((const struct das1800_board *)dev->board_ptr)
struct das1800_private {
volatile unsigned int count; /* number of data points left to be taken */
unsigned int divisor1; /* value to load into board's counter 1 for timed conversions */
static inline uint16_t munge_bipolar_sample(const struct comedi_device *dev,
uint16_t sample)
+ const struct das1800_board *thisboard = comedi_board(dev);
sample += 1 << (thisboard->resolution - 1);
return sample;
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_cmd *cmd)
+ const struct das1800_board *thisboard = comedi_board(dev);
struct das1800_private *devpriv = dev->private;
int err = 0;
unsigned int tmp_arg;
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn, unsigned int *data)
+ const struct das1800_board *thisboard = comedi_board(dev);
int i, n;
int chan, range, aref, chan_range;
int timeout = 1000;
struct comedi_subdevice *s,
struct comedi_insn *insn, unsigned int *data)
+ const struct das1800_board *thisboard = comedi_board(dev);
struct das1800_private *devpriv = dev->private;
int chan = CR_CHAN(insn->chanspec);
/* int range = CR_RANGE(insn->chanspec); */
static int das1800_attach(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct comedi_devconfig *it)
+ const struct das1800_board *thisboard = comedi_board(dev);
struct das1800_private *devpriv;
struct comedi_subdevice *s;
unsigned long iobase = it->options[0];
dev->board_ptr = das1800_boards + board;
+ thisboard = comedi_board(dev);
dev->board_name = thisboard->name;
/* if it is an 'ao' board with fancy analog out then we need extra io ports */