class FileCOFF : public File {
+ typedef std::vector<const llvm::object::coff_symbol*> SymbolVector;
+ typedef std::map<const llvm::object::coff_section*,
+ std::vector<const llvm::object::coff_symbol*>>
+ SectionToSymbolVectorMap;
FileCOFF(const TargetInfo &ti, std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> MB,
llvm::error_code &EC)
- const llvm::object::coff_file_header *Header = nullptr;
- if ((EC = Obj->getHeader(Header)))
- return;
// Assign each symbol to the section it's in. If it does not belong to a
// section, create an atom for it now.
- std::map< const llvm::object::coff_section*
- , std::vector<const llvm::object::coff_symbol*>> SectionSymbols;
+ SectionToSymbolVectorMap definedSymbols;
+ if ((EC = readSymbolTable(definedSymbols)))
+ return;
+ // Atomize defined symbols. This is a separate pass from readSymbolTable()
+ // because in order to create an atom for a symbol we need to the adjacent
+ // symbols.
+ for (auto &i : definedSymbols) {
+ const llvm::object::coff_section *section = i.first;
+ std::vector<const llvm::object::coff_symbol*> &symbols = i.second;
+ if ((EC = AtomizeDefinedSymbols(section, symbols)))
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual const atom_collection<DefinedAtom> &defined() const {
+ return DefinedAtoms;
+ }
+ virtual const atom_collection<UndefinedAtom> &undefined() const {
+ return UndefinedAtoms;
+ }
+ virtual const atom_collection<SharedLibraryAtom> &sharedLibrary() const {
+ return SharedLibraryAtoms;
+ }
+ virtual const atom_collection<AbsoluteAtom> &absolute() const {
+ return AbsoluteAtoms;
+ }
+ virtual const TargetInfo &getTargetInfo() const { return _targetInfo; }
+ /// Iterate over symbol table to process all symbols. Absolute or undefined
+ /// symbols are atomized in this method. Defined symbols are not atomized
+ /// but added to DefinedSymbols for further processing.
+ error_code readSymbolTable(SectionToSymbolVectorMap &definedSymbols) {
+ const llvm::object::coff_file_header *Header = nullptr;
+ if (error_code ec = Obj->getHeader(Header))
+ return ec;
for (uint32_t i = 0, e = Header->NumberOfSymbols; i != e; ++i) {
const llvm::object::coff_symbol *Symb;
- if ((EC = Obj->getSymbol(i, Symb)))
- return;
+ if (error_code ec = Obj->getSymbol(i, Symb))
+ return ec;
llvm::StringRef Name;
- if ((EC = Obj->getSymbolName(Symb, Name)))
- return;
+ if (error_code ec = Obj->getSymbolName(Symb, Name))
+ return ec;
int16_t SectionIndex = Symb->SectionNumber;
assert(SectionIndex != llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SYM_DEBUG &&
- "Cannot atomize IMAGE_SYM_DEBUG!");
+ "Cannot atomize IMAGE_SYM_DEBUG!");
+ // Skip aux symbols.
+ i += Symb->NumberOfAuxSymbols;
if (SectionIndex == llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SYM_ABSOLUTE) {
// Create an absolute atom.
new (AtomStorage.Allocate<COFFAbsoluteAtom>())
COFFAbsoluteAtom(*this, Name, Symb->Value));
- } else if (SectionIndex == llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (SectionIndex == llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED) {
// Create an undefined atom.
new (AtomStorage.Allocate<COFFUndefinedAtom>())
COFFUndefinedAtom(*this, Name));
- } else if ( Symb->StorageClass == llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_STATIC
- && Symb->Value == 0) {
- // A symbol with IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_STATIC and zero value represents a
- // section name. This is redundant and we can safely skip this here
- // because the same section name is also in the section header.
- } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // A symbol with IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_STATIC and zero value represents a
+ // section name. This is redundant and we can safely skip such a symbol
+ // because the same section name is also in the section header.
+ if (Symb->StorageClass != llvm::COFF::IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_STATIC
+ || Symb->Value != 0) {
// This is actually a defined symbol. Add it to its section's list of
// symbols.
uint8_t SC = Symb->StorageClass;
- // If Symb->Value actually means section offset.
- const llvm::object::coff_section *Sec;
- if ((EC = Obj->getSection(SectionIndex, Sec)))
- return;
- assert(Sec && "SectionIndex > 0, Sec must be non-null!");
- SectionSymbols[Sec].push_back(Symb);
- } else {
llvm::errs() << "Unable to create atom for: " << Name << "\n";
- EC = llvm::object::object_error::parse_failed;
- return;
+ return llvm::object::object_error::parse_failed;
- }
- // Skip aux symbols.
- i += Symb->NumberOfAuxSymbols;
- }
- // For each section, sort its symbols by address, then create a defined atom
- // for each range.
- for (auto &i : SectionSymbols) {
- auto &Symbs = i.second;
- // Sort symbols by position.
- std::stable_sort(Symbs.begin(), Symbs.end(),
- // For some reason MSVC fails to allow the lambda in this context with a
- // "illegal use of local type in type instantiation". MSVC is clearly
- // wrong here. Force a conversion to function pointer to work around.
- static_cast<bool(*)(const coff_symbol*, const coff_symbol*)>(
- [](const coff_symbol *A, const coff_symbol *B) -> bool {
- return A->Value < B->Value;
- }));
- if (Symbs.empty()) {
- // Create an atom for the entire section.
- llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data;
- DefinedAtoms._atoms.push_back(
- new (AtomStorage.Allocate<COFFDefinedAtom>())
- COFFDefinedAtom(*this, "", nullptr, i.first, Data));
- continue;
- }
- llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> SecData;
- if ((EC = Obj->getSectionContents(i.first, SecData)))
- return;
- // Create an unnamed atom if the first atom isn't at the start of the
- // section.
- if (Symbs[0]->Value != 0) {
- uint64_t Size = Symbs[0]->Value;
- llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data(SecData.data(), Size);
- DefinedAtoms._atoms.push_back(
- new (AtomStorage.Allocate<COFFDefinedAtom>())
- COFFDefinedAtom(*this, "", nullptr, i.first, Data));
- }
- for (auto si = Symbs.begin(), se = Symbs.end(); si != se; ++si) {
- // if this is the last symbol, take up the remaining data.
- llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data;
- if (si + 1 == se) {
- Data = llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t>( SecData.data() + (*si)->Value
- , SecData.end());
- } else {
- Data = llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t>( SecData.data() + (*si)->Value
- , (*(si + 1))->Value - (*si)->Value);
- }
- llvm::StringRef Name;
- if ((EC = Obj->getSymbolName(*si, Name)))
- return;
- DefinedAtoms._atoms.push_back(
- new (AtomStorage.Allocate<COFFDefinedAtom>())
- COFFDefinedAtom(*this, Name, *si, i.first, Data));
+ const llvm::object::coff_section *Sec;
+ if (error_code ec = Obj->getSection(SectionIndex, Sec))
+ return ec;
+ assert(Sec && "SectionIndex > 0, Sec must be non-null!");
+ definedSymbols[Sec].push_back(Symb);
+ return error_code::success();
- virtual const atom_collection<DefinedAtom> &defined() const {
- return DefinedAtoms;
- }
+ /// Atomize defined symbols.
+ error_code AtomizeDefinedSymbols(
+ const llvm::object::coff_section *section,
+ std::vector<const llvm::object::coff_symbol*> &symbols) {
+ // Sort symbols by position.
+ std::stable_sort(symbols.begin(), symbols.end(),
+ // For some reason MSVC fails to allow the lambda in this context with a
+ // "illegal use of local type in type instantiation". MSVC is clearly
+ // wrong here. Force a conversion to function pointer to work around.
+ static_cast<bool(*)(const coff_symbol*, const coff_symbol*)>(
+ [](const coff_symbol *A, const coff_symbol *B) -> bool {
+ return A->Value < B->Value;
+ }));
+ if (symbols.empty()) {
+ // Create an atom for the entire section.
+ llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data;
+ DefinedAtoms._atoms.push_back(
+ new (AtomStorage.Allocate<COFFDefinedAtom>())
+ COFFDefinedAtom(*this, "", nullptr, section, Data));
+ return error_code::success();
+ }
- virtual const atom_collection<UndefinedAtom> &undefined() const {
- return UndefinedAtoms;
- }
+ llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> SecData;
+ if (error_code ec = Obj->getSectionContents(section, SecData))
+ return ec;
- virtual const atom_collection<SharedLibraryAtom> &sharedLibrary() const {
- return SharedLibraryAtoms;
- }
+ // Create an unnamed atom if the first atom isn't at the start of the
+ // section.
+ if (symbols[0]->Value != 0) {
+ uint64_t Size = symbols[0]->Value;
+ llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data(SecData.data(), Size);
+ DefinedAtoms._atoms.push_back(
+ new (AtomStorage.Allocate<COFFDefinedAtom>())
+ COFFDefinedAtom(*this, "", nullptr, section, Data));
+ }
- virtual const atom_collection<AbsoluteAtom> &absolute() const {
- return AbsoluteAtoms;
+ for (auto si = symbols.begin(), se = symbols.end(); si != se; ++si) {
+ const uint8_t *start = SecData.data() + (*si)->Value;
+ // if this is the last symbol, take up the remaining data.
+ const uint8_t *end = (si + 1 == se)
+ ? start + SecData.size()
+ : SecData.data() + (*(si + 1))->Value;
+ llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data(start, end);
+ llvm::StringRef Name;
+ if (error_code ec = Obj->getSymbolName(*si, Name))
+ return ec;
+ DefinedAtoms._atoms.push_back(
+ new (AtomStorage.Allocate<COFFDefinedAtom>())
+ COFFDefinedAtom(*this, Name, *si, section, Data));
+ }
+ return error_code::success();
- virtual const TargetInfo &getTargetInfo() const { return _targetInfo; }
std::unique_ptr<const llvm::object::COFFObjectFile> Obj;
atom_collection_vector<DefinedAtom> DefinedAtoms;
atom_collection_vector<UndefinedAtom> UndefinedAtoms;