Add `WasmBase` to `supported_wasm_intrinsics group`. That way we handle the `WasmBase`
correctly when SIMD is enabled (default case). Before this change the `emit_hardware_intrinsics`
returned false for the `WasmBase.IsSupported`, because it wasn't in the group and we are using
it for the whole `S.R.I.Wasm` namespace.
Example of the emitted code difference to confirm the fix:
(func corlib_ulong_Log2_ulong(param i64, i32) (result i64)) code size difference: -30 bytes
local.get $0
- i64.shr.u
- i32.wrap.i64
- local.tee $1
- i32.eqz
+ i64.or
+ i64.clz
+ i64.const
+ i64.xor
- if
- local.get $0
- i32.wrap.i64
- i32.const
- i32.or
- local.get $1
- call corlib_System_Numerics_BitOperations_Log2SoftwareFallback_uint
- i64.extend.i32.u
- return
- local.get $1
- i32.const
- i32.or
- local.get $1
- call corlib_System_Numerics_BitOperations_Log2SoftwareFallback_uint
- i32.const
- i32.add
- i64.extend.i32.u
static const IntrinGroup supported_wasm_intrinsics [] = {
{ "PackedSimd", MONO_CPU_WASM_SIMD, packedsimd_methods, sizeof (packedsimd_methods) },
+ { "WasmBase", MONO_CPU_WASM_BASE, wasmbase_methods, sizeof (wasmbase_methods) },
static const IntrinGroup supported_wasm_common_intrinsics [] = {