"foo"(%x) : !avx_m128 -> ()
-### Dialect types
+### Dialect Types
Similarly to operations, dialects may define custom extensions to the type
| '[' pretty-dialect-type-contents+ ']'
| '{' pretty-dialect-type-contents+ '}'
| '[^[<({>\])}\0]+'
Dialect types can be specified in a verbose form, e.g. like this:
dependent-attribute-name ::= (letter|[_]) (letter|digit|[_$])*
-Attributes are the mechanism for specifying constant data in MLIR in places
-where a variable is never allowed - e.g. the index of a
+Attributes are the mechanism for specifying constant data on operations in
+places where a variable is never allowed - e.g. the index of a
[`dim` operation](Dialects/Standard.md#dim-operation), or the stride of a
-convolution. They consist of a name and a
-[concrete attribute value](#attribute-values). It is possible to attach
-attributes to operations. The set of expected attributes, their structure, and
-their interpretation are all contextually dependent on what they are attached
+convolution. They consist of a name and a concrete attribute value. The set of
+expected attributes, their structure, and their interpretation are all
+contextually dependent on what they are attached to.
There are two main classes of attributes; dependent and dialect. Dependent
attributes derive their structure and meaning from what they are attached to,
self/context parameter. The context of this attribute is defined by the `swift`
dialect and not the function argument.
-### Operation Attributes
+Attributes values are represented by the following forms:
-Operations, unlike functions and function arguments, may include both dialect
-specific and dependent attributes. This is because an operation represents a
-distinct semantic context, and can thus provide a single source of meaning to
-dependent attributes.
+``` {.ebnf}
+attribute-value ::= attribute-alias | dialect-attribute | standard-attribute
-### Attribute Values
+### Attribute Value Aliases
-Attributes values are represented by the following forms:
+``` {.ebnf}
+attribute-alias ::= '#' alias-name '=' 'type' type
+attribute-alias ::= '#' alias-name
+MLIR supports defining named aliases for attribute values. An attribute alias is
+an identifier that can be used in the place of the attribute that it defines.
+These aliases *must* be defined before their uses. Alias names may not contain a
+'.', since those names are reserved for
+[dialect attributes](#dialect-attribute-values).
+```mlir {.mlir}
+#map = (d0) -> (d0 + 10)
+// Using the original attribute.
+%b = affine.apply (d0) -> (d0 + 10) (%a)
+// Using the attribute alias.
+%b = affine.apply #map(%a)
+### Dialect Attribute Values
+Similarly to operations, dialects may define custom attribute values.
+``` {.ebnf}
+dialect-attribute ::= '#' dialect-namespace '<' '"' attr-specific-data '"' '>'
+dialect-attribute ::= '#' alias-name pretty-dialect-attr-body?
+pretty-dialect-attr-body ::= '<' pretty-dialect-attr-contents+ '>'
+pretty-dialect-attr-contents ::= pretty-dialect-attr-body
+ | '(' pretty-dialect-attr-contents+ ')'
+ | '[' pretty-dialect-attr-contents+ ']'
+ | '{' pretty-dialect-attr-contents+ '}'
+ | '[^[<({>\])}\0]+'
+Dialect attributes can be specified in a verbose form, e.g. like this:
+```mlir {.mlir}
+// Complex attribute
+// Even more complex attribute
+Dialect attributes that are simple enough can use the pretty format, which is a
+lighter weight syntax that is equivalent to the above forms:
+```mlir {.mlir}
+// Complex attribute
+Sufficiently complex dialect attributes are required to use the verbose form for
+generality. For example, the more complex type shown above wouldn't be valid in
+the lighter syntax: `#foo.something<a%%123^^^>>>` because it contains characters
+that are not allowed in the lighter syntax, as well as unbalanced `<>`
+See [here](DefiningAttributesAndTypes.md) to learn how to define dialect
+attribute values.
+### Standard Attribute Values
+Standard attributes are a core set of
+[dialect attributes](#dialect-attribute-values) that are defined in a builtin
+dialect and thus available to all users of MLIR.
``` {.ebnf}
-attribute-value ::= affine-map-attribute
- | array-attribute
- | bool-attribute
- | dictionary-attribute
- | elements-attribute
- | integer-attribute
- | integer-set-attribute
- | float-attribute
- | string-attribute
- | symbol-ref-attribute
- | type-attribute
- | unit-attribute
+standard-attribute ::= affine-map-attribute
+ | array-attribute
+ | bool-attribute
+ | dictionary-attribute
+ | elements-attribute
+ | float-attribute
+ | integer-attribute
+ | integer-set-attribute
+ | string-attribute
+ | symbol-ref-attribute
+ | type-attribute
+ | unit-attribute
#### AffineMap Attribute
/// [0, 0, 0, 0]]
-#### Integer Attribute
-``` {.ebnf}
-integer-attribute ::= integer-literal ( `:` (index-type | integer-type) )?
-An integer attribute is a literal attribute that represents an integral value of
-the specified integer or index type. The default type for this attribute, if one
-is not specified, is a 64-bit integer.
-#### Integer Set Attribute
-``` {.ebnf}
-integer-set-attribute ::= affine-map
-An integer-set attribute is an attribute that represents a integer-set object.
#### Float Attribute
42 : f32 // Error: expected integer type
+#### Integer Attribute
+``` {.ebnf}
+integer-attribute ::= integer-literal ( `:` (index-type | integer-type) )?
+An integer attribute is a literal attribute that represents an integral value of
+the specified integer or index type. The default type for this attribute, if one
+is not specified, is a 64-bit integer.
+##### Integer Set Attribute
+``` {.ebnf}
+integer-set-attribute ::= affine-map
+An integer-set attribute is an attribute that represents a integer-set object.
#### String Attribute