# use() makes it difficult to avoid O::import()
require_ok( 'O' );
-my @args = ('-Ilib', '-MO=success,foo,bar', '-e', '1' );
-my @lines = get_lines( @args );
+my @lines = get_lines( '-MO=success,foo,bar' );
is( $lines[0], 'Compiling!', 'Output should not be saved without -q switch' );
is( $lines[1], '(foo) <bar>', 'O.pm should call backend compile() method' );
is( $lines[2], '[]', 'Nothing should be in $O::BEGIN_output without -q' );
is( $lines[3], '-e syntax OK', 'O.pm should not munge perl output without -qq');
-$args[1] = '-MO=-q,success,foo,bar';
-@lines = get_lines( @args );
+@lines = get_lines( '-MO=-q,success,foo,bar' );
isnt( $lines[1], 'Compiling!', 'Output should not be printed with -q switch' );
unless $Config{useperlio};
is( $lines[1], "[Compiling!", '... but should be in $O::BEGIN_output' );
- $args[1] = '-MO=-qq,success,foo,bar';
- @lines = get_lines( @args );
+ @lines = get_lines( '-MO=-qq,success,foo,bar' );
is( scalar @lines, 3, '-qq should suppress even the syntax OK message' );
-$args[1] = '-MO=success,fail';
-@lines = get_lines( @args );
+@lines = get_lines( '-MO=success,fail' );
like( $lines[1], qr/fail at .eval/,
'O.pm should die if backend compile() does not return a subref' );
sub get_lines {
- split(/[\r\n]+/, runperl( args => [ @_ ], stderr => 1 ));
+ my $compile = shift;
+ split(/[\r\n]+/, runperl( switches => [ '-Ilib', $compile ],
+ prog => 1, stderr => 1 ));