// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
-struct Filds
+#include <precomp.hpp>
+#include <opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp>
+#include <vector>
+struct cv::SoftCascade::Filds
+ std::vector<float> octaves;
// cv::Mat luv;
// std::vector<cv::Mat> bins;
// cv::Mat magnitude;
// int windowStep;
+namespace {
+struct Cascade {
+ int logOctave;
+ float octave;
+ cv::Size objSize;
+struct Level {
+ int index;
+ float factor;
+ float logFactor;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ float octave;
+ cv::Size objSize;
+ Level(int i,float f, float lf, int w, int h) : index(i), factor(f), logFactor(lf), width(w), height(h), octave(0.f) {}
+ void assign(float o, int detW, int detH)
+ {
+ octave = o;
+ objSize = cv::Size(cv::saturate_cast<int>(detW * o), cv::saturate_cast<int>(detH * o));
+ }
+ float relScale() {return (factor / octave); }
+ // compute levels of full pyramid
+ void pyrLevels(int frameW, int frameH, int detW, int detH, int scales, float minScale, float maxScale, std::vector<Level> levels)
+ {
+ CV_Assert(scales > 1);
+ levels.clear();
+ float logFactor = (log(maxScale) - log(minScale)) / (scales -1);
+ float scale = minScale;
+ for (int sc = 0; sc < scales; ++sc)
+ {
+ Level level(sc, scale, log(scale) + logFactor, std::max(0.0f, frameW - (detW * scale)), std::max(0.0f, frameH - (detH * scale)));
+ if (!level.width || !level.height)
+ break;
+ else
+ levels.push_back(level);
+ if (fabs(scale - maxScale) < FLT_EPSILON) break;
+ scale = std::min(maxScale, expf(log(scale) + logFactor));
+ }
+ }
+ // according to R. Benenson, M. Mathias, R. Timofte and L. Van Gool paper
+ struct CascadeIntrinsics {
+ static const float lambda = 1.099f/ 0.301029996f, a = 0.89f;
+ static const float intrinsics[10][4];
-SoftCascade::SoftCascade() : filds(0) {}
+ static float getFor(int chennel, int scaling, int ab)
+ {
+ CV_Assert(chennel < 10 && scaling < 2 && ab < 2);
+ return intrinsics[chennel][(scaling << 1) + ab];
+ }
-SoftCascade::SoftCascade( const string& filename )
+ };
+ const float CascadeIntrinsics::intrinsics[10][4] =
+ { //da, db, ua, ub
+ // hog-like orientation bins
+ {a, lambda, 1, 2},
+ {a, lambda, 1, 2},
+ {a, lambda, 1, 2},
+ {a, lambda, 1, 2},
+ {a, lambda, 1, 2},
+ {a, lambda, 1, 2},
+ // gradient magnitude
+ {a, lambda / log(2), 1, 2},
+ // luv -color chennels
+ {1, 2, 1, 2},
+ {1, 2, 1, 2},
+ {1, 2, 1, 2}
+ };
+cv::SoftCascade::SoftCascade() : filds(0) {}
+cv::SoftCascade::SoftCascade( const string& filename )
- filds = new filds;
+ filds = new Filds;
-virtual SoftCascade::~SoftCascade()
delete filds;
-bool SoftCascade::load( const string& filename )
+bool cv::SoftCascade::load( const string& filename )
+ // temp fixture
+ Filds& flds = *filds;
+ flds.octaves.push_back(0.5f);
+ flds.octaves.push_back(1.0f);
+ flds.octaves.push_back(2.0f);
+ flds.octaves.push_back(4.0f);
+ flds.octaves.push_back(8.0f);
+ // scales calculations
+ int origObjectW = 64;
+ int origObjectH = 128;
+ float maxScale = 5.f, minScale = 0.4f;
+ std::vector<Level> levels;
+ pyrLevels(FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT, origObjectW, origObjectH, TOTAL_SCALES, minScale, maxScale,levels);
+ for (std::vector<Level>::iterator level = levels.begin(); level < levels.end(); ++level)
+ {
+ float minAbsLog = FLT_MAX;
+ for (std::vector<float>::iterator oct = flds.octaves.begin(); oct < flds.octaves.end(); ++oct)
+ {
+ float logOctave = log(*oct);
+ float logAbsScale = fabs((*level).logFactor - logOctave);
+ if(logAbsScale < minAbsLog)
+ (*level).assign(*oct, origObjectW, origObjectH);
+ }
+ }
return true;
-virtual void SoftCascade::detectMultiScale(const Mat& image, const std::vector<cv::Rect>& rois, std::vector<cv::Rect>& objects,
- const double factor = 1.05, const int step = 4, const int rejectfactor = 1)
+void cv::SoftCascade::detectMultiScale(const Mat& image, const std::vector<cv::Rect>& rois, std::vector<cv::Rect>& objects,
+ const double factor, const int step, const int rejectfactor)
-virtual void SoftCascade::detectForOctave(const int octave)
+void cv::SoftCascade::detectForOctave(const int octave)
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