def static genStressModeScriptStep(def os, def stressModeName, def stressModeVars, def stepScriptLocation) {
def stepScript = ''
if (os == 'Windows_NT') {
- stepScript += "echo Creating TestEnv Script for ${stressModeName}\r\n"
- stepScript += "del ${stepScriptLocation}\r\n"
- // Timeout in ms, default is 10 minutes. For stress
- // modes up this to 30 minutes
+ // Timeout in ms, default is 10 minutes. For stress modes up this to 30 minutes.
+ // BUG?: it seems this is ignored, as this script will be run in an environment where
+ // environment variables will be discarded before this is used.
def timeout = 1800000
- // Set the Timeout
stepScript += "set __TestTimeout=${timeout}\r\n"
+ stepScript += "echo Creating TestEnv Script for ${stressModeName}\r\n"
+ stepScript += "if exist ${stepScriptLocation} del ${stepScriptLocation}\r\n"
+ // Create at least an empty script.
stepScript += "echo. > ${stepScriptLocation}\r\n"
stressModeVars.each{ k, v ->
// Write out what we are writing to the script file
stepScript += "echo Setting ${k}=${v}\r\n"
def stepScript = ''
stepScript += "echo Appending ${appendScript} to ${stepScriptLocation}\r\n"
stepScript += "type ${appendScript} >> ${stepScriptLocation}\r\n"
+ // Display the resulting script. This is useful when looking at the output log file.
+ stepScript += "echo Display the total script ${stepScriptLocation}\r\n"
+ stepScript += "type ${stepScriptLocation}\r\n"
return stepScript
switch (scenario) {
case 'default':
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(job, branch, "${os} ${architecture} ${configuration} Build and Test",
- "(?i).*test\\W+${os}\\W+${architecture}\\W+${configuration}.*")
+ "(?i).*test\\W+${os}\\W+${architecture}\\W+${configuration}\\W+Build and Test.*")
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(job, branch, "${os} ${architecture} ${configuration} ${scenario}",
def envScriptPath = ''
if (Constants.jitStressModeScenarios.containsKey(scenario)) {
+ def buildCommandsStr = ''
envScriptPath = "%WORKSPACE%\\SetStressModes.bat"
- buildCommands += genStressModeScriptStep(os, scenario, Constants.jitStressModeScenarios[scenario], envScriptPath)
+ buildCommandsStr += genStressModeScriptStep(os, scenario, Constants.jitStressModeScenarios[scenario], envScriptPath)
if (architecture == 'x86lb') {
- buildCommands += appendStressModeScriptStep(os, "%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\legacyjit_x86_testenv.cmd", envScriptPath)
+ buildCommandsStr += appendStressModeScriptStep(os, "%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\legacyjit_x86_testenv.cmd", envScriptPath)
else if (architecture == 'x86_arm_altjit') {
- buildCommands += appendStressModeScriptStep(os, "%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\x86_arm_altjit.cmd", envScriptPath)
+ buildCommandsStr += appendStressModeScriptStep(os, "%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\x86_arm_altjit.cmd", envScriptPath)
else if (architecture == 'x64_arm64_altjit') {
- buildCommands += appendStressModeScriptStep(os, "%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\x64_arm64_altjit.cmd", envScriptPath)
+ buildCommandsStr += appendStressModeScriptStep(os, "%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\x64_arm64_altjit.cmd", envScriptPath)
+ // Note that buildCommands is an array of individually executed commands; we want all the commands used to
+ // create the SetStressModes.bat script to be executed together, hence we accumulate them as strings
+ // into a single script.
+ buildCommands += buildCommandsStr
else if (architecture == 'x86lb') {
envScriptPath = "%WORKSPACE%\\tests\\legacyjit_x86_testenv.cmd"