"dotnetwasm": true,
-export function get_preferred_icu_asset(): string | null {
- if (!runtimeHelpers.config.assets)
- return null;
- // By setting <WasmIcuDataFileName> user can define what ICU source file they want to load.
- // There is no need to check application's culture when <WasmIcuDataFileName> is set.
- // If it was not set, then we have 3 "icu" assets in config and we should choose
- // only one for loading, the one that matches the application's locale.
- const icuAssets = runtimeHelpers.config.assets.filter(a => a["behavior"] == "icu");
- if (icuAssets.length === 1)
- return icuAssets[0].name;
- // reads the browsers locale / the OS's locale
- const preferredCulture = ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB ? navigator.language : Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale;
- const prefix = preferredCulture.split("-")[0];
- const CJK = "icudt_CJK.dat";
- const EFIGS = "icudt_EFIGS.dat";
- const OTHERS = "icudt_no_CJK.dat";
- // not all "fr-*", "it-*", "de-*", "es-*" are in EFIGS, only the one that is mostly used
- if (prefix == "en" || ["fr", "fr-FR", "it", "it-IT", "de", "de-DE", "es", "es-ES"].includes(preferredCulture))
- return EFIGS;
- if (["zh", "ko", "ja"].includes(prefix))
- return CJK;
- return OTHERS;
-export function shouldLoadIcuAsset(asset: AssetEntryInternal, preferredIcuAsset: string | null): boolean {
- return !(asset.behavior == "icu" && asset.name != preferredIcuAsset);
+export function shouldLoadIcuAsset(asset: AssetEntryInternal): boolean {
+ return !(asset.behavior == "icu" && asset.name != runtimeHelpers.preferredIcuAsset);
export function resolve_asset_path(behavior: AssetBehaviours) {
return asset;
export async function mono_download_assets(): Promise<void> {
- const preferredIcuAsset = get_preferred_icu_asset();
if (runtimeHelpers.diagnosticTracing) console.debug("MONO_WASM: mono_download_assets");
runtimeHelpers.maxParallelDownloads = runtimeHelpers.config.maxParallelDownloads || runtimeHelpers.maxParallelDownloads;
runtimeHelpers.enableDownloadRetry = runtimeHelpers.config.enableDownloadRetry || runtimeHelpers.enableDownloadRetry;
mono_assert(!asset.resolvedUrl || typeof asset.resolvedUrl === "string", "asset resolvedUrl could be string");
mono_assert(!asset.hash || typeof asset.hash === "string", "asset resolvedUrl could be string");
mono_assert(!asset.pendingDownload || typeof asset.pendingDownload === "object", "asset pendingDownload could be object");
- if (!skipInstantiateByAssetTypes[asset.behavior] && shouldLoadIcuAsset(asset, preferredIcuAsset)) {
+ if (!skipInstantiateByAssetTypes[asset.behavior] && shouldLoadIcuAsset(asset)) {
- if (!skipDownloadsByAssetTypes[asset.behavior] && shouldLoadIcuAsset(asset, preferredIcuAsset)) {
+ if (!skipDownloadsByAssetTypes[asset.behavior] && shouldLoadIcuAsset(asset)) {
const headersOnly = skipBufferByAssetTypes[asset.behavior];
if (!headersOnly) {
mono_assert(asset.isOptional, "Expected asset to have the downloaded buffer");
- if (!skipDownloadsByAssetTypes[asset.behavior] && shouldLoadIcuAsset(asset, preferredIcuAsset)) {
+ if (!skipDownloadsByAssetTypes[asset.behavior] && shouldLoadIcuAsset(asset)) {
- if (!skipInstantiateByAssetTypes[asset.behavior] && shouldLoadIcuAsset(asset, preferredIcuAsset)) {
+ if (!skipInstantiateByAssetTypes[asset.behavior] && shouldLoadIcuAsset(asset)) {
} else {
FS_createPath(parent: string, path: string, canRead?: boolean, canWrite?: boolean): string;
FS_createDataFile(parent: string, name: string, data: TypedArray, canRead: boolean, canWrite: boolean, canOwn?: boolean): string;
FS_readFile(filename: string, opts: any): any;
- removeRunDependency(id: string): void;
- addRunDependency(id: string): void;
addFunction(fn: Function, signature: string): number;
- getWasmTableEntry(index: number): any;
stackSave(): VoidPtr;
stackRestore(stack: VoidPtr): void;
stackAlloc(size: number): VoidPtr;
- ready: Promise<unknown>;
instantiateWasm?: InstantiateWasmCallBack;
preInit?: (() => any)[] | (() => any);
preRun?: (() => any)[] | (() => any);
import WasmEnableLegacyJsInterop from "consts:WasmEnableLegacyJsInterop";
import { ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD, exportedRuntimeAPI, moduleExports, set_emscripten_entrypoint, set_imports_exports } from "./imports";
-import { DotnetModule, is_nullish, EarlyImports, EarlyExports, EarlyReplacements, RuntimeAPI, CreateDotnetRuntimeType } from "./types";
+import { is_nullish, EarlyImports, EarlyExports, EarlyReplacements, RuntimeAPI, CreateDotnetRuntimeType, DotnetModuleInternal } from "./types";
import { configure_emscripten_startup, mono_wasm_pthread_worker_init } from "./startup";
import { create_weak_ref } from "./weak-ref";
replacements: EarlyReplacements,
callbackAPI: any
): RuntimeAPI {
- const module = exports.module as DotnetModule;
+ const module = exports.module as DotnetModuleInternal;
const globalThisAny = globalThis as any;
// we want to have same instance of MONO, BINDING and Module in dotnet iife
+export function get_preferred_icu_asset(): string | null {
+ if (!runtimeHelpers.config.assets)
+ return null;
+ // By setting <WasmIcuDataFileName> user can define what ICU source file they want to load.
+ // There is no need to check application's culture when <WasmIcuDataFileName> is set.
+ // If it was not set, then we have 3 "icu" assets in config and we should choose
+ // only one for loading, the one that matches the application's locale.
+ const icuAssets = runtimeHelpers.config.assets.filter(a => a["behavior"] == "icu");
+ if (icuAssets.length === 1)
+ return icuAssets[0].name;
+ // reads the browsers locale / the OS's locale
+ const preferredCulture = ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB ? navigator.language : Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale;
+ const prefix = preferredCulture.split("-")[0];
+ const CJK = "icudt_CJK.dat";
+ const EFIGS = "icudt_EFIGS.dat";
+ const OTHERS = "icudt_no_CJK.dat";
+ // not all "fr-*", "it-*", "de-*", "es-*" are in EFIGS, only the one that is mostly used
+ if (prefix == "en" || ["fr", "fr-FR", "it", "it-IT", "de", "de-DE", "es", "es-ES"].includes(preferredCulture))
+ return EFIGS;
+ if (["zh", "ko", "ja"].includes(prefix))
+ return CJK;
+ return OTHERS;
/// <reference path="./types/node.d.ts" />
import type { CreateDotnetRuntimeType, DotnetModule, RuntimeAPI, EarlyExports, EarlyImports, ModuleAPI, RuntimeHelpers } from "./types";
-import type { EmscriptenModule } from "./types/emscripten";
+import type { EmscriptenModule, EmscriptenModuleInternal } from "./types/emscripten";
// these are our public API (except internal)
-export let Module: EmscriptenModule & DotnetModule;
+export let Module: EmscriptenModule & DotnetModule & EmscriptenModuleInternal;
export let INTERNAL: any;
export let IMPORTS: any;
import { GCHandle, MarshalerToCs, MarshalerToJs, MonoMethod, mono_assert } from "./types";
import cwraps from "./cwraps";
-import { Module, runtimeHelpers, ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD } from "./imports";
+import { runtimeHelpers, ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD, Module } from "./imports";
import { alloc_stack_frame, get_arg, get_arg_gc_handle, MarshalerType, set_arg_type, set_gc_handle } from "./marshal";
import { invoke_method_and_handle_exception } from "./invoke-cs";
import { marshal_array_to_cs_impl, marshal_exception_to_cs, marshal_intptr_to_cs } from "./marshal-to-cs";
import { marshal_int32_to_js, marshal_string_to_js, marshal_task_to_js } from "./marshal-to-js";
export function init_managed_exports(): void {
- const anyModule = Module as any;
const exports_fqn_asm = "System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript";
runtimeHelpers.runtime_interop_module = cwraps.mono_wasm_assembly_load(exports_fqn_asm);
if (!runtimeHelpers.runtime_interop_module)
mono_assert(get_managed_stack_trace_method, "Can't find GetManagedStackTrace method");
runtimeHelpers.javaScriptExports.call_entry_point = (entry_point: MonoMethod, program_args?: string[]) => {
- const sp = anyModule.stackSave();
+ const sp = Module.stackSave();
try {
const args = alloc_stack_frame(4);
const res = get_arg(args, 1);
return promise;
} finally {
- anyModule.stackRestore(sp);
+ Module.stackRestore(sp);
runtimeHelpers.javaScriptExports.release_js_owned_object_by_gc_handle = (gc_handle: GCHandle) => {
mono_assert(gc_handle, "Must be valid gc_handle");
- const sp = anyModule.stackSave();
+ const sp = Module.stackSave();
try {
const args = alloc_stack_frame(3);
const arg1 = get_arg(args, 2);
set_gc_handle(arg1, gc_handle);
invoke_method_and_handle_exception(release_js_owned_object_by_gc_handle_method, args);
} finally {
- anyModule.stackRestore(sp);
+ Module.stackRestore(sp);
runtimeHelpers.javaScriptExports.create_task_callback = () => {
- const sp = anyModule.stackSave();
+ const sp = Module.stackSave();
try {
const args = alloc_stack_frame(2);
invoke_method_and_handle_exception(create_task_callback_method, args);
const res = get_arg(args, 1);
return get_arg_gc_handle(res);
} finally {
- anyModule.stackRestore(sp);
+ Module.stackRestore(sp);
runtimeHelpers.javaScriptExports.complete_task = (holder_gc_handle: GCHandle, error?: any, data?: any, res_converter?: MarshalerToCs) => {
- const sp = anyModule.stackSave();
+ const sp = Module.stackSave();
try {
const args = alloc_stack_frame(5);
const arg1 = get_arg(args, 2);
invoke_method_and_handle_exception(complete_task_method, args);
} finally {
- anyModule.stackRestore(sp);
+ Module.stackRestore(sp);
runtimeHelpers.javaScriptExports.call_delegate = (callback_gc_handle: GCHandle, arg1_js: any, arg2_js: any, arg3_js: any, res_converter?: MarshalerToJs, arg1_converter?: MarshalerToCs, arg2_converter?: MarshalerToCs, arg3_converter?: MarshalerToCs) => {
- const sp = anyModule.stackSave();
+ const sp = Module.stackSave();
try {
const args = alloc_stack_frame(6);
return res_converter(res);
} finally {
- anyModule.stackRestore(sp);
+ Module.stackRestore(sp);
runtimeHelpers.javaScriptExports.get_managed_stack_trace = (exception_gc_handle: GCHandle) => {
- const sp = anyModule.stackSave();
+ const sp = Module.stackSave();
try {
const args = alloc_stack_frame(3);
const res = get_arg(args, 1);
return marshal_string_to_js(res);
} finally {
- anyModule.stackRestore(sp);
+ Module.stackRestore(sp);
if (install_sync_context) {
runtimeHelpers.javaScriptExports.install_synchronization_context = () => {
- const sp = anyModule.stackSave();
+ const sp = Module.stackSave();
try {
const args = alloc_stack_frame(2);
invoke_method_and_handle_exception(install_sync_context, args);
} finally {
- anyModule.stackRestore(sp);
+ Module.stackRestore(sp);
export const JSMarshalerSignatureHeaderSize = 4 + 4; // without Exception and Result
export function alloc_stack_frame(size: number): JSMarshalerArguments {
- const anyModule = Module as any;
- const args = anyModule.stackAlloc(JavaScriptMarshalerArgSize * size);
+ const args = Module.stackAlloc(JavaScriptMarshalerArgSize * size) as any;
mono_assert(args && (<any>args) % 8 == 0, "Arg alignment");
const exc = get_arg(args, 0);
set_arg_type(exc, MarshalerType.None);
let node_url: any | undefined = undefined;
export function init_polyfills(replacements: EarlyReplacements): void {
- const anyModule = Module as any;
// performance.now() is used by emscripten and doesn't work in JSC
if (typeof globalThis.performance === "undefined") {
// require replacement
- const imports = anyModule.imports = (Module.imports || {}) as DotnetModuleConfigImports;
+ const imports = Module.imports = (Module.imports || {}) as DotnetModuleConfigImports;
const requireWrapper = (wrappedRequire: Function) => (name: string) => {
const resolved = (<any>Module.imports)[name];
if (resolved) {
// script location
runtimeHelpers.scriptDirectory = replacements.scriptDirectory = detectScriptDirectory(replacements);
- anyModule.mainScriptUrlOrBlob = replacements.scriptUrl;// this is needed by worker threads
+ Module.mainScriptUrlOrBlob = replacements.scriptUrl;// this is needed by worker threads
if (BuildConfiguration === "Debug") {
console.debug(`MONO_WASM: starting script ${replacements.scriptUrl}`);
console.debug(`MONO_WASM: starting in ${runtimeHelpers.scriptDirectory}`);
- if (anyModule.__locateFile === anyModule.locateFile) {
+ if (Module.__locateFile === Module.locateFile) {
// above it's our early version from dotnet.es6.pre.js, we could replace it with better
- anyModule.locateFile = runtimeHelpers.locateFile = (path) => {
+ Module.locateFile = runtimeHelpers.locateFile = (path) => {
if (isPathAbsolute(path)) return path;
return runtimeHelpers.scriptDirectory + path;
} else {
// we use what was given to us
- runtimeHelpers.locateFile = anyModule.locateFile;
+ runtimeHelpers.locateFile = Module.locateFile!;
// prefer fetch_like over global fetch for assets
// memory
const originalUpdateGlobalBufferAndViews = replacements.updateGlobalBufferAndViews;
- replacements.updateGlobalBufferAndViews = (buffer: ArrayBufferLike) => {
+ runtimeHelpers.updateGlobalBufferAndViews = replacements.updateGlobalBufferAndViews = (buffer: ArrayBufferLike) => {
import BuildConfiguration from "consts:configuration";
import MonoWasmThreads from "consts:monoWasmThreads";
import WasmEnableLegacyJsInterop from "consts:WasmEnableLegacyJsInterop";
-import { CharPtrNull, DotnetModule, RuntimeAPI, MonoConfig, MonoConfigInternal } from "./types";
+import { CharPtrNull, DotnetModule, RuntimeAPI, MonoConfig, MonoConfigInternal, DotnetModuleInternal } from "./types";
import { ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE, ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL, INTERNAL, Module, runtimeHelpers } from "./imports";
import cwraps, { init_c_exports } from "./cwraps";
import { mono_wasm_raise_debug_event, mono_wasm_runtime_ready } from "./debug";
-import { mono_wasm_globalization_init } from "./icu";
+import { get_preferred_icu_asset, mono_wasm_globalization_init } from "./icu";
import { toBase64StringImpl } from "./base64";
import { mono_wasm_init_aot_profiler, mono_wasm_init_browser_profiler } from "./profiler";
import { mono_on_abort, mono_exit } from "./run";
// we are making emscripten startup async friendly
// emscripten is executing the events without awaiting it and so we need to block progress via PromiseControllers above
-export function configure_emscripten_startup(module: DotnetModule, exportedAPI: RuntimeAPI): void {
+export function configure_emscripten_startup(module: DotnetModuleInternal, exportedAPI: RuntimeAPI): void {
const mark = startMeasure();
// these all could be overridden on DotnetModuleConfig, we are chaing them to async below, as opposed to emscripten
// when user set configSrc or config, we are running our default startup sequence.
// wait for the config to arrive by message from the main thread
await afterConfigLoaded.promise;
- const anyModule = Module as any;
replace_linker_placeholders(imports, export_linker());
// Instantiate from the module posted from the main thread.
// We can just use sync instantiation in the worker.
- const instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(anyModule.wasmModule, imports);
+ const instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(Module.wasmModule!, imports);
successCallback(instance, undefined);
- anyModule.wasmModule = null;
+ Module.wasmModule = null;
function preInit(userPreInit: (() => void)[]) {
-// runs in both blazor and non-blazor
function mono_wasm_pre_init_essential(isWorker: boolean): void {
if (!isWorker)
-// runs in both blazor and non-blazor
async function mono_wasm_pre_init_essential_async(): Promise<void> {
if (runtimeHelpers.diagnosticTracing) console.debug("MONO_WASM: mono_wasm_pre_init_essential_async");
-// runs just in non-blazor
async function mono_wasm_pre_init_full(): Promise<void> {
if (runtimeHelpers.diagnosticTracing) console.debug("MONO_WASM: mono_wasm_pre_init_full");
-// runs just in non-blazor
async function mono_wasm_before_user_runtime_initialized(): Promise<void> {
if (runtimeHelpers.diagnosticTracing) console.debug("MONO_WASM: mono_wasm_before_user_runtime_initialized");
-// runs in both blazor and non-blazor
async function mono_wasm_after_user_runtime_initialized(): Promise<void> {
if (runtimeHelpers.diagnosticTracing) console.debug("MONO_WASM: mono_wasm_after_user_runtime_initialized");
try {
- // for Blazor, init diagnostics after their "onRuntimeInitalized" sets env variables, but before their postRun callback (which calls mono_wasm_load_runtime)
- if (MonoWasmThreads) {
- await mono_wasm_init_diagnostics();
- }
if (runtimeHelpers.diagnosticTracing) console.debug("MONO_WASM: Initializing mono runtime");
-// runs just in non-blazor
async function _apply_configuration_from_args() {
- try {
- const tz = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;
- if (tz) mono_wasm_setenv("TZ", tz);
- } catch {
- console.info("MONO_WASM: failed to detect timezone, will fallback to UTC");
- }
// create /usr/share folder which is SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData
Module["FS_createPath"]("/", "usr", true, true);
Module["FS_createPath"]("/", "usr/share", true, true);
if (config.browserProfilerOptions)
- // for non-Blazor, init diagnostics after environment variables are set
+ // init diagnostics after environment variables are set
if (MonoWasmThreads) {
await mono_wasm_init_diagnostics();
cwraps.mono_wasm_load_runtime(unused || "unused", debugLevel);
endMeasure(mark, MeasuredBlock.loadRuntime);
- runtimeHelpers.waitForDebugger = config.waitForDebugger;
if (!runtimeHelpers.mono_wasm_bindings_is_ready) bindings_init();
} catch (err: any) {
export function bindings_init(): void {
- if (runtimeHelpers.diagnosticTracing) console.debug("MONO_WASM: bindings_init");
if (runtimeHelpers.mono_wasm_bindings_is_ready) {
+ if (runtimeHelpers.diagnosticTracing) console.debug("MONO_WASM: bindings_init");
runtimeHelpers.mono_wasm_bindings_is_ready = true;
try {
const mark = startMeasure();
configLoaded = true;
if (!configFilePath) {
- afterConfigLoaded.promise_control.resolve(runtimeHelpers.config);
+ afterConfigLoaded.promise_control.resolve(config);
if (runtimeHelpers.diagnosticTracing) console.debug("MONO_WASM: mono_wasm_load_config");
if (Module.onConfigLoaded) {
try {
- await Module.onConfigLoaded(<MonoConfig>runtimeHelpers.config);
+ await Module.onConfigLoaded(<MonoConfig>config);
catch (err: any) {
throw err;
- afterConfigLoaded.promise_control.resolve(runtimeHelpers.config);
+ afterConfigLoaded.promise_control.resolve(config);
} catch (err) {
const errMessage = `Failed to load config file ${configFilePath} ${err}`;
abort_startup(errMessage, true);
if (config.diagnosticTracing === undefined && BuildConfiguration === "Debug") {
config.diagnosticTracing = true;
- runtimeHelpers.diagnosticTracing = !!runtimeHelpers.config.diagnosticTracing;
+ runtimeHelpers.diagnosticTracing = !!config.diagnosticTracing;
runtimeHelpers.enablePerfMeasure = !!config.browserProfilerOptions
&& globalThis.performance
&& typeof globalThis.performance.measure === "function";
+ runtimeHelpers.preferredIcuAsset = get_preferred_icu_asset();
+ if (runtimeHelpers.timezone === undefined && config.environmentVariables["TZ"] === undefined) {
+ try {
+ runtimeHelpers.timezone = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone || null;
+ if (runtimeHelpers.timezone) config.environmentVariables["TZ"] = runtimeHelpers.timezone;
+ } catch {
+ console.info("MONO_WASM: failed to detect timezone, will fallback to UTC");
+ }
+ }
+ runtimeHelpers.waitForDebugger = config.waitForDebugger;
export function mono_wasm_asm_loaded(assembly_name: CharPtr, assembly_ptr: number, assembly_len: number, pdb_ptr: number, pdb_len: number): void {
// Only trigger this codepath for assemblies loaded after app is ready
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
import { DotnetHostBuilder } from "./run-outer";
-import { CharPtr, EmscriptenModule, ManagedPointer, NativePointer, VoidPtr, Int32Ptr } from "./types/emscripten";
+import { CharPtr, EmscriptenModule, ManagedPointer, NativePointer, VoidPtr, Int32Ptr, EmscriptenModuleInternal } from "./types/emscripten";
export type GCHandle = {
__brand: "GCHandle"
locateFile: (path: string, prefix?: string) => string,
javaScriptExports: JavaScriptExports,
loadedFiles: string[],
+ preferredIcuAsset: string | null,
+ timezone: string | null,
+ updateGlobalBufferAndViews: (buffer: ArrayBufferLike) => void
export type GlobalizationMode =
// how we extended emscripten Module
export type DotnetModule = EmscriptenModule & DotnetModuleConfig;
+export type DotnetModuleInternal = EmscriptenModule & DotnetModuleConfig & EmscriptenModuleInternal;
export type DotnetModuleConfig = {
disableDotnet6Compatibility?: boolean,
FS_createPath(parent: string, path: string, canRead?: boolean, canWrite?: boolean): string;
FS_createDataFile(parent: string, name: string, data: TypedArray, canRead: boolean, canWrite: boolean, canOwn?: boolean): string;
FS_readFile(filename: string, opts: any): any;
- removeRunDependency(id: string): void;
- addRunDependency(id: string): void;
addFunction(fn: Function, signature: string): number;
- getWasmTableEntry(index: number): any;
stackSave(): VoidPtr;
stackRestore(stack: VoidPtr): void;
stackAlloc(size: number): VoidPtr;
- ready: Promise<unknown>;
instantiateWasm?: InstantiateWasmCallBack;
preInit?: (() => any)[] | (() => any);
preRun?: (() => any)[] | (() => any);
onAbort?: { (error: any): void };
+export declare interface EmscriptenModuleInternal {
+ __locateFile?: (path: string, prefix?: string) => string;
+ locateFile?: (path: string, prefix?: string) => string;
+ mainScriptUrlOrBlob?: string;
+ wasmModule: WebAssembly.Instance | null;
+ ready: Promise<unknown>;
+ getWasmTableEntry(index: number): any;
+ removeRunDependency(id: string): void;
+ addRunDependency(id: string): void;
export type InstantiateWasmSuccessCallback = (instance: WebAssembly.Instance, module: WebAssembly.Module | undefined) => void;
export type InstantiateWasmCallBack = (imports: WebAssembly.Imports, successCallback: InstantiateWasmSuccessCallback) => any;