PtrStepSzi counter,
const int downscales);
+namespace imgproc
+ void meanShiftFiltering_gpu(const PtrStepSzb& src, PtrStepSzb dst, int sp, int sr, int maxIter, float eps, cudaStream_t stream);
struct cv::gpu::SoftCascade::Filds
fplane.create(FRAME_HEIGHT * 6, FRAME_WIDTH, CV_32FC1);
shrunk.create(FRAME_HEIGHT / 4 * HOG_LUV_BINS, FRAME_WIDTH / 4, CV_8UC1);
- integralBuffer.create(shrunk.rows + 1 * HOG_LUV_BINS, shrunk.cols + 1, CV_32SC1);
- hogluv.create((FRAME_HEIGHT / 4 + 1) * HOG_LUV_BINS, FRAME_WIDTH / 4 + 1, CV_32SC1);
+ integralBuffer.create(1 , (shrunk.rows + 1) * HOG_LUV_BINS * (shrunk.cols + 1), CV_32SC1);
+ hogluv.create((FRAME_HEIGHT / 4 + 1) * HOG_LUV_BINS, FRAME_WIDTH / 4 + 64, CV_32SC1);
detCounter.create(1,1, CV_32SC1);
std::vector<float> scales;
+ static const int shrinkage = 4;
enum { BOOST = 0 };
bool fill(const FileNode &root, const float mins, const float maxs);
- void detect(cv::gpu::GpuMat roi, cv::gpu::GpuMat objects, cudaStream_t stream) const
+ void detect(const cv::gpu::GpuMat& roi, cv::gpu::GpuMat& objects, cudaStream_t stream) const
cudaMemset(, 0, detCounter.step * detCounter.rows * sizeof(int));
device::icf::detect(roi, levels, octaves, stages, nodes, leaves, hogluv, objects , detCounter, downscales);
- void detectAtScale(int scale, cv::gpu::GpuMat roi, cv::gpu::GpuMat objects, cudaStream_t stream) const
+ void detectAtScale(int scale, const cv::gpu::GpuMat& roi, cv::gpu::GpuMat& objects, cudaStream_t stream) const
cudaMemset(, 0, detCounter.step * detCounter.rows * sizeof(int));
device::icf::detectAtScale(scale, roi, levels, octaves, stages, nodes, leaves, hogluv, objects,
detCounter, downscales);
+ void preprocess(const cv::gpu::GpuMat& colored)
+ {
+ cudaMemset(, 0, plane.step * plane.rows);
+ int fw = Filds::FRAME_WIDTH;
+ int fh = Filds::FRAME_HEIGHT;
+ GpuMat gray(plane, cv::Rect(0, fh * Filds::HOG_LUV_BINS, fw, fh));
+ cv::gpu::cvtColor(colored, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
+ //create hog
+ GpuMat dfdx(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 0, fw, fh));
+ GpuMat dfdy(fplane, cv::Rect(0, fh, fw, fh));
+ cv::gpu::Sobel(gray, dfdx, CV_32F, 1, 0, 3, 0.125f);
+ cv::gpu::Sobel(gray, dfdy, CV_32F, 0, 1, 3, 0.125f);
+ GpuMat mag(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 2 * fh, fw, fh));
+ GpuMat ang(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 3 * fh, fw, fh));
+ cv::gpu::cartToPolar(dfdx, dfdy, mag, ang, true);
+ // normolize magnitude to uchar interval and angles to 6 bins
+ GpuMat nmag(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 4 * fh, fw, fh));
+ GpuMat nang(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 5 * fh, fw, fh));
+ cv::gpu::multiply(mag, cv::Scalar::all(1.f / ::log(2)), nmag);
+ cv::gpu::multiply(ang, cv::Scalar::all(1.f / 60.f), nang);
+ //create uchar magnitude
+ GpuMat cmag(plane, cv::Rect(0, fh * Filds::HOG_BINS, fw, fh));
+ nmag.convertTo(cmag, CV_8UC1);
+ // create luv
+ cv::gpu::cvtColor(colored, luv, CV_BGR2Luv);
+ std::vector<GpuMat> splited;
+ for(int i = 0; i < Filds::LUV_BINS; ++i)
+ {
+ splited.push_back(GpuMat(plane, cv::Rect(0, fh * (7 + i), fw, fh)));
+ }
+ cv::gpu::split(luv, splited);
+ device::icf::fillBins(plane, nang, fw, fh, Filds::HOG_BINS);
+ GpuMat channels(plane, cv::Rect(0, 0, fw, fh * Filds::HOG_LUV_BINS));
+ cv::gpu::resize(channels, shrunk, cv::Size(), 0.25, 0.25, CV_INTER_AREA);
+ fw /= shrinkage;
+ fh /= shrinkage;
+ for(int i = 0; i < Filds::HOG_LUV_BINS; ++i)
+ {
+ GpuMat channel(shrunk, cv::Rect(0, fh * i, fw, fh ));
+ GpuMat sum(hogluv, cv::Rect(0, (fh + 1) * i, fw + 1, fh + 1));
+ cv::gpu::integralBuffered(channel, sum, integralBuffer);
+ }
+ }
void calcLevels(const std::vector<device::icf::Octave>& octs,
int frameW, int frameH, int nscales);
Filds& flds = *filds;
- GpuMat& plane = flds.plane;
- GpuMat& shrunk = flds.shrunk;
- cudaMemset(, 0, plane.step * plane.rows);
- int fw = Filds::FRAME_WIDTH;
- int fh = Filds::FRAME_HEIGHT;
- GpuMat gray(plane, cv::Rect(0, fh * Filds::HOG_LUV_BINS, fw, fh));
- cv::gpu::cvtColor(colored, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
- //create hog
- GpuMat dfdx(flds.fplane, cv::Rect(0, 0, fw, fh));
- GpuMat dfdy(flds.fplane, cv::Rect(0, fh, fw, fh));
- cv::gpu::Sobel(gray, dfdx, CV_32F, 1, 0, 3, 0.125f);
- cv::gpu::Sobel(gray, dfdy, CV_32F, 0, 1, 3, 0.125f);
- GpuMat mag(flds.fplane, cv::Rect(0, 2 * fh, fw, fh));
- GpuMat ang(flds.fplane, cv::Rect(0, 3 * fh, fw, fh));
- cv::gpu::cartToPolar(dfdx, dfdy, mag, ang, true);
- // normolize magnitude to uchar interval and angles to 6 bins
- GpuMat nmag(flds.fplane, cv::Rect(0, 4 * fh, fw, fh));
- GpuMat nang(flds.fplane, cv::Rect(0, 5 * fh, fw, fh));
- cv::gpu::multiply(mag, cv::Scalar::all(1.f / ::log(2)), nmag);
- cv::gpu::multiply(ang, cv::Scalar::all(1.f / 60.f), nang);
- //create uchar magnitude
- GpuMat cmag(plane, cv::Rect(0, fh * Filds::HOG_BINS, fw, fh));
- nmag.convertTo(cmag, CV_8UC1);
- // create luv
- cv::gpu::cvtColor(colored, flds.luv, CV_BGR2Luv);
- std::vector<GpuMat> splited;
- for(int i = 0; i < Filds::LUV_BINS; ++i)
- {
- splited.push_back(GpuMat(plane, cv::Rect(0, fh * (7 + i), fw, fh)));
- }
- cv::gpu::split(flds.luv, splited);
- device::icf::fillBins(plane, nang, fw, fh, Filds::HOG_BINS);
- GpuMat hogluv(plane, cv::Rect(0, 0, fw, fh * Filds::HOG_LUV_BINS));
- cv::gpu::resize(hogluv, flds.shrunk, cv::Size(), 0.25, 0.25, CV_INTER_AREA);
- fw /= 4;
- fh /= 4;
- for(int i = 0; i < Filds::HOG_LUV_BINS; ++i)
- {
- GpuMat channel(shrunk, cv::Rect(0, fh * i, fw, fh ));
- GpuMat sum(flds.hogluv, cv::Rect(0, (fh + 1) * i, fw + 1, fh + 1));
- cv::gpu::integralBuffered(channel, sum, flds.integralBuffer);
- }
+ flds.preprocess(colored);
if (specificScale == -1)
flds.detect(rois,objects, 0);