+Thu Jun 17 12:26:43 BST 2004 Nicholas Clark <nick@ccl4.org>
+ Version 2.13
+ 1. Don't change the type of top level overloaded references to RV -
+ they are perfectly correct as PVMG
+ 2. Storable needs to cope with incoming frozen data that happens to be
+ utf8 encoded.
Wed Mar 17 15:40:29 GMT 2004 Nicholas Clark <nick@ccl4.org>
Version 2.12
- Storable 2.12
+ Storable 2.13
Copyright (c) 1995-2000, Raphael Manfredi
Copyright (c) 2001-2004, Larry Wall
use AutoLoader;
use vars qw($canonical $forgive_me $VERSION);
-$VERSION = '2.12';
+$VERSION = '2.13';
*AUTOLOAD = \&AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD; # Grrr...
KBUFINIT(); /* Allocate hash key reading pool once */
- if (!f && in)
+ if (!f && in) {
+#ifdef SvUTF8_on
+ if (SvUTF8(in)) {
+ STRLEN length;
+ const char *orig = SvPV(in, length);
+ char *asbytes;
+ /* This is quite deliberate. I want the UTF8 routines
+ to encounter the '\0' which perl adds at the end
+ of all scalars, so that any new string also has
+ this.
+ */
+ I32 len32 = length + 1;
+ bool is_utf8 = TRUE;
+ /* Just casting the &klen to (STRLEN) won't work
+ well if STRLEN and I32 are of different widths.
+ --jhi */
+ asbytes = (char*)bytes_from_utf8((U8*)orig,
+ &len32,
+ &is_utf8);
+ if (is_utf8) {
+ CROAK(("Frozen string corrupt - contains characters outside 0-255"));
+ }
+ if (asbytes != orig) {
+ /* String has been converted.
+ There is no need to keep any reference to
+ the old string. */
+ in = sv_newmortal();
+ /* We donate the SV the malloc()ed string
+ bytes_from_utf8 returned us. */
+ SvUPGRADE(in, SVt_PV);
+ SvPOK_on(in);
+ SvPVX(in) = asbytes;
+ SvLEN(in) = len32;
+ SvCUR(in) = len32 - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Magic number verifications.
#!./perl -w
# Copyright (c) 1995-2000, Raphael Manfredi
use Storable qw(thaw freeze);
-print "1..3\n";
+print "1..6\n";
my $x = chr(1234);
ok 1, $x eq ${thaw freeze \$x};
$x = chr (175) . chr (256);
chop $x;
ok 3, $x eq ${thaw freeze \$x};
+# Storable needs to cope if a frozen string happens to be internall utf8
+# encoded
+$x = chr 256;
+my $data = freeze \$x;
+ok 4, $x eq ${thaw $data};
+$data .= chr 256;
+chop $data;
+ok 5, $x eq ${thaw $data};
+$data .= chr 256;
+# This definately isn't valid
+eval {thaw $data};
+ok 6, $@ =~ /corrupt.*characters outside/;