#include "deStringUtil.hpp"
#include "deRandom.hpp"
-#include "deMemory.h"
+#include "deInt32.h"
#include "deMath.h"
+#include "deMemory.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
using tcu::TestLog;
using tcu::Maybe;
+using de::MovePtr;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::map;
const vk::VkDevice m_device;
const vk::VkQueue m_queue;
const deUint32 m_queueFamilyIndex;
- const vector<pair<deUint32, vk::VkQueue> >& m_queues;
+ const vector<pair<deUint32, vk::VkQueue> > m_queues;
const vk::Unique<vk::VkCommandPool> m_commandPool;
const vk::ProgramCollection<vk::ProgramBinary>& m_binaryCollection;
vector<deUint32> m_queueFamilies;
const vk::DeviceInterface& vkd = context.getContext().getDeviceInterface();
const vk::VkCommandBuffer cmd = context.getCommandBuffer();
- // \todo [2016-01-08 pyry] This could be cleaned up thanks to latest API changes
switch (m_type)
RenderVertexStorageImage (void) {}
~RenderVertexStorageImage (void);
- const char* getName (void) const { return "RenderVertexStorageImage"; }
- void logPrepare (TestLog&, size_t) const;
- void logSubmit (TestLog&, size_t) const;
- void prepare (PrepareRenderPassContext&);
- void submit (SubmitContext& context);
- void verify (VerifyRenderPassContext&, size_t);
+ const char* getName (void) const { return "RenderVertexStorageImage"; }
+ void logPrepare (TestLog&, size_t) const;
+ void logSubmit (TestLog&, size_t) const;
+ void prepare (PrepareRenderPassContext&);
+ void submit (SubmitContext& context);
+ void verify (VerifyRenderPassContext&, size_t);
PipelineResources m_resources;
deUint32 seed,
const Memory& memory,
Usage usage,
- vk::VkSharingMode sharingMode)
+ vk::VkSharingMode sharingMode,
+ size_t opCount)
- const size_t opCount = 100;
- State state (usage, seed);
+ State state (usage, seed);
// Used to select next operation only
- de::Random nextOpRng (seed ^ 12930809);
+ de::Random nextOpRng (seed ^ 12930809);
-void testCommand (TestLog& log,
- tcu::ResultCollector& resultCollector,
- const vk::ProgramCollection<vk::ProgramBinary>& binaryCollection,
- const vk::InstanceInterface& vki,
- const vk::DeviceInterface& vkd,
- vk::VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice,
- vk::VkDevice device,
- vk::VkDeviceSize size,
- deUint32 memoryTypeIndex,
- Usage usage,
- vk::VkSharingMode sharingMode,
- vk::VkQueue executionQueue,
- deUint32 executionQueueFamily,
- const vector<deUint32>& queueFamilies,
- const vk::VkDeviceSize maxBufferSize,
- const IVec2 maxImageSize)
- const deUint32 seed = 2830980989u;
- Memory memory (vki, vkd, physicalDevice, device, size, memoryTypeIndex, maxBufferSize, maxImageSize[0], maxImageSize[1]);
- vector<Command*> commands;
- vector<pair<deUint32, vk::VkQueue> > queues;
- try
- {
- log << TestLog::Message << "Create commands" << TestLog::EndMessage;
- createCommands(commands, seed, memory, usage, sharingMode);
- for (size_t queueNdx = 0; queueNdx < queueFamilies.size(); queueNdx++)
- {
- vk::VkQueue queue;
+class MemoryTestInstance : public TestInstance
- vkd.getDeviceQueue(device, queueFamilies[queueNdx], 0, &queue);
- queues.push_back(std::make_pair(queueFamilies[queueNdx], queue));
- }
+ typedef bool(MemoryTestInstance::*StageFunc)(void);
- {
- const tcu::ScopedLogSection section (log, "LogPrepare", "LogPrepare");
+ MemoryTestInstance (::vkt::Context& context, const TestConfig& config);
+ ~MemoryTestInstance (void);
- for (size_t cmdNdx = 0; cmdNdx < commands.size(); cmdNdx++)
- commands[cmdNdx]->logPrepare(log, cmdNdx);
- }
+ tcu::TestStatus iterate (void);
- {
- const tcu::ScopedLogSection section (log, "LogExecute", "LogExecute");
+ const TestConfig m_config;
+ const size_t m_iterationCount;
+ const size_t m_opCount;
+ const vk::VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties m_memoryProperties;
+ deUint32 m_memoryTypeNdx;
+ size_t m_iteration;
+ StageFunc m_stage;
+ tcu::ResultCollector m_resultCollector;
- for (size_t cmdNdx = 0; cmdNdx < commands.size(); cmdNdx++)
- commands[cmdNdx]->logExecute(log, cmdNdx);
- }
+ vector<Command*> m_commands;
+ MovePtr<Memory> m_memory;
+ MovePtr<Context> m_renderContext;
+ MovePtr<PrepareContext> m_prepareContext;
- {
- const Context context (vki, vkd, physicalDevice, device, executionQueue, executionQueueFamily, queues, binaryCollection);
+ bool nextIteration (void);
+ bool nextMemoryType (void);
- try
- {
- {
- PrepareContext prepareContext (context, memory);
+ bool createCommandsAndAllocateMemory (void);
+ bool prepare (void);
+ bool execute (void);
+ bool verify (void);
+ void resetResources (void);
- log << TestLog::Message << "Begin prepare" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+void MemoryTestInstance::resetResources (void)
+ const vk::DeviceInterface& vkd = m_context.getDeviceInterface();
+ const vk::VkDevice device = m_context.getDevice();
- for (size_t cmdNdx = 0; cmdNdx < commands.size(); cmdNdx++)
- {
- Command& command = *commands[cmdNdx];
- try
- {
- command.prepare(prepareContext);
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- resultCollector.fail(de::toString(cmdNdx) + ":" + command.getName() + " failed to prepare for execution");
- throw;
- }
- }
+ VK_CHECK(vkd.deviceWaitIdle(device));
- ExecuteContext executeContext (context);
+ for (size_t commandNdx = 0; commandNdx < m_commands.size(); commandNdx++)
+ {
+ delete m_commands[commandNdx];
+ m_commands[commandNdx] = DE_NULL;
+ }
- log << TestLog::Message << "Begin execution" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+ m_commands.clear();
+ m_prepareContext.clear();
+ m_memory.clear();
- for (size_t cmdNdx = 0; cmdNdx < commands.size(); cmdNdx++)
- {
- Command& command = *commands[cmdNdx];
- try
- {
- command.execute(executeContext);
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- resultCollector.fail(de::toString(cmdNdx) + ":" + command.getName() + " failed to execute");
- throw;
- }
- }
+bool MemoryTestInstance::nextIteration (void)
+ m_iteration++;
- VK_CHECK(vkd.deviceWaitIdle(device));
- }
+ if (m_iteration < m_iterationCount)
+ {
+ resetResources();
+ m_stage = &MemoryTestInstance::createCommandsAndAllocateMemory;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return nextMemoryType();
- {
- const tcu::ScopedLogSection section (log, "Verify", "Verify");
- VerifyContext verifyContext (log, resultCollector, context, size);
+bool MemoryTestInstance::nextMemoryType (void)
+ resetResources();
- log << TestLog::Message << "Begin verify" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+ DE_ASSERT(m_commands.empty());
- for (size_t cmdNdx = 0; cmdNdx < commands.size(); cmdNdx++)
- {
- Command& command = *commands[cmdNdx];
- try
- {
- command.verify(verifyContext, cmdNdx);
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- resultCollector.fail(de::toString(cmdNdx) + ":" + command.getName() + " failed verification");
- throw;
- }
- }
- }
+ m_memoryTypeNdx++;
- for (size_t commandNdx = 0; commandNdx < commands.size(); commandNdx++)
- {
- delete commands[commandNdx];
- commands[commandNdx] = DE_NULL;
- }
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- for (size_t commandNdx = 0; commandNdx < commands.size(); commandNdx++)
- {
- delete commands[commandNdx];
- commands[commandNdx] = DE_NULL;
- }
+ if (m_memoryTypeNdx < m_memoryProperties.memoryTypeCount)
+ {
+ m_iteration = 0;
+ m_stage = &MemoryTestInstance::createCommandsAndAllocateMemory;
- throw;
- }
- }
+ return true;
- catch (...)
+ else
- for (size_t commandNdx = 0; commandNdx < commands.size(); commandNdx++)
- {
- delete commands[commandNdx];
- commands[commandNdx] = DE_NULL;
- }
- throw;
+ m_stage = DE_NULL;
+ return false;
-class MemoryTestInstance : public TestInstance
- MemoryTestInstance (::vkt::Context& context, const TestConfig& config);
- tcu::TestStatus iterate (void);
- const TestConfig m_config;
- const vk::VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties m_memoryProperties;
- deUint32 m_memoryTypeNdx;
- tcu::ResultCollector m_resultCollector;
MemoryTestInstance::MemoryTestInstance (::vkt::Context& context, const TestConfig& config)
: TestInstance (context)
, m_config (config)
+ , m_iterationCount (5)
+ , m_opCount (50)
, m_memoryProperties (vk::getPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(context.getInstanceInterface(), context.getPhysicalDevice()))
, m_memoryTypeNdx (0)
+ , m_iteration (0)
+ , m_stage (&MemoryTestInstance::createCommandsAndAllocateMemory)
, m_resultCollector (context.getTestContext().getLog())
+ , m_memory (DE_NULL)
- TestLog& log = context.getTestContext().getLog();
+ TestLog& log = context.getTestContext().getLog();
const tcu::ScopedLogSection section (log, "TestCaseInfo", "Test Case Info");
log << TestLog::Message << "Heap: " << m_memoryProperties.memoryTypes[memoryTypeNdx].heapIndex << TestLog::EndMessage;
+ {
+ const vk::InstanceInterface& vki = context.getInstanceInterface();
+ const vk::VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice = context.getPhysicalDevice();
+ const vk::DeviceInterface& vkd = context.getDeviceInterface();
+ const vk::VkDevice device = context.getDevice();
+ const vk::VkQueue queue = context.getUniversalQueue();
+ const deUint32 queueFamilyIndex = context.getUniversalQueueFamilyIndex();
+ vector<pair<deUint32, vk::VkQueue> > queues;
+ queues.push_back(std::make_pair(queueFamilyIndex, queue));
+ m_renderContext = MovePtr<Context>(new Context(vki, vkd, physicalDevice, device, queue, queueFamilyIndex, queues, context.getBinaryCollection()));
+ }
-tcu::TestStatus MemoryTestInstance::iterate (void)
+MemoryTestInstance::~MemoryTestInstance (void)
- // \todo [2016-03-09 mika] Split different stages over multiple iterations
- if (m_memoryTypeNdx < m_memoryProperties.memoryTypeCount)
- {
- TestLog& log = m_context.getTestContext().getLog();
- const tcu::ScopedLogSection section (log, "MemoryType" + de::toString(m_memoryTypeNdx), "Memory type " + de::toString(m_memoryTypeNdx));
- const vk::InstanceInterface& vki = m_context.getInstanceInterface();
- const vk::VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice = m_context.getPhysicalDevice();
- const vk::DeviceInterface& vkd = m_context.getDeviceInterface();
- const vk::VkDevice device = m_context.getDevice();
- const vk::VkQueue queue = m_context.getUniversalQueue();
- const deUint32 queueFamilyIndex = m_context.getUniversalQueueFamilyIndex();
- const vk::VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memoryProperties = vk::getPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(vki, physicalDevice);
- vector<deUint32> queues;
+ resetResources();
- queues.push_back(queueFamilyIndex);
+bool MemoryTestInstance::createCommandsAndAllocateMemory (void)
+ const vk::VkDevice device = m_context.getDevice();
+ TestLog& log = m_context.getTestContext().getLog();
+ const vk::InstanceInterface& vki = m_context.getInstanceInterface();
+ const vk::VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice = m_context.getPhysicalDevice();
+ const vk::DeviceInterface& vkd = m_context.getDeviceInterface();
+ const vk::VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memoryProperties = vk::getPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(vki, physicalDevice);
+ const tcu::ScopedLogSection section (log, "MemoryType" + de::toString(m_memoryTypeNdx) + "CreateCommands" + de::toString(m_iteration),
+ "Memory type " + de::toString(m_memoryTypeNdx) + " create commands iteration " + de::toString(m_iteration));
+ const vector<deUint32>& queues = m_renderContext->getQueueFamilies();
- // \todo [2016-08-04] Check that buffers / images are supported
- if (m_config.usage & (USAGE_HOST_READ|USAGE_HOST_WRITE)
- && !(memoryProperties.memoryTypes[m_memoryTypeNdx].propertyFlags & vk::VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT))
- {
- log << TestLog::Message << "Memory type not supported" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+ DE_ASSERT(m_commands.empty());
- m_memoryTypeNdx++;
- return tcu::TestStatus::incomplete();
- }
- else
+ if (m_config.usage & (USAGE_HOST_READ | USAGE_HOST_WRITE)
+ && !(memoryProperties.memoryTypes[m_memoryTypeNdx].propertyFlags & vk::VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT))
+ {
+ log << TestLog::Message << "Memory type not supported" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+ return nextMemoryType();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ try
- try
+ const vk::VkBufferUsageFlags bufferUsage = usageToBufferUsageFlags(m_config.usage);
+ const vk::VkImageUsageFlags imageUsage = usageToImageUsageFlags(m_config.usage);
+ const vk::VkDeviceSize maxBufferSize = bufferUsage != 0
+ ? roundBufferSizeToWxHx4(findMaxBufferSize(vkd, device, bufferUsage, m_config.sharing, queues, m_config.size, m_memoryTypeNdx))
+ : 0;
+ const IVec2 maxImageSize = imageUsage != 0
+ ? findMaxRGBA8ImageSize(vkd, device, imageUsage, m_config.sharing, queues, m_config.size, m_memoryTypeNdx)
+ : IVec2(0, 0);
+ log << TestLog::Message << "Max buffer size: " << maxBufferSize << TestLog::EndMessage;
+ log << TestLog::Message << "Max RGBA8 image size: " << maxImageSize << TestLog::EndMessage;
+ // Skip tests if there are no supported operations
+ if (maxBufferSize == 0
+ && maxImageSize[0] == 0
+ && (m_config.usage & (USAGE_HOST_READ|USAGE_HOST_WRITE)) == 0)
- const vk::VkBufferUsageFlags bufferUsage = usageToBufferUsageFlags(m_config.usage);
- const vk::VkImageUsageFlags imageUsage = usageToImageUsageFlags(m_config.usage);
- const vk::VkDeviceSize maxBufferSize = bufferUsage != 0
- ? roundBufferSizeToWxHx4(findMaxBufferSize(vkd, device, bufferUsage, m_config.sharing, queues, m_config.size, m_memoryTypeNdx))
- : 0;
- const IVec2 maxImageSize = imageUsage != 0
- ? findMaxRGBA8ImageSize(vkd, device, imageUsage, m_config.sharing, queues, m_config.size, m_memoryTypeNdx)
- : IVec2(0, 0);
- log << TestLog::Message << "Max buffer size: " << maxBufferSize << TestLog::EndMessage;
- log << TestLog::Message << "Max RGBA8 image size: " << maxImageSize << TestLog::EndMessage;
- // Skip tests if there are no supported operations
- if (maxBufferSize == 0
- && maxImageSize[0] == 0
- && (m_config.usage & (USAGE_HOST_READ|USAGE_HOST_WRITE)) == 0)
- {
- log << TestLog::Message << "Skipping memory type. None of the usages are supported." << TestLog::EndMessage;
- }
- else
- {
- testCommand(log, m_resultCollector, m_context.getBinaryCollection(), vki, vkd, physicalDevice, device, m_config.size, m_memoryTypeNdx, m_config.usage, m_config.sharing, queue, queueFamilyIndex, queues, maxBufferSize, maxImageSize);
- }
+ log << TestLog::Message << "Skipping memory type. None of the usages are supported." << TestLog::EndMessage;
+ return nextMemoryType();
- catch (const tcu::TestError& e)
+ else
- m_resultCollector.fail("Failed, got exception: " + string(e.getMessage()));
+ const deUint32 seed = 2830980989u ^ deUint32Hash((deUint32)(m_iteration) * m_memoryProperties.memoryTypeCount + m_memoryTypeNdx);
+ m_memory = MovePtr<Memory>(new Memory(vki, vkd, physicalDevice, device, m_config.size, m_memoryTypeNdx, maxBufferSize, maxImageSize[0], maxImageSize[1]));
+ log << TestLog::Message << "Create commands" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+ createCommands(m_commands, seed, *m_memory, m_config.usage, m_config.sharing, m_opCount);
+ m_stage = &MemoryTestInstance::prepare;
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (const tcu::TestError& e)
+ {
+ m_resultCollector.fail("Failed, got exception: " + string(e.getMessage()));
+ return nextMemoryType();
+ }
+ }
+bool MemoryTestInstance::prepare (void)
+ TestLog& log = m_context.getTestContext().getLog();
+ const tcu::ScopedLogSection section (log, "MemoryType" + de::toString(m_memoryTypeNdx) + "Prepare" + de::toString(m_iteration),
+ "Memory type " + de::toString(m_memoryTypeNdx) + " prepare iteration" + de::toString(m_iteration));
+ m_prepareContext = MovePtr<PrepareContext>(new PrepareContext(*m_renderContext, *m_memory));
+ DE_ASSERT(!m_commands.empty());
- m_memoryTypeNdx++;
- return tcu::TestStatus::incomplete();
+ for (size_t cmdNdx = 0; cmdNdx < m_commands.size(); cmdNdx++)
+ {
+ Command& command = *m_commands[cmdNdx];
+ try
+ {
+ command.prepare(*m_prepareContext);
+ }
+ catch (const tcu::TestError& e)
+ {
+ m_resultCollector.fail(de::toString(cmdNdx) + ":" + command.getName() + " failed to prepare, got exception: " + string(e.getMessage()));
+ return nextMemoryType();
+ }
+ }
+ m_stage = &MemoryTestInstance::execute;
+ return true;
+bool MemoryTestInstance::execute (void)
+ TestLog& log = m_context.getTestContext().getLog();
+ const tcu::ScopedLogSection section (log, "MemoryType" + de::toString(m_memoryTypeNdx) + "Execute" + de::toString(m_iteration),
+ "Memory type " + de::toString(m_memoryTypeNdx) + " execute iteration " + de::toString(m_iteration));
+ ExecuteContext executeContext (*m_renderContext);
+ const vk::VkDevice device = m_context.getDevice();
+ const vk::DeviceInterface& vkd = m_context.getDeviceInterface();
+ DE_ASSERT(!m_commands.empty());
+ for (size_t cmdNdx = 0; cmdNdx < m_commands.size(); cmdNdx++)
+ {
+ Command& command = *m_commands[cmdNdx];
+ try
+ {
+ command.execute(executeContext);
+ }
+ catch (const tcu::TestError& e)
+ {
+ m_resultCollector.fail(de::toString(cmdNdx) + ":" + command.getName() + " failed to execute, got exception: " + string(e.getMessage()));
+ return nextIteration();
+ }
+ }
+ VK_CHECK(vkd.deviceWaitIdle(device));
+ m_stage = &MemoryTestInstance::verify;
+ return true;
+bool MemoryTestInstance::verify (void)
+ DE_ASSERT(!m_commands.empty());
+ TestLog& log = m_context.getTestContext().getLog();
+ const tcu::ScopedLogSection section (log, "MemoryType" + de::toString(m_memoryTypeNdx) + "Verify" + de::toString(m_iteration),
+ "Memory type " + de::toString(m_memoryTypeNdx) + " verify iteration " + de::toString(m_iteration));
+ VerifyContext verifyContext (log, m_resultCollector, *m_renderContext, m_config.size);
+ log << TestLog::Message << "Begin verify" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+ for (size_t cmdNdx = 0; cmdNdx < m_commands.size(); cmdNdx++)
+ {
+ Command& command = *m_commands[cmdNdx];
+ try
+ {
+ command.verify(verifyContext, cmdNdx);
+ }
+ catch (const tcu::TestError& e)
+ {
+ m_resultCollector.fail(de::toString(cmdNdx) + ":" + command.getName() + " failed to verify, got exception: " + string(e.getMessage()));
+ return nextIteration();
+ return nextIteration();
+tcu::TestStatus MemoryTestInstance::iterate (void)
+ if ((this->*m_stage)())
+ return tcu::TestStatus::incomplete();
return tcu::TestStatus(m_resultCollector.getResult(), m_resultCollector.getMessage());