__ cmp(Operand(input_reg), Immediate(kTooBigExponent));
__ j(less, &convert, Label::kNear);
// Pop FPU stack before deoptimizing.
- __ ffree(0);
- __ fincstp();
+ __ fstp(0);
DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr->environment());
// Reserve space for 64 bit answer.
// If we fail allocation of the HeapNumber, we still have a value on
// top of the FPU stack. Remove it.
__ bind(&failed_allocation);
- __ ffree();
- __ fincstp();
+ __ fstp(0);
// Fall through to slow case.
// Slow case: Jump to runtime.
// A value was pushed on the floating point stack before the allocation, if
// the allocation fails it needs to be removed.
if (!CpuFeatures::IsSupported(SSE2)) {
- __ ffree();
- __ fincstp();
+ __ fstp(0);
Handle<Code> slow_ic =