I was looking at diag.t to see what messages I could document.
‘av_reify called on tied array’ looked interesting, so I decided to
see whether I could trigger it. I got something else:
./perl -Ilib -lwe '
sub TIEARRAY{bless[]}
sub CLEAR{}
sub EXTEND{}
tie @DB::args, "";
package DB; sub {() = caller 0;}->(1,2,3);
Name "DB::args" used only once: possible typo at -e line 5.
Bus error
How exciting!
What’s happening is that Perl_init_dbargs turns off AvREAL after
clearing a real array. Then pp_caller does av_extend and merrily
tries to copy into AvARRAY(PL_dbargs). But AvARRAY has not been allo-
cated, because av_extend called EXTEND instead.
I fixed this by untying the array before turning off AvREAL. I don’t
know whether that is the best fix. Alternatives would be to croak
or to do the assignment in pp_caller differently for tied arrays (in
which case tying @DB::args would cause objects to leak unexpectedly,
until the next caller() call in the DB package).
"leak" until global destruction. */
+ if (SvTIED_mg((const SV *)args, PERL_MAGIC_tied))
+ sv_unmagic((const SV *)args, PERL_MAGIC_tied);
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
require './test.pl';
- plan( tests => 83 );
+ plan( tests => 84 );
my @c;
pass 'No crash when @DB::args is freed between caller calls';
+# This also crashed:
+package glelp;
+sub TIEARRAY { bless [] }
+sub EXTEND { }
+sub CLEAR { }
+sub FETCH { $_[0][$_[1]] }
+sub STORE { $_[0][$_[1]] = $_[2] }
+package DB;
+tie @args, 'glelp';
+sub { () = caller 0; } ->(1..3);
+::is "@args", "1 2 3", 'tied @DB::args';
+untie @args;
+package main;
$::testing_caller = 1;
do './op/caller.pl' or die $@;