parse_error($file, $ln, "'What:' should come first:", $_);
- if ($tag eq "description") {
- # Preserve initial spaces for the first line
+ if ($new_tag eq "description") {
+ $sep =~ s,:, ,;
$content = ' ' x length($new_tag) . $sep . $content;
- $content =~ s,^(\s*):,$1 ,;
- if ($content =~ m/^(\s*)(.*)$/) {
+ while ($content =~ s/\t+/' ' x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e) {}
+ if ($content =~ m/^(\s*)(\S.*)$/) {
+ # Preserve initial spaces for the first line
$space = $1;
- $content = $2;
+ $content = "$2\n";
+ $data{$what}->{$tag} .= $content;
+ } else {
+ undef($space);
- while ($space =~ s/\t+/' ' x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e) {}
- $data{$what}->{$tag} .= "$content\n" if ($content);
} else {
$data{$what}->{$tag} = $content;
if ($tag eq "description") {
my $content = $_;
while ($content =~ s/\t+/' ' x (length($&) * 8 - length($`) % 8)/e) {}
- if (!$data{$what}->{description}) {
+ if (m/^\s*\n/) {
+ $data{$what}->{$tag} .= "\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if (!defined($space)) {
# Preserve initial spaces for the first line
- if ($content =~ m/^(\s*)(.*)$/) {
+ if ($content =~ m/^(\s*)(\S.*)$/) {
$space = $1;
- $content = $2;
+ $content = "$2\n";
- $data{$what}->{$tag} .= "$content\n" if ($content);
} else {
- if (m/^\s*\n/) {
- $data{$what}->{$tag} .= $content;
- next;
- }
$space = "" if (!($content =~ s/^($space)//));
-# # Compress spaces with tabs
-# $content =~ s<^ {8}> <\t>;
-# $content =~ s<^ {1,7}\t> <\t>;
-# $content =~ s< {1,7}\t> <\t>;
- $data{$what}->{$tag} .= $content;
+ $data{$what}->{$tag} .= $content;
if (m/^\s*(.*)/) {