SET( PACKAGE "libzypp" )
-SET( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -g -O3 -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual" )
+SET( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -g -O0 -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual" )
+ base/
+ base/Regex.h
ADD_DEPENDENCIES(zypp schema_header)
# System libraries
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(zypp boost_filesystem boost_regex util )
+TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(zypp boost_filesystem util )
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(zypp dbus-glib-1 )
#ifndef ZYPP_DEP_H
#define ZYPP_DEP_H
-#include <iosfwd>
+#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "zypp/base/Logger.h"
#include "base/String.h"
+#include "base/Regex.h"
#include "base/Exception.h"
#include "zypp/Edition.h"
Impl( const std::string & edition_r )
: _epoch( noepoch )
+ //[0-9]+:)?([^-]*)(-([^-]*))?" );
str::smatch what;
- if( str::regex_match( edition_r.begin(), edition_r.end(),
- what, _rxEdition ) )
+ std::cout << "edition: " << edition_r << std::endl;
+ std::cout << str::regex_match( edition_r, what, _rxEdition ) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "size: " << what.size() << std::endl;
+ for (int i = 1; i < what.size(); ++i)
+ std::cout << i << ": " << what[i] << std::endl;
+ if( str::regex_match( edition_r, what, _rxEdition ) && what.size() >= 3)
- // what[2] contains the epoch
- // what[3] contains the version
- // what[5] contains the release
- if ( what[2].matched )
- _epoch = strtoul( what[2].str().c_str(), NULL, 10 );
- if ( what[3].matched )
- _version = what[3].str();
- if ( what[5].matched )
- _release = what[5].str();
+ if ( what[1].size() > 1 )
+ _epoch = strtoul( what[1].c_str(), NULL, 10 );
+ if ( what[2].size() )
+ _version = what[2];
+ if ( what[3].size() )
+ _release = what[3];
- const str::regex Edition::Impl::_rxEdition( "(([0-9]+):)?([^-]*)(-([^-]*))?" );
+ const str::regex Edition::Impl::_rxEdition( "([0-9]+:)?([^-]*)(-[^-]*)?" );
#define KVMap_h
#include <iosfwd>
+#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "zypp/base/String.h"
#include "zypp/base/Logger.h"
#include "zypp/base/IOStream.h"
#include "zypp/base/String.h"
+#include "zypp/base/Regex.h"
#include "zypp/PathInfo.h"
#include "zypp/KeyRing.h"
#include "zypp/ExternalProgram.h"
//MIL << line << endl;
str::smatch what;
- if(str::regex_match(line, what, rxColons, str::match_extra))
+ if(str::regex_match(line, what, rxColons))
string id;
string fingerprint;
for(line2 = prog.receiveLine(); !line2.empty(); line2 = prog.receiveLine(), count++ )
str::smatch what2;
- if (str::regex_match(line2, what2, rxColonsFpr, str::match_extra))
+ if (str::regex_match(line2, what2, rxColonsFpr))
if ( (what2[1] == "fpr") && (what2[1] != "pub") && (what2[1] !="sub"))
//MIL << "[" << line << "]" << endl;
str::smatch what;
- if(str::regex_match(line, what, rxNoKey, str::match_extra))
+ if(str::regex_search(line, what, rxNoKey))
if ( what.size() > 1 )
id = what[1];
#include <fstream>
#include "zypp/base/LogTools.h"
+#include "zypp/base/Regex.h"
#include "zypp/base/UserRequestException.h"
#include "zypp/ZYppCallbacks.h"
#include "zypp/MediaSetAccess.h"
// code has to be adapted together with the MediaISO change.
// maybe some MediaISOURL interface should be used.
std::string isofile = url_r.getQueryParam("iso");
- boost::regex e("^(.*(cd|dvd))([0-9]+)(\\.iso)$", boost::regex::icase);
- boost::smatch what;
- if(boost::regex_match(isofile, what, e, boost::match_extra))
+ str::regex e("^(.*(cd|dvd))([0-9]+)(\\.iso)$", str::regex::icase);
+ str::smatch what;
+ if(str::regex_match(isofile, what, e))
Url url( url_r);
isofile = what[1] + str::numstring(medianr) + what[4];
std::string pathname = url_r.getPathName();
- boost::regex e("^(.*(cd|dvd))([0-9]+)(/?)$", boost::regex::icase);
- boost::smatch what;
- if(boost::regex_match(pathname, what, e, boost::match_extra))
+ str::regex e("^(.*(cd|dvd))([0-9]+)(/?)$", str::regex::icase);
+ str::smatch what;
+ if(str::regex_match(pathname, what, e))
Url url( url_r);
pathname = what[1] + str::numstring(medianr) + what[4];
-#include <iosfwd>
+#include <iostream>
#include <string>
//#include "zypp/base/Logger.h"
#include "zypp/base/String.h"
+#include "zypp/base/Regex.h"
#include "zypp/PublicKey.h"
#include "zypp/ExternalProgram.h"
#include "zypp/TmpPath.h"
//MIL << "[" << line << "]" << std::endl;
str::smatch what;
- if(str::regex_match(line, what, rxColons, str::match_extra))
+ if(str::regex_match(line, what, rxColons))
if ( what[1] == "pub" )
#include <zypp/Url.h>
#include <zypp/base/Gettext.h>
#include <zypp/base/String.h>
+#include <zypp/base/Regex.h>
#include <stdexcept>
+#include <iostream>
* url = [scheme:] [//authority] /path [?query] [#fragment]
- #define RX_SPLIT_URL "^(([^:/?#]+):)?" \
- "(//([^/?#]*))?" \
+ #define RX_SPLIT_URL "^([^:/?#]+:|)" \
+ "(//[^/?#]*|)" \
"([^?#]*)" \
- "([?]([^#]*))?" \
- "(#(.*))?"
+ "([?][^#]*|)" \
+ "(#.*|)"
catch( ... )
- if(ret && out.size() == 10)
+ if(ret && out.size() == 5)
- url = g_urlSchemeRepository().getUrlByScheme(out[2].str());
+ std::string scheme = out[1];
+ if (scheme.size() > 1)
+ scheme = scheme.substr(0, scheme.size()-1);
+ std::string authority = out[2];
+ if (authority.size() >= 2)
+ authority = authority.substr(2);
+ std::string query = out[4];
+ if (query.size() > 1)
+ query = query.substr(1);
+ std::string fragment = out[5];
+ if (fragment.size() > 1)
+ fragment = fragment.substr(1);
+ std::cout << "scheme: " << scheme << " authority: " << authority
+ << " query " << query << " fragment " << fragment << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "out[3] " << out[3] << std::endl;
+ url = g_urlSchemeRepository().getUrlByScheme(scheme);
if( !url)
url.reset( new UrlBase());
- url->init(out[2].str(),
- out[4].str(),
- out[5].str(),
- out[7].str(),
- out[9].str());
+ url->init(scheme, authority, out[3],
+ query, fragment);
return url;
return matches;
+| ____ _ __ __ ___ |
+| |__ / \ / / . \ . \ |
+| / / \ V /| _/ _/ |
+| / /__ | | | | | | |
+| /_____||_| |_| |_| |
+| |
+/** \file zypp/base/
+ *
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "zypp/base/Regex.h"
+using namespace zypp::str;
+regex::regex(const std::string& str, int flags)
+ m_valid = true;
+ if (regcomp(&m_preg, str.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED))
+ m_valid = false;
+regex::~regex() throw()
+ if (m_valid)
+ regfree(&m_preg);
+bool zypp::str::regex_match(const std::string& s, smatch& matches, const regex& regex)
+ bool r = regex.m_valid && !regexec(®ex.m_preg, s.c_str(), 12, &matches.pmatch[0], 0);
+ if (r)
+ matches.match_str = s;
+ return r;
+bool zypp::str::regex_match(const std::string& s, const regex& regex)
+ return !regexec(®ex.m_preg, s.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0);
+bool zypp::str::regex_search(const std::string& s, smatch& matches, const regex& regex)
+ bool r= regex.m_valid && !regexec(®ex.m_preg, s.c_str(), 12, &matches.pmatch[0], 0);
+ if (r)
+ matches.match_str = s;
+ return r;
+ memset(&pmatch, -1, sizeof(pmatch));
+std::string smatch::operator[](unsigned i) const
+ if (i < 12 && pmatch[i].rm_so != -1)
+ return match_str.substr(pmatch[i].rm_so, pmatch[i].rm_eo-pmatch[i].rm_so);
+ return std::string();
+unsigned smatch::size() const
+ unsigned matches = 0;
+ while (matches < 12 && pmatch[matches+1].rm_so != -1) {
+ // std::cout << "match[" << matches << "]: *" << (*this)[matches
+ // +1] << "*" << std::endl;
+ matches++;
+ }
+ return matches;
} // namespace zypp
+| ____ _ __ __ ___ |
+| |__ / \ / / . \ . \ |
+| / / \ V /| _/ _/ |
+| / /__ | | | | | | |
+| /_____||_| |_| |_| |
+| |
+/** \file zypp/base/Regex.h
+ *
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <string>
+#include <regex.h>
+namespace zypp
+{ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /** String related utilities and \ref ZYPP_STR_REGEX.
+ \see \ref ZYPP_STR_REGEX
+ */
+ namespace str
+ { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class regex {
+ public:
+ enum RegFlags {
+ optimize = 0,
+ match_extra = 0,
+ icase = REG_ICASE,
+ nosubs = REG_NOSUB,
+ match_extended = REG_EXTENDED
+ };
+ regex(const std::string& s,int flags = match_extended);
+ ~regex() throw();
+ public:
+ regex_t m_preg;
+ bool m_valid;
+ };
+ class smatch {
+ public:
+ smatch();
+ std::string operator[](unsigned i) const;
+ unsigned size() const;
+ std::string match_str;
+ regmatch_t pmatch[12];
+ };
+ bool regex_match(const std::string& s, str::smatch& matches, const regex& regex);
+ bool regex_match(const std::string& s, const regex& regex);
+ bool regex_search(const std::string& s, str::smatch& matches, const regex& regex);
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ } // namespace str
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+} // namespace zypp
return _getline(str, trim?TRIM:NO_TRIM);
- std::ostream & dumpRegexpResult( const boost::smatch &what, std::ostream & str )
- {
- for ( unsigned int k=0; k < what.size(); k++)
- {
- str << "[match "<< k << "] [" << what[k] << "]" << std::endl;
- }
- return str;
- }
} // namespace str
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
-#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include "zypp/base/PtrTypes.h"
/** regex */
+#if 0
using boost::regex;
using boost::regex_match;
using boost::regex_search;
* helper to debug regular expressions matches
std::ostream & dumpRegexpResult( const boost::smatch &what, std::ostream & str );
/** \name String representation of number.
// build string
*result_r = std::string( beg, cur-beg );
// skip sepchars
- while ( sepchars_r.find( *cur ) != std::string::npos )
+ while ( cur != beg && sepchars_r.find( *cur ) != std::string::npos )
return ret;
std::string getline( std::istream & str, const Trim trim_r );
+ inline bool startsWith(const std::string& s, const char* str) { return s.find(str) == 0; }
+ inline bool contains(const std::string& s, const char* str) { return s.find(str) != std::string::npos; }
/** \name String prefix handling.
inline std::string stripPrefix( const std::string & str_r, const std::string & prefix_r )
{ return( hasPrefix( str_r, prefix_r ) ? str_r.substr( prefix_r.size() ) : str_r ); }
} // namespace str
#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
#include "zypp/base/Logger.h"
#include "zypp/base/Exception.h"
//split: name:/absolute/path
- static const str::regex rx( "([^/]*):(/.*)" );
- str::smatch what;
- if( str::regex_match( name_r.begin(), name_r.end(), what, rx ) )
+ std::vector<std::string> what;
+ if (str::split( name_r, std::back_inserter(what), ":") >= 2)
- return new capability::SplitCap( refers_r, what[1].str(), what[2].str() );
+ return new capability::SplitCap( refers_r, what[0], what[1] );
//name: name
//split: hal(name) [op string]
- static const str::regex rx( "hal\\(([^)]*)\\)" );
- str::smatch what;
- if( str::regex_match( name_r.begin(), name_r.end(), what, rx ) )
+ std::vector<std::string> what;
+ if (str::split( name_r, std::back_inserter(what), ")"))
// Hal always refers to 'System' kind of Resolvable.
return new capability::HalCap( ResTraits<SystemResObject>::kind,
- what[1].str() );
+ what[0].substr(strlen("hal(")) );
// otherwise
ZYPP_THROW( Exception("Unsupported kind of Hal Capability '" + name_r + "'") );
//split: modalias(name) [op string]
- static const str::regex rx( "modalias\\(([^)]*)\\)" );
- str::smatch what;
- if( str::regex_match( name_r.begin(), name_r.end(), what, rx ) )
+ std::vector<std::string> what;
+ if (str::split( name_r, std::back_inserter(what), ")"))
// Modalias always refers to 'System' kind of Resolvable
return new capability::ModaliasCap( ResTraits<SystemResObject>::kind,
- what[1].str() );
+ what[0].substr(strlen("modalias(")));
// otherwise
ZYPP_THROW( Exception("Unsupported kind of Modalias Capability'" + name_r + "'") );
const std::string & name_r )
//split: filesystem(name) [op string]
- static const str::regex rx( "filesystem\\(([^)]*)\\)" );
- str::smatch what;
- if( str::regex_match( name_r.begin(), name_r.end(), what, rx ) )
+ std::vector<std::string> what;
+ if (str::split( name_r, std::back_inserter(what), ")"))
// Filesystem always refers to 'System' kind of Resolvable
return new capability::FilesystemCap( ResTraits<SystemResObject>::kind,
- what[1].str() );
+ what[0].substr(strlen("filesystem(")) );
// otherwise
ZYPP_THROW( Exception("Unsupported kind of Filesystem Capability'" + name_r + "'") );
// strval_r has at least two words which could make 'op edition'?
- // improve regex!
- static const str::regex rx( "(.*[^ \t])([ \t]+)([^ \t]+)([ \t]+)([^ \t]+)" );
- str::smatch what;
- if( str::regex_match( strval_r.begin(), strval_r.end(),what, rx ) )
+ std::vector<std::string> what;
+ if (str::split( strval_r, std::back_inserter(what)) >= 2)
Rel op;
Edition edition;
- op = Rel(what[3].str());
- edition = Edition(what[5].str());
+ op = Rel(what[1]);
+ edition = Edition(what[2]);
catch ( Exception & excpt )
// Valid 'op edition'
return buildVersioned( refers_r,
- what[1].str(), op, edition );
+ what[0], op, edition );
// not a VersionedCap
list<string> filenames = header->tag_filenames();
pkg->deps[Dep::PROVIDES] = header->tag_provides ( filerequires );
- static str::smatch what;
- static const str::regex filenameRegex( "/(s?bin|lib(64)?|etc)/|^/usr/(games/|share/(dict/words|magic\\.mime)$)|^/opt/gnome/games/",
- str::regex::optimize|str::regex::nosubs );
for (list<string>::const_iterator filename = filenames.begin();
filename != filenames.end();
- if ( str::regex_search( filename->begin(), filename->end(), what, filenameRegex ) )
+ if (str::contains(*filename, "/bin/")
+ || str::contains(*filename, "/sbin")
+ || str::contains(*filename, "/lib") || str::contains(*filename, "/lib64/")
+ || str::contains(*filename, "/etc/")
+ || str::startsWith(*filename, "/usr/games")
+ || str::startsWith(*filename, "/usr/share/dict/words")
+ || str::startsWith(*filename, "/opt/gnome/games/"))
try {
pkg->deps[Dep::PROVIDES].insert(capability::buildFile( ResTraits<Package>::kind, *filename ));
{ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const Pathname applydeltarpm_prog( "/usr/bin/applydeltarpm" );
- const str::regex applydeltarpm_tick ( "([0-9]+) percent finished" );
const Progress & report_r = Progress() )
ExternalProgram prog( argv_r, ExternalProgram::Stderr_To_Stdout );
- str::smatch what;
for ( std::string line = prog.receiveLine(); ! line.empty(); line = prog.receiveLine() )
- if ( report_r && str::regex_search( line, what, applydeltarpm_tick ) )
- {
- report_r( str::strtonum<unsigned>( what[1] ) );
- }
+ if ( report_r )
+ report_r( str::strtonum<unsigned>( line ));
DBG << "Applydeltarpm : " << line;
- }
+ }
return( prog.close() == 0 );
#include "zypp/base/Logger.h"
#include "zypp/base/String.h"
+#include "zypp/base/Regex.h"
#include "zypp/Date.h"
#include "zypp/Pathname.h"
filename != filenames.end();
- if ( str::regex_search( filename->begin(), filename->end(), what, filenameRegex ) )
+ if ( str::regex_match( *filename, what, filenameRegex ) )
#include <zypp/url/UrlBase.h>
#include <zypp/base/String.h>
#include <zypp/base/Gettext.h>
+#include <zypp/base/Regex.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <climits>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <iostream>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
** host = hostname | IPv4 | "[" IPv6-IP "]" | "[v...]"
- "^(([^:@]*)([:]([^@]*))?@)?(\\[[^]]+\\]|[^:]+)?([:](.*))?"
#define RX_VALID_SCHEME "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\\.+-]*$"
-#define RX_VALID_PORT "^[0-9]{1,5}$"
#define RX_VALID_HOSTNAME "^[[:alnum:]]+([\\.-][[:alnum:]]+)*$"
str::regex rex(regx);
+ std::cout << "testing *" << data << "* against *" << regx << "*" << std::endl;
valid = str::regex_match(data, rex);
catch( ... )
std::string url;
UrlBaseData tmp;
+ std::cout << "UrlBase:.asString()" << std::endl;
if( opts.has(ViewOptions::WITH_SCHEME))
tmp.scheme = getScheme();
+ std::cout << " *" << << "*" << std::endl;
url +=;
if( opts.has(ViewOptions::WITH_PORT))
if( opts.has(ViewOptions::WITH_PATH_NAME))
tmp.pathname = getPathName(zypp::url::E_ENCODED);
+ std::cout << "pathname: *" << tmp.pathname << "*" << std::endl;
if( !tmp.pathname.empty())
if(url.find("/") != std::string::npos)
UrlBase::setAuthority(const std::string &authority)
- str::smatch out;
- bool ret = false;
+ std::string s = authority;
+ std::string::size_type p,q;
- try
- {
- str::regex rex(RX_SPLIT_AUTHORITY);
- ret = str::regex_match(authority, out, rex);
- }
- catch( ... )
- {}
+ std::string username, password, host, port;
- if( ret && out.size() == 8)
+ std::cout << "authority: " << authority << "*" << std::endl;
+ if ((p=s.find('@')) != std::string::npos)
- setUsername(out[2].str(), zypp::url::E_ENCODED);
- setPassword(out[4].str(), zypp::url::E_ENCODED);
- setHost(out[5].str());
- setPort(out[7].str());
+ q = s.find(':');
+ if (q != std::string::npos && q < p)
+ {
+ setUsername(s.substr(0, q), zypp::url::E_ENCODED);
+ setPassword(s.substr(q+1, p-q-1), zypp::url::E_ENCODED);
+ }
+ else
+ setUsername(s.substr(0, p), zypp::url::E_ENCODED);
+ s = s.substr(p+1);
- else
+ q = s.rfind(']');
+ if ((p = s.rfind(':')) != std::string::npos && p > q+1)
- ZYPP_THROW(UrlParsingException(
- _("Unable to parse Url authority")
- ));
+ setHost(s.substr(0, p));
+ setPort(s.substr(p+1));
+ else
+ setHost(s);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::cout << "host: *" << host << "*" << std::endl;
if( isValidHost(host))
std::string temp;
UrlBase::isValidPort(const std::string &port) const
- try
- {
- str::regex regx(RX_VALID_PORT);
- if( str::regex_match(port, regx))
- {
- long pnum = str::strtonum<long>(port);
- return ( pnum >= 1 && pnum <= USHRT_MAX);
- }
- }
- catch( ... )
- {}
+ char* endptr;
+ long pnum = strtol(port.c_str(), &endptr, 10);
+ return ( !port.empty() && !*endptr
+ && pnum >= 1 && pnum <= USHRT_MAX);
return false;