This makes the analog-surround-21 mapping consistent with other
surround mappings. I'm not sure if this makes any practical
difference, though.
[Mapping analog-surround-21]
device-strings = surround21:%f
channel-map = front-left,front-right,lfe
-paths-output = analog-output analog-output-speaker
+paths-output = analog-output analog-output-lineout analog-output-speaker
priority = 8
direction = output
[Mapping analog-surround-21]
device-strings = surround21:%f
channel-map = front-left,front-right,lfe
-paths-output = analog-output analog-output-speaker-always
+paths-output = analog-output analog-output-lineout analog-output-speaker-always
priority = 8
direction = output
[Mapping analog-surround-21]
device-strings = surround21:%f
channel-map = front-left,front-right,lfe
-paths-output = analog-output analog-output-speaker-always
+paths-output = analog-output analog-output-lineout analog-output-speaker-always
priority = 8
direction = output