// ===============================================================
+/** \file include/FLAC++/metadata.h
+ *
+ * \brief
+ * This module provides classes for creating and manipulating FLAC
+ * metadata blocks in memory, and three progressively more powerful
+ * interfaces for traversing and editing metadata in FLAC files.
+ *
+ * See the detailed documentation for each interface in the
+ * \link flacpp_metadata metadata \endlink module.
+ */
+/** \defgroup flacpp_metadata FLAC++/metadata.h: metadata interfaces
+ * \ingroup flacpp
+ *
+ * \brief
+ * This module provides classes for creating and manipulating FLAC
+ * metadata blocks in memory, and three progressively more powerful
+ * interfaces for traversing and editing metadata in FLAC files.
+ *
+ * The behavior closely mimics the C layer interface; be sure to read
+ * the detailed description of the
+ * \link flac_metadata C metadata module \endlink.
+ */
namespace FLAC {
namespace Metadata {
// ============================================================
- class Prototype;
- Prototype *clone(const Prototype *);
- // NOTE: When the get_*() methods return you a const pointer,
- // DO NOT disobey and write into it. Always use the set_*()
- // methods.
- //!
- //! \class Prototype metadata.h FLAC++/metadata.h
- //! \brief Base class for all metadata block types.
- //!
+ /** \defgroup flacpp_metadata_object FLAC++/metadata.h: metadata object classes
+ * \ingroup flacpp_metadata
+ *
+ * This module contains classes representing FLAC metadata
+ * blocks in memory.
+ *
+ * The behavior closely mimics the C layer interface; be
+ * sure to read the detailed description of the
+ * \link flac_metadata_object C metadata object module \endlink.
+ *
+ * Any time a metadata object is constructed or assigned, you
+ * should check is_valid() to make sure the underlying
+ * ::FLAC__StreamMetadata object was able to be created.
+ *
+ * \warning
+ * When the get_*() methods of any metadata object method
+ * return you a const pointer, DO NOT disobey and write into it.
+ * Always use the set_*() methods.
+ *
+ * \{
+ */
+ /** Base class for all metadata block types.
+ */
class Prototype {
- //!
- //! Constructs a copy of the given object. This form
- //! always performs a deep copy.
- //!
- Prototype(const Prototype &object);
- //!
- //! Constructs a copy of the given object. This form
- //! always performs a deep copy.
- //!
- Prototype(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata &object);
- //!
- //! Constructs a copy of the given object. This form
- //! always performs a deep copy.
- //!
- Prototype(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *object);
- //!
- //! Constructs an object with copy control. When 'copy'
- //! is true, behaves identically to
- //! FLAC::Metadata::Prototype::Prototype(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *object).
- //! When 'copy' is false, the instance takes ownership of
- //! the pointer and the ::FLAC__StreamMetadata object will
- //! be freed by the destructor.
- //!
+ //@{
+ /** Constructs a copy of the given object. This form
+ * always performs a deep copy.
+ */
+ Prototype(const Prototype &);
+ Prototype(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata &);
+ Prototype(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *);
+ //@}
+ /** Constructs an object with copy control. When \a copy
+ * is \c true, behaves identically to
+ * FLAC::Metadata::Prototype::Prototype(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *object).
+ * When \a copy is \c false, the instance takes ownership of
+ * the pointer and the ::FLAC__StreamMetadata object will
+ * be freed by the destructor.
+ *
+ * \assert
+ * \code object != NULL \endcode
+ */
Prototype(::FLAC__StreamMetadata *object, bool copy);
+ //@{
+ /** Assign from another object. Always performs a deep copy. */
void operator=(const Prototype &);
- void operator=(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata &); // this form always copies
- void operator=(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *); // this form always copies
+ void operator=(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata &);
+ void operator=(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *);
+ //@}
+ /** Deletes the underlying ::FLAC__StreamMetadata object.
+ */
virtual void clear();
::FLAC__StreamMetadata *object_;
+ /** Deletes the underlying ::FLAC__StreamMetadata object.
+ */
virtual ~Prototype();
+ //@{
+ /** Check for equality, performing a deep compare by following pointers. */
inline bool operator==(const Prototype &) const;
inline bool operator==(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata &) const;
inline bool operator==(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *) const;
+ //@}
+ //@{
+ /** Check for inequality, performing a deep compare by following pointers. */
inline bool operator!=(const Prototype &) const;
inline bool operator!=(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata &) const;
inline bool operator!=(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *) const;
+ //@}
friend class SimpleIterator;
friend class Iterator;
+ /** Returns \c true if the object was correctly constructed
+ * (i.e. the underlying ::FLAC__StreamMetadata object was
+ * properly allocated), else \c false.
+ */
inline bool is_valid() const;
+ /** Returns \c true if this block is the last block in a
+ * stream, else \c false.
+ *
+ * \assert
+ * \code is_valid() \endcode
+ */
bool get_is_last() const;
- FLAC__MetadataType get_type() const;
- unsigned get_length() const; // NOTE: does not include the header, per spec
+ /** Returns the type of the block.
+ *
+ * \assert
+ * \code is_valid() \endcode
+ */
+ ::FLAC__MetadataType get_type() const;
+ /** Returns the stream length of the metadata block.
+ *
+ * \note
+ * The length does not include the metadata block header,
+ * per spec.
+ *
+ * \assert
+ * \code is_valid() \endcode
+ */
+ unsigned get_length() const;
+ /** Sets the "is_last" flag for the block. When using the iterators
+ * it is not necessary to set this flag; they will do it for you.
+ *
+ * \assert
+ * \code is_valid() \endcode
+ */
void set_is_last(bool);
- Prototype(); // Private and undefined so you can't use it
+ /** Private and undefined so you can't use it. */
+ Prototype();
// These are used only by Iterator
bool is_reference_;
inline bool Prototype::is_valid() const
{ return 0 != object_; }
+ /** Create a deep copy of an object and return it. */
+ Prototype *clone(const Prototype *);
+ /** STREAMINFO metadata block.
+ */
class StreamInfo : public Prototype {
+ //@{
+ /** Constructs a copy of the given object. This form
+ * always performs a deep copy.
+ */
inline StreamInfo(const StreamInfo &object): Prototype(object) { }
inline StreamInfo(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata &object): Prototype(object) { }
inline StreamInfo(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *object): Prototype(object) { }
+ //@}
+ /** Constructs an object with copy control. See
+ * Prototype(::FLAC__StreamMetadata *object, bool copy).
+ *
+ * \assert
+ * \code object != NULL \endcode
+ */
inline StreamInfo(::FLAC__StreamMetadata *object, bool copy): Prototype(object, copy) { }
+ //@{
+ /** Assign from another object. Always performs a deep copy. */
inline void operator=(const StreamInfo &object) { Prototype::operator=(object); }
inline void operator=(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata &object) { Prototype::operator=(object); }
inline void operator=(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *object) { Prototype::operator=(object); }
+ //@}
+ //@{
+ /** Check for equality, performing a deep compare by following pointers. */
inline bool operator==(const StreamInfo &object) const { return Prototype::operator==(object); }
inline bool operator==(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata &object) const { return Prototype::operator==(object); }
inline bool operator==(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *object) const { return Prototype::operator==(object); }
+ //@}
+ //@{
+ /** Check for inequality, performing a deep compare by following pointers. */
inline bool operator!=(const StreamInfo &object) const { return Prototype::operator!=(object); }
inline bool operator!=(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata &object) const { return Prototype::operator!=(object); }
inline bool operator!=(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *object) const { return Prototype::operator!=(object); }
+ //@}
unsigned get_min_blocksize() const;
unsigned get_max_blocksize() const;
void set_md5sum(const FLAC__byte value[16]);
+ /** PADDING block.
+ */
class Padding : public Prototype {
void set_length(unsigned length);
+ /** APPLICATION block.
+ */
class Application : public Prototype {
bool set_data(FLAC__byte *data, unsigned length, bool copy);
+ /** SEEKTABLE block.
+ */
class SeekTable : public Prototype {
bool is_legal() const;
+ /** VORBIS_COMMENT block.
+ */
class VorbisComment : public Prototype {
+ /** XXX class VorbisComment::Entry
+ */
class Entry {
bool delete_comment(unsigned index);
+ /* \} */
// ============================================================
// ============================================================
+ /** \defgroup flacpp_metadata_level0 FLAC++/metadata.h: metadata level 0 interface
+ * \ingroup flacpp_metadata
+ *
+ * \brief
+ * XXX
+ *
+ * Detailed XXX.
+ *
+ * \{
+ */
bool get_streaminfo(const char *filename, StreamInfo &streaminfo);
+ /* \} */
// ============================================================
// ============================================================
+ /** \defgroup flacpp_metadata_level1 FLAC++/metadata.h: metadata level 1 interface
+ * \ingroup flacpp_metadata
+ *
+ * \brief
+ * XXX
+ *
+ * Detailed XXX.
+ *
+ * \{
+ */
+ /** XXX class SimpleIterator
+ */
class SimpleIterator {
+ /** XXX class SimpleIterator::Status
+ */
class Status {
inline Status(::FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIteratorStatus status): status_(status) { }
void clear();
+ /* \} */
// ============================================================
// ============================================================
+ /** \defgroup flacpp_metadata_level2 FLAC++/metadata.h: metadata level 2 interface
+ * \ingroup flacpp_metadata
+ *
+ * \brief
+ * XXX
+ *
+ * Detailed XXX.
+ *
+ * \{
+ */
+ /** XXX class Chain
+ */
class Chain {
+ /** XXX class Chain::Status
+ */
class Status {
inline Status(::FLAC__Metadata_ChainStatus status): status_(status) { }
virtual void clear();
+ /** XXX class Iterator
+ */
class Iterator {
virtual void clear();
+ /* \} */
+#if 0
+ Prototype *clone(const Prototype *object)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != object);
+ const StreamInfo *streaminfo = dynamic_cast<const StreamInfo *>(object);
+ const Padding *padding = dynamic_cast<const Padding *>(object);
+ const Application *application = dynamic_cast<const Application *>(object);
+ const SeekTable *seektable = dynamic_cast<const SeekTable *>(object);
+ const VorbisComment *vorbiscomment = dynamic_cast<const VorbisComment *>(object);
+ if(0 != streaminfo)
+ return new StreamInfo(*streaminfo);
+ else if(0 != padding)
+ return new Padding(*padding);
+ else if(0 != application)
+ return new Application(*application);
+ else if(0 != seektable)
+ return new SeekTable(*seektable);
+ else if(0 != vorbiscomment)
+ return new VorbisComment(*vorbiscomment);
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // StreamInfo
+ //
+ StreamInfo::StreamInfo():
+ Prototype(FLAC__metadata_object_new(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO), /*copy=*/false)
+ { }
+ StreamInfo::~StreamInfo()
+ { }
+ unsigned StreamInfo::get_min_blocksize() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return object_->data.stream_info.min_blocksize;
+ }
+ unsigned StreamInfo::get_max_blocksize() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return object_->data.stream_info.max_blocksize;
+ }
+ unsigned StreamInfo::get_min_framesize() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return object_->data.stream_info.min_framesize;
+ }
+ unsigned StreamInfo::get_max_framesize() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return object_->data.stream_info.max_framesize;
+ }
+ unsigned StreamInfo::get_sample_rate() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return object_->data.stream_info.sample_rate;
+ }
+ unsigned StreamInfo::get_channels() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return object_->data.stream_info.channels;
+ }
+ unsigned StreamInfo::get_bits_per_sample() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return object_->data.stream_info.bits_per_sample;
+ }
+ FLAC__uint64 StreamInfo::get_total_samples() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return object_->data.stream_info.total_samples;
+ }
+ const FLAC__byte *StreamInfo::get_md5sum() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return object_->data.stream_info.md5sum;
+ }
+ void StreamInfo::set_min_blocksize(unsigned value)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ object_->data.stream_info.min_blocksize = value;
+ }
+ void StreamInfo::set_max_blocksize(unsigned value)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ object_->data.stream_info.max_blocksize = value;
+ }
+ void StreamInfo::set_min_framesize(unsigned value)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ object_->data.stream_info.min_framesize = value;
+ }
+ void StreamInfo::set_max_framesize(unsigned value)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ object_->data.stream_info.max_framesize = value;
+ }
+ void StreamInfo::set_sample_rate(unsigned value)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(FLAC__format_sample_rate_is_valid(value));
+ object_->data.stream_info.sample_rate = value;
+ }
+ void StreamInfo::set_channels(unsigned value)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(value > 0);
+ object_->data.stream_info.channels = value;
+ }
+ void StreamInfo::set_bits_per_sample(unsigned value)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ object_->data.stream_info.bits_per_sample = value;
+ }
+ void StreamInfo::set_total_samples(FLAC__uint64 value)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ object_->data.stream_info.total_samples = value;
+ }
+ void StreamInfo::set_md5sum(const FLAC__byte value[16])
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != value);
+ memcpy(object_->data.stream_info.md5sum, value, 16);
+ }
+ //
+ // Padding
+ //
+ Padding::Padding():
+ Prototype(FLAC__metadata_object_new(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_PADDING), /*copy=*/false)
+ { }
+ Padding::~Padding()
+ { }
+ void Padding::set_length(unsigned length)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ object_->length = length;
+ }
+ //
+ // Application
+ //
+ Application::Application():
+ Prototype(FLAC__metadata_object_new(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION), /*copy=*/false)
+ { }
+ Application::~Application()
+ { }
+ const FLAC__byte *Application::get_id() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return object_->data.application.id;
+ }
+ const FLAC__byte *Application::get_data() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return object_->data.application.data;
+ }
+ void Application::set_id(const FLAC__byte value[4])
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != value);
+ memcpy(object_->data.application.id, value, 4);
+ }
+ bool Application::set_data(const FLAC__byte *data, unsigned length)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_object_application_set_data(object_, (FLAC__byte*)data, length, true);
+ }
+ bool Application::set_data(FLAC__byte *data, unsigned length, bool copy)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_object_application_set_data(object_, data, length, copy);
+ }
+ //
+ // SeekTable
+ //
+ SeekTable::SeekTable():
+ Prototype(FLAC__metadata_object_new(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_SEEKTABLE), /*copy=*/false)
+ { }
+ SeekTable::~SeekTable()
+ { }
+ unsigned SeekTable::get_num_points() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return object_->data.seek_table.num_points;
+ }
+ ::FLAC__StreamMetadata_SeekPoint SeekTable::get_point(unsigned index) const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(index < object_->data.seek_table.num_points);
+ return object_->data.seek_table.points[index];
+ }
+ void SeekTable::set_point(unsigned index, const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata_SeekPoint &point)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(index < object_->data.seek_table.num_points);
+ ::FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_set_point(object_, index, point);
+ }
+ bool SeekTable::insert_point(unsigned index, const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata_SeekPoint &point)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(index <= object_->data.seek_table.num_points);
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_insert_point(object_, index, point);
+ }
+ bool SeekTable::delete_point(unsigned index)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(index < object_->data.seek_table.num_points);
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_delete_point(object_, index);
+ }
+ bool SeekTable::is_legal() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_object_seektable_is_legal(object_);
+ }
+ //
+ // VorbisComment::Entry
+ //
+ VorbisComment::Entry::Entry()
+ {
+ zero();
+ }
+ VorbisComment::Entry::Entry(const char *field, unsigned field_length)
+ {
+ zero();
+ construct(field, field_length);
+ }
+ VorbisComment::Entry::Entry(const char *field_name, const char *field_value, unsigned field_value_length)
+ {
+ zero();
+ construct(field_name, field_value, field_value_length);
+ }
+ VorbisComment::Entry::Entry(const Entry &entry)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(entry.is_valid());
+ zero();
+ construct((const char *)entry.entry_.entry, entry.entry_.length);
+ }
+ void VorbisComment::Entry::operator=(const Entry &entry)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(entry.is_valid());
+ clear();
+ construct((const char *)entry.entry_.entry, entry.entry_.length);
+ }
+ VorbisComment::Entry::~Entry()
+ {
+ clear();
+ }
+ bool VorbisComment::Entry::is_valid() const
+ {
+ return is_valid_;
+ }
+ unsigned VorbisComment::Entry::get_field_length() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return entry_.length;
+ }
+ unsigned VorbisComment::Entry::get_field_name_length() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return field_name_length_;
+ }
+ unsigned VorbisComment::Entry::get_field_value_length() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return field_value_length_;
+ }
+ ::FLAC__StreamMetadata_VorbisComment_Entry VorbisComment::Entry::get_entry() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return entry_;
+ }
+ const char *VorbisComment::Entry::get_field() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (const char *)entry_.entry;
+ }
+ const char *VorbisComment::Entry::get_field_name() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return field_name_;
+ }
+ const char *VorbisComment::Entry::get_field_value() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return field_value_;
+ }
+ bool VorbisComment::Entry::set_field(const char *field, unsigned field_length)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != field);
+ clear_entry();
+ if(0 == (entry_.entry = (FLAC__byte*)malloc(field_length))) {
+ is_valid_ = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ entry_.length = field_length;
+ memcpy(entry_.entry, field, field_length);
+ (void) parse_field();
+ }
+ return is_valid_;
+ }
+ bool VorbisComment::Entry::set_field_name(const char *field_name)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != field_name);
+ clear_field_name();
+ if(0 == (field_name_ = strdup(field_name))) {
+ is_valid_ = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ field_name_length_ = strlen(field_name_);
+ compose_field();
+ }
+ return is_valid_;
+ }
+ bool VorbisComment::Entry::set_field_value(const char *field_value, unsigned field_value_length)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != field_value);
+ clear_field_value();
+ if(0 == (field_value_ = (char *)malloc(field_value_length))) {
+ is_valid_ = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ field_value_length_ = field_value_length;
+ memcpy(field_value_, field_value, field_value_length);
+ compose_field();
+ }
+ return is_valid_;
+ }
+ void VorbisComment::Entry::zero()
+ {
+ is_valid_ = true;
+ entry_.length = 0;
+ entry_.entry = 0;
+ field_name_ = 0;
+ field_name_length_ = 0;
+ field_value_ = 0;
+ field_value_length_ = 0;
+ }
+ void VorbisComment::Entry::clear()
+ {
+ clear_entry();
+ clear_field_name();
+ clear_field_value();
+ is_valid_ = true;
+ }
+ void VorbisComment::Entry::clear_entry()
+ {
+ if(0 != entry_.entry) {
+ free(entry_.entry);
+ entry_.entry = 0;
+ entry_.length = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ void VorbisComment::Entry::clear_field_name()
+ {
+ if(0 != field_name_) {
+ free(field_name_);
+ field_name_ = 0;
+ field_name_length_ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ void VorbisComment::Entry::clear_field_value()
+ {
+ if(0 != field_value_) {
+ free(field_value_);
+ field_value_ = 0;
+ field_value_length_ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ void VorbisComment::Entry::construct(const char *field, unsigned field_length)
+ {
+ if(set_field(field, field_length))
+ parse_field();
+ }
+ void VorbisComment::Entry::construct(const char *field_name, const char *field_value, unsigned field_value_length)
+ {
+ if(set_field_name(field_name) && set_field_value(field_value, field_value_length))
+ compose_field();
+ }
+ void VorbisComment::Entry::compose_field()
+ {
+ clear_entry();
+ if(0 == (entry_.entry = (FLAC__byte*)malloc(field_name_length_ + 1 + field_value_length_))) {
+ is_valid_ = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ memcpy(entry_.entry, field_name_, field_name_length_);
+ entry_.length += field_name_length_;
+ memcpy(entry_.entry + entry_.length, "=", 1);
+ entry_.length += 1;
+ memcpy(entry_.entry + entry_.length, field_value_, field_value_length_);
+ entry_.length += field_value_length_;
+ is_valid_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ void VorbisComment::Entry::parse_field()
+ {
+ clear_field_name();
+ clear_field_value();
+ const char *p = (const char *)memchr(entry_.entry, '=', entry_.length);
+ if(0 == p)
+ p = (const char *)entry_.entry + entry_.length;
+ field_name_length_ = p - (const char *)entry_.entry;
+ if(0 == (field_name_ = (char *)malloc(field_name_length_ + 1))) { // +1 for the trailing \0
+ is_valid_ = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ memcpy(field_name_, entry_.entry, field_name_length_);
+ field_name_[field_name_length_] = '\0';
+ if(entry_.length - field_name_length_ == 0) {
+ field_value_length_ = 0;
+ if(0 == (field_value_ = (char *)malloc(0))) {
+ is_valid_ = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ field_value_length_ = entry_.length - field_name_length_ - 1;
+ if(0 == (field_value_ = (char *)malloc(field_value_length_))) {
+ is_valid_ = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ memcpy(field_value_, ++p, field_value_length_);
+ }
+ is_valid_ = true;
+ }
+ //
+ // VorbisComment
+ //
+ VorbisComment::VorbisComment():
+ Prototype(FLAC__metadata_object_new(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT), /*copy=*/false)
+ { }
+ VorbisComment::~VorbisComment()
+ { }
+ unsigned VorbisComment::get_num_comments() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return object_->data.vorbis_comment.num_comments;
+ }
+ VorbisComment::Entry VorbisComment::get_vendor_string() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return Entry((const char *)object_->data.vorbis_comment.vendor_string.entry, object_->data.vorbis_comment.vendor_string.length);
+ }
+ VorbisComment::Entry VorbisComment::get_comment(unsigned index) const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(index < object_->data.vorbis_comment.num_comments);
+ return Entry((const char *)object_->data.vorbis_comment.comments[index].entry, object_->data.vorbis_comment.comments[index].length);
+ }
+ bool VorbisComment::set_vendor_string(const VorbisComment::Entry &entry)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ // vendor_string is a special kind of entry
+ ::FLAC__StreamMetadata_VorbisComment_Entry vendor_string;
+ vendor_string.length = entry.get_field_name_length();
+ vendor_string.entry = (FLAC__byte*)entry.get_field_name(); // we can cheat on const-ness because we make a copy below:
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_set_vendor_string(object_, vendor_string, /*copy=*/true);
+ }
+ bool VorbisComment::set_comment(unsigned index, const VorbisComment::Entry &entry)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(index < object_->data.vorbis_comment.num_comments);
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_set_comment(object_, index, entry.get_entry(), /*copy=*/true);
+ }
+ bool VorbisComment::insert_comment(unsigned index, const VorbisComment::Entry &entry)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(index <= object_->data.vorbis_comment.num_comments);
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_insert_comment(object_, index, entry.get_entry(), /*copy=*/true);
+ }
+ bool VorbisComment::delete_comment(unsigned index)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(index < object_->data.vorbis_comment.num_comments);
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_delete_comment(object_, index);
+ }
+ // ============================================================
+ //
+ // Level 0
+ //
+ // ============================================================
+ bool get_streaminfo(const char *filename, StreamInfo &streaminfo)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != filename);
+ ::FLAC__StreamMetadata s;
+ if(::FLAC__metadata_get_streaminfo(filename, &s)) {
+ streaminfo = s;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ============================================================
+ //
+ // Level 1
+ //
+ // ============================================================
+ SimpleIterator::SimpleIterator():
+ iterator_(::FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_new())
+ { }
+ SimpleIterator::~SimpleIterator()
+ {
+ clear();
+ }
+ void SimpleIterator::clear()
+ {
+ if(0 != iterator_)
+ FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete(iterator_);
+ iterator_ = 0;
+ }
+ bool SimpleIterator::init(const char *filename, bool preserve_file_stats)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != filename);
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init(iterator_, filename, preserve_file_stats);
+ }
+ bool SimpleIterator::is_valid() const
+ {
+ return 0 != iterator_;
+ }
+ SimpleIterator::Status SimpleIterator::status()
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return Status(::FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_status(iterator_));
+ }
+ bool SimpleIterator::is_writable() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_is_writable(iterator_);
+ }
+ bool SimpleIterator::next()
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_next(iterator_);
+ }
+ bool SimpleIterator::prev()
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_prev(iterator_);
+ }
+ ::FLAC__MetadataType SimpleIterator::get_block_type() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return ::FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_get_block_type(iterator_);
+ }
+ Prototype *SimpleIterator::get_block()
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return local::construct_block(::FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_get_block(iterator_));
+ }
+ bool SimpleIterator::set_block(Prototype *block, bool use_padding)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != block);
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_set_block(iterator_, block->object_, use_padding);
+ }
+ bool SimpleIterator::insert_block_after(Prototype *block, bool use_padding)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != block);
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_insert_block_after(iterator_, block->object_, use_padding);
+ }
+ bool SimpleIterator::delete_block(bool use_padding)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete_block(iterator_, use_padding);
+ }
+ // ============================================================
+ //
+ // Level 2
+ //
+ // ============================================================
+ Chain::Chain():
+ chain_(::FLAC__metadata_chain_new())
+ { }
+ Chain::~Chain()
+ {
+ clear();
+ }
+ void Chain::clear()
+ {
+ if(0 != chain_)
+ FLAC__metadata_chain_delete(chain_);
+ chain_ = 0;
+ }
+ bool Chain::is_valid() const
+ {
+ return 0 != chain_;
+ }
+ Chain::Status Chain::status()
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return Status(::FLAC__metadata_chain_status(chain_));
+ }
+ bool Chain::read(const char *filename)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != filename);
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_chain_read(chain_, filename);
+ }
+ bool Chain::write(bool use_padding, bool preserve_file_stats)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_chain_write(chain_, use_padding, preserve_file_stats);
+ }
+ void Chain::merge_padding()
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ ::FLAC__metadata_chain_merge_padding(chain_);
+ }
+ void Chain::sort_padding()
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ ::FLAC__metadata_chain_sort_padding(chain_);
+ }
+ Iterator::Iterator():
+ iterator_(::FLAC__metadata_iterator_new())
+ { }
+ Iterator::~Iterator()
+ {
+ clear();
+ }
+ void Iterator::clear()
+ {
+ if(0 != iterator_)
+ FLAC__metadata_iterator_delete(iterator_);
+ iterator_ = 0;
+ }
+ bool Iterator::is_valid() const
+ {
+ return 0 != iterator_;
+ }
+ void Iterator::init(Chain &chain)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ FLAC__ASSERT(chain.is_valid());
+ ::FLAC__metadata_iterator_init(iterator_, chain.chain_);
+ }
+ bool Iterator::next()
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_iterator_next(iterator_);
+ }
+ bool Iterator::prev()
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_iterator_prev(iterator_);
+ }
+ ::FLAC__MetadataType Iterator::get_block_type() const
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return ::FLAC__metadata_iterator_get_block_type(iterator_);
+ }
+ Prototype *Iterator::get_block()
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ Prototype *block = local::construct_block(::FLAC__metadata_iterator_get_block(iterator_));
+ if(0 != block)
+ block->set_reference(true);
+ return block;
+ }
+ bool Iterator::set_block(Prototype *block)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != block);
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ bool ret = (bool)::FLAC__metadata_iterator_set_block(iterator_, block->object_);
+ if(ret) {
+ block->set_reference(true);
+ delete block;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ bool Iterator::delete_block(bool replace_with_padding)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ return (bool)::FLAC__metadata_iterator_delete_block(iterator_, replace_with_padding);
+ }
+ bool Iterator::insert_block_before(Prototype *block)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != block);
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ bool ret = (bool)::FLAC__metadata_iterator_insert_block_before(iterator_, block->object_);
+ if(ret) {
+ block->set_reference(true);
+ delete block;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ bool Iterator::insert_block_after(Prototype *block)
+ {
+ FLAC__ASSERT(0 != block);
+ FLAC__ASSERT(is_valid());
+ bool ret = (bool)::FLAC__metadata_iterator_insert_block_after(iterator_, block->object_);
+ if(ret) {
+ block->set_reference(true);
+ delete block;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ };