<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoMessageFormat">
<source>Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</source>
- <target state="needs-review-translation">Pro volání vazače se nevygenerovala logika vazby. Nepodporované vstupní vzory zahrnují obecná volání a předávání zabalených objektů.</target>
+ <target state="new">Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoTitle">
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoMessageFormat">
<source>Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</source>
- <target state="needs-review-translation">Für einen Binderaufruf wurde keine Bindungslogik generiert. Nicht unterstützte Eingabemuster umfassen generische Aufrufe und übergeben geschachtelte Objekte.</target>
+ <target state="new">Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoTitle">
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoMessageFormat">
<source>Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</source>
- <target state="needs-review-translation">No se generó la lógica de enlace para una llamada de enlazador. Los patrones de entrada no admitidos incluyen llamadas genéricas y pasar objetos en cuadros.</target>
+ <target state="new">Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoTitle">
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoMessageFormat">
<source>Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</source>
- <target state="needs-review-translation">La logique de liaison n’a pas été générée pour un appel de classeur. Les modèles d’entrée non pris en charge incluent les appels génériques et les objets boxed de passage.</target>
+ <target state="new">Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoTitle">
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoMessageFormat">
<source>Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</source>
- <target state="needs-review-translation">La logica di binding non è stata generata per una chiamata binder. I modelli di input non supportati includono chiamate generiche e il passaggio di oggetti in caselle.</target>
+ <target state="new">Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoTitle">
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoMessageFormat">
<source>Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</source>
- <target state="needs-review-translation">バインダー呼び出しのバインド ロジックが生成されませんでした。サポートされていない入力パターンとしては、ジェネリック呼び出し、ボックス化されたオブジェクトの受け渡しなどがあります。</target>
+ <target state="new">Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoTitle">
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoMessageFormat">
<source>Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</source>
- <target state="needs-review-translation">바인더 호출에 대한 바인딩 논리가 생성되지 않았습니다. 지원되지 않는 입력 패턴에는 제네릭 호출 및 boxed 개체 전달이 포함됩니다.</target>
+ <target state="new">Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoTitle">
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoMessageFormat">
<source>Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</source>
- <target state="needs-review-translation">Nie wygenerowano logiki powiązania dla wywołania integratora. Nieobsługiwane wzorce wejściowe obejmują wywołania ogólne i przekazywanie obiektów w ramce.</target>
+ <target state="new">Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoTitle">
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoMessageFormat">
<source>Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</source>
- <target state="needs-review-translation">A lógica de associação não foi gerada para uma chamada de associador. Os padrões de entrada sem suporte incluem chamadas genéricas e passagem de objetos em caixa.</target>
+ <target state="new">Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoTitle">
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoMessageFormat">
<source>Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</source>
- <target state="needs-review-translation">Логика привязки не была создана для вызова модуля привязки. К неподдерживаемым шаблонам ввода относятся универсальные вызовы и передача упакованных объектов.</target>
+ <target state="new">Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoTitle">
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoMessageFormat">
<source>Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</source>
- <target state="needs-review-translation">Bir bağlayıcı çağrısı için bağlama mantığı oluşturulmadı. Desteklenmeyen giriş desenleri genel çağrılar ve geçici kutulu nesneler içeriyor.</target>
+ <target state="new">Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoTitle">
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoMessageFormat">
<source>Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</source>
- <target state="needs-review-translation">未为联编程序调用生成绑定逻辑。不支持的输入模式包括泛型调用和传递装箱对象。</target>
+ <target state="new">Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoTitle">
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoMessageFormat">
<source>Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</source>
- <target state="needs-review-translation">未產生文件夾呼叫的繫結邏輯。不支援的輸入模式包括一般呼叫和傳遞方塊物件。</target>
+ <target state="new">Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls, passing boxed objects, and passing types that are not 'public' or 'internal'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CouldNotDetermineTypeInfoTitle">