aclistVersion = OIC_SEC_ACL_V2;
aclistTagJustFound = true;
+ else
+ {
+ if (NULL != versionCheck)
+ {
+ OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "%s Unable to determine ACL version, could be either v1 or v2!"
+ " Assigning 'versionCheck' to OIC_SEC_ACL_UNKNOWN and returning NULL.", __func__);
+ *versionCheck = OIC_SEC_ACL_UNKNOWN;
+ OICFree(acl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
CborValue aclistMap = { .parser = NULL, .ptr = NULL, .remaining = 0, .extra = 0, .type = 0, .flags = 0 };
if (aclistTagJustFound && OIC_SEC_ACL_V1 == aclistVersion)
// Clients should not POST v1 ACL to OCF 1.0 Server
OicSecAclVersion_t payloadVersionReceived = OIC_SEC_ACL_V1;
CBORPayloadToAclVersionOpt(payload, size, &payloadVersionReceived);
- if (OIC_SEC_ACL_V2 != payloadVersionReceived)
+ if (OIC_SEC_ACL_V1 == payloadVersionReceived)
- OIC_LOG_V(WARNING, TAG, "%s /acl Resource is v2; POST of v1 ACL not acceptable.", __func__);
+ OIC_LOG_V(WARNING, TAG, "%s /acl2 Resource Update with v1 ACL payload not acceptable.", __func__);
goto exit;
OicUuid_t emptyOwner = { .id = {0} };
#if ((defined(__WITH_DTLS__) || defined(__WITH_TLS__)) && defined(MULTIPLE_OWNER))
uint16_t staleCredId = 0;
-#endif //(__WITH_DTLS__ or __WITH_TLS__) and MULTIPLE_OWNER
+#endif //(__WITH_DTLS__ or __WITH_TLS__) and MULTIPLE_OWNER
OIC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG, "IN AddCredential");
#if defined(__WITH_DTLS__) || defined(__WITH_TLS__)
OicUuid_t emptyUuid = {.id={0}};
const OicSecDoxm_t* doxm = GetDoxmResourceData();
- if(doxm && false == doxm->owned && memcmp(&(doxm->owner), &emptyUuid, sizeof(OicUuid_t)) != 0)
+ if(NO_SECURITY_MODE != cred->credType && doxm && false == doxm->owned && memcmp(&(doxm->owner), &emptyUuid, sizeof(OicUuid_t)) != 0)
//in case of owner PSK