--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <dali-physics/dali-physics.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/dali-toolkit.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/visuals/image-visual-properties-devel.h>
+#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/visuals/visual-properties-devel.h>
+#include <dali/devel-api/adaptor-framework/key-devel.h>
+#include <dali/devel-api/events/hit-test-algorithm.h>
+#include <dali/integration-api/debug.h>
+#include <chipmunk/chipmunk.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+using namespace Dali;
+using namespace Dali::Toolkit::Physics;
+using namespace Dali::ParentOrigin;
+using namespace Dali::AnchorPoint;
+#if defined(DEBUG_ENABLED)
+Debug::Filter* gPhysicsDemo = Debug::Filter::New(Debug::Concise, false, "LOG_PHYSICS_EXAMPLE");
+const float MAX_ANIMATION_DURATION{60.0f};
+const uint32_t ANIMATION_TIME{30000};
+const uint32_t DEFAULT_BALL_COUNT{500};
+#if defined(_ARCH_ARM_)
+#define DEMO_ICON_DIR "/usr/share/icons"
+const std::string BALL_IMAGES[] = {DEMO_IMAGE_DIR "/blocks-ball.png",
+ DEMO_ICON_DIR "/dali-tests.png",
+ DEMO_ICON_DIR "/dali-examples.png",
+ DEMO_ICON_DIR "/com.samsung.dali-demo.png"};
+const Vector2 BALL_SIZE{26.0f, 26.0f};
+// Groups that can collide with each other:
+const cpGroup BALL_GROUP{1 << 0};
+const cpGroup BOUNDS_GROUP{1 << 1};
+const cpBitmask COLLISION_MASK{0xfF};
+ * @brief The physics demo using Chipmunk2D APIs.
+ */
+class Physics2dBenchmarkController : public ConnectionTracker
+ Physics2dBenchmarkController(Application& app, int numberOfBalls)
+ : mApplication(app),
+ mBallNumber(numberOfBalls)
+ {
+ app.InitSignal().Connect(this, &Physics2dBenchmarkController::OnInit);
+ app.TerminateSignal().Connect(this, &Physics2dBenchmarkController::OnTerminate);
+ }
+ ~Physics2dBenchmarkController() = default;
+ void OnInit(Application& application)
+ {
+ mWindow = application.GetWindow();
+ mWindow.ResizeSignal().Connect(this, &Physics2dBenchmarkController::OnWindowResize);
+ mWindow.KeyEventSignal().Connect(this, &Physics2dBenchmarkController::OnKeyEv);
+ mWindow.GetRootLayer().TouchedSignal().Connect(this, &Physics2dBenchmarkController::OnTouched);
+ mWindow.SetBackgroundColor(Color::DARK_SLATE_GRAY);
+ CreateAnimationSimulation();
+ mTimer = Timer::New(ANIMATION_TIME);
+ mTimer.TickSignal().Connect(this, &Physics2dBenchmarkController::AnimationSimFinished);
+ mTimer.Start();
+ }
+ void CreateAnimationSimulation()
+ {
+ Window::WindowSize windowSize = mWindow.GetSize();
+ mBallActors.resize(mBallNumber);
+ mBallVelocity.resize(mBallNumber);
+ mAnimationSimRootActor = Layer::New();
+ mAnimationSimRootActor.SetResizePolicy(ResizePolicy::FILL_TO_PARENT, Dimension::ALL_DIMENSIONS);
+ mAnimationSimRootActor[Actor::Property::PARENT_ORIGIN] = Dali::ParentOrigin::CENTER;
+ mAnimationSimRootActor[Actor::Property::ANCHOR_POINT] = Dali::AnchorPoint::CENTER;
+ mWindow.Add(mAnimationSimRootActor);
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "Animation simulation of " << mBallNumber << " balls";
+ auto title = Toolkit::TextLabel::New(oss.str());
+ mAnimationSimRootActor.Add(title);
+ title[Toolkit::TextLabel::Property::TEXT_COLOR] = Color::WHITE;
+ title[Actor::Property::PARENT_ORIGIN] = Dali::ParentOrigin::TOP_CENTER;
+ title[Actor::Property::ANCHOR_POINT] = Dali::AnchorPoint::TOP_CENTER;
+ title[Toolkit::TextLabel::Property::HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT] = HorizontalAlignment::CENTER;
+ title.SetResizePolicy(ResizePolicy::USE_NATURAL_SIZE, Dimension::ALL_DIMENSIONS);
+ const float margin(BALL_SIZE.width * 0.5f);
+ for(int i = 0; i < mBallNumber; ++i)
+ {
+ Actor ball = mBallActors[i] = Toolkit::ImageView::New(BALL_IMAGES[rand() % 4]);
+ ball[Actor::Property::PARENT_ORIGIN] = Dali::ParentOrigin::CENTER;
+ ball[Actor::Property::ANCHOR_POINT] = Dali::AnchorPoint::CENTER;
+ ball[Actor::Property::NAME] = "Ball";
+ ball[Actor::Property::SIZE] = BALL_SIZE; // Halve the image size
+ int width = windowSize.GetWidth() / 2;
+ int height = windowSize.GetHeight() / 2;
+ ball[Actor::Property::POSITION] = Vector3(Random::Range(margin - width, width - margin), Random::Range(margin - height, height - margin), 0.0f);
+ ball.RegisterProperty("index", i);
+ mAnimationSimRootActor.Add(ball);
+ mBallVelocity[i] = Vector3(Random::Range(-25.0f, 25.0f), Random::Range(-25.0f, 25.0f), 0.0f);
+ mBallVelocity[i].Normalize();
+ mBallVelocity[i] = mBallVelocity[i] * Random::Range(15.0f, 50.0f);
+ PropertyNotification leftNotify = mBallActors[i].AddPropertyNotification(Actor::Property::POSITION_X, LessThanCondition(margin - width));
+ leftNotify.NotifySignal().Connect(this, &Physics2dBenchmarkController::OnHitLeftWall);
+ PropertyNotification rightNotify = mBallActors[i].AddPropertyNotification(Actor::Property::POSITION_X, GreaterThanCondition(width - margin));
+ rightNotify.NotifySignal().Connect(this, &Physics2dBenchmarkController::OnHitRightWall);
+ PropertyNotification topNotify = mBallActors[i].AddPropertyNotification(Actor::Property::POSITION_Y, LessThanCondition(margin - height));
+ topNotify.NotifySignal().Connect(this, &Physics2dBenchmarkController::OnHitTopWall);
+ PropertyNotification bottomNotify = mBallActors[i].AddPropertyNotification(Actor::Property::POSITION_Y, GreaterThanCondition(height - margin));
+ bottomNotify.NotifySignal().Connect(this, &Physics2dBenchmarkController::OnHitBottomWall);
+ }
+ title.RaiseToTop();
+ ContinueAnimation();
+ }
+ bool AnimationSimFinished()
+ {
+ static bool first = true;
+ if(first)
+ {
+ UnparentAndReset(mAnimationSimRootActor);
+ mBallAnimation.Stop();
+ mBallAnimation.Clear();
+ first = false;
+ CreatePhysicsSimulation();
+ return true;
+ }
+ mApplication.Quit();
+ return false;
+ }
+ void ContinueAnimation()
+ {
+ if(mBallAnimation)
+ {
+ mBallAnimation.Clear();
+ }
+ mBallAnimation = Animation::New(MAX_ANIMATION_DURATION);
+ for(int i = 0; i < mBallNumber; ++i)
+ {
+ mBallAnimation.AnimateBy(Property(mBallActors[i], Actor::Property::POSITION), mBallVelocity[i] * MAX_ANIMATION_DURATION);
+ }
+ mBallAnimation.Play();
+ }
+ void OnHitLeftWall(PropertyNotification& source)
+ {
+ auto actor = Actor::DownCast(source.GetTarget());
+ if(actor)
+ {
+ int index = actor["index"];
+ mBallVelocity[index].x = fabsf(mBallVelocity[index].x);
+ ContinueAnimation();
+ }
+ }
+ void OnHitRightWall(PropertyNotification& source)
+ {
+ auto actor = Actor::DownCast(source.GetTarget());
+ if(actor)
+ {
+ int index = actor["index"];
+ mBallVelocity[index].x = -fabsf(mBallVelocity[index].x);
+ ContinueAnimation();
+ }
+ }
+ void OnHitBottomWall(PropertyNotification& source)
+ {
+ auto actor = Actor::DownCast(source.GetTarget());
+ if(actor)
+ {
+ int index = actor["index"];
+ mBallVelocity[index].y = -fabsf(mBallVelocity[index].y);
+ ContinueAnimation();
+ }
+ }
+ void OnHitTopWall(PropertyNotification& source)
+ {
+ auto actor = Actor::DownCast(source.GetTarget());
+ if(actor)
+ {
+ int index = actor["index"];
+ mBallVelocity[index].y = fabsf(mBallVelocity[index].y);
+ ContinueAnimation();
+ }
+ }
+ void CreatePhysicsSimulation()
+ {
+ Window::WindowSize windowSize = mWindow.GetSize();
+ // Map Physics space (origin bottom left, +ve Y up)
+ // to DALi space (origin center, +ve Y down)
+ mPhysicsTransform.SetIdentityAndScale(Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f));
+ mPhysicsTransform.SetTranslation(Vector3(windowSize.GetWidth() * 0.5f,
+ windowSize.GetHeight() * 0.5f,
+ 0.0f));
+ mPhysicsAdaptor = PhysicsAdaptor::New(mPhysicsTransform, windowSize);
+ mPhysicsRoot = mPhysicsAdaptor.GetRootActor();
+ mWindow.Add(mPhysicsRoot);
+ auto scopedAccessor = mPhysicsAdaptor.GetPhysicsAccessor();
+ cpSpace* space = scopedAccessor->GetNative().Get<cpSpace*>();
+ cpSpaceSetGravity(space, cpv(0, 0));
+ CreateBounds(space, windowSize);
+ for(int i = 0; i < mBallNumber; ++i)
+ {
+ mBalls.push_back(CreateBall(space));
+ }
+ // Process any async queued methods next frame
+ mPhysicsAdaptor.CreateSyncPoint();
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "Physics simulation of " << mBallNumber << " balls";
+ auto title = Toolkit::TextLabel::New(oss.str());
+ mPhysicsRoot.Add(title);
+ title[Toolkit::TextLabel::Property::TEXT_COLOR] = Color::WHITE;
+ title[Actor::Property::PARENT_ORIGIN] = Dali::ParentOrigin::TOP_CENTER;
+ title[Actor::Property::ANCHOR_POINT] = Dali::AnchorPoint::TOP_CENTER;
+ title[Toolkit::TextLabel::Property::HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT] = HorizontalAlignment::CENTER;
+ title.SetResizePolicy(ResizePolicy::USE_NATURAL_SIZE, Dimension::ALL_DIMENSIONS);
+ title.RaiseToTop();
+ }
+ PhysicsActor CreateBall(cpSpace* space)
+ {
+ const float BALL_MASS = 10.0f;
+ const float BALL_RADIUS = BALL_SIZE.x * 0.25f;
+ const float BALL_ELASTICITY = 1.0f;
+ const float BALL_FRICTION = 0.0f;
+ auto ball = Toolkit::ImageView::New(BALL_IMAGES[rand() % 4]);
+ ball[Actor::Property::NAME] = "Ball";
+ ball[Actor::Property::SIZE] = BALL_SIZE * 0.5f;
+ cpBody* body = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(BALL_MASS, cpMomentForCircle(BALL_MASS, 0.0f, BALL_RADIUS, cpvzero)));
+ cpShape* shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpCircleShapeNew(body, BALL_RADIUS, cpvzero));
+ cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, BALL_ELASTICITY);
+ cpShapeSetFriction(shape, BALL_FRICTION);
+ PhysicsActor physicsBall = mPhysicsAdaptor.AddActorBody(ball, body);
+ Window::WindowSize windowSize = mWindow.GetSize();
+ const float fw = 0.5f * (windowSize.GetWidth() - BALL_RADIUS);
+ const float fh = 0.5f * (windowSize.GetHeight() - BALL_RADIUS);
+ // Example of setting physics property on update thread
+ physicsBall.AsyncSetPhysicsPosition(Vector3(Random::Range(-fw, fw), Random::Range(-fh, -fh * 0.5), 0.0f));
+ // Example of queuing a chipmunk method to run on the update thread
+ mPhysicsAdaptor.Queue([body]() {
+ cpBodySetVelocity(body, cpv(Random::Range(-100.0, 100.0), Random::Range(-100.0, 100.0)));
+ });
+ return physicsBall;
+ }
+ void CreateBounds(cpSpace* space, Window::WindowSize size)
+ {
+ // We're working in physics space here - coords are: origin: bottom left, +ve Y: up
+ int32_t xBound = static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(size.GetWidth()));
+ int32_t yBound = static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(size.GetHeight()));
+ cpBody* staticBody = cpSpaceGetStaticBody(space);
+ if(mLeftBound)
+ {
+ cpSpaceRemoveShape(space, mLeftBound);
+ cpSpaceRemoveShape(space, mRightBound);
+ cpSpaceRemoveShape(space, mTopBound);
+ cpSpaceRemoveShape(space, mBottomBound);
+ cpShapeFree(mLeftBound);
+ cpShapeFree(mRightBound);
+ cpShapeFree(mTopBound);
+ cpShapeFree(mBottomBound);
+ }
+ mLeftBound = AddBound(space, staticBody, cpv(0, 0), cpv(0, yBound));
+ mRightBound = AddBound(space, staticBody, cpv(xBound, 0), cpv(xBound, yBound));
+ mTopBound = AddBound(space, staticBody, cpv(0, 0), cpv(xBound, 0));
+ mBottomBound = AddBound(space, staticBody, cpv(0, yBound), cpv(xBound, yBound));
+ }
+ cpShape* AddBound(cpSpace* space, cpBody* staticBody, cpVect start, cpVect end)
+ {
+ cpShape* shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(staticBody, start, end, 0.0f));
+ cpShapeSetElasticity(shape, 1.0f);
+ cpShapeSetFriction(shape, 1.0f);
+ cpShapeSetFilter(shape, cpShapeFilterNew(BOUNDS_GROUP, COLLISION_MASK, COLLISION_MASK));
+ return shape;
+ }
+ void OnTerminate(Application& application)
+ {
+ UnparentAndReset(mPhysicsRoot);
+ }
+ void OnWindowResize(Window window, Window::WindowSize newSize)
+ {
+ auto scopedAccessor = mPhysicsAdaptor.GetPhysicsAccessor();
+ cpSpace* space = scopedAccessor->GetNative().Get<cpSpace*>();
+ CreateBounds(space, newSize);
+ }
+ bool OnTouched(Dali::Actor actor, const Dali::TouchEvent& touch)
+ {
+ mApplication.Quit();
+ return false;
+ }
+ void OnKeyEv(const Dali::KeyEvent& event)
+ {
+ if(event.GetState() == KeyEvent::DOWN)
+ {
+ if(IsKey(event, Dali::DALI_KEY_ESCAPE) || IsKey(event, Dali::DALI_KEY_BACK))
+ {
+ mApplication.Quit();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Application& mApplication;
+ Window mWindow;
+ PhysicsAdaptor mPhysicsAdaptor;
+ std::vector<PhysicsActor> mBalls;
+ Matrix mPhysicsTransform;
+ Actor mPhysicsRoot;
+ Layer mPhysicsDebugLayer;
+ Layer mAnimationSimRootActor;
+ cpShape* mLeftBound{nullptr};
+ cpShape* mRightBound{nullptr};
+ cpShape* mTopBound{nullptr};
+ cpShape* mBottomBound{nullptr};
+ std::vector<Actor> mBallActors;
+ std::vector<Vector3> mBallVelocity;
+ int mBallNumber;
+ Animation mBallAnimation;
+ Timer mTimer;
+int DALI_EXPORT_API main(int argc, char** argv)
+ setenv("DALI_FPS_TRACKING", "5", 1);
+ Application application = Application::New(&argc, &argv);
+ int numberOfBalls = DEFAULT_BALL_COUNT;
+ if(argc > 1)
+ {
+ numberOfBalls = atoi(argv[1]);
+ }
+ Physics2dBenchmarkController controller(application, numberOfBalls);
+ application.MainLoop();
+ return 0;