There are reports of crashes when y < 0. This case seems
abnormal in case of filters, as I don't know how to reproduce it,
but it's happened.
Thanks Youngbok Shin for the report.
// FIXME: Font draw not optimized for Alpha targets! SLOW!
// This is not pretty :)
- DATA8 *dst8 = dst_image->image.data8 + x + (y * dst_pitch);
Alpha_Gfx_Func func;
- DATA8 *src8;
+ DATA8 *src8, *dst8;
int row;
+ if (EINA_UNLIKELY(x < 0))
+ {
+ x1 += (-x);
+ x = 0;
+ if ((x2 - x1) <= 0) return;
+ }
+ if (EINA_UNLIKELY(y < 0))
+ {
+ y1 += (-y);
+ y = 0;
+ if ((y2 - y1) <= 0) return;
+ }
+ dst8 = dst_image->image.data8 + x + (y * dst_pitch);
func = efl_draw_alpha_func_get(dc->render_op, EINA_FALSE);
src8 = evas_common_font_glyph_uncompress(fg, NULL, NULL);
if (!src8) return;