libdali_vector_animation_renderer_plugin_la_CXXFLAGS = \
-I../../../ \
-Werror -Wall
libdali_vector_animation_renderer_plugin_la_LIBADD = \
libdali_vector_animation_renderer_plugin_la_LDFLAGS = \
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([DALI], [dali-core dali-adaptor dali-toolkit])
bool TizenVectorAnimationRenderer::StartRender()
- mVectorRenderer = lottie::Animation::loadFromFile( mUrl );
+ mVectorRenderer = rlottie::Animation::loadFromFile( mUrl );
if( !mVectorRenderer )
DALI_LOG_ERROR( "Failed to load a Lottie file [%s]\n", mUrl.c_str() );
unsigned char* buffer = info.planes[0].ptr;
// Create Surface object
- lottie::Surface surface( reinterpret_cast< uint32_t* >( buffer ), mWidth, mHeight, static_cast< size_t >( info.planes[0].stride ) );
+ rlottie::Surface surface( reinterpret_cast< uint32_t* >( buffer ), mWidth, mHeight, static_cast< size_t >( info.planes[0].stride ) );
// Push the buffer
mBuffers.push_back( SurfacePair( tbmSurface, surface ) );
#include <dali/devel-api/adaptor-framework/native-image-source-queue.h>
#include <dali/devel-api/adaptor-framework/vector-animation-renderer-plugin.h>
#include <memory>
-#include <lottieanimation.h>
+#include <rlottie.h>
#include <tbm_surface.h>
#include <tbm_surface_queue.h>
- using SurfacePair = std::pair< tbm_surface_h, lottie::Surface >;
+ using SurfacePair = std::pair< tbm_surface_h, rlottie::Surface >;
std::string mUrl; ///< The content file path
std::vector< SurfacePair > mBuffers; ///< EGL Image vector
Dali::Mutex mMutex; ///< Mutex
Dali::Renderer mRenderer; ///< Renderer
NativeImageSourceQueuePtr mTargetSurface; ///< The target surface
- std::unique_ptr< lottie::Animation > mVectorRenderer; ///< The vector animation renderer
+ std::unique_ptr< rlottie::Animation > mVectorRenderer; ///< The vector animation renderer
tbm_surface_queue_h mTbmQueue; ///< Tbm surface queue handle
uint32_t mTotalFrameNumber; ///< The total frame number
uint32_t mWidth; ///< The width of the surface
%package vector-animation-renderer-plugin
Summary: Plugin to render a vector animation
Group: System/Libraries
-BuildRequires: pkgconfig(lottie-player)
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig(rlottie)
%description vector-animation-renderer-plugin
Plugin to render a vector animation