// If out of memory, bail immediately.
goto out;
} else if (VK_SUCCESS != res) {
- // Keep trying if there was some other error.
+ // Something bad happened with this ICD, so free it and try the
+ // next.
+ ptr_instance->icds = icd->next;
+ loader_icd_destroy(ptr_instance, icd, pAllocator);
// If out of memory, bail immediately.
goto out;
} else if (VK_SUCCESS != res) {
- // Keep trying if there was some other error.
+ // Something bad happened with this ICD, so free it and try the
+ // next.
+ ptr_instance->icds = icd->next;
+ loader_icd_destroy(ptr_instance, icd, pAllocator);
// If out of memory, bail immediately.
goto out;
} else if (VK_SUCCESS != res) {
- // Keep trying if there was some other error.
loader_log(ptr_instance, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_WARNING_BIT_EXT, 0,
"ICD ignored: failed to CreateInstance in ICD %d", i);
+ ptr_instance->icds = icd->next;
+ loader_icd_destroy(ptr_instance, icd, pAllocator);