Explanation of options, set by <option>=1:\r
GLIB: Enable GLib support in HarfBuzz, which also uses the GLib unicode\r
- callback instead of the bundled UCDN unicode callback. This requires the\r
+ callback if the bundled UCDN unicode callback is disabled. This requires the\r
GLib libraries, and is required for building all tool and test programs.\r
GOBJECT: Enable building the HarfBuzz-GObject DLL, and thus implies GLib\r
GRAPHITE2: Enable the Graphite2 shaper, requires the SIL Graphite2 library.\r
-ICU: Enables the build of ICU Unicode functions. Requires the ICU libraries.
+ICU: Enables the build of ICU Unicode functions. Requires the ICU libraries.\r
UNISCRIBE: Enable Uniscribe platform shaper support.\r
PERL: Full path to the PERL interpretor to be used, if it is not in %PATH%.\r
-LIBTOOL_DLL_NAME: Enable libtool-style DLL names.
\ No newline at end of file
+LIBTOOL_DLL_NAME: Enable libtool-style DLL names.\r
+# Always enable UCDN unless explicitly disabled
+!if "$(NO_UCDN)" != "1"
+ $(HB_CFLAGS) \
+HB_SOURCES = $(HB_SOURCES) $(LIBHB_UCDN_sources) $(HB_UCDN_sources)
# Enable GLib if desired
!if "$(GLIB)" == "1"
$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\test-unicode.exe \
-!elseif "$(ICU)" == "1"
+!if "$(ICU)" == "1"
# use ICU for Unicode functions
# and define some of the macros in GLib's msvc_recommended_pragmas.h
# to reduce some unneeded build-time warnings
- $(HB_CFLAGS) \
- /wd4244 \
# We don't want ICU to re-define int8_t in VS 2008, will cause build breakage
# as we define it in hb-common.h, and we ought to use the definitions there.
-!if "$(UCDN)" != "0"
# Define some of the macros in GLib's msvc_recommended_pragmas.h
# to reduce some unneeded build-time warnings
- $(HB_CFLAGS) \
- /wd4244 \
+ $(HB_CFLAGS) \
+ /wd4244 \
-HB_SOURCES = $(HB_SOURCES) $(LIBHB_UCDN_sources) $(HB_UCDN_sources)
!if "$(UNISCRIBE)" == "1"
+!if "$(NO_UCDN)" != "1"
!if "$(GLIB)" == "1"
!elseif "$(ICU)" == "1"
!if "$(FREETYPE)" == "1"
@echo OPTION: Optional, may be any of the following, use OPTION=1 to enable;
@echo multiple OPTION's may be used. If no OPTION is specified, a default
- @echo HarfBuzz DLL is built with OpenType and fallback support
- @echo with a bundled Unicode implementation (UCDN).
+ @echo HarfBuzz DLL is built with OpenType and support with a bundled
+ @echo Unicode implementation (UCDN).
@echo ======
- @echo UNISCRIBE:
- @echo Enable Uniscribe support.
+ @echo.
+ @echo CAIRO_FT:
+ @echo Enables Cairo-Freetype support, needed for the build of the hb-view utility.
+ @echo Implies FreeType2 support and also requires Cairo built with FreeType2
+ @echo support; GLib2 support must also be enabled.
@echo Enable DirectWrite support, requires a recent enough Windows SDK.
- @echo GRAPHITE2:
- @echo Enable graphite2 support, requires the SIL Graphite2 library
- @echo.
@echo Enable FreeType2 support, requires the FreeType2 library
@echo Enable GLib2 support, with GLib Unicode support, requires the GNOME GLib2
@echo library. Enables the build of utility programs.
- @echo ICU:
- @echo Enable build with ICU Unicode functions, requires the International
- @echo Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries.
- @echo.
@echo GOBJECT:
@echo Enable the HarfBuzz-GObject library, also implies GLib2 support,
@echo requires the GNOME GLib2 libraries and tools, notably the glib-mkenums
@echo tool script, which will require a PERL interpreter (use
@echo PERL=^$(PATH_TO_PERL_INTERPRETOR)) if it is not already in your PATH).
+ @echo GRAPHITE2:
+ @echo Enable graphite2 support, requires the SIL Graphite2 library
+ @echo.
+ @echo ICU:
+ @echo Enable build with ICU Unicode functions, requires the International
+ @echo Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries.
+ @echo.
@echo Enable the build of introspection files, also implies GObject/GLib2 support,
@echo requires the GNOME gobject-introspection libraries and tools. You will need
@echo ^$(PATH_TO_PYTHON_INTERPRETOR) respectively, if python.exe is not already
@echo in your PATH.
- @echo CAIRO_FT:
- @echo Enables Cairo-Freetype support, needed for the build of the hb-view utility.
- @echo Implies FreeType2 support and also requires Cairo built with FreeType2
- @echo support; GLib2 support must also be enabled.
- @echo.
@echo Use a libtool-style DLL name to mimic the DLL file naming generated by
@echo MinGW builds.
+ @echo NO_UCDN:
+ @echo Do not use the bundled Unicode callback, which is the default. GLib or
+ @echo ICU-based unicode callback is therefore required.
+ @echo
+ @echo UNISCRIBE:
+ @echo Enable Uniscribe support.
+ @echo.
@echo Note that GLib2 support is required for all utility and test programs.
@echo ======
@echo A 'clean' target is supported to remove all generated files, intermediate