- QTest::addColumn<bool>("testQt3Support");
QStringList initialItems;
initialItems << "foo" << "bar";
for(int e = 0 ; e<2 ; e++) {
bool editable = (e==0);
- QTest::newRow("Insert less then 0") << initialItems << -1 << "inserted" << 0 << false << editable;
- QTest::newRow("Insert at 0") << initialItems << 0 << "inserted" << 0 << false << editable;
- QTest::newRow("Insert beyond count") << initialItems << 3 << "inserted" << 2 << false << editable;
- QTest::newRow("Insert at count") << initialItems << 2 << "inserted" << 2 << false << editable;
- QTest::newRow("Insert in the middle") << initialItems << 1 << "inserted" << 1 << false << editable;
-#if defined(QT3_SUPPORT)
- QTest::newRow("Qt3Support: Insert less then 0") << initialItems << -1 << "inserted" << 2 << true << editable;
+ QTest::newRow("Insert less then 0") << initialItems << -1 << "inserted" << 0 << editable;
+ QTest::newRow("Insert at 0") << initialItems << 0 << "inserted" << 0 << editable;
+ QTest::newRow("Insert beyond count") << initialItems << 3 << "inserted" << 2 << editable;
+ QTest::newRow("Insert at count") << initialItems << 2 << "inserted" << 2 << editable;
+ QTest::newRow("Insert in the middle") << initialItems << 1 << "inserted" << 1 << editable;
QFETCH(int, insertIndex);
QFETCH(QString, itemLabel);
QFETCH(int, expectedIndex);
- QFETCH(bool, testQt3Support);
QFETCH(bool, editable);
testWidget->insertItems(0, initialItems);
if (editable)
-#if defined (QT3_SUPPORT)
- if (testQt3Support)
- testWidget->insertItem(itemLabel, insertIndex);
- else
- testWidget->insertItem(insertIndex, itemLabel);
- Q_UNUSED(testQt3Support);
testWidget->insertItem(insertIndex, itemLabel);
QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), initialItems.count() + 1);
QCOMPARE(testWidget->itemText(expectedIndex), itemLabel);