DALI_TEST_EQUALS( controls[1].GetProperty<Vector3>( Actor::Property::SIZE ), Vector3( 60.0f, 40.0f, 0.0f ), 0.0001f, TEST_LOCATION );
\ No newline at end of file
+int UtcDaliLayouting_SetLayoutAlreadyInUse(void)
+ /*
+ 1 ControlA (LinearLayoutA)
+ 2 Add 3 children
+ 3 ControlB (LinearLayoutA)
+ 4 Add 4 children
+ Test number of children in each control/layout
+ LinearLayoutA should now have 4 children
+ ControlB should have 4 children too
+ ControlA should have 3 children.
+ */
+ ToolkitTestApplication application;
+ tet_infoline(" UtcDaliLayouting_SetLayoutAlreadyInUse - Set layout belonging to controlA to controlB");
+ Stage stage = Stage::GetCurrent();
+ auto rootControl = Control::New();
+ auto absoluteLayout = AbsoluteLayout::New();
+ DevelControl::SetLayout( rootControl, absoluteLayout );
+ rootControl.SetName( "AbsoluteLayout" );
+ stage.Add( rootControl );
+ auto controlA = Control::New();
+ auto hboxLayout = LinearLayout::New();
+ controlA.SetName( "controlA");
+ rootControl.Add( controlA );
+ DevelControl::SetLayout( controlA, hboxLayout );
+ // Add child controls
+ std::vector< Control > controls;
+ controls.push_back( CreateLeafControl( 100, 100 ) ); // 0
+ controls.push_back( CreateLeafControl( 100, 100 ) ); // 1
+ controls.push_back( CreateLeafControl( 100, 100 ) ); // 2
+ for( auto&& iter : controls )
+ {
+ controlA.Add( iter );
+ }
+ // Ensure layouting happens
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ tet_infoline("SetLayout to another control");
+ auto controlB = Control::New();
+ controlB.SetName( "controlB");
+ std::vector< Control > moreControls;
+ moreControls.push_back( CreateLeafControl( 100, 100 ) ); // 0
+ moreControls.push_back( CreateLeafControl( 100, 100 ) ); // 1
+ moreControls.push_back( CreateLeafControl( 100, 100 ) ); // 3
+ moreControls.push_back( CreateLeafControl( 100, 100 ) ); // 4
+ for( auto&& iter : moreControls )
+ {
+ controlB.Add( iter );
+ }
+ DevelControl::SetLayout( controlB, hboxLayout ); // Set hboxLayout used by ControlA to ControlB
+ // Ensure layouting happens
+ application.SendNotification();
+ application.Render();
+ tet_infoline("Get number of children in each control's layout");
+ DALI_TEST_EQUALS( ( LayoutGroup::DownCast( DevelControl::GetLayout( controlA ) ) ).GetChildCount(), 3 , TEST_LOCATION );
+ DALI_TEST_EQUALS( ( LayoutGroup::DownCast( DevelControl::GetLayout( controlB ) ) ).GetChildCount(), 4 , TEST_LOCATION );
void Control::Impl::SetLayout( Toolkit::Internal::LayoutItem& layout )
- DALI_LOG_INFO( gLogFilterLayout, Debug::Verbose, "Control::SetLayout control:%s existing layout:%s\n",
+ DALI_LOG_INFO( gLogFilterLayout, Debug::Verbose, "Control::SetLayout control:%s replacing existing layout:%s\n",
mLayout?"true":"false" );
+ // Check if layout already has an owner.
+ auto control = Toolkit::Control::DownCast( layout.GetOwner() );
+ if ( control )
+ {
+ // If the owner is not this control then the owning control can no longer own it.
+ Dali::Toolkit::Control handle( mControlImpl.GetOwner() );
+ if( control != handle )
+ {
+ DALI_LOG_INFO( gLogFilterLayout, Debug::Verbose, "Control::SetLayout Layout already in use, %s will now have a BinLayout\n",
+ control.GetName().c_str() );
+ Toolkit::BinLayout binLayout = Toolkit::BinLayout::New();
+ // Previous owner of the layout gets a BinLayout instead of the layout.
+ DevelControl::SetLayout( control, binLayout ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return; // layout is already set to this control.
+ }
+ }
if( mLayout )
mLayout = &layout;
auto controlHandle = Toolkit::Control::DownCast( mControlImpl.Self() ); // Get a handle of this control implementation without copying internals.