private static void FormatError() {
throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"));
+ // undocumented exclusive limits on the range for Argument Hole Index and Argument Hole Alignment.
+ private const int Index_Limit = 1000000; // Note: 0 <= ArgIndex < Index_Limit
+ private const int Width_Limit = 1000000; // Note: -Width_Limit < ArgAlign < Width_Limit
internal StringBuilder AppendFormatHelper(IFormatProvider provider, String format, ParamsArray args) {
if (format == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("format");
ch = format[pos];
+ // Is it a closing brace?
if (ch == '}')
- if (pos < len && format[pos] == '}') // Treat as escape character for }}
+ // Check next character (if there is one) to see if it is escaped. eg }}
+ if (pos < len && format[pos] == '}')
+ // Otherwise treat it as an error (Mismatched closing brace)
+ // Is it a opening brace?
if (ch == '{')
- if (pos < len && format[pos] == '{') // Treat as escape character for {{
+ // Check next character (if there is one) to see if it is escaped. eg {{
+ if (pos < len && format[pos] == '{')
+ // Otherwise treat it as the opening brace of an Argument Hole.
+ // If it neither then treat the character as just text.
+ //
+ // Start of parsing of Argument Hole.
+ // Argument Hole ::= { Index (, WS* Alignment WS*)? (: Formatting)? }
+ //
if (pos == len) break;
+ //
+ // Start of parsing required Index parameter.
+ // Index ::= ('0'-'9')+ WS*
+ //
+ // If reached end of text then error (Unexpected end of text)
+ // or character is not a digit then error (Unexpected Character)
if (pos == len || (ch = format[pos]) < '0' || ch > '9') FormatError();
int index = 0;
do {
index = index * 10 + ch - '0';
+ // If reached end of text then error (Unexpected end of text)
if (pos == len) FormatError();
ch = format[pos];
- } while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' && index < 1000000);
+ // so long as character is digit and value of the index is less than 1000000 ( index limit )
+ } while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' && index < Index_Limit);
+ // If value of index is not within the range of the arguments passed in then error (Index out of range)
if (index >= args.Length) throw new FormatException(Environment.GetResourceString("Format_IndexOutOfRange"));
+ // Consume optional whitespace.
while (pos < len && (ch = format[pos]) == ' ') pos++;
+ // End of parsing index parameter.
+ //
+ // Start of parsing of optional Alignment
+ // Alignment ::= comma WS* minus? ('0'-'9')+ WS*
+ //
bool leftJustify = false;
int width = 0;
+ // Is the character a comma, which indicates the start of alignment parameter.
if (ch == ',') {
+ // Consume Optional whitespace
while (pos < len && format[pos] == ' ') pos++;
+ // If reached the end of the text then error (Unexpected end of text)
if (pos == len) FormatError();
+ // Is there a minus sign?
ch = format[pos];
if (ch == '-') {
+ // Yes, then alignment is left justified.
leftJustify = true;
+ // If reached end of text then error (Unexpected end of text)
if (pos == len) FormatError();
ch = format[pos];
+ // If current character is not a digit then error (Unexpected character)
if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') FormatError();
+ // Parse alignment digits.
do {
width = width * 10 + ch - '0';
+ // If reached end of text then error. (Unexpected end of text)
if (pos == len) FormatError();
ch = format[pos];
- } while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' && width < 1000000);
+ // So long a current character is a digit and the value of width is less than 100000 ( width limit )
+ } while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' && width < Width_Limit);
+ // end of parsing Argument Alignment
+ // Consume optional whitespace
while (pos < len && (ch = format[pos]) == ' ') pos++;
+ //
+ // Start of parsing of optional formatting parameter.
+ //
Object arg = args[index];
StringBuilder fmt = null;
+ // Is current character a colon? which indicates start of formatting parameter.
if (ch == ':') {
while (true) {
+ // If reached end of text then error. (Unexpected end of text)
if (pos == len) FormatError();
ch = format[pos];
+ // Is character a opening brace?
if (ch == '{')
- if (pos < len && format[pos] == '{') // Treat as escape character for {{
+ // Yes, is next character also a opening brace, then treat as escaped. eg {{
+ if (pos < len && format[pos] == '{')
+ // Error Argument Holes can not be nested.
+ // Is charecter a closing brace?
else if (ch == '}')
- if (pos < len && format[pos] == '}') // Treat as escape character for }}
+ // Yes, is next character also a closing brace, then treat as escaped. eg }}
+ if (pos < len && format[pos] == '}')
+ // No, then treat it as the closing brace of an Arg Hole.
+ // build up the argument format string.
if (fmt == null) {
fmt = new StringBuilder();
+ // If current character is not a closing brace then error. (Unexpected Character)
if (ch != '}') FormatError();
+ // Construct the output for this arg hole.
String sFmt = null;
String s = null;
s = arg.ToString();
+ // Append it to the final output of the Format String.
if (s == null) s = String.Empty;
int pad = width - s.Length;
if (!leftJustify && pad > 0) Append(' ', pad);
if (leftJustify && pad > 0) Append(' ', pad);
+ // Continue to parse other characters.
return this;