--- /dev/null
+;; -*- scheme -*-
+(define-object Client
+ (in-module "GConf")
+ (parent "GObject")
+ (c-name "GConfClient")
+ (gtype-id "GCONF_TYPE_CLIENT")
+(define-boxed Value
+ (in-module "GConf")
+ (c-name "GConfValue")
+ (gtype-id "GCONF_TYPE_VALUE")
+ (copy-func "gconf_value_copy")
+ (release-func "gconf_value_free")
+ (fields
+ '("GConfValueType" "type")
+ )
+(define-boxed Entry
+ (in-module "GConf")
+ (c-name "GConfEntry")
+ (gtype-id "GCONF_TYPE_ENTRY")
+ (copy-func "gconf_entry_copy")
+ (release-func "gconf_entry_free")
+ (fields
+ '("gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValue*" "value")
+ )
+(define-boxed Schema
+ (in-module "GConf")
+ (c-name "GConfSchema")
+ (gtype-id "GCONF_TYPE_SCHEMA")
+ (copy-func "gconf_schema_copy")
+ (release-func "gconf_schema_free")
+(define-boxed MetaInfo
+ (in-module "GConf")
+ (c-name "GConfMetaInfo")
+ (gtype-id "GCONF_TYPE_METAINFO")
+ (copy-func "gconf_metainfo_copy")
+ (release-func "gconf_metainfo_free")
+(define-boxed ChangeSet
+ (in-module "GConf")
+ (c-name "GConfChangeSet")
+ (gtype-id "GCONF_TYPE_CHANGE_SET")
+(define-enum ClientPreloadType
+ (in-module "GConf")
+ (c-name "GConfClientPreloadType")
+ (values
+ )
+(define-enum ClientErrorHandlingMode
+ (in-module "GConf")
+ (c-name "GConfClientErrorHandlingMode")
+ (values
+ )
+(define-enum Error
+ (in-module "GConf")
+ (c-name "GConfError")
+ (gtype-id "GCONF_TYPE_ERROR")
+ (values
+ '("success" "GCONF_ERROR_SUCCESS")
+ '("failed" "GCONF_ERROR_FAILED")
+ '("no-server" "GCONF_ERROR_NO_SERVER")
+ '("no-permission" "GCONF_ERROR_NO_PERMISSION")
+ '("bad-address" "GCONF_ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS")
+ '("bad-key" "GCONF_ERROR_BAD_KEY")
+ '("parse-error" "GCONF_ERROR_PARSE_ERROR")
+ '("corrupt" "GCONF_ERROR_CORRUPT")
+ '("type-mismatch" "GCONF_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH")
+ '("is-dir" "GCONF_ERROR_IS_DIR")
+ '("is-key" "GCONF_ERROR_IS_KEY")
+ '("overridden" "GCONF_ERROR_OVERRIDDEN")
+ '("oaf-error" "GCONF_ERROR_OAF_ERROR")
+ '("local-engine" "GCONF_ERROR_LOCAL_ENGINE")
+ '("lock-failed" "GCONF_ERROR_LOCK_FAILED")
+ '("no-writable-database" "GCONF_ERROR_NO_WRITABLE_DATABASE")
+ '("in-shutdown" "GCONF_ERROR_IN_SHUTDOWN")
+ )
+(define-enum ValueType
+ (in-module "GConf")
+ (c-name "GConfValueType")
+ (gtype-id "GCONF_TYPE_VALUE_TYPE")
+ (values
+ '("invalid" "GCONF_VALUE_INVALID")
+ '("string" "GCONF_VALUE_STRING")
+ '("int" "GCONF_VALUE_INT")
+ '("float" "GCONF_VALUE_FLOAT")
+ '("bool" "GCONF_VALUE_BOOL")
+ '("schema" "GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA")
+ '("list" "GCONF_VALUE_LIST")
+ '("pair" "GCONF_VALUE_PAIR")
+ )
+(define-flags UnsetFlags
+ (in-module "GConf")
+ (c-name "GConfUnsetFlags")
+(define-method commit_change_set
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_commit_change_set")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfChangeSet*" "cs")
+ '("gboolean" "remove_committed")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method reverse_change_set
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_reverse_change_set")
+ (return-type "GConfChangeSet*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfChangeSet*" "cs")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method change_set_from_currentv
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_change_set_from_currentv")
+ (return-type "GConfChangeSet*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar**" "keys")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method change_set_from_current
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_change_set_from_current")
+ (return-type "GConfChangeSet*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ '("const-gchar*" "first_key")
+ )
+ (varargs #t)
+(define-function change_set_get_type
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function change_set_new
+ (is-constructor-of "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_new")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfChangeSet*")
+(define-method ref
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_ref")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method unref
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_unref")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method clear
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_clear")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method size
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_size")
+ (return-type "guint")
+(define-method remove
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_remove")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ )
+(define-method foreach
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_foreach")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfChangeSetForeachFunc" "func")
+ '("gpointer" "user_data")
+ )
+(define-method check_value
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_check_value")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValue**" "value_retloc")
+ )
+(define-method set
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_set")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValue*" "value")
+ )
+(define-method set_nocopy
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_set_nocopy")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValue*" "value")
+ )
+(define-method unset
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_unset")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ )
+(define-method set_float
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_set_float")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("gdouble" "val")
+ )
+(define-method set_int
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_set_int")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("gint" "val")
+ )
+(define-method set_string
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_set_string")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("const-gchar*" "val")
+ )
+(define-method set_bool
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_set_bool")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("gboolean" "val")
+ )
+(define-method set_schema
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_set_schema")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfSchema*" "val")
+ )
+(define-method set_list
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_set_list")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValueType" "list_type")
+ '("GSList*" "list")
+ )
+(define-method set_pair
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_set_pair")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValueType" "car_type")
+ '("GConfValueType" "cdr_type")
+ '("gconstpointer" "address_of_car")
+ '("gconstpointer" "address_of_cdr")
+ )
+(define-method set_user_data
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_set_user_data")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gpointer" "data")
+ '("GDestroyNotify" "dnotify")
+ )
+(define-method get_user_data
+ (of-object "GConfChangeSet")
+ (c-name "gconf_change_set_get_user_data")
+ (return-type "gpointer")
+(define-function client_get_type
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function client_get_default
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get_default")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfClient*")
+(define-function client_get_for_engine
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get_for_engine")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfClient*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfEngine*" "engine")
+ )
+(define-method add_dir
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_add_dir")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "dir")
+ '("GConfClientPreloadType" "preload")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method remove_dir
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_remove_dir")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "dir")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method notify_add
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_notify_add")
+ (return-type "guint")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "namespace_section")
+ '("GConfClientNotifyFunc" "func")
+ '("gpointer" "user_data")
+ '("GFreeFunc" "destroy_notify")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method notify_remove
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_notify_remove")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("guint" "cnxn")
+ )
+(define-method notify
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_notify")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-char*" "key")
+ )
+(define-method set_error_handling
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_set_error_handling")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfClientErrorHandlingMode" "mode")
+ )
+(define-function client_set_global_default_error_handler
+ (c-name "gconf_client_set_global_default_error_handler")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfClientErrorHandlerFunc" "func")
+ )
+(define-method clear_cache
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_clear_cache")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method preload
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_preload")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "dirname")
+ '("GConfClientPreloadType" "type")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_set")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("const-GConfValue*" "val")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_without_default
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get_without_default")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_entry
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get_entry")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfEntry*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("const-gchar*" "locale")
+ '("gboolean" "use_schema_default")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_default_from_schema
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get_default_from_schema")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method unset
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_unset")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method recursive_unset
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_recursive_unset")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-char*" "key")
+ '("GConfUnsetFlags" "flags")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method all_entries
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_all_entries")
+ (return-type "GSList*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "dir")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method all_dirs
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_all_dirs")
+ (return-type "GSList*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "dir")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method suggest_sync
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_suggest_sync")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method dir_exists
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_dir_exists")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "dir")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method key_is_writable
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_key_is_writable")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_float
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get_float")
+ (return-type "gdouble")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_int
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get_int")
+ (return-type "gint")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_string
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get_string")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "gchar*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_bool
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get_bool")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_schema
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get_schema")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfSchema*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_list
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get_list")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GSList*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValueType" "list_type")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_pair
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_get_pair")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValueType" "car_type")
+ '("GConfValueType" "cdr_type")
+ '("gpointer" "car_retloc")
+ '("gpointer" "cdr_retloc")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_float
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_set_float")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("gdouble" "val")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_int
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_set_int")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("gint" "val")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_string
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_set_string")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("const-gchar*" "val")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_bool
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_set_bool")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("gboolean" "val")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_schema
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_set_schema")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("const-GConfSchema*" "val")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_list
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_set_list")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValueType" "list_type")
+ '("GSList*" "list")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_pair
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_set_pair")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValueType" "car_type")
+ '("GConfValueType" "cdr_type")
+ '("gconstpointer" "address_of_car")
+ '("gconstpointer" "address_of_cdr")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method error
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_error")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GError*" "error")
+ )
+(define-method unreturned_error
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_unreturned_error")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GError*" "error")
+ )
+(define-method value_changed
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_value_changed")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValue*" "value")
+ )
+(define-method commit_change_set
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_commit_change_set")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfChangeSet*" "cs")
+ '("gboolean" "remove_committed")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method reverse_change_set
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_reverse_change_set")
+ (return-type "GConfChangeSet*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfChangeSet*" "cs")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method change_set_from_currentv
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_change_set_from_currentv")
+ (return-type "GConfChangeSet*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar**" "keys")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method change_set_from_current
+ (of-object "GConfClient")
+ (c-name "gconf_client_change_set_from_current")
+ (return-type "GConfChangeSet*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ '("const-gchar*" "first_key")
+ )
+ (varargs #t)
+(define-function engine_get_default
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_default")
+ (return-type "GConfEngine*")
+(define-function engine_get_for_address
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_for_address")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfEngine*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "address")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-function engine_get_for_addresses
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_for_addresses")
+ (return-type "GConfEngine*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GSList*" "addresses")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method unref
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_unref")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method ref
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_ref")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method set_user_data
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_set_user_data")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gpointer" "data")
+ '("GDestroyNotify" "dnotify")
+ )
+(define-method get_user_data
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_user_data")
+ (return-type "gpointer")
+(define-function value_type_get_type
+ (c-name "gconf_value_type_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function error_get_type
+ (c-name "gconf_error_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function client_preload_type_get_type
+ (c-name "gconf_client_preload_type_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function client_error_handling_mode_get_type
+ (c-name "gconf_client_error_handling_mode_get_type")
+ (return-type "GType")
+(define-function error_quark
+ (c-name "gconf_error_quark")
+ (return-type "GQuark")
+(define-function listeners_new
+ (is-constructor-of "GConfListeners")
+ (c-name "gconf_listeners_new")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfListeners*")
+(define-method free
+ (of-object "GConfListeners")
+ (c-name "gconf_listeners_free")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method add
+ (of-object "GConfListeners")
+ (c-name "gconf_listeners_add")
+ (return-type "guint")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "listen_point")
+ '("gpointer" "listener_data")
+ '("GFreeFunc" "destroy_notify")
+ )
+(define-method remove
+ (of-object "GConfListeners")
+ (c-name "gconf_listeners_remove")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("guint" "cnxn_id")
+ )
+(define-method notify
+ (of-object "GConfListeners")
+ (c-name "gconf_listeners_notify")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "all_above")
+ '("GConfListenersCallback" "callback")
+ '("gpointer" "user_data")
+ )
+(define-method count
+ (of-object "GConfListeners")
+ (c-name "gconf_listeners_count")
+ (return-type "guint")
+(define-method foreach
+ (of-object "GConfListeners")
+ (c-name "gconf_listeners_foreach")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfListenersForeach" "callback")
+ '("gpointer" "user_data")
+ )
+(define-method get_data
+ (of-object "GConfListeners")
+ (c-name "gconf_listeners_get_data")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("guint" "cnxn_id")
+ '("gpointer*" "listener_data_p")
+ '("const-gchar**" "location_p")
+ )
+(define-method remove_if
+ (of-object "GConfListeners")
+ (c-name "gconf_listeners_remove_if")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfListenersPredicate" "predicate")
+ '("gpointer" "user_data")
+ )
+(define-function schema_new
+ (is-constructor-of "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_new")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfSchema*")
+(define-method free
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_free")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method copy
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_copy")
+ (return-type "GConfSchema*")
+(define-method set_type
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_set_type")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfValueType" "type")
+ )
+(define-method set_list_type
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_set_list_type")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfValueType" "type")
+ )
+(define-method set_car_type
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_set_car_type")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfValueType" "type")
+ )
+(define-method set_cdr_type
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_set_cdr_type")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfValueType" "type")
+ )
+(define-method set_locale
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_set_locale")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "locale")
+ )
+(define-method set_short_desc
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_set_short_desc")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "desc")
+ )
+(define-method set_long_desc
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_set_long_desc")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "desc")
+ )
+(define-method set_owner
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_set_owner")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "owner")
+ )
+(define-method set_default_value
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_set_default_value")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-GConfValue*" "val")
+ )
+(define-method set_default_value_nocopy
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_set_default_value_nocopy")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfValue*" "val")
+ )
+(define-method get_type
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_get_type")
+ (return-type "GConfValueType")
+(define-method get_list_type
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_get_list_type")
+ (return-type "GConfValueType")
+(define-method get_car_type
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_get_car_type")
+ (return-type "GConfValueType")
+(define-method get_cdr_type
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_get_cdr_type")
+ (return-type "GConfValueType")
+(define-method get_locale
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_get_locale")
+ (return-type "const-char*")
+(define-method get_short_desc
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_get_short_desc")
+ (return-type "const-char*")
+(define-method get_long_desc
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_get_long_desc")
+ (return-type "const-char*")
+(define-method get_owner
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_get_owner")
+ (return-type "const-char*")
+(define-method get_default_value
+ (of-object "GConfSchema")
+ (c-name "gconf_schema_get_default_value")
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+(define-method get_string
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_get_string")
+ (return-type "const-char*")
+(define-method get_int
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_get_int")
+ (return-type "int")
+(define-method get_float
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_get_float")
+ (return-type "double")
+(define-method get_list_type
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_get_list_type")
+ (return-type "GConfValueType")
+(define-method get_list
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_get_list")
+ (return-type "GSList*")
+(define-method get_car
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_get_car")
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+(define-method get_cdr
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_get_cdr")
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+(define-method get_bool
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_get_bool")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method get_schema
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_get_schema")
+ (return-type "GConfSchema*")
+(define-function value_new
+ (is-constructor-of "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_new")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfValueType" "type")
+ )
+(define-function value_new_from_string
+ (c-name "gconf_value_new_from_string")
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfValueType" "type")
+ '("const-gchar*" "str")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method copy
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_copy")
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+(define-method free
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_free")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method set_int
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_set_int")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gint" "the_int")
+ )
+(define-method set_string
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_set_string")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "the_str")
+ )
+(define-method set_float
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_set_float")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gdouble" "the_float")
+ )
+(define-method set_bool
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_set_bool")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gboolean" "the_bool")
+ )
+(define-method set_schema
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_set_schema")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-GConfSchema*" "sc")
+ )
+(define-method set_schema_nocopy
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_set_schema_nocopy")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfSchema*" "sc")
+ )
+(define-method set_car
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_set_car")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-GConfValue*" "car")
+ )
+(define-method set_car_nocopy
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_set_car_nocopy")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfValue*" "car")
+ )
+(define-method set_cdr
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_set_cdr")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-GConfValue*" "cdr")
+ )
+(define-method set_cdr_nocopy
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_set_cdr_nocopy")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfValue*" "cdr")
+ )
+(define-method set_list_type
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_set_list_type")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfValueType" "type")
+ )
+(define-method set_list_nocopy
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_set_list_nocopy")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GSList*" "list")
+ )
+(define-method set_list
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_set_list")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GSList*" "list")
+ )
+(define-method to_string
+ (of-object "GConfValue")
+ (c-name "gconf_value_to_string")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "gchar*")
+(define-method get_schema
+ (of-object "GConfMetaInfo")
+ (c-name "gconf_meta_info_get_schema")
+ (return-type "const-char*")
+(define-method get_mod_user
+ (of-object "GConfMetaInfo")
+ (c-name "gconf_meta_info_get_mod_user")
+ (return-type "const-char*")
+(define-method mod_time
+ (of-object "GConfMetaInfo")
+ (c-name "gconf_meta_info_mod_time")
+ (return-type "GTime")
+(define-function meta_info_new
+ (is-constructor-of "GConfMetaInfo")
+ (c-name "gconf_meta_info_new")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfMetaInfo*")
+(define-method free
+ (of-object "GConfMetaInfo")
+ (c-name "gconf_meta_info_free")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method set_schema
+ (of-object "GConfMetaInfo")
+ (c-name "gconf_meta_info_set_schema")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "schema_name")
+ )
+(define-method set_mod_user
+ (of-object "GConfMetaInfo")
+ (c-name "gconf_meta_info_set_mod_user")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "mod_user")
+ )
+(define-method set_mod_time
+ (of-object "GConfMetaInfo")
+ (c-name "gconf_meta_info_set_mod_time")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GTime" "mod_time")
+ )
+(define-method get_key
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_get_key")
+ (return-type "const-char*")
+(define-method get_value
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_get_value")
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+(define-method get_schema_name
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_get_schema_name")
+ (return-type "const-char*")
+(define-method get_is_default
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_get_is_default")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-method get_is_writable
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_get_is_writable")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-function entry_new
+ (is-constructor-of "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_new")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfEntry*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("const-GConfValue*" "val")
+ )
+(define-function entry_new_nocopy
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_new_nocopy")
+ (return-type "GConfEntry*")
+ (parameters
+ '("gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValue*" "val")
+ )
+(define-method copy
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_copy")
+ (return-type "GConfEntry*")
+(define-method free
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_free")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method ref
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_ref")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method unref
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_unref")
+ (return-type "none")
+(define-method steal_value
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_steal_value")
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+(define-method set_value
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_set_value")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-GConfValue*" "val")
+ )
+(define-method set_value_nocopy
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_set_value_nocopy")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfValue*" "val")
+ )
+(define-method set_schema_name
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_set_schema_name")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "name")
+ )
+(define-method set_is_default
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_set_is_default")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gboolean" "is_default")
+ )
+(define-method set_is_writable
+ (of-object "GConfEntry")
+ (c-name "gconf_entry_set_is_writable")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gboolean" "is_writable")
+ )
+(define-method notify_add
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_notify_add")
+ (return-type "guint")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "namespace_section")
+ '("GConfNotifyFunc" "func")
+ '("gpointer" "user_data")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method notify_remove
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_notify_remove")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("guint" "cnxn")
+ )
+(define-method get
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get")
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_without_default
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_without_default")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_entry
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_entry")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfEntry*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("const-gchar*" "locale")
+ '("gboolean" "use_schema_default")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_with_locale
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_with_locale")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("const-gchar*" "locale")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_default_from_schema
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_default_from_schema")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_set")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("const-GConfValue*" "value")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method unset
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_unset")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method associate_schema
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_associate_schema")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("const-gchar*" "schema_key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method all_entries
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_all_entries")
+ (return-type "GSList*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "dir")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method all_dirs
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_all_dirs")
+ (return-type "GSList*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "dir")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method suggest_sync
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_suggest_sync")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method dir_exists
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_dir_exists")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "dir")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method remove_dir
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_remove_dir")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "dir")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method key_is_writable
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_key_is_writable")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-function valid_key
+ (c-name "gconf_valid_key")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("gchar**" "why_invalid")
+ )
+(define-function key_is_below
+ (c-name "gconf_key_is_below")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "above")
+ '("const-gchar*" "below")
+ )
+(define-function concat_dir_and_key
+ (c-name "gconf_concat_dir_and_key")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "gchar*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "dir")
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ )
+(define-function unique_key
+ (c-name "gconf_unique_key")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "gchar*")
+(define-function escape_key
+ (c-name "gconf_escape_key")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "char*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-char*" "arbitrary_text")
+ '("int" "len")
+ )
+(define-function unescape_key
+ (c-name "gconf_unescape_key")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "char*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-char*" "escaped_key")
+ '("int" "len")
+ )
+(define-method get_float
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_float")
+ (return-type "gdouble")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_int
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_int")
+ (return-type "gint")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_string
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_string")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "gchar*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_bool
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_bool")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_schema
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_schema")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GConfSchema*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_list
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_list")
+ (caller-owns-return #t)
+ (return-type "GSList*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValueType" "list_type")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method get_pair
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_pair")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValueType" "car_type")
+ '("GConfValueType" "cdr_type")
+ '("gpointer" "car_retloc")
+ '("gpointer" "cdr_retloc")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_float
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_set_float")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("gdouble" "val")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_int
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_set_int")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("gint" "val")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_string
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_set_string")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("const-gchar*" "val")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_bool
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_set_bool")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("gboolean" "val")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_schema
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_set_schema")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("const-GConfSchema*" "val")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_list
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_set_list")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValueType" "list_type")
+ '("GSList*" "list")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-method set_pair
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_set_pair")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("GConfValueType" "car_type")
+ '("GConfValueType" "cdr_type")
+ '("gconstpointer" "address_of_car")
+ '("gconstpointer" "address_of_cdr")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-function string_to_enum
+ (c-name "gconf_string_to_enum")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfEnumStringPair[]" "lookup_table")
+ '("const-gchar*" "str")
+ '("gint*" "enum_value_retloc")
+ )
+(define-function enum_to_string
+ (c-name "gconf_enum_to_string")
+ (return-type "const-gchar*")
+ (parameters
+ '("GConfEnumStringPair[]" "lookup_table")
+ '("gint" "enum_value")
+ )
+(define-function debug_shutdown
+ (c-name "gconf_debug_shutdown")
+ (return-type "int")
+(define-function init
+ (c-name "gconf_init")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+ (parameters
+ '("int" "argc")
+ '("char**" "argv")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
+(define-function is_initialized
+ (c-name "gconf_is_initialized")
+ (return-type "gboolean")
+(define-function preinit
+ (c-name "gconf_preinit")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gpointer" "app")
+ '("gpointer" "mod_info")
+ )
+(define-function postinit
+ (c-name "gconf_postinit")
+ (return-type "none")
+ (parameters
+ '("gpointer" "app")
+ '("gpointer" "mod_info")
+ )
+(define-method get_full
+ (of-object "GConfEngine")
+ (c-name "gconf_engine_get_full")
+ (return-type "GConfValue*")
+ (parameters
+ '("const-gchar*" "key")
+ '("const-gchar*" "locale")
+ '("gboolean" "use_schema_default")
+ '("gboolean*" "is_default_p")
+ '("gboolean*" "is_writable_p")
+ '("GError**" "err")
+ )
--- /dev/null
+/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+#include <Python.h>
+#include "gconf-fixes.h"
+#include "gconf-types.h"
+#include "pygobject.h"
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <gconf/gconf-client.h>
+#include <gconf/gconf-enum-types.h>
+#include "config.h"
+static gpointer pygconf_parse_pygvalue(GConfValueType gvalue_type,
+ PyObject *pyvalue);
+modulename gconf
+import gobject.GObject as PyGObject_Type
+ _*
+ gconf_*init
+ gconf_change_set_get_type
+ gconf_client_get_type
+ gconf_value_type_get_type
+ gconf_error_get_type
+ gconf_client_preload_type_get_type
+ gconf_client_error_handling_mode_get_type
+ gconf_value_set_car_nocopy
+ gconf_value_set_cdr_nocopy
+ gconf_client_change_set_from_currentv
+ gconf_value_set_list_nocopy
+override-slot GConfClient.tp_init
+static int
+_wrap_gconf_client_tp_init(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = { NULL };
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, ":gconf.Client.__init__", kwlist)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ self->obj = (GObject *) gconf_client_get_default();
+ pygobject_register_wrapper((PyObject *)self);
+ return 0;
+override gconf_client_notify_add kwargs
+pygconf_client_notify_add(GConfClient *client,
+ guint cnxn_id,
+ GConfEntry *entry,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ PyObject *func;
+ PyObject *userdata = NULL;
+ PyObject *ret;
+ PyObject *tuple = (PyObject*)user_data;
+ PyGILState_STATE state;
+ state = pyg_gil_state_ensure();
+ g_assert(PyTuple_Check(tuple));
+ func = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, 0);
+ userdata = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, 1);
+ if (!userdata) {
+ ret = PyObject_CallFunction(func, "NNN",
+ pygobject_new((GObject *)client),
+ PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(cnxn_id),
+ pyg_boxed_new(GCONF_TYPE_ENTRY,
+ entry,
+ } else {
+ ret = PyObject_CallFunction(func, "NNNO",
+ pygobject_new((GObject *)client),
+ PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(cnxn_id),
+ pyg_boxed_new(GCONF_TYPE_ENTRY,
+ entry,
+ userdata);
+ }
+ if (ret == NULL)
+ PyErr_Print();
+ else
+ Py_DECREF(ret);
+ pyg_gil_state_release(state);
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_client_notify_add(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args,
+ PyObject *kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = { "namespace_section", "func",
+ "user_data", NULL };
+ gchar *namespace_section;
+ PyObject *callback;
+ PyObject *extra = NULL;
+ PyObject *data;
+ guint retval;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs,
+ "sO|O:GConfClient.notify_ad",
+ kwlist, &namespace_section,
+ &callback, &extra)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!PyCallable_Check(callback)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "second arg not callable");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (extra) {
+ Py_INCREF(extra);
+ } else {
+ extra = PyTuple_New(0);
+ }
+ data = Py_BuildValue("(ON)", callback, extra);
+ retval = gconf_client_notify_add(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj),
+ namespace_section,
+ pygconf_client_notify_add,
+ data,
+ (GFreeFunc)pyg_destroy_notify,
+ NULL);
+ return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong((unsigned long) retval);
+override gconf_client_all_entries args
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_client_all_entries(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ gchar *path;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ GSList *values;
+ GSList *list;
+ PyObject *pylist;
+ int i = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:GConfClient.all_entries", &path)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ values = gconf_client_all_entries(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj), path, &err);
+ if (pyg_error_check(&err)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pylist = PyTuple_New(g_slist_length(values));
+ for (list = values; list; list = list->next) {
+ GConfEntry *entry = list->data;
+ PyObject *pyentry = pyg_boxed_new(GCONF_TYPE_ENTRY, entry,
+ PyTuple_SetItem(pylist, i++, pyentry);
+ }
+ return pylist;
+override gconf_client_all_dirs args
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_client_all_dirs(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ gchar *path;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ GSList *values;
+ GSList *list;
+ PyObject *pylist;
+ int i = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:GConfClient.all_dirs", &path)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ values = gconf_client_all_dirs(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj), path, &err);
+ if (pyg_error_check(&err)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pylist = PyTuple_New(g_slist_length(values));
+ for (list = values; list; list = list->next) {
+ PyObject *pystring = PyString_FromString(list->data);
+ PyTuple_SetItem(pylist, i++, pystring);
+ }
+ return pylist;
+override gconf_client_get_pair kwargs
+/* Return a proper PyObject for retloc based on its type. */
+static PyObject *
+pygconf_parse_gvalue(GConfValueType gvalue_type, gpointer retloc)
+ PyObject *retval;
+ switch(gvalue_type) {
+ retval = PyInt_FromLong(*(gint*)retloc);
+ break;
+ retval = PyFloat_FromDouble(*(gdouble*)retloc);
+ break;
+ {
+ gchar **s = (gchar **) retloc;
+ if (*s)
+ retval = PyString_FromString(*s);
+ else {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ retval = pyg_boxed_new(GCONF_TYPE_SCHEMA, *(GConfSchema**)retloc,
+ break;
+ default:
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Unknown GConfValueType.");
+ retval = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return retval;
+/* Get the value of a PyObject from its type. */
+/* g_new0() on returned pointer, need to free it. */
+static gpointer
+pygconf_parse_pygvalue(GConfValueType gvalue_type, PyObject *pyvalue)
+ gpointer retval;
+ retval = g_new0(gpointer, 1);
+ switch(gvalue_type) {
+ *(gint*)retval = (gint) PyInt_AsLong(pyvalue);
+ break;
+ *(gdouble*)retval = PyFloat_AsDouble(pyvalue);
+ break;
+ *(gchar**)retval = PyString_AsString(pyvalue);
+ break;
+ if (pyg_boxed_check(pyvalue, GCONF_TYPE_SCHEMA)) {
+ *(GConfSchema**)retval = pyg_boxed_get(pyvalue, GConfSchema);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "value should be a GConfSchema");
+ free(retval);
+ retval = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Unknown GConfValueType.");
+ free(retval);
+ retval = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return retval;
+static gpointer
+pygconf_new_type(GConfValueType t)
+ gpointer retval;
+ switch(t) {
+ retval = g_new0(gint, 1);
+ break;
+ retval = g_new0(gdouble, 1);
+ break;
+ retval = g_new0(gchar, 1);
+ break;
+ retval = gconf_schema_new();
+ break;
+ default:
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Unknown GConfValueType.");
+ retval = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return retval;
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_client_get_pair(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = { "key", "car_type", "cdr_type", NULL };
+ char *key;
+ PyObject *pycar_type = NULL, *pycdr_type = NULL;
+ PyObject *retcar = NULL, *retcdr = NULL;
+ GConfValueType car_type, cdr_type;
+ gpointer car_retloc = NULL;
+ gpointer cdr_retloc = NULL;
+ int ret;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "sOO:GConfClient.get_pair",
+ kwlist, &key, &pycar_type, &pycdr_type))
+ return NULL;
+ if (pyg_enum_get_value(GCONF_TYPE_VALUE_TYPE,
+ pycar_type, (gint *)&car_type))
+ return NULL;
+ if (pyg_enum_get_value(GCONF_TYPE_VALUE_TYPE,
+ pycdr_type, (gint *)&cdr_type))
+ return NULL;
+ car_retloc = pygconf_new_type(car_type);
+ if (!car_retloc)
+ return NULL;
+ cdr_retloc = pygconf_new_type(cdr_type);
+ if (!cdr_retloc) {
+ if(car_type == GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA)
+ gconf_schema_free(car_retloc);
+ else
+ g_free(car_retloc);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = gconf_client_get_pair(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj), key, car_type,
+ cdr_type, car_retloc, cdr_retloc, &err);
+ if (pyg_error_check(&err))
+ return NULL;
+ retcar = pygconf_parse_gvalue(car_type, car_retloc);
+ retcdr = pygconf_parse_gvalue(cdr_type, cdr_retloc);
+ if (car_type != GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA)
+ g_free(car_retloc);
+ /* FIXME: gconf_schema_free(car_retloc)? */
+ else
+ gconf_schema_free(car_retloc);
+ if (cdr_type != GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA)
+ g_free(cdr_retloc);
+ else
+ gconf_schema_free(cdr_retloc);
+ if (!retcar || !retcdr)
+ return NULL;
+ return Py_BuildValue("(NN)", retcar, retcdr);
+override gconf_client_set_pair kwargs
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_client_set_pair(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = { "key", "car_type", "cdr_type",
+ "car", "cdr", NULL };
+ char *key;
+ PyObject *pycar_type = NULL, *pycdr_type = NULL;
+ PyObject *pycar = NULL, *pycdr = NULL;
+ GConfValueType car_type, cdr_type;
+ gpointer car, cdr;
+ int ret;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs,
+ "sOOOO:GConfClient.set_pair",
+ kwlist, &key, &pycar_type, &pycdr_type,
+ &pycar, &pycdr))
+ return NULL;
+ if (pyg_enum_get_value(GCONF_TYPE_VALUE_TYPE,
+ pycar_type, (gint *)&car_type))
+ return NULL;
+ if (pyg_enum_get_value(GCONF_TYPE_VALUE_TYPE,
+ pycdr_type, (gint *)&cdr_type))
+ return NULL;
+ car = pygconf_parse_pygvalue(car_type, pycar);
+ if (!car)
+ return NULL;
+ cdr = pygconf_parse_pygvalue(cdr_type, pycdr);
+ if (!cdr) {
+ g_free(car);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = gconf_client_set_pair(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj),
+ key, car_type, cdr_type,
+ car, cdr, &err);
+ g_free(car);
+ g_free(cdr);
+ if (pyg_error_check(&err))
+ return NULL;
+ return PyInt_FromLong(ret);
+override gconf_client_get_list kwargs
+ static PyObject *
+pygconf_parse_listvalue(GConfValueType gvalue_type, gpointer retloc)
+ PyObject *retval;
+ switch(gvalue_type) {
+ retval = PyInt_FromLong(GPOINTER_TO_INT(retloc));
+ break;
+ retval = PyFloat_FromDouble(*(gdouble*)retloc);
+ break;
+ retval = PyString_FromString((gchar*)retloc);
+ break;
+ retval = pyg_boxed_new(GCONF_TYPE_SCHEMA, (GConfSchema*)retloc,
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Should not reach here. get_list should always valid. */
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Unknown GConfValueType.");
+ retval = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return retval;
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_client_get_list(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = { "key", "list_type", NULL };
+ char *key;
+ PyObject *py_type = NULL;
+ PyObject *py_list = NULL;
+ GConfValueType lstype;
+ GSList *retlist, *ilist;
+ gpointer data;
+ int lslen, i;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "sO:GConfClient.get_list",
+ kwlist, &key, &py_type))
+ return NULL;
+ if (pyg_enum_get_value(GCONF_TYPE_VALUE_TYPE, py_type, (gint *)&lstype))
+ return NULL;
+ retlist = gconf_client_get_list(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj), key,
+ lstype, &err);
+ if (pyg_error_check(&err)) {
+ return NULL;
+ } else if (retlist == NULL) {
+ return PyList_New(0);
+ }
+ lslen = g_slist_length(retlist);
+ i = 0;
+ py_list = PyList_New(lslen);
+ for (ilist = retlist; ilist; ilist = ilist->next) {
+ PyObject *py_data;
+ data = ilist->data;
+ py_data = pygconf_parse_listvalue(lstype, data);
+ if (!py_data) {
+ g_slist_free(retlist);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ PyList_SetItem(py_list, i, py_data);
+ i++;
+ if (lstype == GCONF_VALUE_SCHEMA)
+ gconf_schema_free(data);
+ else if(lstype == GCONF_VALUE_FLOAT || lstype == GCONF_VALUE_STRING)
+ g_free(data);
+ }
+ g_slist_free(retlist);
+ return py_list;
+override gconf_client_set_list kwargs
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_client_set_list(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = { "key", "list_type", "list", NULL };
+ char *key;
+ PyObject *py_type = NULL;
+ PyObject *py_list = NULL;
+ GSList *clist = NULL;
+ GSList *tmplist, *pointlist=NULL;
+ GConfValueType list_type;
+ int ret, i;
+ int retdata; /* Error flag. */
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ ret = 1;
+ retdata = 1;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "sOO:GConfClient.set_list",
+ kwlist, &key, &py_type, &py_list))
+ return NULL;
+ if (!PyTuple_Check(py_list) && !PyList_Check(py_list)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
+ "3rd argument should be a sequence type.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (pyg_enum_get_value(GCONF_TYPE_VALUE_TYPE, py_type, (gint *)&list_type))
+ return NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < PySequence_Size(py_list) && retdata; i++) {
+ gpointer data;
+ data = pygconf_parse_pygvalue(list_type,
+ PySequence_GetItem(py_list, i));
+ if (data == NULL) {
+ retdata = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* What to free the list later. */
+ pointlist = g_slist_append(pointlist, data);
+ switch(list_type){
+ clist = g_slist_append(clist, GINT_TO_POINTER(*(gint*)data));
+ break;
+ clist = g_slist_append(clist, (gdouble*)data);
+ break;
+ clist = g_slist_append(clist, *(gchar**)data);
+ break;
+ clist = g_slist_append(clist, *(GConfSchema**)data);
+ break;
+ default:
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Unknown GConfValueType.");
+ retdata = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (retdata)
+ ret = gconf_client_set_list(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj), key, list_type,
+ clist, &err);
+ for (tmplist = pointlist; tmplist; tmplist = tmplist->next) {
+ g_free(tmplist->data);
+ }
+ g_slist_free(pointlist);
+ g_slist_free(clist);
+ if (pyg_error_check(&err) || !retdata)
+ return NULL;
+ return PyInt_FromLong(ret);
+override gconf_value_get_car args
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_value_get_car(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ GConfValue* vobj;
+ vobj = gconf_value_get_car(pyg_boxed_get(self, GConfValue));
+ return pyg_boxed_new(GCONF_TYPE_VALUE, vobj, TRUE, TRUE);
+override gconf_value_get_cdr args
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_value_get_cdr(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ GConfValue* vobj;
+ vobj = gconf_value_get_cdr(pyg_boxed_get(self, GConfValue));
+ return pyg_boxed_new(GCONF_TYPE_VALUE, vobj, TRUE, TRUE);
+override gconf_value_get_list args
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_value_get_list(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ GConfValue *value;
+ PyObject *pylist;
+ GSList *values = NULL, *list;
+ int i = 0;
+ value = pyg_boxed_get(self, GConfValue);
+ if (value->type != GCONF_VALUE_LIST) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "gconf value does not contain a list.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ values = gconf_value_get_list(value);
+ pylist = PyTuple_New(g_slist_length(values));
+ for (list = values; list; list = list->next) {
+ PyObject *pyvalue;
+ value = list->data;
+ pyvalue = pyg_boxed_new(GCONF_TYPE_VALUE, value, TRUE, TRUE);
+ PyTuple_SetItem(pylist, i++, pyvalue);
+ }
+ return pylist;
+override gconf_value_get_int noargs
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_value_get_int(PyObject *self)
+ int ret;
+ GConfValue *value;
+ value = pyg_boxed_get(self, GConfValue);
+ if (value->type != GCONF_VALUE_INT) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "gconf value does not contain an integer.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = gconf_value_get_int(value);
+ return PyInt_FromLong(ret);
+override gconf_value_get_string noargs
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_value_get_string(PyObject *self)
+ const gchar *ret;
+ GConfValue *value;
+ value = pyg_boxed_get(self, GConfValue);
+ if (value->type != GCONF_VALUE_STRING) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "gconf value does not contain a string.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = gconf_value_get_string(value);
+ if (ret)
+ return PyString_FromString(ret);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+override gconf_value_get_float noargs
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_value_get_float(PyObject *self)
+ double ret;
+ GConfValue *value;
+ value = pyg_boxed_get(self, GConfValue);
+ if (value->type != GCONF_VALUE_FLOAT) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "gconf value does not contain a float.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = gconf_value_get_float(value);
+ return PyFloat_FromDouble(ret);
+override gconf_value_get_bool noargs
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_value_get_bool(PyObject *self)
+ int ret;
+ PyObject *py_ret;
+ GConfValue *value;
+ value = pyg_boxed_get(self, GConfValue);
+ if (value->type != GCONF_VALUE_BOOL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "gconf value does not contain a boolean.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = gconf_value_get_bool(value);
+ py_ret = ret ? Py_True : Py_False;
+ Py_INCREF(py_ret);
+ return py_ret;
+override gconf_value_set_list kwargs
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_value_set_list(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = { "list", NULL };
+ GSList *list;
+ PyObject *py_list;
+ int i, len;
+ GConfValue *value = pyg_boxed_get(self, GConfValue);
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O!:GConfValue.set_list", kwlist,
+ &PyList_Type, &py_list))
+ return NULL;
+ if (value->type != GCONF_VALUE_LIST) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "gconf value type must be list.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ len = PyList_Size(py_list);
+ for (i = 0, list = NULL; i < len; i++) {
+ PyObject *item = PyList_GET_ITEM(py_list, i);
+ if (!pyg_boxed_check(item, GCONF_TYPE_VALUE)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "list elements must be of type gconf.Value");
+ g_slist_free(list);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ list = g_slist_append(list, pyg_boxed_get(item, GConfValue));
+ }
+ gconf_value_set_list(value, list);
+ g_slist_free(list);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+override gconf_client_change_set_from_current
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_client_change_set_from_current(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = { "keys", NULL };
+ PyObject *py_list;
+ const gchar **keys;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ GConfChangeSet *ret;
+ int len, i;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O!:GConfClient.change_set_from_current",
+ kwlist, &PyList_Type, &py_list))
+ return NULL;
+ len = PyList_Size(py_list);
+ keys = g_new(const gchar *, len + 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ PyObject *item = PyList_GET_ITEM(py_list, i);
+ if (!PyString_Check(item)) {
+ g_free(keys);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "list elements must be of type str");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ keys[i] = PyString_AsString(item);
+ }
+ keys[i] = NULL;
+ ret = gconf_client_change_set_from_currentv(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj), keys, &err);
+ g_free(keys);
+ if (pyg_error_check(&err))
+ return NULL;
+ /* pyg_boxed_new handles NULL checking */
+ return pyg_boxed_new(GCONF_TYPE_CHANGE_SET, ret, TRUE, TRUE);
+override gconf_change_set_set_list kwargs
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_change_set_set_list(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = { "key", "list_type", "list", NULL };
+ char *key;
+ PyObject *py_list_type = NULL, *py_list;
+ GConfValueType list_type;
+ int i, len;
+ GSList *list;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "sOO!:GConfChangeSet.set_list"
+ , kwlist, &key, &py_list_type,
+ &PyList_Type, &py_list))
+ return NULL;
+ if (pyg_enum_get_value(GCONF_TYPE_VALUE_TYPE, py_list_type, (gint *)&list_type))
+ return NULL;
+ len = PyList_Size(py_list);
+ for (i = 0, list = NULL; i < len; i++) {
+ PyObject *item = PyList_GET_ITEM(py_list, i);
+ if (!pyg_boxed_check(item, GCONF_TYPE_VALUE)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "list elements must be of type gconf.Value");
+ g_slist_free(list);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ list = g_slist_append(list, pyg_boxed_get(item, GConfValue));
+ }
+ gconf_change_set_set_list(pyg_boxed_get(self, GConfChangeSet), key, list_type, list);
+ g_slist_free(list);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+define GConfClient.get_value kwargs
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_g_conf_client_get_value(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = { "key", NULL };
+ char *key;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ GConfValue *value;
+ PyObject *py_ret;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs,"s:GConfClient.get_value", kwlist, &key))
+ return NULL;
+ value = gconf_client_get(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj), key, &err);
+ if (pyg_error_check(&err))
+ return NULL;
+ if (value == NULL) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "gconf key %s has no value", key);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ switch (value->type)
+ {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "invalid value");
+ py_ret = NULL;
+ break;
+ py_ret = PyString_FromString(gconf_value_get_string(value));
+ break;
+ py_ret = PyInt_FromLong(gconf_value_get_int(value));
+ break;
+ py_ret = PyFloat_FromDouble(gconf_value_get_float(value));
+ break;
+ py_ret = PyBool_FromLong(gconf_value_get_bool(value));
+ break;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "value type not supported yet by this API");
+ py_ret = NULL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ py_ret = NULL;
+ }
+ gconf_value_free(value);
+ return py_ret;
+define GConfClient.set_value kwargs
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_g_conf_client_set_value(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = { "key", "val", NULL };
+ char *key;
+ PyObject *py_val;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs,"sO:GConfClient.set_value", kwlist, &key, &py_val))
+ return NULL;
+ if (pyg_boxed_check(py_val, GCONF_TYPE_VALUE)) {
+ gconf_client_set(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj), key, pyg_boxed_get(py_val, GConfValue), &err);
+ if (pyg_error_check(&err))
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ if (PyBool_Check(py_val)) {
+ gconf_client_set_bool(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj), key, PyInt_AsLong(py_val), &err);
+ } else if (PyInt_Check(py_val)) {
+ gconf_client_set_int(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj), key, PyInt_AsLong(py_val), &err);
+ } else if (PyFloat_Check(py_val)) {
+ gconf_client_set_float(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj), key, PyFloat_AsDouble(py_val), &err);
+ } else if (PyString_Check(py_val)) {
+ gconf_client_set_string(GCONF_CLIENT(self->obj), key, PyString_AsString(py_val), &err);
+ } else {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "value type not supported yet by this API");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (pyg_error_check(&err))
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+override gconf_value_new_from_string kwargs
+static PyObject *
+_wrap_gconf_value_new_from_string(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
+ static char *kwlist[] = { "type", "str", NULL };
+ PyObject *py_type = NULL;
+ char *str;
+ GConfValueType type;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ GConfValue *ret;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "Os:value_new_from_string", kwlist, &py_type, &str))
+ return NULL;
+ if (pyg_enum_get_value(GCONF_TYPE_VALUE_TYPE, py_type, (gpointer)&type))
+ return NULL;
+ if (type == GCONF_VALUE_LIST || type == GCONF_VALUE_PAIR) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "GConf value types LIST and PAIR are not valid for this function");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = gconf_value_new_from_string(type, str, &err);
+ if (pyg_error_check(&err))
+ return NULL;
+ /* pyg_boxed_new handles NULL checking */
+ return pyg_boxed_new(GCONF_TYPE_VALUE, ret, TRUE, TRUE);