* details.
* An item in the genlist world can have 0 or more text labels (they can be
- * regular text or textblock ??that's up to the style to determine), 0 or
+ * regular text or textblock - that's up to the style to determine), 0 or
* more icons (which are simply objects swallowed into the genlist item) and
* 0 or more boolean states that can be used for check, radio or other
* indicators by the edje theme style. An item may be one of several styles
- * (Elementary provides 4 by default - ?\9cdefault?? ?\9cdouble_label?? "group_index"
+ * (Elementary provides 4 by default - "default", "double_label", "group_index"
* and "icon_top_text_bottom", but this can be extended by system or
* application custom themes/overlays/extensions).
* a structure with information about that type of item (genlist may contain
* multiple different items with different classes, states and styles).
* Genlist will call the functions in this struct (methods) when an item is
- * ?\9crealized??(that is created dynamically while scrolling). All objects will
+ * "realized" (that is created dynamically while scrolling). All objects will
* simply be deleted when no longer needed with evas_object_del(). The
* Elm_Genlist_Item_Class structure contains the following members:
* item_style - This is a constant string and simply defines the name of the
- * item style. It must be specified and the default should be ?\9cdefault??
+ * item style. It must be specified and the default should be "default".
* func.label_get - This function is called when an actual item object is
* created. The data parameter is the data parameter passed to
* parameter is the genlist object and the part parameter is the string name
* of the state part in the edje design that is listed as one of the possible
* states that can be set. Return 0 for false or 1 for true. Genlist will
- * emit a signal to the edje object with ?\9celm,state,XXX,active???\9celm??when
+ * emit a signal to the edje object with "elm,state,XXX,active" "elm" when
* true (the default is false), where XXX is the name of the part.
* func.del - This is called when elm_genlist_item_del() is called on an
* handle that is an internal member inside the genlist. They all take a data
* parameter that is meant to be used for a handle to the applications
* internal data (eg the struct with the original item data). The parent
- * parameter is the parent genlist item this belongs to if it is a tree or
+ * parameter is the parent genlist item this belongs to if it is a tree or
* an indexed group, and NULL if there is no parent. The flags can be a bitmask
* viewport of the scroller. If it is ELM_LIST_LIMIT, items will be expanded
* to the viewport width and limited to that size. This can be combined with
* a different style that uses edjes' ellipsis feature (cutting text off like
- * this: ?\9ctex...??.
+ * this: "tex...").
* Items will only call their selection func and callback when first becoming
* selected. Any further clicks will do nothing, unless you enable always
int walking;
int item_width;
int item_height;
+ int group_item_width;
+ int group_item_height;
int max_items_per_block;
double longpress_timeout;
Eina_List *sweeped_items;
Ecore_Timer *scr_hold_timer;
int total_num;
- int group_item_width;
- int group_item_height;
Elm_Genlist_Item *reorder_it, *reorder_rel;
Evas_Coord reorder_start_y;
Ecore_Animator *item_moving_effect_timer;
Eina_Bool want_realize : 1;
Eina_Bool realized : 1;
Eina_Bool selected : 1;
- Eina_Bool hilighted : 1;
+ Eina_Bool highlighted : 1;
Eina_Bool expanded : 1;
Eina_Bool disabled : 1;
Eina_Bool display_only : 1;
// TODO: refactoring
Eina_Bool move_effect_me : 1;
- Eina_Bool effect_done : 1;
+ Eina_Bool effect_done : 1;
Eina_Bool reordering : 1;
Eina_Bool edit_select_check: 1;
- Eina_Bool renamed : 1;
- Eina_Bool effect_item_realized : 1;
+ Eina_Bool renamed : 1;
+ Eina_Bool effect_item_realized : 1;
Eina_Bool sweeped : 1;
Eina_Bool wassweeped : 1;
- Eina_List *edit_icon_objs;
+ Eina_List *edit_icon_objs;
Evas_Object *edit_obj;
Eina_List *sweep_labels, *sweep_icons, *sweep_icon_objs;
int num;
static const char *widtype = NULL;
static void _item_cache_zero(Widget_Data *wd);
static void _del_hook(Evas_Object *obj);
+static void _mirrored_set(Evas_Object *obj,
+ Eina_Bool rtl);
static void _theme_hook(Evas_Object *obj);
-static void _show_region_hook(void *data, Evas_Object *obj);
+static void _show_region_hook(void *data,
+ Evas_Object *obj);
static void _sizing_eval(Evas_Object *obj);
static void _item_unrealize(Elm_Genlist_Item *it);
static void _item_block_unrealize(Item_Block *itb);
static void
+_mirrored_set(Evas_Object *obj,
+ Eina_Bool rtl)
+ Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
+ if (!wd) return;
+ _item_cache_zero(wd);
+ // TODO: uncomment this after upstream merge
+ //elm_smart_scroller_mirrored_set(wd->scr, rtl);
+static void
_theme_hook(Evas_Object *obj)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
Item_Block *itb;
if (!wd) return;
+ // TODO: uncomment this after upstream merge
+ //_elm_widget_mirrored_reload(obj);
+ //_mirrored_set(obj, elm_widget_mirrored_get(obj));
elm_smart_scroller_object_theme_set(obj, wd->scr, "genlist", "base",
// edje_object_scale_set(wd->scr, elm_widget_scale_get(obj) * _elm_config->scale);
wd->group_item_width = wd->group_item_height = 0;
wd->minw = wd->minh = wd->realminw = 0;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(wd->blocks, itb)
- {
- Eina_List *l;
- Elm_Genlist_Item *it;
+ {
+ Eina_List *l;
+ Elm_Genlist_Item *it;
- if (itb->realized) _item_block_unrealize(itb);
- EINA_LIST_FOREACH(itb->items, l, it)
- it->mincalcd = EINA_FALSE;
+ if (itb->realized) _item_block_unrealize(itb);
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(itb->items, l, it)
+ it->mincalcd = EINA_FALSE;
- itb->changed = EINA_TRUE;
- }
+ itb->changed = EINA_TRUE;
+ }
if (wd->calc_job) ecore_job_del(wd->calc_job);
wd->calc_job = ecore_job_add(_calc_job, wd);
static void
-_show_region_hook(void *data, Evas_Object *obj)
+_show_region_hook(void *data,
+ Evas_Object *obj)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(data);
Evas_Coord x, y, w, h;
if (!wd) return;
elm_widget_show_region_get(obj, &x, &y, &w, &h);
+ //x & y are screen coordinates, Add with pan coordinates
x += wd->pan_x;
y += wd->pan_y;
if (y > 0) elm_smart_scroller_child_region_show(wd->scr, x, y, w, h);
wd->prev_viewport_w = vw;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(wd->blocks, itb)
- {
- itb->must_recalc = EINA_TRUE;
- }
+ {
+ itb->must_recalc = EINA_TRUE;
+ }
if (wd->calc_job) ecore_job_del(wd->calc_job);
wd->calc_job = ecore_job_add(_calc_job, wd);
static void
-_item_hilight(Elm_Genlist_Item *it)
+_item_highlight(Elm_Genlist_Item *it)
const char *selectraise;
- if ((it->wd->no_select) || (it->delete_me) || (it->hilighted) || (it->disabled) || (it->display_only)) return;
+ if ((it->wd->no_select) || (it->delete_me) || (it->highlighted) || (it->disabled) || (it->display_only)) return;
if ((!it->sweeped) && (!it->wd->edit_mode))
edje_object_signal_emit(it->base.view, "elm,state,selected", "elm");
selectraise = edje_object_data_get(it->base.view, "selectraise");
if ((it->group_item) && (it->group_item->realized))
- it->hilighted = EINA_TRUE;
+ it->highlighted = EINA_TRUE;
if (it->wd->select_all_item) evas_object_raise(it->wd->select_all_item->base.view);
if (!it) return;
Eina_List *tl = NULL, *l;
Elm_Genlist_Item *it2;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(it->items, l, it2)
tl = eina_list_append(tl, it2);
_item_unselect(Elm_Genlist_Item *it)
const char *stacking, *selectraise;
if (it == it->wd->select_all_item) return;
- if ((it->delete_me) || (!it->hilighted)) return;
+ if ((it->delete_me) || (!it->highlighted)) return;
if (!it->sweeped)
edje_object_signal_emit(it->base.view, "elm,state,unselected", "elm");
stacking = edje_object_data_get(it->base.view, "stacking");
if ((stacking) && (!strcmp(stacking, "below")))
- it->hilighted = EINA_FALSE;
+ it->highlighted = EINA_FALSE;
if (it->selected)
it->selected = EINA_FALSE;
Elm_Genlist_Item *it_tmp;
static Eina_Bool done = EINA_FALSE;
//static Eina_Bool contracted = EINA_FALSE;
- Eina_List *l;
- Item_Block *itb;
+ Eina_List *l;
+ Item_Block *itb;
it->long_timer = NULL;
if ((it->disabled) || (it->dragging) || (it->display_only))
it->wd->longpressed = EINA_TRUE;
evas_object_smart_callback_call(it->base.widget, "longpressed", it);
if ((it->wd->reorder_mode) && (it != it->wd->select_all_item) && (it->flags != ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_GROUP))
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(it->items, l, it_tmp)
- if (elm_genlist_item_expanded_get(it_tmp))
+ if (elm_genlist_item_expanded_get(it_tmp))
elm_genlist_item_expanded_set(it_tmp, EINA_FALSE);
- }
+ }
if (elm_genlist_item_expanded_get(it)) {
int i, sum = 0;
if (!it) return;
+ if ((it->display_only) || (it->disabled)) return;
it->wd->swipe = EINA_FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < it->wd->movements; i++)
if (it->wd->multi_timeout)
- it->wd->multi_timeout = EINA_FALSE;
- return;
+ it->wd->multi_timeout = EINA_FALSE;
+ return;
Evas_Coord minw = 0, minh = 0;
"multi,pinch,in", it);
- it->wd->multi_timeout = EINA_FALSE;
+ it->wd->multi_timeout = EINA_FALSE;
static void
-_multi_down(void *data,
- Evas *evas __UNUSED__,
+_multi_down(void *data,
+ Evas *evas __UNUSED__,
Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__,
- void *event_info)
+ void *event_info)
Elm_Genlist_Item *it = data;
Evas_Event_Multi_Down *ev = event_info;
static void
-_multi_up(void *data,
- Evas *evas __UNUSED__,
+_multi_up(void *data,
+ Evas *evas __UNUSED__,
Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__,
- void *event_info)
+ void *event_info)
Elm_Genlist_Item *it = data;
Evas_Event_Multi_Up *ev = event_info;
static void
-_multi_move(void *data,
- Evas *evas __UNUSED__,
+_multi_move(void *data,
+ Evas *evas __UNUSED__,
Evas_Object *obj __UNUSED__,
- void *event_info)
+ void *event_info)
Elm_Genlist_Item *it = data;
Evas_Event_Multi_Move *ev = event_info;
else it->wd->on_hold = EINA_FALSE;
if (it->wd->on_hold) return;
it->wd->wasselected = it->selected;
- _item_hilight(it);
+ _item_highlight(it);
- evas_object_smart_callback_call(it->base.widget, "clicked", it);
+ if ((!it->disabled) && (!it->display_only))
+ evas_object_smart_callback_call(it->base.widget, "clicked", it);
if (it->long_timer) ecore_timer_del(it->long_timer);
if (it->swipe_timer) ecore_timer_del(it->swipe_timer);
it->swipe_timer = ecore_timer_add(0.4, _swipe_cancel, it);
evas_object_geometry_get(it->wd->reorder_it->base.view, &rox, &roy, &row, &roh);
if (it->wd->select_all_item) sel_all_h = it->wd->select_all_item->h;
if (it->wd->reorder_rel)
- {
+ {
if (it->wd->reorder_it->parent == it->wd->reorder_rel->parent) // todo : refactoring
if (roy + oy - sel_all_h <= it->wd->reorder_rel->scrl_y)
if ((!it->selected) && (!it->sweeped))
- _item_hilight(it);
+ _item_highlight(it);
else _item_unselect(it);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(it->wd->selected, l, l_next, it2)
if (it2 != it) _item_unselect(it2);
- //_item_hilight(it);
+ //_item_highlight(it);
if (!it->sweeped)
- _item_hilight(it);
+ _item_highlight(it);
if (it->flags & ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_SUBITEMS) tree = 1;
odd = (it->order_num_in & 0x1);
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(it->wd->item_cache, itc)
- {
- if ((itc->selected) || (itc->disabled) || (itc->expanded))
- continue;
- if ((itc->tree == tree) &&
- (itc->odd == odd) &&
- (itc->compress == it->wd->compress) &&
- (!strcmp(it->itc->item_style, itc->item_style)))
- {
- it->wd->item_cache = eina_inlist_remove(it->wd->item_cache,
- it->wd->item_cache_count--;
- return itc;
- }
- }
+ {
+ if ((itc->selected) || (itc->disabled) || (itc->expanded))
+ continue;
+ if ((itc->tree == tree) &&
+ (itc->odd == odd) &&
+ (itc->compress == it->wd->compress) &&
+ (!strcmp(it->itc->item_style, itc->item_style)))
+ {
+ it->wd->item_cache = eina_inlist_remove(it->wd->item_cache,
+ it->wd->item_cache_count--;
+ return itc;
+ }
+ }
return NULL;
static void
_item_realize(Elm_Genlist_Item *it,
int in,
- int calc)
+ Eina_Bool calc)
Elm_Genlist_Item *it2;
const char *stacking;
it->order_num_in = in;
if (it->wd->move_effect_mode == ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_MOVE_EFFECT_DELETE) calc = EINA_FALSE;
if (it->nocache)
- it->nocache = EINA_FALSE;
+ it->nocache = EINA_FALSE;
itc = _item_cache_find(it);
if ((!it->wd->effect_mode) && (itc))
_elm_theme_object_set(it->base.widget, it->base.view, "genlist", buf,
+ // TODO: uncomment this after upstream merge
+ //edje_object_mirrored_set(it->base.view,
+ // elm_widget_mirrored_get(it->base.widget));
it->spacer =
evas_object_color_set(it->spacer, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if ((calc) && (it->wd->homogeneous) && ((it->wd->item_width) || ((it->wd->item_width) && (it->wd->group_item_width))))
/* homogenous genlist shortcut */
- if ((it->flags & ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_GROUP) && (!it->mincalcd))
- {
- it->w = it->minw = it->wd->group_item_width;
- it->h = it->minh = it->wd->group_item_height;
- it->mincalcd = EINA_TRUE;
- }
- else if (!it->mincalcd)
- {
- it->w = it->minw = it->wd->item_width;
- it->h = it->minh = it->wd->item_height;
- it->mincalcd = EINA_TRUE;
- }
+ if (!it->mincalcd)
+ {
+ if (it->flags & ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_GROUP)
+ {
+ it->w = it->minw = it->wd->group_item_width;
+ it->h = it->minh = it->wd->group_item_height;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ it->w = it->minw = it->wd->item_width;
+ it->h = it->minh = it->wd->item_height;
+ }
+ it->mincalcd = EINA_TRUE;
+ }
it->spacer = NULL;
- _item_cache_add(it);
+ {
+ // TODO: uncomment this after upstream merge
+ //edje_object_mirrored_set(it->base.view, elm_widget_mirrored_get(it->base.widget));
+ _item_cache_add(it);
+ }
it->labels = NULL;
if (it->wd->edit_mode != ELM_GENLIST_EDIT_MODE_NONE) _effect_item_unrealize(it);
-static Eina_Bool
+static Eina_Bool
_item_block_recalc(Item_Block *itb,
int in,
int qadd,
if (!it->mincalcd) changed = EINA_TRUE;
if (changed)
- _item_realize(it, in, 1);
+ _item_realize(it, in, EINA_TRUE);
- _item_realize(it, in, 1);
+ _item_realize(it, in, EINA_TRUE);
if (!it->wd->contracting) _item_unrealize(it);
- _item_realize(it, in, 0);
+ _item_realize(it, in, EINA_FALSE);
minh += it->minh;
if (minw < it->minw) minw = it->minw;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(itb->items, l, it)
if (it->delete_me) continue;
- if (full) _item_realize(it, in, 0);
+ if (full) _item_realize(it, in, EINA_FALSE);
itb->realized = EINA_TRUE;
it->block->reorder_offset = it->wd->reorder_it->h;
- else
+ else
it->block->reorder_offset = 0;
it->scrl_y += it->block->reorder_offset;
top = (ELM_RECTS_INTERSECT(it->scrl_x, it->scrl_y, it->w, it->h,
rox, roy+roh/2, row, 1));
if (top)
double time = 0.4, t;
int y, dy = 4;
t = ((0.0 > (t = current_time_get() - it->wd->start_time)) ? 0.0 : t) / 1000;
if (t <= time)
y = (1 * sin((t / time) * (M_PI / 2)) * dy);
it->old_scrl_y += y;
down = EINA_TRUE;
- else if (it->old_scrl_y > it->scrl_y)
+ else if (it->old_scrl_y > it->scrl_y)
it->old_scrl_y -= y;
down = EINA_FALSE;
- }
+ }
_effect_item_controls(it, it->scrl_x, it->old_scrl_y);
evas_output_viewport_get(evas_object_evas_get(itb->wd->obj), &cvx, &cvy,
&cvw, &cvh);
- if (itb->wd->select_all_item &&
- (itb->wd->edit_mode & ELM_GENLIST_EDIT_MODE_SELECT || itb->wd->edit_mode & ELM_GENLIST_EDIT_MODE_SELECTALL))
+ if (itb->wd->select_all_item &&
+ (itb->wd->edit_mode & ELM_GENLIST_EDIT_MODE_SELECT || itb->wd->edit_mode & ELM_GENLIST_EDIT_MODE_SELECTALL))
if (itb->wd->select_all_check)
edje_object_signal_emit(itb->wd->select_all_item->base.view, "elm,state,sel_check", "elm");
select_all_item = itb->wd->select_all_item;
- evas_object_resize(select_all_item->base.view, itb->w, select_all_item->h);
+ evas_object_resize(select_all_item->base.view, itb->w, select_all_item->h);
evas_object_move(select_all_item->base.view, ox, oy);
if ((itb->realized) && (!it->realized))
- if (vis) _item_realize(it, in, 0);
+ if (vis) _item_realize(it, in, EINA_FALSE);
if (it->realized)
if (git->scrl_y < oy + sel_all_h)
git->scrl_y = oy + sel_all_h;
if ((git->scrl_y + git->h) > (it->scrl_y + it->h))
- git->scrl_y = (it->scrl_y + it->h) - git->h;
+ git->scrl_y = (it->scrl_y + it->h) - git->h;
git->want_realize = EINA_TRUE;
if (it->wd->reorder_it && !it->wd->reorder_pan_move && it->old_scrl_y && it->old_scrl_y != it->scrl_y)
if (!it->wd->effect_mode || it->wd->move_effect_mode == ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_MOVE_EFFECT_NONE || ((it->wd->move_effect_mode != ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_MOVE_EFFECT_DELETE) && it->parent == it->wd->expand_item))
if (it->wd->edit_mode != ELM_GENLIST_EDIT_MODE_NONE)
- {
+ {
_effect_item_controls(it, it->scrl_x, it->scrl_y);
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(wd->group_items, l, git)
- if (git->want_realize)
+ if (git->want_realize)
if (!git->realized)
- _item_realize(git, 0, 0);
+ _item_realize(git, 0, EINA_FALSE);
evas_object_resize(git->base.view, wd->minw, git->h);
evas_object_move(git->base.view, git->scrl_x, git->scrl_y);
else if (!git->want_realize && git->realized)
- if (!git->dragging)
- _item_unrealize(git);
+ if (!git->dragging)
+ _item_unrealize(git);
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(wd->blocks, itb)
- {
- Eina_Bool showme = EINA_FALSE;
+ {
+ Eina_Bool showme = EINA_FALSE;
itb->num = in;
showme = itb->showme;
if (minw_change)
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(wd->blocks, itb)
- {
- itb->minw = minw;
- itb->w = itb->minw;
- }
+ {
+ itb->minw = minw;
+ itb->w = itb->minw;
+ }
if ((chb) && (EINA_INLIST_GET(chb)->next))
- {
- if (itb->realized) _item_block_unrealize(itb);
- }
+ {
+ if (itb->realized) _item_block_unrealize(itb);
+ }
wd->realminw = minw;
if (minw < wd->w) minw = wd->w;
if(!sd->wd->item_moving_effect_timer) evas_object_smart_changed(obj);
old_pan_y = sd->wd->pan_y;
- if (sd->wd->effect_mode &&
+ if (sd->wd->effect_mode &&
((sd->wd->move_effect_mode == ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_MOVE_EFFECT_EXPAND) ||
(sd->wd->move_effect_mode == ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_MOVE_EFFECT_CONTRACT) ||
(sd->wd->move_effect_mode == ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_MOVE_EFFECT_DELETE)))
&minw, &minh);
evas_object_size_hint_min_set(obj, minw, minh);
+ // TODO: uncomment this after upstream merge
+ //_mirrored_set(obj, elm_widget_mirrored_get(obj));
return obj;
static int
-_queue_proecess(Widget_Data *wd,
- int norender)
+_queue_process(Widget_Data *wd,
+ int norender)
int n;
Eina_Bool showme = EINA_FALSE;
//if (q_start == 0.0) q_start = ecore_time_get();
- if (_queue_proecess(wd, 1) > 0)
+ if (_queue_process(wd, 1) > 0)
if (wd->calc_job) ecore_job_del(wd->calc_job);
wd->calc_job = ecore_job_add(_calc_job, wd);
wd->queue_idler = NULL;
- _queue_proecess(wd, 0);
+ _queue_process(wd, 0);
if (!wd->queue_idler) wd->queue_idler = ecore_idler_add(_item_idler, wd);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
+ if (!wd) return NULL;
Elm_Genlist_Item *it = _item_new(wd, itc, data, parent, flags, func,
- if (!wd) return NULL;
if (!it) return NULL;
if (!it->parent)
- wd->group_items = eina_list_append(wd->group_items, it);
+ wd->group_items = eina_list_append(wd->group_items, it);
wd->items = eina_inlist_append(wd->items, EINA_INLIST_GET(it));
it->rel = NULL;
it->rel = it2;
- if (it->parent->flags & ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_GROUP)
- it->group_item = parent;
+ if (it->parent->flags & ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_GROUP)
+ it->group_item = parent;
else if (it->parent->group_item)
- it->group_item = it->parent->group_item;
+ it->group_item = it->parent->group_item;
it->before = EINA_FALSE;
_item_queue(wd, it);
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
+ if (!wd) return NULL;
Elm_Genlist_Item *it = _item_new(wd, itc, data, parent, flags, func,
- if (!wd) return NULL;
if (!it) return NULL;
if (!it->parent)
- wd->group_items = eina_list_prepend(wd->group_items, it);
+ wd->group_items = eina_list_prepend(wd->group_items, it);
wd->items = eina_inlist_prepend(wd->items, EINA_INLIST_GET(it));
it->rel = NULL;
if (it2->delete_me)
it2 = elm_genlist_item_next_get(it2);
wd->items =
- eina_inlist_prepend_relative(wd->items, EINA_INLIST_GET(it),
+ eina_inlist_prepend_relative(wd->items, EINA_INLIST_GET(it),
it->rel = it2;
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
+ if (!wd) return NULL;
Elm_Genlist_Item *it = _item_new(wd, itc, data, parent, flags, func,
- if (!wd) return NULL;
if (!it) return NULL;
if (it->parent)
Widget_Data *wd = elm_widget_data_get(obj);
+ if (!wd) return NULL;
Elm_Genlist_Item *it = _item_new(wd, itc, data, parent, flags, func,
- if (!wd) return NULL;
if (!it) return NULL;
wd->items = eina_inlist_append_relative(wd->items, EINA_INLIST_GET(it),
wd->clear_me = EINA_TRUE;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(wd->items, it)
- {
- it->delete_me = EINA_TRUE;
- }
+ {
+ it->delete_me = EINA_TRUE;
+ }
while (wd->items)
Elm_Genlist_Item *it = ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_FROM_INLIST(wd->items);
it->nocache = EINA_TRUE;
- it->hilighted = EINA_FALSE;
+ it->highlighted = EINA_FALSE;
if (wd->anchor_item == it)
wd->anchor_item = ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_FROM_INLIST(EINA_INLIST_GET(it)->next);
wd->anchor_item =
wd->items = eina_inlist_remove(wd->items, wd->items);
if (it->flags & ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_GROUP)
it->wd->group_items = eina_list_remove(it->wd->group_items, it);
- if (it->effect_item_realized) _effect_item_unrealize(it);
+ if (it->effect_item_realized) _effect_item_unrealize(it);
if (it->realized) _item_unrealize(it);
if (((wd->clear_me) || (!it->delete_me)) && (it->itc->func.del))
- it->itc->func.del((void *)it->base.data, it->base.widget);
+ it->itc->func.del((void *)it->base.data, it->base.widget);
if (it->long_timer) ecore_timer_del(it->long_timer);
if (it->swipe_timer) ecore_timer_del(it->swipe_timer);
if (wd->item_moving_effect_timer)
- wd->item_moving_effect_timer = NULL;
+ wd->item_moving_effect_timer = NULL;
wd->show_item = NULL;
wd->pan_x = 0;
* Enable or disable multi-select in the genlist
- * This enables (EINA_TRUE) or disableds (EINA_FALSE) multi-select in
+ * This enables (EINA_TRUE) or disables (EINA_FALSE) multi-select in
* the list. This allows more than 1 item to be selected.
* @param obj The genlist object
Eina_Bool done = EINA_FALSE;
if (!wd) return NULL;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(wd->blocks, itb)
- {
- if (itb->realized)
- {
- Eina_List *l;
- Elm_Genlist_Item *it;
+ {
+ if (itb->realized)
+ {
+ Eina_List *l;
+ Elm_Genlist_Item *it;
- done = 1;
- EINA_LIST_FOREACH(itb->items, l, it)
- {
- if (it->realized) list = eina_list_append(list, it);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (done) break;
- }
- }
+ done = 1;
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(itb->items, l, it)
+ {
+ if (it->realized) list = eina_list_append(list, it);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (done) break;
+ }
+ }
return list;
if (wd->select_all_item) head_y = wd->select_all_item->h;
EINA_INLIST_FOREACH(wd->blocks, itb)
- {
- Eina_List *l;
- Elm_Genlist_Item *it;
+ {
+ Eina_List *l;
+ Elm_Genlist_Item *it;
- if (!ELM_RECTS_INTERSECT(ox + itb->x - itb->wd->pan_x,
- oy + itb->y + head_y - itb->wd->pan_y,
- itb->w, itb->h, x, y, 1, 1))
- continue;
- EINA_LIST_FOREACH(itb->items, l, it)
- {
- Evas_Coord itx, ity;
+ if (!ELM_RECTS_INTERSECT(ox + itb->x - itb->wd->pan_x,
+ oy + itb->y + head_y - itb->wd->pan_y,
+ itb->w, itb->h, x, y, 1, 1))
+ continue;
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(itb->items, l, it)
+ {
+ Evas_Coord itx, ity;
- itx = ox + itb->x + it->x - itb->wd->pan_x;
- ity = oy + itb->y + it->y - itb->wd->pan_y;
- if (ELM_RECTS_INTERSECT(itx, ity, it->w, it->h, x, y, 1, 1))
- {
- if (posret)
- {
- if (y <= (ity + (it->h / 4))) *posret = -1;
- else if (y >= (ity + it->h - (it->h / 4)))
- *posret = 1;
- else *posret = 0;
- }
- return it;
- }
- lasty = ity + it->h;
- }
- }
+ itx = ox + itb->x + it->x - itb->wd->pan_x;
+ ity = oy + itb->y + it->y - itb->wd->pan_y;
+ if (ELM_RECTS_INTERSECT(itx, ity, it->w, it->h, x, y, 1, 1))
+ {
+ if (posret)
+ {
+ if (y <= (ity + (it->h / 4))) *posret = -1;
+ else if (y >= (ity + it->h - (it->h / 4)))
+ *posret = 1;
+ else *posret = 0;
+ }
+ return it;
+ }
+ lasty = ity + it->h;
+ }
+ }
if (posret)
if (y > lasty) *posret = 1;
while (wd->selected)
- _item_hilight(it);
+ _item_highlight(it);
if(it->wd->effect_mode && !it->wd->alpha_bg)
it->wd->alpha_bg = _create_tray_alpha_bg(it->base.widget);
if (it->expanded)
it->wd->auto_scrolled = EINA_FALSE;
it->wd->show_item = NULL;
if ((it->group_item) && (it->wd->pan_y > (it->y + it->block->y)))
- gith = it->group_item->h;
+ gith = it->group_item->h;
it->x + it->block->x,
it->y + it->block->y - gith,
elm_genlist_item_bring_in(Elm_Genlist_Item *it)
- Evas_Coord gith = 0;
+ Evas_Coord gith = 0;
if (it->delete_me) return;
if ((it->queued) || (!it->mincalcd))
it->wd->show_item = NULL;
if ((it->group_item) && (it->wd->pan_y > (it->y + it->block->y)))
- gith = it->group_item->h;
+ gith = it->group_item->h;
it->x + it->block->x,
it->y + it->block->y - gith,
wd->effect_mode = emode;
// wd->point_rect = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas_object_evas_get(wd->obj));
// evas_object_resize(wd->point_rect, 10, 25);
- // evas_object_color_set(wd->point_rect, 255, 0, 0, 130);
+ // evas_object_color_set(wd->point_rect, 255, 0, 0, 130);
// evas_object_show(wd->point_rect);
// evas_object_hide(wd->point_rect);
static unsigned int
struct timeval timev;
if (wd->calc_job) ecore_job_del(wd->calc_job);
- wd->calc_job = ecore_job_add(_calc_job, wd);
+ wd->calc_job = ecore_job_add(_calc_job, wd);
elm_smart_scroller_bounce_animator_disabled_set(wd->scr, EINA_FALSE);
wd->move_effect_mode = ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_MOVE_EFFECT_NONE;
static void
_elm_genlist_pinch_zoom_execute(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool emode)
- printf("!!! NOW FIXING \n");
+ printf("!!! NOW FIXING \n");
* Set pinch zoom mode
- *
+ *
* @param obj The genlist object
- * @param emode
+ * @param emode
* (EINA_TRUE = pinch contract (zoom in), EINA_FALSE = pinch expand (zoom out)
- *
+ *
* @ingroup Genlist
EAPI void
elm_genlist_pinch_zoom_mode_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool emode)
- printf("!!! NOW FIXING \n");
+ printf("!!! NOW FIXING \n");
* Get pinch zoom mode
- *
+ *
* @param obj The genlist object
* @return The pinch mode
* (EINA_TRUE = pinch contract (zoom in), EINA_FALSE = pinch expand (zoom out)
- *
+ *
* @ingroup Genlist
EAPI Eina_Bool
elm_genlist_pinch_zoom_mode_get(const Evas_Object *obj)
- printf("!!! NOW FIXING \n");
+ printf("!!! NOW FIXING \n");
return EINA_FALSE;
EAPI void
elm_genlist_pinch_zoom_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool emode)
- printf("!!! NOW FIXING \n");
+ printf("!!! NOW FIXING \n");
EAPI void
_effect_item_update(Elm_Genlist_Item *it)
strncat(buf, "/", sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf));
- if (it->wd->ed && it->wd->ed->ec->item_style && strcmp(it->wd->ed->ec->item_style, "default"))
+ if (it->wd->ed && it->wd->ed->ec->item_style && strcmp(it->wd->ed->ec->item_style, "default"))
strncat(buf, it->wd->ed->ec->item_style, sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf));
_elm_theme_object_set(it->base.widget, it->edit_obj, "genlist", buf, elm_widget_style_get(it->base.widget));
edje_object_signal_emit(it->edit_obj, "elm,state,sel,enable", "elm");
- edje_object_signal_emit(it->edit_obj, "elm,state,reorder_enable", "elm");
+ edje_object_signal_emit(it->edit_obj, "elm,state,reorder_enable", "elm");
if ((it->wd->edit_mode) || (!it->wd->edit_mode && it->renamed))
elm_widget_sub_object_add(it->base.widget, ic);
- }
+ }
edje_object_part_swallow(it->edit_obj, "original_edc", it->base.view);
_effect_item_controls(it,it->scrl_x, it->scrl_y);
done = 1;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(itb->items, l, it)
- if (it->flags != ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_GROUP && it->realized)
+ if (it->flags != ELM_GENLIST_ITEM_GROUP && it->realized)
it->pad_left = it->pad_right = 0;
-// TODO : add comment
+// TODO : add comment
EAPI Eina_Bool
elm_genlist_edit_item_selected_get(const Elm_Genlist_Item *it)
* Set a given item's rename mode
- * This renames the item's label from genlist
+ * This renames the item's label from genlist
* @param it The item
* @param emode set if emode is EINA_TRUE, unset if emode is EINA_FALSE
it->wd->edit_mode = 0xF0;
_effect_item_realize(it, EINA_TRUE);
it->wd->edit_mode = ELM_GENLIST_EDIT_MODE_NONE;
- }
+ }
edje_object_signal_emit(it->edit_obj, "elm,state,rename,enable", "elm");
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(it->labels, list, label)
elm_widget_focus_set(editfield, EINA_TRUE);
return entry;
Widget_Data *wd = data;
if (!wd) return;
- if ((wd->expand_item) && (!wd->auto_scrolled))
+ if ((wd->expand_item) && (!wd->auto_scrolled))
Elm_Genlist_Item *it;
Eina_List *l;
Evas_Coord ox, oy, ow, oh;
evas_object_geometry_get(wd->obj, &ox, &oy, &ow, &oh);
wd->auto_scrolled = EINA_TRUE;
if (wd->expand_item->scrl_y > (oh + oy) / 2)