[grucell] Implement grucell
authorhyeonseok lee <hs89.lee@samsung.com>
Mon, 22 Nov 2021 06:46:17 +0000 (15:46 +0900)
committerJijoong Moon <jijoong.moon@samsung.com>
Thu, 25 Nov 2021 10:19:19 +0000 (19:19 +0900)
 - Support add with non-contiguous tensor
 - Implement grucell which is run only 1 timestep
 - Todo:
   1. Make it more efficient with strided tensor(Reduce copy tensor)
   2. Reduce temporary tensor or do inplace operation

Self evaluation:

Build test: [X]Passed [ ]Failed [ ]Skipped
Run test: [X]Passed [ ]Failed [ ]Skipped

Signed-off-by: hyeonseok lee <hs89.lee@samsung.com>
nntrainer/layers/grucell.cpp [new file with mode: 0644]
nntrainer/layers/grucell.h [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/nntrainer/layers/grucell.cpp b/nntrainer/layers/grucell.cpp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bb4e831
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 hyeonseok lee <hs89.lee@samsung.com>
+ *
+ * @file   grucell.cpp
+ * @date   28 Oct 2021
+ * @brief  This is Gated Recurrent Unit Cell Layer Class of Neural Network
+ * @see    https://github.com/nnstreamer/nntrainer
+ * @author hyeonseok lee <hs89.lee@samsung.com>
+ * @bug    No known bugs except for NYI items
+ *
+ * h_prev --------d1------->[*]-------d0----->[+]---d0--> h
+ * dh_nx    |  |             |                 | d0      dh
+ *          | d14            | d2        d3    |
+ *          |  |             +-----[1-]------>[*]
+ *          | [*]<---+ d15   |d5               | d6
+ *          |  |     |rt     | zt              |gt
+ *          |  |    [sig]   [sig]            [tanh]
+ *          |  |     |d16    | d7              |d8
+ *          |  |    [+]      [+]              [+]
+ *          |  |    / \d16   |  \ d7          / \ d8
+ *          |  |  Whhr Wxhr Whhz Wxhz       Whhg Wxhg
+ *          |  |  |d17  |d13 |d12 |d11       |d10 | d9
+ *          +- |--+------|---+    |          |    |
+ *             +---------|--------|----------+    |
+ *   xs------------------+--------+---------------+
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include <grucell.h>
+#include <lazy_tensor.h>
+#include <nntrainer_error.h>
+#include <nntrainer_log.h>
+#include <node_exporter.h>
+#include <util_func.h>
+namespace nntrainer {
+static constexpr size_t SINGLE_INOUT_IDX = 0;
+enum GRUCellParams {
+  weight_xh,
+  weight_hh,
+  bias_h,
+  hidden_state,
+  zrg,
+  dropout_mask
+#define ENABLE_BIAS_IH 1
+// Todo: enable bias_hh
+#define ENABLE_BIAS_HH 0
+// Todo: handle with strided tensor more efficiently and reduce temporary
+// tensors
+GRUCellLayer::GRUCellLayer() :
+  LayerImpl(),
+  grucell_props(props::Unit(), props::HiddenStateActivation(),
+                props::RecurrentActivation(), props::DropOutRate(),
+                props::MaxTimestep(), props::Timestep()),
+  wt_idx({0}),
+  acti_func(ActivationType::ACT_NONE, true),
+  recurrent_acti_func(ActivationType::ACT_NONE, true),
+  epsilon(1e-3) {}
+// - weight_xh ( input to hidden )
+//  : [1, 1, input_size, unit (hidden_size) x NUM_GATE] -> z, r, g
+// - weight_hh ( hidden to hidden )
+//  : [1, 1, unit (hidden_size) , unit (hidden_size) x NUM_GATE] -> z, r, g
+// - bias_h ( hidden bias )
+//  : [1, 1, 1, unit (hidden_size) x NUM_GATE] -> z, r, g
+void GRUCellLayer::finalize(InitLayerContext &context) {
+  auto &weight_regularizer =
+    std::get<props::WeightRegularizer>(*layer_impl_props);
+  auto &weight_regularizer_constant =
+    std::get<props::WeightRegularizerConstant>(*layer_impl_props);
+  auto &weight_initializer =
+    std::get<props::WeightInitializer>(*layer_impl_props);
+  auto &bias_initializer = std::get<props::BiasInitializer>(*layer_impl_props);
+  const unsigned int unit = std::get<props::Unit>(grucell_props).get();
+  auto &hidden_state_activation_type =
+    std::get<props::HiddenStateActivation>(grucell_props);
+  auto &recurrent_activation_type =
+    std::get<props::RecurrentActivation>(grucell_props);
+  const float dropout_rate = std::get<props::DropOutRate>(grucell_props);
+  const unsigned int max_timestep = std::get<props::MaxTimestep>(grucell_props);
+  if (context.getNumInputs() != 1) {
+    throw std::invalid_argument("GRUCell layer takes only one input");
+  }
+  // input_dim = [ batch, 1, 1, feature_size ]
+  const TensorDim &input_dim = context.getInputDimensions()[0];
+  if (input_dim.height() != 1 && input_dim.channel() != 1) {
+    throw std::invalid_argument(
+      "Input must be single time dimension for GRUCell");
+  }
+  const unsigned int batch_size = input_dim.batch();
+  const unsigned int feature_size = input_dim.width();
+  // output_dim = [ batch, 1, 1, hidden_size (unit)]
+  TensorDim output_dim(batch_size, 1, 1, unit);
+  context.setOutputDimensions({output_dim});
+  if (dropout_rate > epsilon) {
+    wt_idx[GRUCellParams::dropout_mask] = context.requestTensor(
+      output_dim, "dropout_mask", Tensor::Initializer::NONE, false,
+      TensorLifespan::ITERATION_LIFESPAN);
+  }
+  TensorDim weight_xh_dim({feature_size, NUM_GATE * unit});
+  TensorDim weight_hh_dim({unit, NUM_GATE * unit});
+  TensorDim bias_dim({NUM_GATE * unit});
+  // weight_initializer can be set seperately. weight_xh initializer,
+  // weight_hh initializer kernel initializer & recurrent_initializer in keras
+  // for now, it is set same way.
+  wt_idx[GRUCellParams::weight_xh] =
+    context.requestWeight(weight_xh_dim, weight_initializer, weight_regularizer,
+                          weight_regularizer_constant, "weight_xh", true);
+  wt_idx[GRUCellParams::weight_hh] =
+    context.requestWeight(weight_hh_dim, weight_initializer, weight_regularizer,
+                          weight_regularizer_constant, "weight_hh", true);
+  wt_idx[GRUCellParams::bias_h] = context.requestWeight(
+    bias_dim, bias_initializer, WeightRegularizer::NONE, 1.0f, "bias_h", true);
+  TensorDim hidden_state_dim(max_timestep * batch_size, 1, 1, unit);
+  wt_idx[GRUCellParams::hidden_state] = context.requestTensor(
+    hidden_state_dim, "hidden_state", Tensor::Initializer::NONE, true,
+    TensorLifespan::ITERATION_LIFESPAN);
+  TensorDim zrg_dim(max_timestep * batch_size, 1, 1, unit * NUM_GATE);
+  wt_idx[GRUCellParams::zrg] =
+    context.requestTensor(zrg_dim, "zrg", Tensor::Initializer::NONE, true,
+                          TensorLifespan::ITERATION_LIFESPAN);
+  if (hidden_state_activation_type.get() == ActivationType::ACT_NONE) {
+    hidden_state_activation_type.set(ActivationType::ACT_TANH);
+  }
+  acti_func.setActiFunc(hidden_state_activation_type.get());
+  if (recurrent_activation_type.get() == ActivationType::ACT_NONE) {
+    recurrent_activation_type.set(ActivationType::ACT_SIGMOID);
+  }
+  recurrent_acti_func.setActiFunc(recurrent_activation_type.get());
+void GRUCellLayer::setProperty(const std::vector<std::string> &values) {
+  auto remain_props = loadProperties(values, grucell_props);
+  LayerImpl::setProperty(remain_props);
+void GRUCellLayer::exportTo(Exporter &exporter,
+                            const ExportMethods &method) const {
+  LayerImpl::exportTo(exporter, method);
+  exporter.saveResult(grucell_props, method, this);
+void GRUCellLayer::forwarding(RunLayerContext &context, bool training) {
+  const unsigned int unit = std::get<props::Unit>(grucell_props).get();
+  const float dropout_rate = std::get<props::DropOutRate>(grucell_props);
+  const unsigned int max_timestep = std::get<props::MaxTimestep>(grucell_props);
+  const unsigned int timestep = std::get<props::Timestep>(grucell_props);
+  Tensor &weight_xh = context.getWeight(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::weight_xh]);
+  Tensor &weight_hh = context.getWeight(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::weight_hh]);
+  Tensor &bias_ih = context.getWeight(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::bias_h]);
+  Tensor &input = context.getInput(SINGLE_INOUT_IDX);
+  Tensor &hidden_states =
+    context.getTensor(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::hidden_state]);
+  Tensor &zrg_gates = context.getTensor(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::zrg]);
+  Tensor prev_hidden_state;
+  const TensorDim &input_dim = input.getDim();
+  const unsigned int batch_size = input_dim.batch();
+  hidden_states.reshape({max_timestep, 1, batch_size, unit});
+  zrg_gates.reshape({max_timestep, 1, batch_size, NUM_GATE * unit});
+  Tensor hidden_state = hidden_states.getBatchSlice(timestep, 1);
+  if (!timestep) {
+    prev_hidden_state = Tensor(batch_size, unit);
+    prev_hidden_state.setZero();
+  } else {
+    prev_hidden_state = hidden_states.getBatchSlice(timestep - 1, 1);
+  }
+  Tensor zrg_gate = zrg_gates.getBatchSlice(timestep, 1);
+  input.dot(weight_xh, zrg_gate); // x_z, x_r, x_g
+  Tensor zr_gate =
+    zrg_gate.getSharedDataTensor({batch_size, 2 * unit}, 0, false);
+  Tensor g_gate =
+    zrg_gate.getSharedDataTensor({batch_size, unit}, 2 * unit, false);
+  Tensor weight_hh_zr;
+  Tensor weight_hh_g;
+  weight_hh_zr.copy_with_stride(
+    weight_hh.getSharedDataTensor({1, 1, unit, unit * 2}, 0, false));
+  weight_hh_g.copy_with_stride(
+    weight_hh.getSharedDataTensor({1, 1, unit, unit}, unit * 2, false));
+  if (timestep) {
+    zr_gate.add_i_strided(prev_hidden_state.dot(weight_hh_zr));
+  }
+  Tensor bias_ih_zr = bias_ih.getSharedDataTensor({2 * unit}, 0);
+  zr_gate.add_i(bias_ih_zr);
+  recurrent_acti_func.run_fn(zr_gate, zr_gate);
+  Tensor z_gate = zr_gate.getSharedDataTensor({batch_size, unit}, 0, false);
+  Tensor r_gate = zr_gate.getSharedDataTensor({batch_size, unit}, unit, false);
+  Tensor temp;
+  prev_hidden_state.dot(weight_hh_g, temp, false, false);
+  // Todo: fix this to get the bias_hh_g from bias_hh
+  Tensor bias_hh_g = bias_ih.getSharedDataTensor({unit}, 2 * unit);
+  temp.add_i(bias_hh_g);
+  temp.multiply_i_strided(r_gate);
+  g_gate.add_i_strided(temp);
+  Tensor bias_ih_g = bias_ih.getSharedDataTensor({unit}, 2 * unit);
+  g_gate.add_i(bias_ih_g);
+  acti_func.run_fn(g_gate, g_gate);
+  z_gate.multiply_strided(prev_hidden_state, hidden_state);
+  temp = z_gate.multiply(-1.0).add(1.0);
+  hidden_state.add_i(g_gate.multiply_strided(temp));
+  if (dropout_rate > epsilon && training) {
+    Tensor mask = context.getTensor(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::dropout_mask]);
+    mask.dropout_mask(dropout_rate);
+    hidden_state.multiply_i(mask);
+  }
+  Tensor &output = context.getOutput(SINGLE_INOUT_IDX);
+  output.copy(hidden_state);
+void GRUCellLayer::calcDerivative(RunLayerContext &context) {
+  const unsigned int unit = std::get<props::Unit>(grucell_props).get();
+  const unsigned int max_timestep = std::get<props::MaxTimestep>(grucell_props);
+  const unsigned int timestep = std::get<props::Timestep>(grucell_props);
+  const TensorDim &input_dim = context.getInput(SINGLE_INOUT_IDX).getDim();
+  const unsigned int batch_size = input_dim.batch();
+  Tensor &zrg_gates_derivatives =
+    context.getTensorGrad(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::zrg]);
+  zrg_gates_derivatives.reshape({max_timestep, 1, batch_size, NUM_GATE * unit});
+  Tensor zrg_gate_derivative = zrg_gates_derivatives.getBatchSlice(timestep, 1);
+  Tensor &weight_xh = context.getWeight(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::weight_xh]);
+  Tensor &outgoing_derivative = context.getOutgoingDerivative(SINGLE_INOUT_IDX);
+  zrg_gate_derivative.dot(weight_xh, outgoing_derivative, false, true);
+void GRUCellLayer::calcGradient(RunLayerContext &context) {
+  const unsigned int unit = std::get<props::Unit>(grucell_props).get();
+  const float dropout_rate = std::get<props::DropOutRate>(grucell_props);
+  const unsigned int max_timestep = std::get<props::MaxTimestep>(grucell_props);
+  const unsigned int timestep = std::get<props::Timestep>(grucell_props);
+  Tensor &input = context.getInput(SINGLE_INOUT_IDX);
+  const TensorDim &input_dim = input.getDim();
+  const unsigned int batch_size = input_dim.batch();
+  Tensor &djdweight_xh =
+    context.getWeightGrad(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::weight_xh]);
+  Tensor &djdweight_hh =
+    context.getWeightGrad(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::weight_hh]);
+  Tensor &djdbias_ih = context.getWeightGrad(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::bias_h]);
+  Tensor &weight_hh = context.getWeight(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::weight_hh]);
+  Tensor &bias_h = context.getWeight(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::bias_h]);
+  Tensor bias_h_g = bias_h.getSharedDataTensor({unit}, 2 * unit);
+  Tensor djdw_zr_h =
+    djdweight_hh.getSharedDataTensor({unit, 2 * unit}, 0, false);
+  Tensor djdw_g_h =
+    djdweight_hh.getSharedDataTensor({unit, unit}, 2 * unit, false);
+  Tensor &hidden_states =
+    context.getTensor(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::hidden_state]);
+  hidden_states.reshape({max_timestep, 1, batch_size, unit});
+  Tensor hidden_state = hidden_states.getBatchSlice(timestep, 1);
+  Tensor &hidden_states_derivatives =
+    context.getTensorGrad(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::hidden_state]);
+  Tensor &incoming_derivative = context.getIncomingDerivative(SINGLE_INOUT_IDX);
+  Tensor &zrg_gates = context.getTensor(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::zrg]);
+  zrg_gates.reshape({max_timestep, 1, batch_size, NUM_GATE * unit});
+  Tensor zrg_gate = zrg_gates.getBatchSlice(timestep, 1);
+  Tensor &zrg_gates_derivatives =
+    context.getTensorGrad(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::zrg]);
+  zrg_gates_derivatives.reshape({max_timestep, 1, batch_size, NUM_GATE * unit});
+  Tensor zrg_gate_derivative = zrg_gates_derivatives.getBatchSlice(timestep, 1);
+  hidden_states_derivatives.reshape({max_timestep, 1, batch_size, unit});
+  Tensor hidden_state_derivative =
+    hidden_states_derivatives.getBatchSlice(timestep, 1);
+  hidden_state_derivative.reshape(incoming_derivative.getDim());
+  if (timestep + 1 == max_timestep) {
+    djdweight_xh.setZero();
+    djdweight_hh.setZero();
+    djdbias_ih.setZero();
+    hidden_state_derivative.copyData(incoming_derivative);
+  } else {
+    hidden_state_derivative.add_i(incoming_derivative);
+  }
+  // restore the dimension
+  hidden_state_derivative.reshape({1, 1, batch_size, unit});
+  Tensor hs_prev;
+  Tensor dh_nx;
+  if (timestep) {
+    hs_prev = hidden_states.getBatchSlice(timestep - 1, 1);
+    dh_nx = hidden_states_derivatives.getBatchSlice(timestep - 1, 1);
+  } else {
+    dh_nx = Tensor(batch_size, unit);
+    hs_prev = Tensor(batch_size, unit);
+    hs_prev.setZero();
+  }
+  if (dropout_rate > epsilon) {
+    hidden_states_derivatives.multiply_i(
+      context.getTensor(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::dropout_mask]));
+  }
+  Tensor dhz =
+    zrg_gate_derivative.getSharedDataTensor({batch_size, unit}, 0, false);
+  Tensor dhr =
+    zrg_gate_derivative.getSharedDataTensor({batch_size, unit}, unit, false);
+  Tensor dhg = zrg_gate_derivative.getSharedDataTensor({batch_size, unit},
+                                                       unit * 2, false);
+  Tensor zt = zrg_gate.getSharedDataTensor({batch_size, unit}, 0, false);
+  Tensor rt = zrg_gate.getSharedDataTensor({batch_size, unit}, unit, false);
+  Tensor gt = zrg_gate.getSharedDataTensor({batch_size, unit}, unit * 2, false);
+  hidden_state_derivative.multiply_strided(zt, dh_nx);    // dh_nx = d1
+  hidden_state_derivative.multiply_strided(hs_prev, dhz); // dhz = d2
+  dhz.add_i_strided(hidden_state_derivative.multiply_strided(gt),
+                    -1.0f); // dhz = d5
+  zt.multiply(-1.0, dhg);
+  dhg.add_i(1.0);
+  dhg.multiply_i_strided(hidden_state_derivative); // dhg = d6
+  recurrent_acti_func.run_prime_fn(zt, dhz, dhz); // dhz = d7
+  acti_func.run_prime_fn(gt, dhg, dhg);           // dhg = d8
+  Tensor dhzr = zrg_gate_derivative.getSharedDataTensor({batch_size, unit * 2},
+                                                        0, false); // dhz+dhr
+  Tensor wg_hh;
+  wg_hh.copy_with_stride(
+    weight_hh.getSharedDataTensor({1, 1, unit, unit}, unit * 2, false));
+  Tensor wzr_hh;
+  wzr_hh.copy_with_stride(
+    weight_hh.getSharedDataTensor({1, 1, unit, unit * 2}, 0, false));
+  Tensor temp = Tensor(batch_size, unit);
+  Tensor dhg_;
+  dhg_.copy_with_stride(dhg);
+  hs_prev.dot(wg_hh, temp);
+  temp.add_i(bias_h_g);
+  dhg_.multiply_strided(temp, dhr); // dhr = d15
+  // reset temp : hs_prev * rt for djdbias_hh_g and dh_nx
+  dhg_.multiply_strided(rt, temp);
+  // Todo: fix this to get the djdbias_hh_g from djdbias_hh
+  Tensor djdbias_hh_g = djdbias_ih.getSharedDataTensor({unit}, 2 * unit);
+  temp.sum(2, djdbias_hh_g, 1.0, 1.0);
+  temp.dot(wg_hh, dh_nx, false, true, 1.0); // dh_nx = d1 + d14
+  recurrent_acti_func.run_prime_fn(rt, dhr, dhr); // dhr = d16
+  // Todo: fix this to get the djdbias_hh_zr from djdbias_hh
+  Tensor djdbias_hh_zr = djdbias_ih.getSharedDataTensor({2 * unit}, 0);
+  djdbias_hh_zr.add_i(
+    zrg_gate_derivative.sum(2).getSharedDataTensor({2 * unit}, 0));
+  zrg_gate_derivative.sum(2, djdbias_ih, 1.0, 1.0);
+  djdweight_xh.add_i(input.dot(zrg_gate_derivative, true, false));
+  Tensor dhzr_;
+  dhzr_.copy_with_stride(dhzr);
+  djdw_zr_h.add_i_strided(hs_prev.dot(dhzr_, true, false));
+  djdw_g_h.add_i_strided(hs_prev.dot(temp, true, false));
+  dhzr_.dot(wzr_hh, dh_nx, false, true, 1.0); // dh_nx = d1 + d14 + d12 + d17
+void GRUCellLayer::setBatch(RunLayerContext &context, unsigned int batch) {
+  unsigned int &max_timestep = std::get<props::MaxTimestep>(grucell_props);
+  context.updateTensor(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::hidden_state],
+                       max_timestep * batch);
+  context.updateTensor(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::zrg], max_timestep * batch);
+  context.updateTensor(wt_idx[GRUCellParams::dropout_mask], batch);
+} // namespace nntrainer
diff --git a/nntrainer/layers/grucell.h b/nntrainer/layers/grucell.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ef3ca3c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 hyeonseok lee <hs89.lee@samsung.com>
+ *
+ * @file   grucell.h
+ * @date   28 Oct 2021
+ * @brief  This is Gated Recurrent Unit Cell Layer Class of Neural Network
+ * @see           https://github.com/nnstreamer/nntrainer
+ * @author hyeonseok lee <hs89.lee@samsung.com>
+ * @bug    No known bugs except for NYI items
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __GRUCELL_H__
+#define __GRUCELL_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <acti_func.h>
+#include <common_properties.h>
+#include <layer_impl.h>
+namespace nntrainer {
+ * @class   GRUCellLayer
+ * @brief   GRUCellLayer
+ */
+class GRUCellLayer : public LayerImpl {
+  /**
+   * @brief     Constructor of GRUCellLayer
+   */
+  GRUCellLayer();
+  /**
+   * @brief     Destructor of GRUCellLayer
+   */
+  ~GRUCellLayer() = default;
+  /**
+   *  @brief  Move constructor.
+   *  @param[in] GRUCellLayer &&
+   */
+  GRUCellLayer(GRUCellLayer &&rhs) noexcept = default;
+  /**
+   * @brief  Move assignment operator.
+   * @parma[in] rhs GRUCellLayer to be moved.
+   */
+  GRUCellLayer &operator=(GRUCellLayer &&rhs) = default;
+  /**
+   * @copydoc Layer::finalize(InitLayerContext &context)
+   */
+  void finalize(InitLayerContext &context) override;
+  /**
+   * @copydoc Layer::forwarding(RunLayerContext &context, bool training)
+   */
+  void forwarding(RunLayerContext &context, bool training) override;
+  /**
+   * @copydoc Layer::calcDerivative(RunLayerContext &context)
+   */
+  void calcDerivative(RunLayerContext &context) override;
+  /**
+   * @copydoc Layer::calcGradient(RunLayerContext &context)
+   */
+  void calcGradient(RunLayerContext &context) override;
+  /**
+   * @copydoc Layer::exportTo(Exporter &exporter, ExportMethods method)
+   */
+  void exportTo(Exporter &exporter, const ExportMethods &method) const override;
+  /**
+   * @copydoc Layer::getType()
+   */
+  const std::string getType() const override { return GRUCellLayer::type; };
+  /**
+   * @copydoc Layer::supportBackwarding()
+   */
+  bool supportBackwarding() const override { return true; }
+  /**
+   * @copydoc Layer::setProperty(const PropertyType type, const std::string
+   * &value)
+   */
+  void setProperty(const std::vector<std::string> &values) override;
+  /**
+   * @copydoc Layer::setBatch(RunLayerContext &context, unsigned int batch)
+   */
+  void setBatch(RunLayerContext &context, unsigned int batch) override;
+  inline static const std::string type = "grucell";
+  static constexpr unsigned int NUM_GATE = 3;
+  /**
+   * Unit: number of output neurons
+   * HiddenStateActivation: activation type for hidden state. default is tanh
+   * RecurrentActivation: activation type for recurrent. default is sigmoid
+   * DropOutRate: dropout rate
+   * MaxTimeStep: Maximum timestep of gru
+   * TimeStep: timestep for which gru should operate
+   *
+   * */
+  std::tuple<props::Unit, props::HiddenStateActivation,
+             props::RecurrentActivation, props::DropOutRate, props::MaxTimestep,
+             props::Timestep>
+    grucell_props;
+  std::array<unsigned int, 7> wt_idx; /**< indices of the weights */
+  /**
+   * @brief     activation function for h_t : default is sigmoid
+   */
+  ActiFunc acti_func;
+  /**
+   * @brief     activation function for recurrent : default is tanh
+   */
+  ActiFunc recurrent_acti_func;
+  /**
+   * @brief     to protect overflow
+   */
+  float epsilon;
+} // namespace nntrainer
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __GRUCELL_H__ */
index 1cf5dc9..f389be0 100644 (file)
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ layer_sources = [
+  'grucell.cpp',
index 812a081..8ae68a8 100644 (file)
@@ -387,6 +387,61 @@ Tensor &Tensor::multiply_strided(Tensor const &m, Tensor &output,
   return output;
+int Tensor::add_i_strided(Tensor const &m, const float beta) {
+  try {
+    this->add_strided(m, *this, beta);
+  } catch (std::exception &err) {
+    ml_loge("%s %s", typeid(err).name(), err.what());
+  }
+  return ML_ERROR_NONE;
+Tensor Tensor::add_strided(Tensor const &m, const float beta) const {
+  Tensor t;
+  return this->add_strided(m, t, beta);
+Tensor &Tensor::add_strided(Tensor const &m, Tensor &output,
+                            const float beta) const {
+  /** TODO: throw than create new dimenions */
+  CREATE_IF_EMPTY_DIMS(output, dim);
+  if (size() != m.size() || size() != output.size())
+    throw std::invalid_argument(
+      "Strided addition does not support broadcasting");
+  if (strides[3] != 1 || m.strides[3] != 1 || output.strides[3] != 1 ||
+      beta != 0.0) {
+    for (unsigned int b = 0; b < batch(); ++b) {
+      for (unsigned int c = 0; c < channel(); ++c) {
+        for (unsigned int h = 0; h < height(); ++h) {
+          for (unsigned int w = 0; w < width(); ++w) {
+            output.setValue(
+              b, c, h, w, getValue(b, c, h, w) + m.getValue(b, c, h, w) * beta);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    /** @todo optimize this with combining these loops where stride is 1 */
+    for (unsigned int b = 0; b < batch(); ++b) {
+      for (unsigned int c = 0; c < channel(); ++c) {
+        for (unsigned int h = 0; h < height(); ++h) {
+          float *out_data = output.getAddress(b, c, h, 0);
+          const float *m_data = m.getAddress(b, c, h, 0);
+          const float *in_data = getAddress(b, c, h, 0);
+          std::transform(in_data, in_data + width(), m_data, out_data,
+                         std::plus<float>());
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return output;
 int Tensor::multiply_i(float const &value) {
   NNTR_THROW_IF(!contiguous, std::invalid_argument)
     << getName() << " is not contiguous, cannot multiply";
index d170b18..198ac4d 100644 (file)
@@ -391,6 +391,47 @@ public:
                            const float beta = 0.0) const;
+   * @brief     Add Tensor Elementwise
+   * @param[in] m Tensor to be added
+   * @param[in] beta scalar to add output with and add
+   * @retval    #ML_ERROR_NONE successful
+   *
+   * @note support different strided inputs and output
+   * @note does not support broadcasting
+   *
+   * @todo merge this to add_i
+   */
+  int add_i_strided(Tensor const &m, const float beta = 0.0);
+  /**
+   * @brief     Add Tensor Element by Element
+   * @param[in] m Tensor to be added
+   * @param[in] beta Value to be scale the added tensor
+   * @retval    Calculated Tensor
+   *
+   * @note support different strided inputs and output
+   * @note does not support broadcasting
+   *
+   * @todo merge this to add
+   */
+  Tensor add_strided(Tensor const &m, const float beta = 0.0) const;
+  /**
+   * @brief     Add Tensor Element by Element
+   * @param[in] m Tensor to be added
+   * @param[out] output Tensor to store the result
+   * @param[in] beta Value to be scale the added tensor
+   * @retval    Calculated Tensor
+   *
+   * @note support different strided inputs and output
+   * @note does not support broadcasting
+   *
+   * @todo merge this to add
+   */
+  Tensor &add_strided(Tensor const &m, Tensor &output,
+                      const float beta = 0.0) const;
+  /**
    * @brief     Divide value element by element immediately
    * @param[in] value divisor
    * @retval    #ML_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Tensor dimension is not right